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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

The tastiest and most filling board on 8chan!
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File: 1469115044430.jpg (17.71 KB,512x512,1:1,iqqW6Aq0.jpg)


Ok, I know this board is pretty much dead at this point, but if any of you cu/ck/s are still around, we have just created a /ck/ chat in the main 8chan discord. You're welcome to join as long as you don't mind /pol/ too much. Will update when the link expires.


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File: 1469306382213.png (815.97 KB,1280x668,320:167,pol.png)


>You're welcome to join as long as you don't mind /pol/ too much.


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are we allowed to say n.i.g.g.e.r?

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say what you want friendo!

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I think the link has expired can I get a new one

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Also hoping for new link?

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