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File: 1422375382598.jpg (70.35 KB,400x300,4:3,3557241905_48573fcae9_o.jpg)


ITT: Food that gives you diabetes just from looking at it.
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Why would you leave the sticks on?
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It's so you can take 'em off and eat 'em separately. Do you guys even amerilard?
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The sticks count as food in yurostan, in fact wood is a staple of their diet.
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>American diets
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File: 1427605432848.jpg (232.17 KB,500x2229,500:2229,1385516325425.jpg)

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File: 1427659461060.jpg (326.21 KB,720x1195,144:239,man_food.jpg)

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>poor mans beef wellington
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File: 1427825924159.jpg (400.96 KB,576x4752,4:33,vYfuY.jpg)

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File: 1427826215515.jpg (446.03 KB,500x2397,500:2397,ZFsW3.jpg)

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File: 1427826590102.jpg (447.88 KB,512x4673,512:4673,o5xty.jpg)

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dear god, why do you allow this?

Thats pure heresy.

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File: 1431885336542.gif (1018.48 KB,500x300,5:3,1402610770053.gif)

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File: 1431885348724.jpg (106.94 KB,550x691,550:691,1262710967351.jpg)

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I've never understood food like that even though im a fatty and sometimes (too often) like to gorge myself on some delicious chocolate cake, pizza and the like. Shit like that just seems… so greasy and heavy that after a few bites you'd be completely bored of it and tired.

Maybe if i were heavily drunk but i never am.

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Presumably, it's for a large party. So between 20 or 30 people, something like that would be a fun little treat. Nobody would be able to eat something like that, themselves.

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fucking stupid bacon memefood.

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I just ate, OP, you asshole.

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File: 1432156555180.jpg (23.23 KB,288x499,288:499,Kornheiser_Why.JPG)


Who thought this was a good idea? Seriously why the fuck would you put a burger, chicken nuggets and fries on a fucking pizza? So disgusting.

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Was the gun to kill himself after he ate it? Because that's what I'd do if I ever sunk that low.

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>Not high blood pressure

really now

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I once thought similar to pic related was a good idea and while i dont remember exactly what i did but i did throw couple of cheap burgers (not the fastfood kind even shittier ones from store) on top of a frozen pizza and whole bag of some cheap cheese on top of it i gotta say it was fucking disgusting. Mostly because for some reason those store bought cheap burgers turn into absolute fucking shit tasting once you throw them in the oven the patty just somehow… some chemical reaction turns the taste into literal vomit or something and the bun… it gets way too crispy which is also nope.jpg

Needless to say i dont experiment with shitty junkfood like that anymore and i dont even really eat it anymore either why buy a frozen pizza for 3yoros and be disappointed when i can add 1yoro more and get a good half of a pizza or go all out with 12yoropoordollaridoos and get good quality italian pizza that doesnt make me feel like shit?

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File: 1439549491297.jpg (138.39 KB,500x750,2:3,0gpoEHs.jpg)


wow thats so crazy i need to taste it

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File: 1439761577783.jpg (19.71 KB,400x400,1:1,726-computer-reaction-face….jpg)

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File: 1444944327882.jpg (1.52 MB,1400x3782,700:1891,1439759804577.jpg)

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I am intrigued. What is this called?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks like a shooter's sandwich.

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Sandwich looks OK, but that voice is annoying as fuck.

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Doesn' look that bad actually.

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