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File: edf5343b05d9864⋯.jpg (53.59 KB,371x244,371:244,unsweetenedbakingbar-2016.jpg)


What do you like that other people would probably spit out? I love pic related, it tastes like sex

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File: b6baabdeec30de3⋯.jpg (18.98 KB,465x316,465:316,images.jpg)


I don't actually eat this, but the gooks i know do

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I think you are full of shit OP. Even people who love extremely bitter chocolate don't eat bakers chocolate because it is not meant to be consumed like that.

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File: 768dfddd4806a6b⋯.jpg (21.23 KB,250x333,250:333,FDRRAOSH1KH9R4V.MEDIUM.jpg)

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wait, who's the nasty nigger that hates malt?

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