Save the egg whites and cook em up, then salt-bath the yolks. Or you can just hard-boil as many as you can at one point and then pickle em' using different vinegars like white, rice, balsamic, red/white wine, sherry, apple cider whatever - especially try that bologna pickled stuff.
I would hard boil like 50 at the end of a week, eat them throughout the next week, and save what I'm not cooking or pickling for later until I can sell whatever else I have. Because I know damn well those eggs last a good while not being refrigerated then being refrigerated before the end of their month or whatever.
Use your damn head, nigga. Save up some eggs and go egging houses and cars. Bake shit like other Anon's are saying I know this fucking thread is almost a year old but just in case anyone has a surplus of eggs they don't know what to do with, diggy dog?