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 No.7213 [Last50 Posts]

Let's see what /ck/ has been cooking this autumn!

Pictured is a pumpkin spätzle dish with roasted pumpkin pieces and parmesan cheese. It was terrible. I think I'll use sour cream instead of cheese next time. I'm up for advice on spices + presentation ideas if I ever cook it again.

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I certainly did redeem myself with the next pumpkin dish of the season: PUMPKIN RISOTTO!

This one uses both cheese AND sour cream, which believe it or not, worked beautifully~!!!

Plenty of butter too, and I discovered the spice blend that goes amazingly with pumpkins: Chinese 5-spice.

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This is a good thread OP. This is what /ck/ is all about, trying new things and cooking ourselves. Keep it up!

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This looks absolutely yummy.

I've only made ginger milk.

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>>7222 (Checked)

Impressive, very nice.

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Because currently unemployed and no income and broke as all fuck, I'm eating cabbage because I have it.

Sometimes rice. Sometimes an egg.

I may splurge on myself and invest the dollar in two loaves of bread. This could mean peanut butter sammiches in my future, since my sister left it here when she moved out.

$1000 of bills due in the next 4 weeks

$0 income for next 6 weeks

$300 in total money, and I kinda need it to get to and from school and to eat for the next month

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Nobody cares.

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Love you too, anon

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3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 cups sugar

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons ground allspice

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

4 eggs

3 cups FRESH NOT CANNED pumpkin puree

3/4 cup canola oil

2/3 cup water

IF USING FRESH PUMPKIN, roast the pumpkin in the oven whole or halved at 350 degrees one and a half to two hours prior to blending to:

1. Intensify the flavor of the pumpkin.

2. Soften the flesh for easier peeling and blending.



In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients. In another bowl, whisk the eggs, pumpkin, oil and water. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Pour into three greased 8-in. x 4-in. loaf pans.

Bake at 350° for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely. Yield: 3 loaves (16 slices each).

I've made this many times for myself and friends and I got a smooch on the cheek from a real qt3.14 because of how good it was. she was my cousin, not blood related; if you saw her you'd understand why this was an achievement

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forgot stock pic to decorate post

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Pumpkin congee!

Boiled some rice with water and diced pumpkin with cloves and cinnamon thinking the pumpkin would start to fall apart after 30 minutes, and I was wrong, so I stirred in some homemade pumpkin purée to thicken it up. It had a really mild taste until I stirred in a heaping tablespoon of sour cream. (´・ω・`)

It comes to my attention that I should probably stop using sour cream in everything I do. I probably won't though, it's too good.

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Here we got some pumpkin chips; I basically took the skin off the roasting pumpkin when it started to get loose and I sliced it up, spiced it with Chinese five-spice, salt/pepper and a shake of cayenne, then put it back in the oven until it got a little crispier, then I ate it with dijon mustard! Hey I didn't use sour cream this time!!! :D

In retrospect though, I probably should've; dijon mustard can't satisfy me the way sour cream can…

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Those chips look baller, but we need to talk about your addiction, anon. You've put on so much weight, you're not interested in condiments that aren't sour cream anymore and you're even breaking out in emoticons. It's time to stop visiting the dairy aisle, sweetie.

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Improving upon my pumpkin spätzle idea, I bring you my finalized dish! Tök Galuska Tejföllel~!!! \(^O^)/ (Pumpkin Spätzle with Sour Cream)

I made the noodles much denser and chunkier making it easier to fork into mouth and spoon over some sour cream and garnishing it with a diced green bell pepper. No cheese. It actually tasted delicious this time. (´・ω・`)


I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒

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     ( ゚ω゚ )  calm down
    /    \
  ((⊂  )   ノ\つ))
      ヽ ヘ }
 ε≡Ξ ノノ `J

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Also, updates to my pumpkin risotto is pic related. I made it a little soupier than before and instead of stirring in butter, I stirred in the cheese and sour cream, rather than using the sour cream as a topping. This method certainly made it taste better, but as to which consistency looks better presentation-wise, I'm a little unsure. Thoughts? (´・ω・`)

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I feel like you should've removed the skin from the pumpkin in this dish, as the texture of the skin would clash with the creamy smoothness of the rissoto.

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You're wrong; the skin was actually really soft after cooking them (I threw them in raw and cooked them with the onion) and not really something I thought about while eating. However, for aesthetic purposes, I don't plan on serving this to anybody else with the skin on.

The only reason I left the skin on was because nobody really taught me how to properly dice a pumpkin and peeling raw pumpkin is a huge pain that at the time, partially because of my recently acquired injury from a biking accident, I was not willing to go through.

But definitely for the finalized picture, I do plan to have smaller, skinless diced pumpkin. The only thing I can't decide on my own is; soupy, or clumpy? (´・ω・`)

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I personally like a clumpier risotto.

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Pumpkin Risotto = done!

I agreed with both answers, and decided to make everybody happy by having it half soupy, half clumpy!!! \(^O^)/

Or everybody sad. I was happy though…

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I BAKED A PIE~!! \(^O^)/

And guess what I topped it with. (´・ω・`)

Hint: It's not whipped cream.

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That's a lot of semen, anon. You sure you can eat it all?

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Original joke/10.

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Finally got my pumpkin spätzle/gnocchi/dumpling/egg noodle (Tökgaluska) dish both looking, /and/ tasting delicious~!!

I sautéed some diced pumpkin with olive oil and butter (because I couldn't decide, so I just used both) seasoning them with Chinese five-spice, ginger, salt and pepper. Then I took my dumplings straight out of the boiling water that I cooked them in (I also added some nutmeg to the batter) and threw them into the pan with the pumpkin, cooking until they absorbed all those delicious spices. ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

Then I topped with the usual, and a pinch of cinnamon. It was really tasty!!! ( ^_^)/


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Alright what did you top it with?

Fancy plate btw

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Greek yogurt.

you're a fucking faggot stop using emoticons

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Strange. I thought it was dead obvious based on the rest of the thread.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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I know it is sour cream, but why you would put sour cream on this is not only baffling, but stupid. You aren't funny, your little "meme" ends here, faggot. Go attention-whore somewhere else or at least begin using a trip so we can filter your silly ass.

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I, for one, condone the sour cream memes.

Keep on, pumpkin kid.

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Aww, looks like someone's been having a bad day. Would you like a hug, Anon~?

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>I, for one

Fuck off back to reddit, fag enabler.

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Is that something redittors say?

Regardless, I'm not the one whining about an anon providing the board with cooking OC. :>

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>Keep on, pumpkin kid.

Yes sir, I plan to~!!! ( ^_^)/

So since I ran out of pumpkins, I'm moving onto the next ingredient of the season: the pomegranate. I've been waiting for these boys to come out all year; it's my favourite fruit of all!!!! (◕‿◕✿)

Pic related is the first edition of my pomegranate chocolate oatmeal porridge dish. The idea was to cook some oats in water, then stir in some pomegranate seeds which have been blitz'd in a mini blender, then fold in some dark chocolate off the heat and let it melt, garnishing with the remainder of the pomegranate seeds.

Tasty, as most chocolate dishes are, but presentation could use a little work. Thoughts/suggestions?

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Sour cream extruded from your anus, then pomegranate.


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You don't need to be such a grump all the time, Anon. ;-;

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Presentation-wise, I think my pomegranate chocolate oatmeal porridge is pretty much good to go. But since I deliberately delayed eating breakfast until the sun was out so I could get a good picture, I was already wide awake, so I started thinking…

What kind of seasoning or even toppings besides a pinch of salt would go well with this breakfast dish? I actually had a bite or two with tumeric and nutmeg, just to see if it'll work, and it did seem to add something interesting… can't decide if it was good or bad at this point. I could just add sugar and that'll obviously make it taste better, but that'd be cheating :P

And yes, I tried sour cream already. It doesn't work.

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Cinnamon? Ginger? All-spice? Pepper?

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Maybe I could throw in half a stick of cinnamon and see what happens.




Hmm… I'll try it with a spoonful and report the results.


Going for semisweet here, no pepper.

I also thought of cloves & cardamom. Perhaps cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom? Aw, I may not have enough pomegranates to try all these combinations. ;-;

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Mint, vanilla, anise oil are all good possibilities. Chocolate oatmeal can be heavy, and I always like a bit of mint to lighten up anything with chocolate flavor.

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>canola oil

get out monsanto shill

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Alright, here's my report:


This was pretty much guaranteed to work.


No more than a pinch, and it works alright.


This surprisingly worked much better than I thought it would. Definitely a good addition.


Eh… couldn't really tell the difference. Perhaps instead of toasting a whole clove and cooking it in with the oats I could try grinding it along with my pomegranate seeds instead. It would also save me the trouble of having to pick out the cloves while I'm eating (´・ω・`)

Also, going to reduce the chocolate. Besides making the taste-testing for the spices that much harder, it also overpowers the pomegranate. I may compensate by adding a bit of sugar.


That's great, but I hate mint.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


make sure you have enough pumpkin in your risotto to avoid this kind of awkward encounter.

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I baked a sweet potato pie today.

Tastiest thing I ever made… not even kidding.

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Is this sour cream

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You sure do love your sour cream, don't you?

Tried making pumpkin pie btw?

'tis the season

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Yep. >>7367

My mother's coworker's loved both of them!

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pumpkin pie is the exact same as sweet potato pie

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I dont know who you are

But this thread is amazing

Sprinkle a little pumkin flavoring on your dick and Id gladly suck you off OP


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Hey guys… Pumpkin season is almost over and I'm transitioning into eggnog season pretty soon, but I got one more pumpkin dish before I do.

Pumpkin Couscous.

Believe it or not, I actually did not top this with sour cream. I know, right?! I mean I did the first time I made this just to taste, of course, but it didn't work! I couldn't believe it myself… so instead I just added more butter.

Recipe's pretty simple. Couscous is steamed with carrots and a pinch of salt, of course, then chopped scallion whites are sautéed along with some diced pumpkin in a generous amount of butter and just a little bit of olive oil, seasoned with Chinese five-spice and ginger. The steamed couscous is then added to the sauté pan and cooked on medium-high to toast the couscous a little bit and evaporate any excess water. The sauté pan is removed from the heat, chopped Italian parsley is stirred in, along with a pinch of sugar.

The sugar probably wouldn't have been necessary if the pumpkin was fresh, but unfortunately they stopped selling pumpkins awhile ago so I had to make due with some of my leftover frozen diced pumpkin.

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Is this the thread where faggotposter came from?

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Okay I lied, one more and then it's chestnut season.

PUMPKIN SOUP!!! Lightly oiled roasted pumpkins, carrots, celery, and onions simmered with some sage-infused butter in chicken stock seasoned with thyme and rosemary with a little bit of honey puréed until it was smooth as possible, finished off with a nice dollop of crème fraiche.

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>crème fraiche

we know it's you and we know it's sour cream

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I think so.

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laughed so hard it made me happy for a moment

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fuck you fuckers OP is cool. it's cool when OP does it.

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you people always trick me into thinking this is pumpkin pie and I always regret eating it. why would you do this

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did someone say, bumpkin season?

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God damn it Carlos, get the fuck back in the Bus.

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This is a great bread-

There are plenty of pumpkin themed recipes yet to be explored here:

Pumpkin brownies

Pumpkin butter pecan pancakes

Pumpkin clam chowda

Pumpkin cream cheese spread on toast

Boiled miso pumpkin cubes with rice

Pumpkin spätzel is a great idea but I think I would rather the pumpkin be blended into a creamy sauce, add some chopped up roasted Brussel sprouts, cashews and slightly burn onions. Maybe add some smoked gruyere and heavy cream to the pumpkin sauce.

But you know what, pumpkin is overrated— where it’s really at is the delicate squash and kabocha squash.

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