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/canada/ - Canada

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File: 1423375972707.jpg (126.91 KB,896x621,896:621,timmys.JPG)

 No.163 [Open thread]

Remember when Tim Hortons sold donuts?
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timmies has gone to shit overall, but the service is still exemplary outside of the city. where you know, it's only staffed primarily by whites who know how to be courteous and respectful to paying customers.

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Actually the McDonald's restaurants in Winnipeg has majority white workers.

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I go to tim hortons for the donuts and cinnamon rolls and sometimes get a coffee to go with them tbh

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OP, I remember when they made them in store. Now it's frozen shit they just heat up and the fuckers are overpriced.

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That's exactly it. My location is lucky to have mostly white people working here, but it's the Muslim and other undesirables that come to the line, harass out female workers, and sit there laughing and making a mess money grabbing pieces of shit. Grown fucking men acting like bratty children and then you get called a racist when you try to kick them out. I love it when the Chinese can't actually be bothered to point or say the name of the donut they want, or order eleven fucking sandwiches that surprise surprise I have to make only to have them come back and say that they meant salads, and they want eleven salads for free to go with their sandwiches. Want to know why these useless fucks have so much money, is because they lie to our faces and are able to get away with it.

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File: f2e3c4fad15774e⋯.png (599.83 KB,600x724,150:181,88f.png)

 No.1864 [Open thread]



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Thankfully, Canada is largely a barren, frozen shit hole.

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So O'Leary is basically a much smaller Canada in Canada?

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File: 2d30011fd831995⋯.jpg (97.91 KB,533x800,533:800,DayoftheRake.jpg)

 No.1773 [Open thread]

I would presume one of the best ways would be barring refugees from terrorist hotbed countries.

But that would require a 4th party that is Nationalistic in nature. (Which can gain if it gets a good push in the next elections)

Other ideas also:

- Commit a crime that would see you in jail for 3 years? Also Bilingual? 3rd Gen Immigrant/Refugee? DEPORTED

- Clamp down on immigrants & refugees cheating system (Don't marry under name, collect amount a single mother of 5 would get while claiming husband out of country, meanwhile husband works at a plant)

- Tax Mosques

- Can most of the Supreme Court (The Anti-Canadian asshats)

- Hate Crimes from immigrants always = DEPORTATION

- Accept White South African and Swedish refugees from the Hellholes which are their goverments mistreatment

- Have an Abortion? When you get Married, you have to bear a child to pay back for your poor past choices or it's community service, or jail if your lazy

- Never Cuck To Any Minority! Never Change Our History!

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I don't think immigration is a problem. Most of the terrorist attacks we had were homegrown. We are quite lucky compared to the rest of the world.

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immigration is absolutely a problem. Where the fuck do you think you are?

Canada is a low priority terrorist target, any terrorists that come over here with ill intent probably plan to strike the US.

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this is why you need guns for self-defence

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File: 768218e068aa27d⋯.png (316.67 KB,1810x1163,1810:1163,(Canada dropping the redpi….png)

> leafs r cunts XDDD

And they are not "minorities", we are. Remember that South Park where Cartman sang "too many minorities in my waterpark"? Yeah.

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Start with removing O'Leary from the map.

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File: a357c6045b40426⋯.webm (423.2 KB,500x515,100:103,1486940387511.webm)

 No.1945 [Open thread]

who is your favourite canadian person?

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File: 4c402fb3b43081b⋯.png (603.79 KB,812x610,406:305,memememe.PNG)

 No.1916 [Open thread]

>tfw US exclusive only

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File: fbc8e49bbc9556e⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1311x2000,1311:2000,Gaston_Bussière_Nymphe.jpg)

 No.1910 [Open thread]

Go here and learn:


Trudeau cucked us the worst when he betrayed his promise for voting reform.

Minority views (US) will never have any traction with how much (((global elite))) money is in politics (money controls media controls votes), and the First Past The Post system. The AfD in Germany only had a chance because they have a better voting system than Canada.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 1a4b7eb8ad72d65⋯.jpg (198.85 KB,860x960,43:48,1a4.jpg)

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File: 0ed173411a34698⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,480x494,240:247,0ed.jpg)

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 No.1838 [Open thread]

>tfw Antifa won't stop

>Kaepernick made citizen of the year despite praising fidel castro.

>tfw at least Hillary is sinking.

>tfw I'm a POG in the army but I want to use my carbine training to kill a shit ton of antifa.

Help us.

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File: ee08ecb51560f59⋯.jpg (83.05 KB,658x825,658:825,Fidel Cashflow.jpg)

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>Shitty third world country in1950

>Still shit but spend a large % of their shit GDP on state educashun

>"DURR that must mean it's good!"

Communists truly are too stupid to live


>Believing BBC cuck apologism, also denying the only productive thing Castro ever did (while simultaneously painting your idol as a retard who was unaware of mass pervert purges in his country)

>Being this much of a faggot

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File: 05de8a02f318fc9⋯.png (118.5 KB,631x631,1:1,05de8a02f318fc9aa69f07ddf2….png)


>better healthcare and education than america

>cuba is shit even though I've never been there and I don't know what it's like

>man, FUCK statistics n reading n shiet


Liberals truly are too stupid to live.

>shitpost about muh BBC

Can you mixed-breeds go one fucking post without mentioning your repressed freudian lust for niggercocks?

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File: 45a19f20f5cd843⋯.jpg (47.08 KB,720x540,4:3,1380413921773057867.jpg)


you need a pack of poles and russians to bring canada back to normality by kicking asses of antifa

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he meant bbc news network you fucking mong

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File: 2061957d07f0334⋯.jpg (162.98 KB,1497x615,499:205,ltuSAfe.jpg)

 No.1883 [Open thread]

Why can't you faggots just let the US annex you, your laws are shit and you have a cuck prime minister.

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File: 65d36ef81b8bcab⋯.jpg (41.46 KB,540x364,135:91,dayofthebergergrill.jpg)

File: e4d76b634d0e174⋯.jpeg (55.04 KB,720x487,720:487,58a32f4025000034080b8f37.jpeg)

American law is relatively ridiculous and has more systemic faults than the Canadian Justice system. In terms of political slant of laws, you know damn well the hegemonic elite are priming for the same liberal-progressive views on law. Just because Trump is your president you seem to assume that all your woes regarding the liberal-progressive elites are over, when you know damn well that you still have a battle at the state and municipal level versus the federal level of government which can conflict.

Also note Trudeau tends to suggest that he has a seductive, charismatic effect on many females in the realm of international politics. If anything Trudeau cucks the world while appearing to be a white man, although we all know that he may secretly be half-cuban.

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dont mind me I am just a run and gun shitposter from the nerve center

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Actually allow me to re-clarify the important systemic difference in Canadian and American law. In short American law, the justice system, the nature of freedoms and liberty make the law process a more drawn out process, when in my view the Canadian justice system with our systems of checks and balances through a more philosophically critical and reasonably limited views on freedoms, liberty, and justice, allow law to be made right the first time around in the law making process, speaking in terms of comparing justice systems.

The political process in law making is a different thing. I'm in the view that while both have different pros and cons I would argue at the end of the day they're as comparably functional. I don't see Canadians straying from Parliamentary democracy and it's traditions, at the most it's interesting to consider American differences in the political law making process, such as how you vote for Judges, very interesting stuff.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1894 [Open thread]

This racist hatespeech by Atlantic got me triggered for days, eh me crumpets mate I need more maple syrup and bacon to get over this ebil alt-right raycisssm we need mo leftism, dis rayciss video.

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File: 335e2ca38d36de0⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,300x1053,100:351,IMPATIENTMARINES.jpg)

 No.1863 [Open thread]

>still complaining about Trump

>celebrities still haven't moved to Canada.

Honestly you guys deserve our faggots, you gave us Justin Beiber.

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File: 301bd12039f5204⋯.jpg (524.92 KB,800x800,1:1,FUCKINGANGRY.jpg)


That you faggots have no good actor aside from Jim Carrey? Yeah. Take this faggot back and keep your cuckold altruism and depravity out of the US.


You need to leave.

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>>celebrities still haven't moved to Canada.

Ahahahahaha. Move to canada? I was just about to do that. But then screenburg had this great script idea.... a reflection of our times... he virtually had to beg for me to stay in hollywood. so i did. and to this day, we are still discussing this magnus opus of his, this grand REACTION to the bigotry that is trump. you may not see the film today, or tommorow, but we're working on it. Otherwise, I'd so be gone by now.

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((( magnus opus))) proceeds to bomb in the ratings and box office

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 No.1664 [Open thread]

Jagmeet Singh says he’s witnessed the devastation of British Columbia’s opioid overdose epidemic and it breaks his heart.

>Much feels.

The federal New Democrat Party leader said he visited an overdose prevention site in Vancouver this week where he saw people struggling with addiction and learned how to administer the overdose-busting medication Naloxone.

>Much ready for action!

Singh told about two thousand delegates attending the B.C. NDP convention on Saturday that Canada’s drug laws should reflect that drug addiction is a social justice issue and not a criminal justice matter. He called on the federal government to declare opioid addiction a national crisis.

>Ring ring ring the bells!

Singh drew a standing ovation when he said the New Democrats would decriminalize personal possession of all drugs, not just marijuana.

>That ought to solve the problem.

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File: 2da2e5f29e0c460⋯.jpg (194.59 KB,708x407,708:407,getoffmuhland.jpg)


decriminalization of all drugs is a huge mistake. I see people currently using the medicinal marijuana and even though it may have its benefits i see way more negative effects on ones life and quality of life overall. I would prefer that drugs stay illegal and those who are smart enough to not get caught and still be productive members of society can do them as they have been doing. this is a horrible idea.

also go look at jagmeet singh's platform, he is a peace shit justice warrior on top of not being white.

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live and let live

fucking nazi

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free drugs for sterilization. problem solved.

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>t. wannabe fuhler

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yea this will happen without a doubt

maybe not individuals but registered businesses and corporations will be targeted

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 No.1858 [Open thread]

[http://archive.is/VSkCo] http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/isis-fighters-returning-target-jihadis-1.4404021

>While Western nations mark their ISIS fighters for death, Canada offers 'reintegration support'

Canadistan yes!

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Our Government is full of Neo-cons, Socialists, Marxists, and Liberals.

Most with the goal of White Canadian Annihilation, while the rest of the members regard Whites as Expendable Sub-Humans.

May Nationalism Sweep Through Canada before the time comes where we become the New White South Africans.

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File: 9fe2229d1848ecb⋯.png (789.6 KB,1366x768,683:384,no one wants this.png)

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File: 4db93f4813afa73⋯.jpg (59.61 KB,572x381,572:381,206276240612896.jpg)

 No.1830 [Open thread]

The John A. Macdonald monument in downtown Montreal was covered head-to-toe with what appears to be red paint early Sunday.

The vandalism took place ahead of a demonstration that saw hundreds take to the city’s streets to denounce racism and Bill 62, the province’s religious neutrality law requiring anyone receiving or providing public services to have an uncovered face.

Video posted online by a group of self-described “anti-colonial anti-racists” shows a colourful substance being sprayed onto the statue of Canada’s first prime minister at Place du Canada.

In an accompanying statement, the group said Macdonald was responsible for residential schools, measures to destroy Indigenous cultures and traditions, and the open promotion of “so-called ‘Aryan’ Canada.”

“John A. Macdonald was a white supremacist,” the statement read. “Macdonald’s statue belongs in a museum, not as a monument taking up public space in Montreal.” The video and statement were shared on the Facebook page of activist Jaggi Singh.

Andrée-Anne Picard, a spokesperson for the Montreal police, told CTVNews.ca that investigators are looking into the matter, but there are no suspects or witnesses at this time. She said police will be examining security cameras in the area for evidence.

The group said it is not affiliated with any of the 160 organizations participating in Sunday’s anti-racism demonstrations, while expressing support and solidarity with their motives.


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File: f9942e87299d076⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,449x354,449:354,3563473838.jpg)


>Activist Jaggi Singh

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File: 83cf0a34f93477f⋯.jpg (68.77 KB,623x530,623:530,38080890346.jpg)

Under different lightning, he looks like prime minister John. A. Mac-and-cheese.

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File: f9f3be99c4143b1⋯.jpg (45.4 KB,240x240,1:1,1509113046403.jpg)


>hi look at me im a non-native american trying to steal their narrative of colonialism for my own racial narrative to get at whitey

i fucking hate these hypocritical fucks

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File: ca3dfe05d6aed45⋯.gif (302.82 KB,244x244,1:1,577.gif)

Wow you guys are just as cucked as us Americans. I have family members who fought for the confederates and I myself am part injun. God speed you glorious faggots, hope you uncuck yourselves soon.

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File: 4695f9ba96ca410⋯.gif (1.54 MB,480x264,20:11,4695f9ba96ca410bac50401798….gif)


>Wow you guys are just as cucked as us Americans.

Moreso. And the flavor is weird and uniquely us. Never forget we live a cushy life off the well being of the U.S.A while being able to act like complete cucks and not be held responsible for it.

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 No.1780 [Open thread]

Can someone redpill me on 8chan ? Why should I prefer this site ?

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File: a73774703bc09db⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,468x630,26:35,NewLeaf.jpg)

If we take the /pol/ section for example:

- halfchan has a giant problem of being derailed by shills

- AnCaps, NatSocs, Communists, and Shills... All on 1 board.

- Almost no serious discussion happens cause of this and Halfchan /pol/ is basically spammed by Blacked.com porn.

- Circle jerk retardation, no recent news.

8ch /pol/?

- NatSocs, Mods ban Jews/Shills/Leftypol cancer

- Political discussion & Memes on a Political board

- Actual Activism happens, (It's Okay To Be White was acted on by quite a few of us)

And also, I would assume that the Halfchan /canada/ board would be filled with un-ironic cuckold porn and Love of Trudeau.

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>Why should I prefer this site?

Honestly, 8chan is for people who stick it out and learn the answer to that question via lurking. Perhaps reddit is more your speed?

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>Why should I prefer this site ?

Prefer this site to what? I have no idea what you're asking. I would prefer that if you remain here limit your activities to read-only. Alternately, put your brain gear and learn to express yourself more clearly.


rolls eyes

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File: f2997186c5e4e2c⋯.gif (3.58 MB,267x200,267:200,opballslapper.gif)


>Why should I prefer this site ?

Why should we spoonfeed you, Rumpleshitskin? Take a look around, and if you decide you can live with less AIDS than you received in you ass at halfchan, stick around. If you miss the creamy jism of mongoloids, wait for your ban there to expire and resume your usual shitposting.

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>not liking asians


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File: 4af160d21fe2777⋯.jpg (106.65 KB,800x600,4:3,Canadian Premier League.jpg)

File: 6c3d62134b08634⋯.jpg (88.43 KB,675x380,135:76,canada soccer.jpg)

File: b366dda4d39c176⋯.jpg (39.74 KB,240x240,1:1,CanadaBall Soccer.jpg)

 No.1740 [Open thread]

to all Canadians Soccer Fans.

Currently there is a project to create a professional soccer league for Canada.

the Canadian Premier League

Please Soccer Fans in All of Canada, support this project.

help Canada Soccer to Grow and progress



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>to all Canadians Soccer Fans.

...both of you.

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"Premier League"

They couldn't even give it a proper Canadian name.

Also, it will fail because Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal won't leave MLS.

Face it, soccer in Canada is SOL.

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