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File: b069d9342191ece⋯.png (51.54 KB,500x500,1:1,greenshirt 15.png)


My sister is a vegetarian. I thought of buying some spices and shit as a christmas present for her.

Are there some mildly unusual spices that go well with soybeans, algae, pinecones and whatever the hell vegetarians eat these days?

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Lots to peruse here for herbs/spices:


I'm not joking when I say this, give her a cooler packed with ice packs and frozen vegetables.

If she doesn't know it already, you will be teaching her that frozen veggies are more affordable and nutritious than expensive organic fresh veggies. I think she'll appreciate it.


You'll learn something, she'll learn something, and it will give both of you something to talk/argue about.


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Most of them seem to like cilantro.

Vietnamese coriander - a type of cilantro - can be grown indoors.

Basil is doable, but supposedly challenging.

I sent a friend a topiary rosemary once. Like one of those tiny japanese trees, only rosemary. She thought it was cool, but she mostly used it to make chicken - which may not be vegetarian enough for your sister.

As for frozen veggies… when you're not buying meat, it is much easier to afford luxury organic purple bell peppers off season.

As for spices… I usually get high quality, low price spices at the ethnic grocery stores. Like the one run by chinese people, with 90% of the item signs written in both english and chinese. If it doesn't smell a little funny when you walk past the giant stacks of 50 lb bags of rice when you walk in, you're in the wrong place.

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fish sauce and dashi

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Your semen.

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herbs in pots and a shoulder of pork

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Whole seed cumin with a mortar and pestle.

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Cumin preferably ground, Greek seasoning, cajun, sichuan/szechuan, not shit hot sauces, Old Bay, Grub Rub, cayenne, ground thyme, wasabi paste, ma po doufu sauce

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Took me a second to get the joke. When I did, I must admit, I had myself a good chuckle. I typically don't find 'internet humor' especially amusing or relatable, in fact it took me years to figure out what an 'youtube' was. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in a little bit of an injection of humor into this crazy world. Anyways, good job, hope to see more of this in the future.

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Your semen

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Trash thread. Not gonna bother cleaning this up, OP can make a new one if he wants.

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File: 0590d653baad293⋯.jpg (60.32 KB,1021x572,1021:572,Manic Skeletal Vegan.JPG)


>My sister is a vegetarian.

I'm sorry OP.

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