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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

The tastiest and most filling board on 8chan!
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hi there, /ck/

I just wanted to inform you about a youtube chef that actually makes good food from kind of a discount perspective. He's a single white male from aussieland so he fits in here.

I present to you Greg from Gregs Kitchen. He's worth a watch.

Also, post other good recipes and the like from youtube.

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Very nice mate, I remember grabbing a nice cookie recipe from his channel some time ago.

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Yeah, he is very down to earth guy and that is reflected in his food.

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thanks for turning me on to this guy. the recipe is actually pretty neat, kind of resembles one of those "lifehack" buzzfeed recipes though. i don't get his train of thought completely though, if you don't have time to eat at home, why would you have time to fiddle with the stove and oven for about 25 minutes just to let it cool off enough to handle in the car?

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Australians work in mysterious ways

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Thanks for making this

Going to make a dish of his for dinner tonight

Seems easy enough even I can cook it

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

like his newest recipe, always makes it really simple

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File: 03121378fc3cd22⋯.jpg (205.58 KB,630x398,315:199,tuber-familia-thumb-630x39….jpg)

File: f6a461e86db086f⋯.jpg (114.37 KB,800x600,4:3,1414649375541.jpg)

File: b72c0dc52207baf⋯.jpg (42.28 KB,482x600,241:300,03d34601313e8ee2068a702ff0….jpg)

>about to make thread

>wait, wat if i bump a good thread off

>check last thread on last page

>2 years ago

wewwww bump

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File: 77877052640677a⋯.png (448.34 KB,1000x1815,200:363,Chef_Skinner.png)


>cuts off "excess" bacon fat

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