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 No.4432 [Last50 Posts]


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Meh - I think its fair enough

Where I live most grocery stores avoid this issue all together by ensuring that they don't buy too much stock that they can't sell - and in the event that they have wares that near best-before day they usually slap a 50% off tag on it, and they disapear in an instant

if french supermarkets aren't doing this already - I think they'll start to do so quite soon

and if nothing else: it makes way more sense to send old food off to be composted or used bio-fuel - as opposed to being sent to an incinerator

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I don't really see a downside to this.

Someone explain it to me?

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sounds great to me. but is is true?

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Good idea, it's just a waste to dump perfectly edible food from the deli area just because it didn't sell.

Hey should transport the food or ask the charity places to pick up the food, you don't want a bunch of poor/lazy people just mobbing outside the supermarket, that'll drive customers away.

Good idea to turn it into compost, fuel or feed.

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Sounds wonderful.

Now if only we could do something about the rampant wastefulness in every other facet of retail.

>Doesn't sell? Throw in the the garbage.

>Unopened returns? Throw it in the garbage.

>Poor people are taking the shit we throw away? Better shred it, crush it, or otherwise destroy it before throwing it in the garbage, otherwise we're losing potential sales!

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>slap a 50% off tag on it, and they disapear in an instant

Wish we had this here in Finland, i think we actually had 50% and in some stores even 70% off tags some years ago but they are all gone now the cheapest you can find is 30% and in Lidl it's as ridiculous as only 20%. though lidl sells their foods ridiculously cheaps anyway even the finnish brands because they dont have useless bonus card systems going on like jesus fucking christ a bag of rye bread for 50cents when the other FINNISH stores sell the same brand for 99cents at cheapest that's 2times more expensive and not the only produce either!


> Better shred it, crush it, or otherwise destroy it before throwing it in the garbage

Yeah fuck this shit, i dont really dumbster dive but i've been with my friend a few times to do it just for the experience and most stores do this shit and there's even some where they dump detergent etc on top of the food so it's definitely not save to eat anymore.

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A soup van I worked with one time would get all the breads and desserts from a local, chain bakery. Apparently the chain policy is to just dump that stuff in the garbage. It's incredible how wasteful these companies are.

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Totally agree.

Cuts down on waste and fuel the 'cycle' of living things.

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the dumpster divers part is actually because it attracts the homeless and the homeless repel business and also they can be liable if a dumpster diver gets sick if they don't take measures to prevent

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It's great for supermarkets (less garbage to get rid of) and it's great for poor people (most of the stuff supermarkets throw away can last for years still). What's not to like?

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>most of the stuff supermarkets throw away can last for years still

Yeah, take bread for an example, it stays good for atleast 6months to year in freezer and even then it's mostly just the taste and perhaps nutrients that suffer. Same with vegetables chop chop put in le bag and freezer you go!

Funny thing too, rye bread which is a huge thing here in Funland i didnt even notice about a week ago that i had an OPENED bag sitting on the back of my dry stuff shelf. Checked it out for mold or possible little buggers but nope nothing even the taste was still okay only thing that it was quite dry but then again it had been sitting on the back for over a month after the expiration date.

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Oh and to add, it was the kind with NO PRESERVATIVES aka unnecessary chemical shit pure nature only.

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Wouldn't there be other factors involved as well like temperature, pests, etc that kept it from ruining including what you posted as well?

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>temperature, pests

Well threse are certainly a factor because Funland.

The weather is very rarely dank the only dank thing here is our ebin memes here and definitely not around this time because not much rain and i dont think i've ever seen cockroaches and the like from what i've understood Finland doesnt really have any kind of pest problem and hasnt had any for a long time because weather and such shit it's not tropical here at all the worst you can get is those "fruitflies" or something but even that is very easy to avoid with little bit of hygienie in kitchen.

They used to dry and hang rye bread back in times before refrigerators etc for winter and stuff. I have hard time thinking it got moldy easily though rye is durable as fuck anyway.

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There is essentially no downside beyond a very minor added workload that seperating packaging and compost matter entails. Organic waste is great for biogas production btw.

Anything a society can do to improve its self sufficiency is only positive.

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1,3 tons of edible food are wasted every year, one third of the global food production and one fourth the amount needed to feed all manourished people in this world

This means than saving just one fourth of what gets wasted would solve the problem of world hunger. So how is it acceptable to have such a law only in one or a few countries? We are talking about solving an issue as big as the war, only in this case the solution is not that difficult to achieve.

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Sounds good to me. Between this and declaring Scientology a cult the French have some of their shit together.

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Is there even something like actual "world hunger" anymore? Isnt it more the case that people get fed such crap that they are constantly in bad health and sick.

Sure seems to be a surplus of food considering Africa has over 1billion inhabitants and it's expected to double in the next 40~ years.

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There might be a downside. Here in BR you can donate food from your restaurant or supermarket to anyone, but if the person has food poisoning or anythign similar then either the person or state prosecutors can sue the shit out of you, so pretty much all restaurant don't donate food at all, they just throw everything in the garbage, dunno about markets.

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Seems pretty fair, but if the govt is going to impose that they need to foot the bill to pay employees to do their charity.

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Donating food directly to Africa is actually terrible because it crashes the food market there and is unsustainable long term.

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Should be enacted everywhere.

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Charities won't even take a lot of the surplus food here in the Netherlands. I doubt it's done better in france.

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so homeless people and the extremely poor are going to starve because of self righteous jackasses. good job

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because the homeless are so well known for their frivolous lawsuits…

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>>Poor people are taking the shit we throw away? Better shred it, crush it, or otherwise destroy it before throwing it in the garbage, otherwise we're losing potential sales!

I have no appropriate reaction image to express my hatred for this, as I am one of those poor people.

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Are you retarded? People are going to starve because less food is being wasted?

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Previously homeless anon here. Food thrown into boxes in the back of the store makes for a quick and easy free snack. If the food is shipped straight away to pig farms or shelters, the truly destitute have no chance of getting at it. Personally, I'd rather sleep outside than in a shelter, and I would often scavenge food from grocery store garbage; most of it was still perfectly good to eat too.

Maybe this is what that anon meant, but I understand your confusion.

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is what I'm mean.

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Sounds good in premise, but there's probably some socialist bullshit behind it.

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Sounds good in premise, but there's probably some socialist bullshit behind it.

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I know semi-homeless people (they're currently squatting, but really deep in shit) in France and often communicate with them, and the food is actually sent (at least in my hometown), to deposits that are not shelters, because it's not only meant for the homeless. There are both extremely reduced prices in specialized shops and free stuff that's being given out, and they don't force you into shelters

Also it eliminates the risk of food being poisoned in dumpsters to keep away rats and homeless people eating (which I lost a friend to)

All around I think it's great

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There's a massive difference between talking to somebody who is homeless and being homeless yourself. There is also the issue of shame. I was far too ashamed to go to a soup kitchen or to receive food stamps and buy reduced price food. The garbage option is for people who wish to keep their shame to themselves. If this makes no sense to you, remember that this is done late at night when nobody is watching, or during times of the day most people are at work, so nobody really sees you doing this.

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by "reduced price food" do you just mean shit that's past it's shelf life, but not it's expiry date so they sell it for half off? Or something else. There's no shame in being frugal.

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i have a store near me that sells about-to-expire junk cake products and bread; it's a fantastic deal as long as i remember to eat all the tastykake products in time. i think what the article is saying is anything *past* expiry will have to be given to a shelter or soup kitchen instead of being hucked into a dumpster and doused with bleach

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I meant using food stamps to do that, as $194 a month maximum for a single shitlord cis white male is barely enough to live on, at least with any sort of variety.

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i could eat like a king in france for 200 bucks a month, you must suck at budgeting.

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Im surprised at how many people support this

Fuck poor people. Get a job asshole!!

I make sure to trash everything possible and make it useless before leaving. Ive seen homeless people follow me to my dumpster to steal my waste

Little do they know I poison and/or pour water on everything before i throw it away. Haha those cheap fuckers

Serves them right for trying to mooch off others

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Frenchfag here, $150 is more than enough to eat nice simple meals every day. The only months where I go over 200 are when I don't cook enough and end up buying preprocessed food.

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Excellent bait, fine sir.

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It is very difficult if not impractical to cook while you are homeless.

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Exactly. Practical cooking requires some sort of infrastructure - a place to keep raw food without it spoiling, a way to heat food, utensils like pans and knives…

If you don't have that stuff, you get trapped into prepared food.

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now bums like me wont be able to dumpster dive anymore

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why would you eat food from the trash?

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>Unopened returns? Throw it in the garbage.

reminded me of story friends cousins aunts friends friend told me

>go to store

>buy thing that doesn't seem to have ever been opened

>go home

>open box

>full of rocks

>go to store

>try to return rocks

>they accuse me of lying

>I tell them I expected the product shown on the outside of the box, not some rocks

>argue for a while

>finally they return my money

>was really worried I was going to get screwed

felt bad for them. must have been scary.

so yea, I think its dangerous to put returns right back on the shelves.

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that's probably because your bread isn't real.

you can let mcdonalds food sit out for over a year and it will just become hard as a rock and dangerous to eat but it will still look exactly the same.

your bread isn't real bread, its full of preservatives and chemical additives that make it pure shit. real bread would go bad way faster.

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okay How the fuck?

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don't you know how the system fucks everyone over? it's really sad. they are human just like you and are desperate for food. they can't get a job, or can get a job that would ever pay enough for them to survive anyway.

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You run a grocery store in the middle of nowhere. Enjoy the added cost of hiring some fucks to haul away your expired stock, then turn around and have people sue you, claiming that you expired meat to customers or some other complete horseshit.

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Like nuggets made out of pink slime, drenched in ammonia to kill off all the chickeny germness, then nuggetized.

Science: spend a dollar on an order of nuggets.

Do not eat, just set somewhere for a month at room temperature.

Document when obtained and what they look like periodically.

Don't expect them to mold or be consumed by maggots.

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How long did bread and shit last in The Olden Days? I know butter had to be something that lasted a long time, because it was a preserved food, but one thing I'm always curious about is weather people baked hard-crusted breads and then just hid them away for a year, or they kept shit loads of flour/grain around l. And that lasted a year.

Cause if youre growing food don't you get only one or two harvests of a grain staple a year, or was it something like you planted the first half of the harvest year, and then continually harvested the second half?

Also how does crop rotation work, I know it's not planting the same stuff every year and letting fields just sit to heal the ground but I'm curious if it's needed with nitrogenation of the soil and shit.


>not knowing agricultural anthropology

I can't believe it's the current year

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Bread goes stale in a day.

BTW, in the olden days most bread was made of rye instead of wheat.

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Look up crops like "winter wheat".

There might be several harvests from a field in a year.

If the milk can be gathered daily, butter can be made daily from the cream. Goats, sheep, cattle, camels… all give milk.

Grain goes stale slower than flour does. It's a surface area thing, plus the whole bit about the whole kernel of the grain being a useful thing to keep around as seed, and the natural evolution of the grain to keep its parts intact from maturation to germination.

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I think this is a good thing. Clothes and other items that are necessities should be done this way as well. I have both thrown away food and destroyed clothing in order to stop dumpster divers from getting to it. It feels shitty.

Some companies don't want to "degrade their brand" by having dumpster divers have access to it. I can see clothes manufacturers doing this, but food manufacturers is ridiculous, especially since they are protected from lawsuits when they make good-faith donations.

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>destroy EDIBLE food

Nothing is gonna change then. What supermarket is throwing away edible food? And if anything does change then it'll just be supermarkets leaving stuff on the shelves/in the back longer until its unusable, causing more waste that even homeless people now can't dumpster dive for. Government initiatives always do the opposite of what they're aiming to do and this one is going to be no different. Privatization of waste disposal would be a much better idea.

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If you're homeless and starving… you might just eat anything.

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>can't into community food pantries

where do you fucking live, ethiopia?

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>tfw have too much pride to go to food banks, soup kitchens, or even pan handle

>just steal food from grocery stores

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>petty theft

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>doing whatever you can to survive

>accepting handouts like a bitch

you aren't supposed to pick both

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>doing whatever you can to survive

you mean like getting a fucking job you lazy slob?

but i'm sure in your dumpster-diving world, you have too much pride to go look for a job because then you would just be someone's bitch. better to eat the garbage left behind from people who have produced it and paid for it through hard work

>neet logic

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Didn't read thread past people saying "no downside".


>food not paid for is given to people who don't pay for food

>people stop paying for food each week (produce doesn't last long)

>increase in people who need free food

>decrease in profits

>prices go up

>output goes down

>food shortage

>farmers lose ability to work

>wages depress


Economy goes belly up and people starve. This is assuming that:

>People have rational preferences

>Individuals maximize utility and firms maximize profit

>People act independently on the basis of full and relevant information

But they don't, so this won't happen. The effects will be minimal because most people won't evaluate their economic opportunities and find a rational Nash Equilibrium.

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>decrease in profits

>prices go up

>output goes down

This is incorrect.

Supply is regularly manipulated in order to maintain an artificially high price. For example, look into the current dairy glut in America.

>food shortage

Strategic reserves are a thing.

>farmers lose ability to work


>wages depress

As is the current trend.



You free market extremists are going to get us all killed, thank god you're not in charge of anything.

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