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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1435264597999.png (62.71 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Summoning Circle.png)

a27c43 No.4989 [Last50 Posts]

Congratulations Scum! You're an imp, born by getting chucked out of the sea of chaos into the pits of Gehenna. You're the lowest weakest and least magical of demon kind, used as fodder and food for your betters. However with some time , much work and a massive amount of luck you might ascend to the rank of lesser demon.

You dream the dream that all demons dream, to raise yourself to the rank of Demon Lord. To gain complete dominion over a pit and make it your own. However the road is long, dark, hard and is full of competition and other pitfalls. However you're now completely without merit as you are, even though you lack a name. For you see while all imps look more or less the same some lucky imps have a few changes and upgrades in their form that make them slightly better than their fellows. More likely to survive and thrive in the various pits the demons dwell in.

Fill In:

>Physical differences:

>Magical differences:

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.4990

>Physical differences: Long claws om hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning(or sparks or whatev)

>Body color: Purple

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a27c43 No.4991

File: 1435264918571.jpg (90.71 KB,800x783,800:783,Cute_and_Cuddly.jpg)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.4993


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.4997

File: 1435266060327.jpg (774.12 KB,2011x1416,2011:1416,cadaver-imp.jpg)

>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.4998

File: 1435266065503.jpg (12.17 KB,350x111,350:111,Eyeball-Wings.jpg)

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

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a27c43 No.4999


>Physical differences: A fucking LAND SHARK. A tiny, adorable little demonic land shark that'll rip out your intestines and play jump rope with them.

>Magical differences: What the FUCK is a magic?

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Allegiance: DEMON

>Innate abilities: ME

>Bitch: Orodnon

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a27c43 No.5000

File: 1435266216293.jpg (72.64 KB,800x711,800:711,imp.jpg)


>>Physical differences: Wings, small size

>>Magical differences: "FINALLY FREE OF THE CHAOS NOW ITS AZKUBAZ'S TIMES TO SHI-WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WOOOOOOOO!" Azkubaz was sucked through a portal by a mage and turned into a familiar to the wizard. Magically bounded to him

>>Body color:

>>Rank: Imp

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5001


>Physical differences:

Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5002


Fluffy angel like gliding wings.*

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a27c43 No.5003

>Physical differences:Small body with a thin film of mucus covering the skin, a second set of eyelids, and an overly long tongue

>Magical differences: affinity towards toxins

>Body color: vibrant yellow body with bright red arms and legs

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5006


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Harmless? + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons


>Innate abilities: Empathy 1 Intelligence 1 Silver tonuged1


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane bolt


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1


>>Rank: Imp

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Ferocious +5 to combat rolls -5 to diplomacy


>Innate abilities: Strength 1 Bite 1 Swimming1


Rejected imps have no names and start in the pits. Sorry


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds. -5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities: Flight 1 Endurance 2


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Toxic +5 to combat, -5 to diplomacy


>Innate abilities: Poison 2 Swimming 1

Dice actions are 2 d100 you all start off among your miscellaneous fellow imps. You can hear some of them screaming as larger forms attack and eat them. In the distance you see a city or palace in the center of the what you call a pit.

Note you all start off at pit 534, as the most recent tide of chaos dropped you all of there. There is much you can do, no you do not yet see each other. All you see are other normal imps. The terrain in 534 is hellish and varied. Good luck surviving!

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a27c43 No.5007

Dice rollRolled 66, 96 = 162 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt

Screaming! Noise! Fighting! Death! This isn't good at all! But I need a friend, I can't do this alone! Quickly grab the nearest, cuddliest creature ( Elias ), and rush off, being sneaky best I can!

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a27c43 No.5009


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5010


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

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a27c43 No.5011

Dice rollRolled 29, 28 = 57 (2d100)

>Physical differences: A fucking LAND SHARK. A tiny, adorable little demonic land shark that'll rip out your intestines and play jump rope with them.

>Magical differences: What the FUCK is a magic?

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Ferocious +5 to combat rolls -5 to diplomacy


>Innate abilities: Strength 1 Bite 1 Swimming 1



Sense the vibrations in the brimstone. Swim through the upper layer like water.


[Devour some poor regular imp]

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a27c43 No.5013

Dice rollRolled 21, 12 = 33 (2d100)


>Physical differences: An imp with a single big eye and scrawny wnigs

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

1. Go out and explore this world, looking for interesting thing

2. Watch some people. Maybe I'll see something I like to see about them

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a27c43 No.5014

Dice rollRolled 13, 21 = 34 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

1&2. Find nearest body of water and hop in. Nope out of here.

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a27c43 No.5016

Dice rollRolled 14, 58 = 72 (2d100)

>Physical differences:Small body with a thin film of mucus covering the skin, a second set of eyelids, and an overly long tongue

>Magical differences: affinity towards toxins

>Body color: vibrant yellow body with bright red arms and legs

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Toxic +5 to combat, -5 to diplomacy


>Innate abilities: Poison 2 Swimming 1

1. Poke another imp and see what happens

2. This dryness is atrocious I must leave it for more humid conditions. Use my tongue to find moisture in the air.

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a27c43 No.5017

Dice rollRolled 84, 32 = 116 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

1-2. Screams and stuff are always good. Go pick a fight with the other imps for some practice!

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a27c43 No.5018

Dice rollRolled 6, 48 = 54 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Harmless? + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1]

1. Look at all these imps! They are my leasers, of course. Unable to follow any sort of thought beyond strength and commands, bah. As I look so different from them, and speak in a more commanding and firm voice with greater speech, I will surely be able to gather a small following in case I need someone to defend me amongst these lesser creatures! Certainly, this will improve my own power as well. They will be charmed by promises of strength should they follow me, which are, of course, true. Assuming the little beasts do not die. The bottom of our race is truly horrid… excluding me, of course. But I won't be here for long!

+ [Intelligence 1]

+ [Silver Tongue 1]

2. I feel somewhat hungry. Maybe I should go look, or ask my new minions to find me something to eat. There should be something that isn't another imp around here, probably. Maybe. I don't want to eat another demon.

+ [Intelligence 1]

+ [Empathy 1]

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a27c43 No.5020

Dice rollRolled 27, 11 = 38 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

1,2. Well this isnt fun at all! Fight and spark my way out of this damned pit until I reach(relative)safety

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a27c43 No.5036

File: 1435274557314.jpg (91.63 KB,600x753,200:251,fat_demon_by_firstkeeper.jpg)


>Physical differences: Sharp teeth, large gut

>Magical differences: Absorbs the powers of things it eats

>Body color: Mottled Reddish-Brown

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless



>Innate abilities:

Imps are food for greater demons.

Therefore, if you eat imps you are a greater demon.

This is the questionable logic that has prompted this vicious little demon to start eating its fellows.

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a27c43 No.5038

File: 1435275037702.jpg (205.15 KB,791x1000,791:1000,1434836948586.jpg)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Magical differences: Two Psionics, 1 Enhance Movement

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5044

File: 1435275920885.jpg (107.63 KB,743x1076,743:1076,capra_demon_by_enigmasyste….jpg)


>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5045

Dice rollRolled 85, 47 = 132 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1

1/2 - Nasty death, everywhere. Gotta gets out, me gotta – ooh! Pretty piece, little limb. Me will lift it off of him. He's all dead, he don't need it. Me will take it, maybe eat it!

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a27c43 No.5046

File: 1435276191953.jpg (495.44 KB,800x800,1:1,tumblr_mal2j8FEMz1rcfcwlo1….jpg)


a better art

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a27c43 No.5048


Uh oh this is bad! Run and hide from bad things! Your hide and haste stand you in good stead you get off the slaughter grounds and into the rocks beyond. As you stop on a high rock to catch your breath you several wounded imps resting below you asleep. Must have had the same ide you did but weren't as lucky. Your mouth waters as you luck down at them, and you feel an emptiness in your gut.


You try to swim through the ground, looking for prey. This lasts all of 5 seconds before you realize it's getting you nowhere. You then try and sneak up on one of your fellows, you manage to sink you teeth into his stubby arm, but can't leverage it enough to rip it off.

>Fighting Wounded Imp


You go to explore this new land and the curious thing looking for something interesting. You find it. Another imp Leaps up and tackles you to the ground.

>Fighting Imp


You look for water you're natural habitat, However it looks like the sea of chaos dropped you in a water free zone. You make no head way and the sound of several demons eating other imps is getting closer.


You poke out your tongue to find some water. You sense none but accidentally poke another imp. He turns on you and attacks!

>Fighting Regular Imp


You grab the imp in front of you and punch him in the face, Then as he's reeling you punch him again, and again and again. yeah he's not dead but he's hurting. Curiously the other imps are all still rushing about and haven't noticed you.

>Fighting very wounded Imp


You try to talk to you fellow imp, surely they can't be that stupid, right? They ignore you in their panic and literally run you over. The pain hurts so you bite one's heel as is passes by. You right yourself to see the imp you bit turn on you angrily, the bite failing to piece it's delicate skin.

>Fighting Imp


You try to fight your way out, only to have two imps turn on you at the same time. Whoops.

>fighting 2 imps


You Grabbed the dead imps Arm, ripping it off with little issue. You finish eating it as you clear the mob. You feel slightly tougher. Where to now?

>Endurance 2 (2/15)


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities: Empathy 2 Swimming 1


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gluttonous +5 to eating and biting in combat


>Innate abilities: Bite, Strength 1, Absorb


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Intimdating That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimdation


>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify




You two are among the last imps formed the chaos see's tide. You can hear some of them screaming as larger forms attack and eat them. In the distance you see a city or palace in the center of the what you call a pit.

Note you all start off at pit 534, as the most recent tide of chaos dropped you all of there. There is much you can do, no you do not yet see each other. All you see are other normal imps. The terrain in 534 is hellish and varied. Good luck surviving

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a27c43 No.5051

Dice rollRolled 61, 79 = 140 (2d100)


a better art >>5048

>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation


>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify

1/2. Attempt to use my size and looks to corral some lesser imps to my cause

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a27c43 No.5052

Dice rollRolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt

Ohhhh yeah. Stupid imps. Weren't sneaky enough…maybe better as food. BUT MUST BE SNEAKY! Sneaky…yes. Taken them…one at a time, but knife and bite, but not by magic. Magic only for if not sneaky enough, yes….

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a27c43 No.5053

Dice rollRolled 57, 76 = 133 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

1&2. Well this does not help. Time to book it and hope to find some water somewhere.

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a27c43 No.5054

File: 1435276850510.jpg (92.23 KB,1024x750,512:375,Soot Imp.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 25, 87 = 112 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1

Endurance 2 (2/15)

1/2 - Lots of lootlings running round. Isn't safe here on the ground. Me just use this dead one's wings! Not like he can use these things.

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a27c43 No.5055

Dice rollRolled 66, 86 = 152 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Sharp teeth, large gut

>Magical differences: Absorbs the powers of things it eats

>Body color: Mottled Reddish-Brown

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gluttonous +5 to eating and biting in combat


>Innate abilities: Bite, Strength 1, Absorb

1. The city in the distance is an interesting landmark. If I start to journey towards it, perhaps i'll learn more about the pit; more about our surroundings. Yes. That will be my first destination.

2. And on my journey, I should keep an eye out for other demons, especially those slow, tired or injured from escaping larger demons. I'll eat them if I get the chance. So delicious.

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a27c43 No.5056

Dice rollRolled 87, 95 + 5 = 187 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

1,2. Attack! They are both in my way!!!! Rip out ones heart and eat it, then shock the other and eat it as well

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a27c43 No.5057

Dice rollRolled 45, 71 = 116 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Harmless? + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1]

1. Damn lessers! I'm not one for fights, that's for others to do for me, or when my magic develops… bah! First, I'll try and demand some of these stupid, ugly creatures around me to destroy this foul creature, promising power and greatness to those that do and follow under me! Surely they will listen now that things have calmed!

+ [Intelligence 1]

+ [Silver Tongue 1]

2. If that doesn't work, run away.

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a27c43 No.5058

Dice rollRolled 88, 84 = 172 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities: Empathy 2 Swimming 1

1-2; Slink around the edge, looking for demons scrapping and fighting to come down and take them both

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a27c43 No.5063

Dice rollRolled 60, 34 = 94 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

1-2. Eat the Imp and consume him for more power! If the greater demons do it certainly it will be good!

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a27c43 No.5066

Dice rollRolled 28, 36 = 64 (2d100)


>Physical differences:Small body with a thin film of mucus covering the skin, a second set of eyelids, and an overly long tongue

>Magical differences: affinity towards toxins

>Body color: vibrant yellow body with bright red arms and legs

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Toxic +5 to combat, -5 to diplomacy


>Innate abilities: Poison 2 Swimming 1

1/2 Poison slap a bitch with my toxic mucus

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a27c43 No.5067

Dice rollRolled 52, 59 = 111 (2d100)


>Physical differences: An imp with a single big eye and scrawny wnigs

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

1-2. Well fight back!

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a27c43 No.5068

Dice rollRolled 37, 44, 30, 24, 10, 42, 91, 88, 42, 14 = 422 (10d100)


roll 1


rolls 2 and 3


rolls 4 and 5


rolls 6 and 7


roll 8


roll 9


roll 10

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a27c43 No.5072

File: 1435316181064.jpg (8.33 KB,243x207,27:23,Demon_Dog.jpg)

Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5087

>Physical differences: A brutish thing, taller than any imp, and stronger than most too, built like a Hellstone Pit. (All three Perks in here)

>Magical differences: N/A

>Body color: Orange

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5192


You use your Growth ability, as you gain 2 additional feet other imps turn to stare, gobsmacked at you size and skull mask. you then growl out "You follow me now!" in a grating voice. Your growth then times out. Most imps go back to whatever they were doing, but you seem to have kept the attention of a few. "Where too now boss?" one asks.

+>Followers: 3 imps

>Intimidate 1 (2/10)


You creep down to the injured Imps, mouth salivating at you soon to be feast. Unfortunately you haven't learned a rule in the pit, always check the sky. A demon flies in, seemingly out of nowhere, and is upon the imps in flash. Killing 3 of them in as many seconds before the other wake. 2 more fall soon afterward leaving 3 moving, all of them wounded. You were so in awe of the battle you miss a step and fall to the ground. This puts the battle on pause as all the combatants stop and look at you. Well shit. What're you gonna do impy?


You make good headway. You manage not to get drawn into any fights or attacked by any demons. You're almost out!


Ooh! a wing piece right there! Nice. You snack on it. Not that filling though. Not too many corpses bits around here either. SO are you going to keep scavenging, or do something else?

+flight 2 (2/25)


You use your larger than average mass to good effect bowling over other imps in your way as you head to the city. As you walk you notice an imp missing an arms and moving slowly. You knock him over and kick him hurting him more. He tries to punch back. Looks like he still has a little fight in him.

>Fighting Severely wounded Imp


One on two, not good odds. However you have claws and sparks, they don't. You charge one claw sinking deep into his chest, then you spark up. The imp twitches several times before going still and falling off your hand. The other imp Was so shocked by what you did you manage to sink your claws into his neck before he can get a guard up. Hmmm. Two kills. Do you want to try and eat them both in the middle of this conflict, run away or something else?

>Combat 1 (4/5)


You starting yelling about how the imp attacking you in so juicy and delicious looking. The other imps look at him but don't intervene, that is until a spider demon running across the field chasing something stabs him with a leg. The imp screams as the other imps jump on him to devour him. You're rather disgusted by the brutality of it, the lack of artisty and such. After the imp attacking you is eaten most of the imps wander off. But one stays. "YOuz smart one right grey fuzzy guy? Me follow you" So what next?

+ 1 Imp follower

Silver tongued 2 (1/15)


You slither around the edges your red blending in with the blood of imps on the ground. You see a lesser demon fighting several imps. The imps are goingo lose obvious, but their number seem to wear him down and out. The fight is short vicious and bloody for both sides, but when the fighting is over the demon is still standing, if bloody and very winded. Do you wish to scavenge, or try to accomplish what 7 imps could not together?


You Knock the imp down, Trying to kill him to devour him. he keeps fighting. In the end you sit on his chest and pummel his face until he stops moving. Unfortunately that took some time, and you notice at least one imp staring at your wings now growling.


You try to hurt him with you soft squishy sensitive tongue. Not surprising the slap did nothing, On the return trip he grabs you tongue and SQUEEZES hard. Pain fills your skull, massive pain, until is subsides. You pull you tongue back realizing it's bleeding and a few feet shorter. The other imp is unhurt and closing the distance fast.

>Wounded tongue, Bleeding


The imp that tackled you was in for a rough surprise as you flip him around at the last second to land on the ground with a hard thud. Before eh catches his breath you start striking him with you fists. He manages to get back up, to renew the fight, but he's clearly hurting.

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a27c43 No.5193


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Big + 5 to combat -5 to precision use of implements, doors or anything else you don't want to brute force


>Innate abilities: Strength 3



Dice actions are 2 d100 you all start off among your miscellaneous fellow imps. You can hear some of them screaming as larger forms attack and eat them. In the distance you see a city or palace in the center of the what you call a pit.

Note you all start off at pit 534, as the most recent tide of chaos dropped you all of there. There is much you can do, no you do not yet see each other. All you see are other normal imps. The terrain in 534 is hellish and varied. Good luck surviving!

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a27c43 No.5194

Dice rollRolled 28, 14 = 42 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1] (1/15)

+ 1 Imp follower

1. I've got a follower at the very least, and that's something of a start. The chaos has mostly cleared, thankfully! With the start of a following and this clearing of the chaotic nature of the spawn, I'm gonna attempt to get some more followers once again from my 'brothers', idiots though they may be. I'll need more than one imp under me if I'm going to be able to do my own work… Speak to some more imps with the aid of my new follower once more, impress them with my form and intelligence, and more importantly, promises of power, wealth, demonhood should they follow me, in time! Nyeeeh… I would take a name, but that would make the demons get mad around here. Stupid pompous bastards…

+ [Silver Tongue 1] (1/15 2)

+ [Intelligence 1]

+ Imp Follower

2. While I'm at it, spend some time trying to clear my thoughts and think more logically. I'm already twenty times smarter than these others, but I can improve my abilities to think just by focusing on clearing my head and garnering power to myself… though it may take a while without reference…

+ [Intelligence 1]

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a27c43 No.5196

Dice rollRolled 23, 70 = 93 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1

Endurance 2 (2/15)

Flight 2 (2/25)

1/2 - Dying, falling, implings run! Can't get caught as that's no fun! What about that castle place? Me be safer in that space!

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a27c43 No.5197

Dice rollRolled 69, 74 = 143 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Sharp teeth, large gut

>Magical differences: Absorbs the powers of things it eats

>Body color: Mottled Reddish-Brown

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gluttonous +5 to eating and biting in combat


>Innate abilities: Bite, Strength 1, Absorb

1. This pitiful creature is no match for me. No. I'll defeat it easily, overpowering it and starting to eat it alive, taking bites out of it as it struggles. My powerful form and sharp teeth will make short work of this meal, and i'll only get stronger as it gets weaker and dies.



+Strength 1


2. Sensing a commotion, other imps might close in - the greedy scavengers that they are. I'll defend my prize until it's all devoured! They won't be getting any of it! I'll take bites out of them too, if they're not careful!



+Strength 1


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a27c43 No.5198

Dice rollRolled 24, 40 = 64 (2d100)



>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Combat 1(4/5)

1,2. Having killed my first two meals I drag them both out(and any others who mess with me)and eat them in a safe spot

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a27c43 No.5200

Dice rollRolled 39, 64 = 103 (2d100)


>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation


>Followers: 3 imps

>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify

>Intimidate 1 (2/10)

1. "We're gonna get ourselves something to eat and drink, whether it's from other imps or is other imps!"

2. Let's get us some weapons too, so we cans beat peoples easier!

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a27c43 No.5205

Dice rollRolled 18, 82 = 100 (2d100)


>Physical differences: A brutish thing, taller than any imp, and stronger than most too, built like a Hellstone Pit. (All three Perks in here)

>Magical differences: N/A

>Body color: Orange

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Big + 5 to combat -5 to precision use of implements, doors or anything else you don't want to brute force


>Innate abilities: Strength 3

1/2. The Weak have no place among the strong. I must feast upon the blood of the weak, and build my glory atop hills of corpses. Fight one of the weaklings, tear it apart, smash it's skull, Whatever it takes to kill it.

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a27c43 No.5208

Dice rollRolled 85, 95 = 180 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

1&2. Keep moving, looking for water.

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a27c43 No.5210

Dice rollRolled 20, 10 = 30 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities: Empathy 2 Swimming 1

1-2; This is my chance, my prey is wounded and at its most vulnerable, this is my greatest chance, however it's still very strong opponent, I'll need to move around it and try to exhaust it further before I go in for the kill. My Empathy will hopefully give me insight on just its most basic attempts at defending itself, and the blood on the floor will allow me to move quicker than it.

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a27c43 No.5283

Dice rollRolled 21, 95 = 116 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1/2: Find a Higher Demon I can pledge my allegiance to.

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a27c43 No.5294

Dice rollRolled 84, 71, 48, 18, 62, 60, 67, 67, 11, 9 = 497 (10d100)


roll 1


roll 2 and 3


roll 4


roll 5


roll 6


roll 7,8, and 9


roll 10

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a27c43 No.5298


>Physical differences: Unassuming. Quick Learner. Fast.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5299


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.5307

Dice rollRolled 62, 100 = 162 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt

…"Fuck this shit I'm out. Mm-mmm. Fuck this shit I'm out, no thanks. Don't mind me, I'mma just grab my stuff and leave, 'scuse me please."

Try and grab a dead imp and flee with it!

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a27c43 No.5311

Dice rollRolled 40, 81 = 121 (2d100)


>Physical differences: An imp with a single big eye and scrawny wnigs

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

1-2. Finish it off! And Eat it/aborb it, whatever demons do to get more powerful

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a27c43 No.5319

Dice rollRolled 97, 24 = 121 (2d100)


roll 1



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a27c43 No.5322

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d100)



making another roll. Really did not expect this.

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a27c43 No.5323

Dice rollRolled 95, 15 = 110 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

1-2. Eat the dead imp staring at the growling one as I tear out it's flesh and shove the bloody pieces into my mouth. If that fucker thinks he got what it takes he will be next in line.

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a27c43 No.5324

Dice rollRolled 85 (1d100)


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a27c43 No.5329

Dice rollRolled 35 (1d100)


You try to speak to your idiotic brothers, Unfortunately they either seem to be deadest on fighting each other or running from the various demons trying to east them. You grow so Irritated at their dismissal of you that you scream in frustration, and promptly Draw the attention of an imp. However it is not a normal imp. He's an imp like you, with claws and muscle and an insane glint in his eyes.

>Fighting Elite Imp

(Roll for you imp follower in combat 1d100)


Yeah, lots of fighting and dying, and the horde of your brothers is noticeably thinning. Time to get the abyss out of here. That Castle looks nice. You run towards it, then walk towards it for hours. You realize 2 things the castle is MASSIVE and still a good ways away. When you stop to take a break you a large

deposit of water. You see a green imp with webbed, feet and gills dive in.


The imp struggles, but between your strength bite and magic you kill him easily. You then start to devour him, few imps look like they might try to try and fight you but your snarls quickly send them elsewhere. After your meal you feel stronger.

>Demonhood (3/50)

>Strength 2 (1/15 )


You drag your two kills outside of the struggle. Thankfully neither one of them are too badly trampled or mucked up by moving them. You then start your meal

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1


You look for weapons for yourself and your followers. The chaos around make finds anything useful hard, but you eventually see the large bones of something, that might be useable as a club. As you reach it you see another elite imp with a pack of followers going for it as well. The imp like long and thin, with claws that are dripping something that causes the grounds to sizzle slightly when it hits the ground. It says "Bone mine! Imps kill dem all!"

>Fighting Elite imps and 2 imp followers

(Roll 1 extra d100 for each follower in combat)


You hunger and these weaklings stand in your way. You will kill one and make yourself even stronger! You grab an imp as he passes by and punch him hard. Unfortunately he shifted his balance shifted at the last second mitigating the brunt of the damage he took. Still you send him staggering back. He's hurting but not dead yet.

>Fighting Injured Imp.


You run out of the horde, getting away from the conflict as fast as you can. You REALLY don't want to be here at a disadvantage. You start heading closer to the castle on the lookout for water. A few hours alter you see a body of water you race towards it and jump in happy and complete for the first time since your birth. After a few moments of happiness you notice a corpse like Dark grey Imp looing at you from near the waters edge. Is eh hostile? You do know he's a different imp like you.


You attack the Lesser demon attempting to try and were him down even more. You make shorts attacks in blind spots always moving out of the way when he reaches for you. It's close and he'd faster than you if he wasn't tired, but you can totally beat hi-Urk. He grabs you by the tail, using it to hoist you into the air, before slamming you into the ground face first. then a he does it again, and again and again. You're losing consciousness from the head trauma when he stats spinning you around by the tail, likely to gather up enough force to completely paste you when you get slammed into the ground next time. This is it, you're going to die. Then you feel a pain in your tail as all of sudden you're sent flying back into the horde of imps. You land hard amongst your brother. Ow.



+skull fracture



You feel like you're missing something. You don't quite know what though. So you start moving looking for it. You see a 7 foot tall humanoid with horns, bat like wings and a bladed tail watching the combat, while other imps that look like smaller, much more stunted versions or it fight, kill and feed on other imps. You see a demon sneaking up on it from behind and you launch yourself at it, even though you don't know why. You arrest it's progress raking it with your claws and using you fangs to savage it's hide. However this is a demon and it still out classes and out masses you. You're thrown off, and as it raises it arm to bring down the sword it has in hand a top you. A tail comes out of nowhere and lops his head clean off. The demoness walk over to you, for up close you can see she's clearly female and rather attractive by what would be considered mortal standards, she queries "My, my, why would a little imp such as yourself try to fight a demon for MY sake? You've interested me imp, Swear your allegiance tome and you make take sup at the table of my kill along with my children"

What do you do?

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a27c43 No.5333



>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence , Magic sight

You can hear some of them screaming as larger forms attack and eat them. In the distance you see a city or palace in the center of the what you call a pit.

Note you all start off at pit 534, as the most recent tide of chaos dropped you all of there. There is much you can do, no you do not yet see each other. All you see are other normal imps. The terrain in 534 is hellish and varied. Good luck surviving


As they all look at you this thought crosses your mind "Fuck this shit, I'm out!' You grab an imp and run. The demon on it's wings take flight to follow It almost catches you when one of the imps jump on it's back and starts attacking it again. The other imps likewise attack giving you time to get away. After you're a safe distance away you examine what you've picked up. The imp itself is nothing special a regular imp, except he's carrying a satchel. Inside the satchel you find a few things. A shiny red gemstones attached to a wooden stick, and a glowing pulsating crystal. The crystal makes you salivate for some reason and you devour it before you can think twice about it. Afterwards you feel stronger.

>Swiftness 1

>Demonhood 25/50

>Ruby Wand


You press the attack against the weakened imp, he keeps trying to back up out of the way. You notice this and just as he think s he's free and clear you flap your wing and knock him down. You then use both hands to smash his face open killing him. That conflict made you pretty hungry, but you realize you're in the middle of a battleground. Eating here might not be wise. Especially with other elite imps and demons around.

Combat 1 3/5


You start to rip hunks of the dead imp while growling at the other. As you greedily stuff them in your mouth you keep eye contact daring him to try and attack you. He looks away in time and starts running. Odd. You do feel better about the meal though

>Demonhood (3/50)


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a27c43 No.5334


Suddenly every Imp freshly born hears this voice, not with their ears but with their minds.

The slaughter of imps in pit 534, MY realm, escalates as more demons move to satiate their hunger while imp kills and eats his fellow imp. Conflicts and finding opponents well out of your ken in the birthing pool is now more likely. Beware the hunters and treachery little imps. If you can make it to my home at the center you will be safe. Good luck, You WILL need it!

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a27c43 No.5336

Dice rollRolled 4, 15 = 19 (2d100)


>Physical differences: An imp with a single big eye and scrawny wnigs

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

1. Drag the body somewhere safe and eat it.

2. Look for other stragglers or corpses to eat also

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a27c43 No.5338

Dice rollRolled 36, 97 = 133 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt, Swiftness 1

>Demonhood 25/50

>Inventory: Ruby Wand

Pretty wand…Good for the beating of things! Or..no, too flimsy. Maybe whapping them?

No no…hmm…tasty shiny, but…meh. Keep the wand. Look for something else to eat…here is safe, but still hungry.

1-2 try to hunt, be sneaky, don't get seen by possible food.

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a27c43 No.5339


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak


The green imp pushes his head from the water.

"You want make deal?"

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a27c43 No.5340

Dice rollRolled 28, 38 = 66 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1/2:"I swear allegiance, My Queen. Your wish Is my Command."

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a27c43 No.5341

File: 1435513543406.jpg (477.55 KB,1736x1411,1736:1411,Plwv2r6.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 19, 83, 3, 23, 25 = 153 (5d100)


>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation


>Followers: 3 imps

>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify

>Intimidate 1 (2/10)


3/4/5. For my three imps

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a27c43 No.5342

Dice rollRolled 28, 100 = 128 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities: Empathy 2 Swimming 1

1-2; Rest a bit, sloop around for scraps

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a27c43 No.5343

Dice rollRolled 89, 35, 76 = 200 (3d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1] (1/15)

+ 1 Imp follower

1/2: Argh! Idiots and scum! Once more, direct the wave of Imps to destroy this one before me, using my own intelligence and charisma to aim this tide of madness at this clawed scum. And train myself as I do so…

+ [Intelligence 1]

+ [Silver Tongue 1] (1/15)

3. Follower roll.

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a27c43 No.5344

Dice rollRolled 62, 51 = 113 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

1-2. Who's voice was that? It was disturbingly beautiful. Mother? Father? Whomever it belonged to I needed to see them. Perhaps I would find another Imp to kill on the way. After all breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

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a27c43 No.5346

Quitting out of this one. Have fun guys.

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a27c43 No.5347

Dice rollRolled 10, 19 = 29 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

Right then, I think that is my que to try and make the journey now. I’ve spent more than enough time preparing myself I think I can go and try to get summoned as a familiar, besides staying here seems like it will be a bad idea. Front what I know my best bet is to head towards the castle, from there I think I will have a few options for the summoning.

1. Head towards the castle that I see in the distance. I will try to remain inconspicuous and out of sight as I travel, I don’t want any unnecessary trouble.

2. I might as well train my Magic Sight on the way there. It’s quite draining but I need to get used to it. Even if there won’t be much for me to see around here I might as well train with it.

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a27c43 No.5348

Dice rollRolled 87, 95 = 182 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Head to the center of the realm or whereever the voice directed me.

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a27c43 No.5349

File: 1435517737453.jpg (65.23 KB,420x307,420:307,Deepcavern Imp.jpg)

>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1

Endurance 2 (2/15)

Flight 2 (2/25)


"Dribbling drek and fishy limbs, what would me want do with him? Must be strong and must be sturdy. What you want, me in a hurry!"

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a27c43 No.5350


"Lure other imps or weaker to waters edge. Split prize."

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a27c43 No.5351

Dice rollRolled 32, 44 = 76 (2d100)


"Partnering, abyssal me! Me can do that, certainly! Me will draw them, do your thing. You keep the head, me needs the wings."

[Go and lure some imps to the lake]

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a27c43 No.5352


When the grey imp lures others here grab one when they are near the edge and drag them down beneath the waters. I'll let the grey one deal with any others, I mostly want to split the fighting between the two of us. +10 (Waterborn)

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a27c43 No.5353

Dice rollRolled 52, 43 = 95 (2d100)


forgot dice

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a27c43 No.5376

Dice rollRolled 14, 58 = 72 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Sharp teeth, large gut

>Magical differences: Absorbs the powers of things it eats

>Body color: Mottled Reddish-Brown

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gluttonous +5 to eating and biting in combat


>Innate abilities: Bite, Strength 1, Absorb

1. If there's anything that all demons know from the moment of their creation, it's that everything in the hells is extremely trustworthy - especially ominous voices in your head.

It's time to continue on the way to the palace.

2. And once again, pick off targets of opportunity if they arise.

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a27c43 No.5378

Dice rollRolled 63, 76, 25, 14, 91, 92, 35, 26, 84, 77, 71, 36 = 690 (12d100)


roll 1


roll 2


rolls 3 4 5 6


roll 7


roll 8 9


roll 10



roll 11


roll 12

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a27c43 No.5381


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin (1 point) Seductive Form (2 points)

>Magical differences: Lust based magic (all 3 points)

>Body color: Dark Purple

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a27c43 No.5383


ignore the magic if I only get 3 points total I guess

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a27c43 No.5387

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d100)


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a27c43 No.5388


better idea drop seductive to `1 point and 1 point lust based magic gotta have something to start with eh?

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a27c43 No.5389

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d100)


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a27c43 No.5390

Dice rollRolled 89 (1d100)


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a27c43 No.5391


Yes it isn't safe to eat here, Too many imps , too many demons must flee and get to safety, then food. Nothing can go wro- Thud! You feel a had hit on the back of you head instead of being knocked down you roll with it. and leap into the air. Behind you, an imp with a lot of muscles and bone club stand behind you foot on your kill.

>Minor concussion


You creep along the mountains look for more food, for some reason you're still kinda hungry.

You climb up the rocks looking for a good vantage. Eventually You see one of your brother Imp except with shaggy fur and rolls of fat, eating another imp. He's completely oblivious to you.


"I swear my allegiance to you!" "Well bargained and done!" She places a hand on your hide and you feel a searing pain as she brands you into her service. You pass out and when you awaken, you find her children have picked over most of the corpse. You still get some of the bits they miss though.


>Stealth 1 (1/10)

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)


You trigger both your growth and terrify powers to frighten you enemies and bolster your allies. The other elite imp charges closing the gap quickly, however you greater strength and reach from your growth allow you to grab his leading claw and flip him over, wrenching it out of the socket and causing him to scream. You then get on top of him pinning his claws with you bulk as you start pummeling him. You take a second to look at you imps and realize rather your terrify helping it hurt them badly. The enemy imps are fighting likes cages animals and your imps are slow from the terror, indeed one of yours lies dead and the other are not doing well at all.

-1 imp


Ow, fuck shit shit shit, ow. YOu hurt, a lot. Your head'ss throbbing your tail is missing and you feel like one big bruise. You start to crawl away and fall into a hole. Fuck. However you notice something. Another imp hiding in the hole. He's barely conscious and in horrible shape. Most of his vitae is gone. So you do the natural thing and feed.


You crawl out of the hole feeling better. The bruises are gone and your head is clear. Still missing your tail though

>Demonhood (2/50)

>Regen 1

>Endurance 1


Your follower rushes to defend you while you screech for aid, waxing poetic on how delicious and filling this Elite imp looks. Other imps pile in On both of them. Rather than losing you little friend you yank him out of the pile. "Thanks boss ya saved me!" You're about to make some bland dismissal of praise when you notice 3 lesser demons looking at the know of imps you helped create.

+ Silver tongued 2 (2/15)


You start heading to the castle, avoiding demons and tougher fights, after all they would make a hard breakfast. You're almost out of the spawning grounds when an imp with long hors and fire in his palm walk in front of you. "You look like angel ,me kill you!"


You make little kead way toward the castle too much fighting going on, everyone and thing in you way. On the plus side none of the demon have seen you yet!


Your bulk and flab are not helping you make good time. You're getting jostled around by the tide of imps and it's annoying especially since there doesn't seem to be a safe way to lash out with leaving yourself open. You're about to scream in frustration win and imp gets directly in front of you and you attack!

>Fighting Imp


You head toward the castle with much haste, Nothing get in you way or attacks you. You're about halfway there.



Your trap work perfectly drawing in an elite imp with corpse playing dead and Soaky lurking in the pool. However the elite imp stop as he gets close. Water you going to do?


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

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a27c43 No.5393

Dice rollRolled 29, 84 = 113 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt, Swiftness 1

>Demonhood 25/50

>Inventory: Ruby Wand

Perfect…just gotta be super sneaky, with this imp. Claws and biting and magic all at the ready…he won't even know what hits him. Yes, yes…tasty imp~

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a27c43 No.5394

Dice rollRolled 93, 18 = 111 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

So much is going on, all I can really do is continue to try and make headway.

1. I will continue trying to make it to the palace, I’m determined to become a familiar!

2. I’ll use my magic sight to scout around me, if I see magic being cast I’ll know to not go that way. +5

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a27c43 No.5395

Dice rollRolled 92, 33 = 125 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin (1 point) Seductive Form (2 points)

>Magical differences: Lust based magic (all 3 points)

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

1. Catch my bearings, look around, find a good spot to hide and hole up in for a while.

2. If I find any other imps or if I'm lucky a weak willed demon, use my powers and charm and bend their wills to mine.

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a27c43 No.5398

Dice rollRolled 94, 94, 78, 56 = 322 (4d100)


>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation


>Followers: 2 imps

>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify

>Intimidate 1 (2/10)

1/2. while still pummeling the other imp, I scream at my own "YOU FIGHT HARD AND WIN OR I EAT YOU TOO!"

3/4. Follower rolls

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a27c43 No.5399


dis iz me brah

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a27c43 No.5403

Dice rollRolled 46, 47 = 93 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Keep on the way, maybe investigating anything interesting

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a27c43 No.5407

Dice rollRolled 54, 38 = 92 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

1-2. There was no need for further words. Back then it was clear to me that the little twerp would try to burn me with his fire hand. Of course he wasn't the smartest but he looked kinda mean. Then again I was tough as nails even back then, I figured I could take at least a blast, take him by the horns and use my newly gained strength to break them off and kill him with it.

Naturally I thought he would make a good meal, then again when does something ever go the way it's supposed to?

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a27c43 No.5408

Dice rollRolled 91, 11 = 102 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (2/50)

1-2; Find decent powered imps and consume them

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a27c43 No.5410

Dice rollRolled 15, 26, 31, 59, 76, 46, 6, 62, 21, 66 = 408 (10d100)






4 5 6 7


8 9



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a27c43 No.5412

Dice rollRolled 83, 41 = 124 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

1&2. When the prey gets close enough to the water grab it's legs and pull it in below the water. Try to pin it from behind so it can not attack me easily and I can drown it easily.

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a27c43 No.5413

Dice rollRolled 50, 39 = 89 (2d100)


>Physical differences: An imp with a single big eye and scrawny wnigs

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

1-2.Go and hide, but watch.

Wait until he starts eating.

Grab his club and hit him dead.

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a27c43 No.5414

Dice rollRolled 69, 29, 98, 75 = 271 (4d100)





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a27c43 No.5416

File: 1435634631086.png (352.98 KB,577x205,577:205,stinkweed-im.png)

Dice rollRolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d100)



>Physical differences: Batlilke wings, corpselike body

>Magical differences: Ain't no grave can hold his body down (Regeneration)

>Body color: Dark Grey

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Corpselike +5 to surviving wounds and healing -5 to non demonic diplomatic actions


>Innate abilities: Endurance 1 Regeneration1 Flight 1

Endurance 2 (2/15)

Flight 2 (2/25)

1/2 - Lots of fighting with it and him, me don't thinks that he can swim! Me should help it win the fight, maybe even catch a bite!

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a27c43 No.5417



+10 for both due to waterborne

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a27c43 No.5418

File: 1435634820542.gif (327.73 KB,960x540,16:9,latest.gif)

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a27c43 No.5419

File: 1435634876165.jpg (57.44 KB,650x400,13:8,arrested-gob-bluth.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 75, 51 = 126 (2d100)


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a27c43 No.5420

File: 1435637337159.gif (1 MB,500x358,250:179,1434824779837.gif)

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a27c43 No.5423

Dice rollRolled 58, 44 = 102 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon


>Stealth 1 (1/10)

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1/2: Follow My mistress around. Attack anything that gets too close.

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a27c43 No.5431

Dice rollRolled 87, 64 = 151 (2d100)


This will hurt, a lot. Hope I roll low.

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a27c43 No.5445

File: 1435706914374.gif (1.75 MB,245x164,245:164,1430804079214.gif)

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a27c43 No.5488

Note Anyone who has not posted by noon Tomorrow EST will have forfeited their turn. This means you Elias and Urchin

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a27c43 No.5503

Dice rollRolled 20, 5 = 25 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Sharp teeth, large gut

>Magical differences: Absorbs the powers of things it eats

>Body color: Mottled Reddish-Brown

>Rank: Imp: Demonhood (3/50)

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gluttonous +5 to eating and biting in combat


>Innate abilities: Bite, Strength 2 (1/15), Absorb

1, 2. >Fighting Imp

As before, take bites out of them as we struggle so that I am strengthened while their lifeblood stains the pit.



+Strength 2 (1/15)


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a27c43 No.5506

Dice rollRolled 79 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.5567


You creep down upon the imp, slowly, so slowly, your mouth salivating at his imagined taste. Step by step you close the distance, and he never looks up. Not once. Finally you get into leaping distance and attack! You land on him fangs closing upon his flesh, sinking into his fur and fat. You roll off him, taking a chunk of his flesh with you, while your poison starts to course in your veins.

>Stealth 1 (3/5)

>Fighting Poisoned wounded Elite Imp


You make your way to the castle winning free of the charnel field that is your birth place. You head towards the castle in the center of the pit, looming in the distance. You feel you make some considerable progress there.

You practice you magical sight however the flares of magic and powers coming from the demons of all shapes and sizes, quickly gives you a headache, so you stop.


This place is a bloody killing field, Imp fighting imps, demons slaughtering and devouring them. Blood, bile and fire everywhere, staining the rocks and ground beneath. This place isn't safe, not by any means of the word. You look for a place to hide, finding a set of rocks with good cover to stay in. Creeping out of your knothole, you run across the imp and try to convince him to follow you. He afraid and leery of you, so you hammer it in with a Charm.

>Stealth (2/5)

>Imp follower


The imp beneath you writhes and squirms, but you are immovable. You pummel him again and again and again, fists cracking bone and pulverizing flesh. You render his skull into a bloody pulp bone shards and blood everywhere. You growl like a beast. The imps on your side throw themselves at their opponents clearly terrified to be found wanting of you. Though still wounded they are clearly gaining the upper hand on their foes. They fight isn't over. Do you help them or collect your prizes?

>Intimidate 5/10

>Strength2 (3/15)


You continue on the way to the castle. the massive fortification looming and so high you can't readily measure it with how close you are. You're now just finally seeing the wall of what is apparently the city around the castle, demon flying in the distance. Sadly you don't see much of interest on your way.


The imps throw his fire at you, and your flesh sears just a little bit. The agony is intense and the smell of your own cooking flesh fills your nostrils, but you don't let the pain knock you out or take your eye of the imp. So when he charges at you, you duck out of the way. Unwilling to chance trying to catch his horns while your on fire. This has the unexpected benefit of putting the fire out. The imp isn't hurt at all, but you can survive a lot of hurt. what's your next course of action?


You look around looking for more imps, and you find some a cluster of four moving around as a unit, likely trying to survive in the wake of all the demons around. In another direction you see an elite imp pummeling another's skull in while four imps fight each other. In a third direction you see a demoness, clearly female leading around a bunch of imps that look like smaller versions of her, followed by a black shaggy imp with claws and fangs. Snapping at any imps who approaches too closely.


You fly up watching the club wielder, unfortunately he's watching you too. He's also not letting go of his club. He grabs your kill in his other hand and starts dragging it away. Dammit, he's smarter than you gave him credit for.


After you finished off your meal, your mistress says "Alright children, and my new servant we are done here. Let us get clear of this filthy field of slaughter. You've all performed well. Once we get clear I can take us home" You follow your mistress slowly making your way out of the spawning grounds. The group of you going unmolested. You do notice several entities or groups looking at your lady, and you growl, leer or snap at them accordingly. Your mistress smirks at this for some reason.


You leap forward fangs ready to rip the life out of your prey, only to snap upon open air. The imp moved, and punched you as well. You try again for the same result. After the fourth time you're feeling pain. This imp is dying like it should. You may need to rethink you plan of attack.

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a27c43 No.5568


In you anticipation for getting a bite out of your prey, you forget to stay still. You twitch, slightly, but that is all it takes for the you "prey" leaps atop you claws out leaking some sort of frigid blue liquid. Yout don't get up in time and he pins you claws savaging your vitals, again and again and again, the pain you feel is Tremendous, and exquisite agony as you throat is lacerated, you guy eviscerated and you ribs broken and shattered under his onslaught. You pass out the pain dragging you into blackness.

(you can take no actions besides surviving and regenerating until i say different, sorry)


You lurk in the water waiting for your prey to close. Just a little more and you can drag him under. then he leaps atop you partner pinning him and savaging him with his claws which seem to leak blue liquid. It's only for a few seconds but massive damage has been done. You act snatching the aggressor into the water and pining one of his claws behind him unable to get free. The other claw is still active though and you don't know how long it will take.

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a27c43 No.5569

Dice rollRolled 46, 81 = 127 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

1-2. Kill the imp! Smoulder him with his own flames and eat the body for more power!

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a27c43 No.5570

Dice rollRolled 23, 5 = 28 (2d100)


>Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

>Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

>Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation


>Followers: 2 imps

>Innate abilities: Strength 1, Growth, Terrify

>Intimidate 1 (5/10)

>Strength2 (3/15)

1/2. "I HUNGER!" and then I throw myself back into the fray, ordering one of the other imps to guard the dinner while I take his place

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a27c43 No.5571

Dice rollRolled 60 (1d100)


other imp roll

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a27c43 No.5572

Dice rollRolled 68, 31 = 99 (2d100)


1-2. I'm not letting this one get away from me.

He can only hold a club in one hand, and prey in the other.

If I were to use this wisely, I could beat him.

I'll try and latch onto his club, so he can't beat me with it. Then when he drops the prey to hit me with his other hand, he'll be vulnerable.

That's when I'll strike, at the eyes so he can't see, and misses with his hits.

Blind him, and then keep jabbing where he can't see.

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a27c43 No.5573

Dice rollRolled 25, 45 = 70 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt, Swiftness 1

>Demonhood 25/50

>Inventory: Ruby Wand

1/2 YES! The weakling, the foolish weakling didn't see me! Eat him, chomp him, poison him, stab him, chop, CHOP, CHOP, CHOP! "Tasty little morsel~"

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a27c43 No.5575

Dice rollRolled 54, 10 = 64 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Continue onwards.

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a27c43 No.5578

Dice rollRolled 36, 59 = 95 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

1&2. Try not to be hit by that claw while dragging him to the bottom and bashing his head into the rocks. It will die! +10

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a27c43 No.5579

Dice rollRolled 38, 12 = 50 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

Stealth 2/5

Imp Follower 1

1.2. Continue to sneak around either looking for more imps to charm or imps weak enough to kill and devour

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a27c43 No.5592

Dice rollRolled 57, 46 = 103 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

The imp cradles his head for a short while, it was very exhausting but what he can see with this power is quite spectacular. He doesn’t understand any of it but still, he wants to continue to stare at it.

1. Continue towards the caste, best to try and not draw attention.

2. Continue to use the Magic Sight whenever I can, the things I see are quite spectacular and it helps to avoid the ones that are using magic.

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a27c43 No.5595

Dice rollRolled 5, 92 = 97 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (2/50)

1-2; Sneak up on the Elite Imp while he's distracted, utilizing my empathy to see if he at least thinks somethings up, then go for his neck and sever his head. Eat his corpse and establish dominance over the imps squabbling

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a27c43 No.5597

Dice rollRolled 37, 32 = 69 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon


>Stealth 1 (1/10)

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1/2: Continue to follow and keep her safe.

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a27c43 No.5883

Dice rollRolled 4, 44 = 48 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1] (2/15)

1/2: Ah! Demons in earnest to speak to and find a higher master through then! Surely with some well-placed words me and this little friend here will be being led as advisors to The Lord of this realm! kekekeke

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a27c43 No.6004

Dice rollRolled 84, 91, 91, 54, 71, 66, 95, 23, 25, 59, 18, 22 = 699 (12d100)


1 & 2


3 also roll for your second imp


4 & 5








10 11 12

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a27c43 No.6005

Dice rollRolled 84 (1d100)


Second Imp roll

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a27c43 No.6007

Dice rollRolled 26, 76, 85 = 187 (3d100)


rolling for 2nd imp in combat (forgot aout him)


rollin 2 and 3

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a27c43 No.6075

Orodnon Urchin Post by tomorrow or you get skipped.

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a27c43 No.6192


You run at him again, and get another blast of fire for you efforts. As you're reeling backwards from get hit he charges you. You dodge to the side but are too slow and you feel a pain as his horns take of a chunk of your flesh in your side. You cry out in pain rounding, on him when another blast of fire hits you. It HURTS!!! The pain is an agony. Thankfully it stop your bleeding though. This whole charge without a plan thing isn't working. Maybe try something else?

>Side wound(seared shut)



You swoop down contesting his weapon with your own. He's strong, very strong. Those muscles aren't for show it seems. Still you think you can do this. As you reach to rake out his eyes, he raises his other arm. You get sent flying back more stunned than hurt as you realize he hit you with your own kill. You feel rather insulted now. As you catch your bearing he charges at you.


You ready yourself for the fight and get into a stance to attack, You're left rather disarmed when your foe takes one look at you and starts to run. Seems like with the wound you dealt and your surprise he has no heart to keep fighting. He's not moving as fast as he could considering blood loss and poison in his veins, but you'll have to make an effort to catch him.


You continue walking. It's boring really but eh gotta make it to that castle somehow right? You're much closer now in fact your at a massive encampment situated just outside the gates. You see a lot going on in the encampment, demon talking, gambling, fighting, you even see them engaged in something that might not be fighting? It involves things that as an imp you don't have so you're not sure. Besides the demons doing whatever, You see imps too. They seems to be fighting, stealing running around, or doing things for the demons. You're tiny brain is pondering what you see when you hear "Oi, what you doing you little runt? Who do you belong too?" You turn around and see a demon. It's skeletal, tall and thin, with a dogs head filled with fangs. He has 4 arms bristle like fur. You feel terrified just looking at him.


You Drag the imp down, down, down, down. He's lashing out at you all the while. You're almost at the bottom when his claws scratches you, the blue liquid causing you to lock up from the pain for a brief moment. This lets him escape your grasp. He starts flailing his way upwards bubbles leaking from his mouth. He's so slow though, you could probably drown him if you can stay clear of his claws still, considering how deep he is.

>Wounded side


You sneak around the field looking for marks or prey. Everything has devolved into clumps of chaotic conflict. They entities on their own are usually far too powerful for you to even try to attack. You do whoever find another imp, just as slow and brainless as his fellows. You quickly convince him to follow you.


You continue to make your way to the castle. No real issues, your amgic sight doesn't even see anything. You are getting a headache for some reason, though.


You continue your vigil around your mistress. Although you're most unnecessary. When your group wins clear of the hoard she says "Alright children and servant, Gather round we're going home." She whispers something in a tongue you don't recognize, and the world warps and twists. When we regain your senses you're in the courtyard of small manor, staffed with imp servants. "Welcome to your new home my hound," Rathranasutra says.


You approach the demons, attempting to talk to them. You're servitor runs screaming. You approach them, "Hello can you take me to your leader, you fine fellows?" Before you can elaborate you

"Can I eat him?" from the fat one.

"No you can't Gimlick, he can speak and asked to see the boss, put him in the sack with the other Dreck." from the serpentine one

"My name's not dreck it." The winged one starts to protest

"Don't care add him into the sack with the others, taking this haul to the boss soon anyways, this little guy oughta be the last" The serpentine one interrupts.

You unceremoniously get thrown into a sack filled other imps.

"Now if any of you make trouble Gimlick here will eat you, now shut the abyss up scum."

(roll 2 d100 if you want to cause trouble, 1d100 to determine who're you coming too)

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a27c43 No.6195


You leap up from you kill, his head splattered over the better part of the ground here. You shove one of your imps out of the way screaming, "Guard my kill!" as you swing at his previous opponent. You miss, nonplussed you swing again, and miss again. As you wind up for a third time the little blighter tackle you to the ground, likely trying to repeat what you did to his boss. He gets a few scratches and gouges in, nearly taking out two of your eyes before you kick him off. You're blind on your left side right now until you heal. You snarl about to press the assault when you hear a "Boss look out" from the imp guarding your kill. You feel hands clutch at your neck, instantly you trigger your growth and grab at the hands. They wrapped around your neck hard but you manage to pull the offender off and toss him away. You feel out of breath though. Thankfully the other fighting imp has finally dropped his opponent and your guard imp and him have engaged the other imp. Leaving you to deal with your ambusher. It's White, finned with red and beige marking covering it. It has several scars and is missing it's tail. It's body vaguely reminds you of the word serpentine.

>Blinded left eyes

>Fatigued 1


You dart to the imp even as it moves to attack one of the fighting imps with his own too hands. You see him get blinded by bad luck and you close to wrap your hands around his neck you hear "Boss Look out!" You grip and squeeze his neck but suddenly your prey grow loosening your hold, his hands come up grab yours and you end up tossed away. You land softly, you for back to it's usual height. Left eyes bleeding and him seeming out of breath. The other 2 imps ganging up now on the last one.

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a27c43 No.6196

need two different people to roll a d100 linked to this post.

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a27c43 No.6197

Dice rollRolled 80 (1d100)


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a27c43 No.6198

Dice rollRolled 54, 60 = 114 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Poison Bite (weak)

>Magical differences: Shifting monochrome coloration tends towards blending in, minimum magical aptitude

>Body color: Shifting

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Stealthy +5 to sneaking and ambushing


>Innate abilities: Poison 1, Camouflage 1, Arcane Bolt, Swiftness 1

>Demonhood 25/50

>Inventory: Ruby Wand

1-2 minemineminemineMineMineMineMineMINEMINEMINEMINEMINE (chasing)

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a27c43 No.6200

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d100)




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a27c43 No.6201


Did you not read the don't post yet malus?



Thank you writing up world event

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a27c43 No.6202


Actually, I left immediately after posting. I just noticed you updated and was leaving almost immediately after and so I updated without checking. I apologize, and my (decent) rolls can be discarded.

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a27c43 No.6206

Dice rollRolled 98, 28, 70 = 196 (3d100)


A loud thunder over head is heard as clouds form and the wind blows. You all see funnels of wind forming from the clouds and touching to the ground all over the outskirts of the pit. Even when they're far away you can feel the wind ripping at you and detritus needling your flesh with shallow cuts. It seem prudent to stay away from such storms.

I will roll 3 d100 If you matching this turn you're in the storm's path. This will continue until otherwise noted. Note this only affect those not in the city or encampments. Taking cover negates this provided you roll well.

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a27c43 No.6209

Dice rollRolled 47, 35 = 82 (2d100)


1-2. Get ready, here it comes.

Think fast and use every advantage, I'll never become a demon if I give up at every hurdle.

Kicking up dirt is the oldest trick in the book, even if it doesn't hurt him he won't see.

But I will.

Then it's a matter of getting out of his way, if I can just keep moving back. . .

wait, I AM faster than him.

I just need to tire him out, keep baiting him, watch and wait until he's unable to run.

Then, I make my final move

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a27c43 No.6210

Dice rollRolled 16, 98, 17, 34 = 165 (4d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Blinded left eyes

Fatigued 1

1/2. "Who dares to assault me!" I turn around and see the horrible excuse for a being of hell, its very weebish look offending me on a level I didn't know what possible. An all encompassing rage fills me, as I grow and attempt to rip off the imps arms, while stunning it with my terrify ability, and shove them up its ass, if I can not find a hole, I will make one.

3/4. Other imp rolls - Keep fighting the other imp, if you win, come help me

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a27c43 No.6219

Dice rollRolled 98, 42 = 140 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (2/50)

1-2; it's Growth ability will probably be a problem, I better go and help that other imp and maybe get him to help gang up on him. Seems like the big guy is going to pull a big move, so I don't want to mess with that just yet until I got a mook like him.

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a27c43 No.6222

Dice rollRolled 8, 98 = 106 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon


>Stealth 1 (1/10)

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1"As expected of my queen. Such a beautiful mansion. Yet, I wish to be of use to you. What may my purpose be?"

2. Search for some energy to increase my strength.

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a27c43 No.6223

Dice rollRolled 38, 55 = 93 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

>Health: Wounded side

1&2. He will pay for that! These waters will be your grave and your corpse my meal! Drag him to the deeps once again, and stay away from those claws. Hurt like the abyss. +10

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a27c43 No.6253

Dice rollRolled 27, 21, 85, 84, 27, 52, 66, 23, 33 = 418 (9d100)


1, 2








8, 9

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a27c43 No.6254

Dice rollRolled 33, 90 = 123 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. "I have come to serve you…master." Then kneel.

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a27c43 No.6257

Dice rollRolled 20, 59 = 79 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

Once again the imp finds itself cradling his throbbing head. It didn’t even see any magic this time, could it be that Magic Sight is so taxing that it causes this even when nothing is observed?

The imp finds this most interesting. It can probably develop a resistance to the negative effects if it keeps training its magic sight.

1. The nameless imp will continue towards the palace while trying to avoid trouble. It always seems so far off.

2. Once more the nameless imp will train its magic sight. If it does see magic then it will stop for a while to examine it, to try and understand it.

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a27c43 No.6291

Dice rollRolled 82, 43 = 125 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

Stealth 2/5

Imp Follower 2

1.2. Sneak around and find cover from the storm, if we happen to run across a weak looking imp take him out and eat him. I suppose I could give my followers a little bit if they do good

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a27c43 No.6310

Dice rollRolled 83 (1d100)

Sack roll

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a27c43 No.6311

Any chance I could join in?

>Physical differences: Female, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.6312


>Physical differences: Gelatinous Body, slightly acidic

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

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a27c43 No.6313

Dice rollRolled 97, 9 = 106 (2d100)

1.2. Attack the nearest imp, hug it tight so it is affected by my acid. Bite it. Eat it alive.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

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a27c43 No.6314

Dice rollRolled 75, 41 = 116 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

1-2. This was still the breeding pit right? There should be a number of other imps growling by. Grab one of them and use it as a shield. Push it into the horny one, perhaps even get the horns stuck. If everything turned out the imp would even try to defend itself against the horny and then I could try to get behind the fire spitting imp and kill it.

Flawless planning.

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a27c43 No.6315

Dice rollRolled 79, 95, 24, 8, 37, 81, 62 = 386 (7d100)










5, 6, 7,

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a27c43 No.6864


The imp already ailing from blood loss and poison is not nearly fast enough to escape you. You nail it in the back with an arcane bolt stunning it. You quickly catch it and tackle it to the ground. Smashing it's skull into the ground until it's still. Your prey is dead but as you about to eat you feel a massive pick up in the wind. You look up and see Clouds in the shape of funnels touching the ground, grabbing everything and tossing is about destructively.


He swing at you, and you kick dirt in his face, blinding him. Unfortunately that doesn't stop his swing, and he clock you on the head with the club. You swear you can feel you skull crack. Still his loss of sight is preventing him from following up his attacks. He drops your kill to start removing the dirt from his eyes. You stand back up and notice a MASSIVE Cloud touching the ground nearby by even know you're not quite sure how you missed it. You can clearly see it picking up demons and imps alike and ripping them to shreds. You strongly consider running.


(Post you character sheet with actions please Easier for me to keep track of things.)


Your mistress Looks at you. "Oh you won't be staying in the Manor proper my pet, You'll be staying outside in the guard house. After all only my finest servants are allowed to share my abode." She sends you to the guard house, which is rather small and has 2 lesser demons already there.

"Seem Boss lady got us another hound imp Metzger! How long will this one last you reckon?" The tall and thin one asks in a sing song voice.

"A fortnight if he's lucky Grizzlegarm" the shorter fanged one grunts. "Okay mutt your on patrol with me. Let's go"

You follow the lesser demon around nothing much happens until a two demons that were flying in the air pass by. One of them drops a glowing stone. Metzger doesn't see it but you do. Do you dare tempt those demons wrath?

The stone calls to you, you can feel power in it.


You grab the imps fight and pull him down a few feet. He swings at you but is too slow and dodge his claws artfully. When he tries to swim up again You quickly swim by and hit him in the chest causing him to lose his breath. From there on it's a simple matter of harrying him until his death. You drag his corpse up to the top and bring it over to shore, so you can check on your partner. Regrettably your partner succumbed to his wounds while you were fighting. Now you're hungry and have two imps corpses close by. Whatever will you do?


You bow before the canid demon. He chuckles. "Ya got good sense impie i'll give ya that. Still I gots no use fer servants. How bout this I takes ya to a freidn o mne and you can serve him? Sounds good yeah?" Come on follow me.


You continue on to the castle. Even though your head aches you continue to try and train you magic sight. You activate and the world goes white and you scream out in pain. A Deep rumbling voices echo across the land and into your skull.

"Well what do we have here? A little imp who fancies himself a mage?"

>Temp blindness


You and your imps move to find cover from the forming storms. Which is to be honest a sensible move. You find a cave to hole up in. Unfortunately the cave is already occupied by an imp. Fortunately you and your minions outnumber it.

>Fighting Imp

(roll 1 d100 for each imp minion and of course 2d100 for yourself)


You wait in the sack with the others, too afraid to cause trouble. YOu hear the wind picking up for a moment before you hear this exchange.

"Dreck Teleport us out, now!"

"Working on it Ssazaza"

You feel a lurch and compression you guts ache for a transient moment, then all is quiet.

"Good work Drecklesemin, Saved our asses from the storm"

"Yeah you're wel- Wait you actually got my name right Ssazaza."

"Of course I did, now once we drop the wastes of flesh off at the master's I can say your name more in private~"

"Oh god you two get a room, I'm going to vomit"

"Shut Up Gimlick!"

"Shut Up Gimlick!"

It continues on like this a some times until you hear a massive creaking.

A voice that sounds like thunder and fire Explodes into your head.


"15 master, we brought 15. We could have grabbed more but storms started bearing down on us. I thought it prudent to return so as not to lose the catch."


You feel your sack tosses to the ground. Suddenly the sack is gone and you stuck Staring at a 30 foot tall Demon, with 8 arms a head made of a storm, raining fire unto the ground even as lightning strikes it. You're just out of the reach of his aura.


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a27c43 No.6869



You grab onto an Imp right next to you. He was fleeing something, odd. You hug him really tightly he screams as your acid slowly dissolves away his flesh. He's stills struggling however, as your acid is kinda slow. Might want to pick up the pace since you can see a massive storm touching down nearby.


You grab nearby imp for a meat shield, he struggles quite a bit but that is promptly cut short when a firebolt takes his face off. You charge the fire thrower as he charges you. Normally with his horns you'd be at a disadvantage in melee, but you use the dead imp shield to catch his horns and throw of his balance, Even if gores up you arm pretty bad. He's off balance now try to get the weight off his horns. What will you do?

+>Wounded Arm

(keep track of your injuries too whitedeath, or else)


You growl at the fuck face who attacked you. You trigger Growth again in addition to Terrify and charge the Serpentine Imp who attacked you.


You Move To attack the other imps pair trying to save a possible ally, Almost too late you notice your foe and grown again, he swings at you and you barely dodge it. He's cut you off from aid even as his two underling demolish the lone imp readily. You on your own.



Suddenly you both feel massive stirring of wind and a Massive cloud touch down to the ground. That wouldn't be so bad except it's destroying everything in it's path demon and imp alike. Smashing them and shredding them to pieces. It easily the largest thing you've seen up close and it heading straight for you both. Already grab small bits of detritus and moving them about at such speed it's stinging both your hides. Running is a very good idea.

(yes this can and will kill you if you roll badly, it's a super storm after all)

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a27c43 No.6873

Dice rollRolled 13, 12 = 25 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Nod and follow along, maybe looking out for anything valuable or powerful in magic.

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a27c43 No.6874

Dice rollRolled 10, 87 = 97 (2d100)


1.2. Right. That is a problem. Hmm, no time to run. Dig into the ground as fast as I can, use my acid to loosen soil and rock and then hunker down until the storm passes. Oh and take the imp with me while my acid marinates him so I have a snack.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

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a27c43 No.6877

Dice rollRolled 30, 1 = 31 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak

>Health: Wounded side

1&2. Oh wow. Maybe I should burry them give them a nice headstone, throw some flowers on the grave. Hahahaha, time for dinner.

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a27c43 No.6880

Dice rollRolled 77, 17 = 94 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

The Imp puts its hand to its eyes and rubs them a little, it’s pretty sure that this isn’t actually helping its vision come back but it makes it feel better, then it hears the voice. A deep booming and imposing voice. The Imp selects its next words carefully and speaks.

“I do not fancy myself a Mage. Merely one that wishes to learn all there is to know about magic. I’ve seen it, one could say I am infatuated with it.”

1-2. The imp stops cradling its eyes and speaks with the unknown voice, trying to make its own intentions clear to the voice. At the same time the Imp desperately hopes for its vision to come back before it finds itself the victim of either this mysterious being or something else.

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a27c43 No.6883

Dice rollRolled 95, 53, 99, 27, 20, 28 = 322 (6d100)




2 3




5, 6

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a27c43 No.6888

Dice rollRolled 61, 34 = 95 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (2/50)

1-2; Run away from the storm, try to find a crevice to hide in

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a27c43 No.6890

Dice rollRolled 32, 36 = 68 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

>What the fuck is a category:

+>Wounded Arm

1-2. While he struggles its time to get on his back and finish him off! Bite him in the neck and sever the connection between body and head! He has proven a strong opponent, but it really is time for him to die now. Afterwards he can be eaten for good.

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a27c43 No.6987

Dice rollRolled 16, 73, 41, 26 = 156 (4d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Blinded left eyes

Fatigued 1

1/2. While i'm still big, I try to grab the imp that attacked me an throw it into the super cell, then run for my life

3/4. You two, grab a corpse and run away from the twister!

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a27c43 No.6993

Dice rollRolled 82, 80 = 162 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish


1-2. This motherfucker has been a thorn in my side for SEVEN ACTIONS. I'm not running back a fucking step until I conquer this asshole.




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a27c43 No.7001


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon


>Stealth 1 (1/10)

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls


>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

1/2: Eat it or whatever!!!

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a27c43 No.7002

Dice rollRolled 72, 60 = 132 (2d100)


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a27c43 No.7017

Dice rollRolled 37, 70, 41, 23 = 171 (4d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

Stealth 2/5

1.2. I want his head!

3. Schmuck 1

4. Schmuck 2

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a27c43 No.7119

Malus and ELias please post or you will be skipped.

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a27c43 No.7301

Dice rollRolled 12, 36 = 48 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.


>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1], [Intelligence 1], [Silver tongued 1] (2/15)

1/2: Stepping forward with a smile, I'll bow my head and perform the most legitimate respect I can to this magnificent being. "Only that I will not disappoint, my lord!", in the clearest voice possible.

+ Intelligence 1

+ Silver Tounge 1

+ Empathy 1

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a27c43 No.7302

Dice rollRolled 94, 66, 91, 91, 4, 93, 49, 91, 65, 43, 34 = 721 (11d100)






4 5 6


7 8







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a27c43 No.7309


You try to follow him into the crows but you get lost. You try to find but you see a set of lights. Oh they are so pretty. Next thing you know you're in a cell with a bunch of other imps chained to the wall.

"Alright fresh meat time to go spill blood in the arena! You're the green team you kill the red team. No killing imps on your team or else got it?"

You are then dumped out onto hot sands staring at another 20 or so imps dressed in red.


The imp's struggling is over, but you are making less than no headway on the ground. The wind is getting closer and you can feel it tugging at you even now. Kinda hurts actually.


You start feeding on the Imp you killed. After all save your partner for last is honorable right….. pfft whatever he just looks like crap. You feed and you feed and you feed at the water's edge. Then you hear a noise. You look up from what's left of your kill. You see a 8 legged demon sneering done at you from a hand's breath away. He's got a corona of wind and blood red eyes. You don't see any arms though. You could flee to the water, but you'd have to leave one if not both your kills behind.

-Wounded side

+>demonhod (3/50)



"Poor little magic loving imp, you blinded yourself didn't you? HAHAHA, that's funny. Still you have some promise."

You feel your vision return. You find yourself looking at a 12 foot tall male demon. Skinny and gaunt with glowing eyes and no mouth. You realize you've been hearing him with your mind.

"You serve me now little one, understood?"


You move to bite his neck, but two things flummox you, one your mouth is really not designed for biting. He slams his fire into your face, seared it and destroying your right eye. He's up now and you're hurting bad. Oh, and the wind is REALLY picking up. Your wings feel like they about to be pulled from behind your back. The little shit in front of you is scared, and certainly not of you.

-right eye

+facial scarring.


In a fight of rage(probably induced from trauma) You run at the imp, he smacks you in the gut HARD but you really do not give 2 shits at this point. YOu grab him heave him into the air and let nature work it's course. He flies a good 15 feet before he catches him self. The cloud is almost upon you both so you grab your corpse (ddamn it hurts to pick it up) and run. Maybe you can not die from this thing.

+bruised gut

+strength 1(1/5)


You dart in quickly and eat the crystal. Metzger Doesn't even notice you eating it

"oi mutt stop gawking at the airshow! We got a patrol to do!"

demonhood (6/50)

Stealth (2/10)


The imp charges you and hits you, however your scales serve you in good stead. You barely felt it. You return with a sharp punch to the get doubling him over as your two imps dogpile on him. Now the question is do you finish him yourself, or have you followers do it?



He puts his mark on your brow. it hurts monstrously, but you can only exult in that you've gotten your wish.


+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)


>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Good nose +10 to any sense check involving smell


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence 1, Sense magic

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a27c43 No.7310

Dice rollRolled 16, 15, 55 = 86 (3d100)


You try to run but the Big oaf grab you and tries to toss you into the storm! however you grab on to him for dear life.


You try to toss the snake into the storm but he grabs onto you tight and you're too tired to pry him off quickly. This cause you to start getting picked up by the storm. You grab the bones embedded into the ground and hang on for dear life. One of your imps is snatched up the storm, the other grabs a corpse and runs, apparently getting away scot free.



Both of you roll 6 d100s for a survival check.

I'll roll for Scruffy's caught imp

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a27c43 No.7312

Dice rollRolled 51, 1 = 52 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Webbed hands and feet, gills.

>Magical differences: Magic is mainly water based

>Body color: sea green

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus:Waterborne +10 to rolls involving water or water like substances -5 when water is not involved


>Demonhood (3/50)

>Innate abilities: Swimming 2, Soak, Bite


1&2. Like the abyss I'm giving up my kills! Well my kill the the scavenged corpse of that other fucker. Use soak on his eyes to try and blind him and run for the water off in a direction with the most possibilities to trip him.

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a27c43 No.7313

Dice rollRolled 39, 61 = 100 (2d100)

1.2. Fuckit. Grab imp and RUN!

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

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a27c43 No.7314

Dice rollRolled 99, 21 = 120 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

>What the fuck is a category:

+>Wounded Arm

- right eye

+ facial scarring

1-2. Certainly nothing regeneration won't be able to handle in time. The eye? Well we would have to see about that.. heh, get it? While he was perplexed was the perfect time to strike! Certainly whatever was behind him could kill him if he ignored it, but it would probably have the same chance of killing him if he did.

So charge that perplexed fuck and tear him to pieces!

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a27c43 No.7315

Dice rollRolled 71, 77 = 148 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm

Stealth 2/5

1.2. Myself of course, it is time for me to grow stronger

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a27c43 No.7316




2 3 4




6 7 8

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a27c43 No.7347

Dice rollRolled 66, 53 = 119 (2d100)


Physical differences: Dog like, fangs, Claws

>Magical differences: Can Turn into mist

>Body color: Black

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Allegiance: Rathranasutra (Demon)

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: +Quadrapedal +5 to movement rolls

>Innate abilities: Claws 1, Bite, aether form (currently short sue Very Very very long cooldown)

>demonhood (6/50)

>Stealth (2/10)

1. Continue with the Patrol, Try sniffing for enemies.

2. Find another source to Increase my strength.

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a27c43 No.7350


Those are the opposing rolls for your turn. Beat em and you advance, don't and you might take a penalty or lose outright.

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a27c43 No.7352

Dice rollRolled 21, 50 = 71 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1] (2/15) [Intelligence 1] (2/15), [Silver tongued 1] (2/15)

1. "At once, my lord!", I'll say. To the library to do whatever is required of me - perhaps there will be useful tomes to train my mind or wit in this library! Or books on other creatures, perhaps? Such a good day!

+ Intelligence 1 (2/15)

2. I'll see if I can make some friends along the way - more imps to follow under me, or lower demons to make good with, perhaps! Heha!

+ Silver Tongue 1 (2/15)

+ Empathy 1 (2/15)

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a27c43 No.7403

Dice rollRolled 12, 33 = 45 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Grr, cant I just do something important for once?! Oh well, ill just indulge the watchers and my bloodlust. Claws and lightining!

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a27c43 No.7404

Dice rollRolled 11, 69 = 80 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish


+bruised gut

+strength 1(1/5)

1-2. I take my prize, MINE, but as I run away, I fly backwards, making sure I see my foe die to the cloud. Or catch his face if he gets away.

Also get away from that cloud holy hell.

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a27c43 No.7405

Dice rollRolled 33, 83, 90, 70, 74, 71, 11, 38 = 470 (8d100)




2 3 4 5 6 7



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a27c43 No.7442

Malus, Scruffy, Ash post or you'll get skipped

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a27c43 No.7491

Dice rollRolled 83, 73, 80, 7, 27, 3 = 273 (6d100)



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a27c43 No.7503

Dice rollRolled 41, 10, 73, 70, 43, 82 = 319 (6d100)


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a27c43 No.7539


You Use you nose to sense for magic. There is a lot of it, everywhere. The strongest concentration in it comes from the center though, from the castle and city, so you head that way.


You soak the demons eye and Run unfortunately you feel something pierce you. There's nothing there except air. Then another hits you and another, you black out from the pain.

>You died


You flee, but know you are going to slow. You ditch a large part of the corpse in order to escape the ripping wind. You then find cover, a cave. There you see 2 imps holding another while a third rips into it. The third has scales.

>Demon hood (2/50)


You charge, You in pain but fuck it. You're going to kill him. The Enemy is caught surprising trying to hit you with his flame but missing you as you dive under it. You plow into him under his horns and start wailing away. The Wind is REALLY loud now and you feel like your wings might be pulled from your sockets.


You kill the imp and Devour him. After your done eating you notice a gelatinous imp has entered your cave.

Stealth 1



Nothing really happens. So you head back to the guardhouse. Inside you see a dead imp. "Ah ya hungry? Go ahead and finish him then"

SO you do.



You take a long time to the library, and you get lost repeatedly, the guards help you but are fairly annoyed. Still the Library! What will you do imp?


You charge and promptly catch a bolt of something to you face, you go down for a half second. When you get back up you see the other team tearing into you mates. However the biggest trouble is the imp with Muscles wings and a Corona of shadow about to run you over.

(reminder tactics gives bonuses)


You run Sideways keeping you eyes on the enemy even as you rush out of the way with your prize. You see him swept up but then lose track of him. Still Despite being slowed you escape the wind and get into a cave. You're about to start feasting when a badly hurt imp Slams into the earth near you. He has a bone head and rippling muscles.


The wind sweep you up, around and around you go feeling ill and knowing you're going to die. Eventually you feel yourself slingshotted from the cloud. You land HARD. You hurt all over, but at least there is no sign off the serpent imp, even if you can see well form the pain and blood.

>Broken Bones

>Bruises everywhere.


The wind catches you and forces you to let go of the skull head. You spin around for what feel like weeks, until you get tossed out of the cloud, You land in water. It hurts but you're still alive. There are a lot of dead things in here with you. Also you feel like breathing soon might be a good idea.

EVENT OVER! The storms subside leaving much death in their wake. The resulting Imp harvest is relatively slight and many greater demons are looking for new servitors.

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a27c43 No.7543

Dice rollRolled 84, 57 = 141 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish


+bruised gut

+strength 1(1/5)

1-2. Fuck, not another one.

Quickly, I must eat my prize before he wakes. I need my strength back to deal with this one. EAT!

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a27c43 No.7544


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.7546

File: 1438475496621.gif (2 MB,355x352,355:352,me_diving_in_your_mom's_pu….gif)

Dice rollRolled 55, 31 = 86 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Blinded left eyes

Broken Bones

Bruises everywhere

Fatigued 1

1/2. Well fuck, that hurt, but I bet that there is plenty of dead bodies around for me to scourge a quick bite off of, then head somewhere nice and safe to relax, see if the other imp I had with me is still alive

3. If he is, tell him to bring a corpse with him to wherever we can find that isn't out in the open

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a27c43 No.7547

Dice rollRolled 65 (1d100)


third roll

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a27c43 No.7548


>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.

>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth1

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a27c43 No.7549

Dice rollRolled 1, 72 = 73 (2d100)

>Random Encounter!

Too many to fight, and one is special enough. So I talk.

"The storm was wild. I wish shelter and nothing more, however if you seek my life I will sell it dearly. If not I shall leave once it is over. I am hungry and the storm interrupted my meal. Unless you are willing to share of course."

Then as I await its response I turn my attention inward to strengthen the gifts I awoke with.


1.2. Attempt to become even more acidic.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.7551

Dice rollRolled 62, 57 = 119 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth1

1&2. I need prey. Sneak around and try to find a lone imp to kill.

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a27c43 No.7586

Dice rollRolled 95, 43 = 138 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1] (2/15) [Intelligence 1] (2/15), [Silver tongued 1] (2/15)

1/2: Study, I guess. Look for interesting or helpful books to increase my skills!

+ [Intelligence 1] (2/15)

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a27c43 No.7700

Dice rollRolled 56, 29 = 85 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (2/50)

1-2; Looks to be about that time. Time for scavenging. Swimming 1.. engage!

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a27c43 No.7702

Dice rollRolled 79, 83 = 162 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1

This one is different from the others, ah I must have it as my own.

"I have a much, much, better idea. Work for me, and I'll make sure that your fed and kept safe from those that would prey on the weak."

1.2. Use my charm to charm the gelatinous imp into my service.

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a27c43 No.7735

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a27c43 No.7736

Dice rollRolled 12, 54 = 66 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. So the big guy wants to play? Then lets play! Charge my claws with as much power I can in such a short timespan, making sure to dodge anything he or others may throw at me, and when he reaches me punch into his chest while moving around him. If that doesnt kill him then tear out his spine before whirling around to see who's left.

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a27c43 No.7737

Dice rollRolled 34, 59 = 93 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

>What the fuck is a category:

+>Wounded Arm

- right eye

+ facial scarring

1-2. Bury the claws inside that guy and spread the wings wide. Dragging him to wherever the pull was coming from by a string of his innards would teach him a thing or two.

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a27c43 No.7738

Dice rollRolled 100, 16, 12, 86 = 214 (4d100)


1 2


3 4

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a27c43 No.7739

Dice rollRolled 100, 89, 81, 59, 44, 62 = 435 (6d100)


Response roll first 3 for kefka's side second 3 against

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a27c43 No.7747

File: 1438826848055.jpg (68.95 KB,400x411,400:411,idfiend.jpg)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

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a27c43 No.7758


>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2

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a27c43 No.7761

Dice rollRolled 74, 95 = 169 (2d100)


Flesh. Light. Smell. Touch. There is Touch. Yes. Yes. Yes. Smell. Flesh.


Must Eat. Eat. Eat Flesh. Touch Flesh. Eat.

Ground. Touch Ground. Move. Eat. Flesh. Move Flesh. Move.

From under a writhing pile of Imps, a clawed hand emerges. Much like a lizard hatching from an egg, this Imp breaks his way out of the flesh prison, legs steadying himself as he skitters between rocks and bodies. A raspy tongue snakes forward, tasting the air, before he lunged forward, latching onto the nearest imp with his teeth.

1. Locate wounded Imp

2. Attack said Imp!

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a27c43 No.7762

Dice rollRolled 74 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.7791


Well, he's not tried to attack you yet, and your tired, hurting and hungry. Thankfully you have a corpse, slightly mangled but fuck it who cares? You chow down while watching the skull headed imp. You feel much better!

Demonhood (3/50)


- Bruised gut



You limp out of the hole you embedded yourself in and find a few pieces dead imp to eat. You feel mildly better although you notice a one-eyed imp eating another staring right at you.

(sadly your other follower got lost and is gone. the one in the storm id deader than a doornail.)


-blinded eyes

+endurance 1 (1/5)

+regen 1 (1/10)

Demonhood (1/50)


You talk to the scaled Imp, she talks back. You concentrate and making yourself more acidic. You end up dissolved one of your own feet. Ouch.

-right foot


You look around the wind torn land to find something, but something finds you first. An imp with black eyes, green breath and a tail.

>Fighting Eltie imp.


You look around the library, most of the book don't do much for you at your level, but you do find Gaxkang's guide to fooling summoners.

You learned a great deal. Maybe now you should find something to do with magic?

+Empathy 2 (5/15)

+Silver tongued 2

+intelligence 2


You walk to the city, it seems to be a good ways off, meaning it's massive.

Off to the side you see a pond with an armless demon of some sort, levitating a corpse to it's mouth, somehow.

To the right you see a tall thin lesser demon dancing about with an imp, until he grabs it and ugh, yeah not looking over there again.

So far you've not been seen by anyone.


So find a dead corpse, not much meat on his bones, but heh you don't feel like crap anymore. You surface in the water. Not much to see here, but that could change fast.



You speak to the Gelatinous imp, your words are clearly moving it.... and it just fell down. Did you put it too sleep?



(talking is a free action between pcs once met)


You charge up you claws and charge at him, only to have his entire corona of shadow fly out and him you paralyzing you. He then ambles over with his muscled self, staddles you chest and starts punching you again, and again , and again. Your arms are pinned and you can't muster up enough concentration to shock him.. Will you die like this? He raises his fist for what may be the final blow when a Claws rips off part of his head. You see a lesser demon standing over you. Tall with a bird head, and claws that leak something green and vtiroilic.

"Come on little brother we have a fight to win!" he crows as he leaps into another imps, disemboweling it.

it seems that since you went down there has been a shift in match favor, the other team has lost 12 members, and is now sorely outnumbered.


You pin him and rip your hand into his guts, sadly your arm is too hurt to lift him, and you can't see whatever was pulling you. On the plus side, free food!


You find an ailing imp and devour him. No challenge really.


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a27c43 No.7792

Dice rollRolled 35, 57 = 92 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1] (5/15) [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2]

1/2: An exceptionally useful book! I can feel my wit and tongue sharpening already from the thing. Who knew there were so many words for 'delicious' in the demon tongue? I feel as though I can speak outside of it with some success now as well. Finding a book on magic would be most prudent, I think! Would certainly be nice, to learn the full art of demonic magic, but for now I must start with understanding how such things work, and the practice of basic spellcrafting. Soon, I'll be able to claim souls and craft extensive bargains and glamorous illusions, shapeshifting and morphing my form! But every great demon must start somewhere, eh?

+ [Intelligence 2}

+ [Empathy 1] (5/15)

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a27c43 No.7793

Dice rollRolled 40, 74 = 114 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth1

1&2. That breath should not green. Hit the thing with thorn bolt and then keep out of in front of it. Use vine whip near it's eyes and other soft areas to keep it from looking my direction.

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a27c43 No.7794

File: 1438905722625.jpg (39.94 KB,960x960,1:1,1438862618215.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 2, 86 = 88 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Broken Bones

Bruises everywhere

1. Nope, not even gonna try, mosey on partner , find another corpse from the storm to eat

2. Also, set my broken bones

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a27c43 No.7795

File: 1438905762532.jpg (209.15 KB,857x1280,857:1280,1438662760382.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 38, 39 = 77 (2d100)


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a27c43 No.7796

Dice rollRolled 33, 84 = 117 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Move some of the other corpses near the coast and hide within the water under them. When another imp comes, jump out and bite its neck out and devour it

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a27c43 No.7802

Dice rollRolled 60, 94 = 154 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2

Yes. Yes. YES. Good. Food. Flesh. Yes. Good.


1. This area might be pretty sparse. See what's around in the general vicinity.

2. The last fight went well. Let's find another Imp to snack on.

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a27c43 No.7817

Dice rollRolled 68, 83 = 151 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. I rise to join my brother, a sadistic smile on my face as I fight alongside him with electrified claws. When this is over ill do two things: have him join me, and eat the flesh of the winged shadow one.

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a27c43 No.7819

Dice rollRolled 81, 4 = 85 (2d100)


As long as you have food I will follow you.

1. Become gelatinous enough to reform my foot! Or maybe go without feet and move around like a slug? Hmmm. Either works.

2. Continue working on improving my acid.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>-right foot

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.7865

Dice rollRolled 75, 50 = 125 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)



1-2. The eye is curious, and follows silently.

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a27c43 No.7884

Dice rollRolled 68, 23 = 91 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

Demonhood (3/50)

>What the fuck is a category:

+>Wounded Arm

- right eye

+ facial scarring

1-2. Eat that free food, hopefully it will speed up the healing process.

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a27c43 No.7952

Dice rollRolled 16, 100 = 116 (2d100)



>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1

"Of course there will be food"

1.2. Look outside see how the situation is. But keep an eye on the gelatinous imp in case it tries to betray me.

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a27c43 No.7964




2 3











8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15







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a27c43 No.7974


You find a book called Zzalgatin's guide to beginning magic. You read it for a bit and get a decent understanding of basic magic. however trying the sense magic spell gave you a godawful headache.

+Sense Magic

-1 dice roll next turn due to headache


You Attack it with a Thorn bolt, which promptly goes right into it's open mouth and back out the other side of it's head. You vine whip it and snap it's neck while it's stunned. Then you eat it. Good job scrub!

+Demonhood (7/50)

+Thornbolt II

+Strength I


You set your bones, Unfortunately the pain is so much you don't get ANY moving done whatsoever. Still You'll help up right with them set.

-Broken Bones

+Set Broken Bones


You watch the form of the broken Imp, he sets his own bones. It looked like it hurt a lot. You notice an Elite imp Approaching, wait it's that asshole who you fought earlier! He still has that fucking club, although it's in his other arm, since the arm on his right seems to be missing.


You wait in the shallow for an imp. After a few minutes one obliges you. You leap out of the water Attacking the imp. He's stuck in your grasp for now, what do?


You study the demon levitating the corpses and devouring them. It's interesting, there's magic there but it's not active. You then realize he's looking straight at you. You attempt to turn and run only for a loud *CRACK* and for him to appear in front of you.

"So anotheeeeeeeeer imp, whyyyyy were you waaaaaaatching me little onnnnnnnnnnne?"


You look around you se scars from the wind storm all over the place, dead and damaged imps all over the place in scraps and shreds. You see a city of in the distance and scavengers flying and walking about.

You find another Elite imp wounded but alive and you attack. Charging him and hitting him with your spikes. He's till upright though if barely


You rush in attacking an elite imps with a uzzle and smok breath, you dodge the noxious fumes as your claw rake him again and again. He's hurting but not down. However the rest of your team over extended trying to build on their previous success and now they are paying for it. $ Imps lie dead and the bird lesser demon has 3 imps attacking him.


You try regrowing your foot, it happens, then it almost loses coherency again when you try and become more acidic. Maybe acid is not a good idea at this juncture.


You eat the asshole you ripped you up. he tastes like ass. Still you feel better.

-Wounded arm

-Facial scars

+regrown eye (1/3)

+Demon hood (7/50)

Endurance 3 (2/25)


You make promises to the Imp, as it tries to regrow it's foot. You look outside and what do your eyes see but a Badly wounded demon of some sort, limping along, and alone. Normally even 4 of you might not be a match, but maybe with how hurt it is you could have a feast!

(Note players can talk to other players if they're in the same general area)

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a27c43 No.7977

Dice rollRolled 68, 95 = 163 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. Find more prey. Try to be the one to spot them first this time.

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a27c43 No.7978

Dice rollRolled 96, 19 = 115 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Assist my brother! Rush over to those three after swiftly incapacitating my opponent.

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a27c43 No.7979

Dice rollRolled 85, 34 = 119 (2d100)

1.2. Food! Weakened food! Attack the demon!

I can't walk normally with my foot gone and I can't reform my foot in time, but I do have two perfectly good hands to aid me in moving into grappling range and I can use those to run like an animal. Then latch on to the demon and use my acid in its wounds. Gnaw on them too.

Oh since its a full demon it must have magic. Lets try eating that as well.

Eat its soul?

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>-right foot

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.7980

Dice rollRolled 59, 99, 70, 8 = 236 (4d100)



>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1

"Speaking of food, here comes a meal now"

1.2. Send the imps under my command out to distract and attack the demon while I sneak up on it and attack from an advantageous position.

3. Imp 1

4. Imp 2

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a27c43 No.7981

Dice rollRolled 91, 17, 47, 19, 62, 100, 30, 84, 80, 75, 4, 72, 66, 11 = 758 (14d100)




2 3 4 5

678 91011



12 13 14

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a27c43 No.7982

File: 1439260783016.jpg (151.76 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1435711339952.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 27, 90 = 117 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Set Broken Bones

Bruises everywhere

1/2. Alright, has to be plenty of odds and bits lying around from the storm, let's scavenge and eat some

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a27c43 No.7985

Dice rollRolled 52, 71 = 123 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


Kill! Run! Feast! Flesh! Force! Kill! Kill! Kill!

1+2. Elite or no, we're eating this wounded Imp. Attack! Feast! Kill!

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a27c43 No.7987

Dice rollRolled 14, 65 = 79 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Snap its neck and devour it. Wash water over the blood and hide the bones in the sand under the water. Begin trap mode again

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a27c43 No.7989

Dice rollRolled 28, 69, 25, 5 = 127 (4d100)




2 3



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a27c43 No.7990

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1] (5/15) [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic] [Basic Magic]

1. Gah, my head really hurts. Still, I'm feeling well enough to at least grab one more book as I rest for a bit, perhaps a book on summoners and offering insight into the goings and trappings of the mortal realm? I feel something like that would give me a great advantage….

+ [Empathy 1] (5/15)

+ [Intelligence 2]

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a27c43 No.7991

File: 1439303295207.jpg (124.04 KB,794x561,794:561,234156346.jpg)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.7992


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

You pull yourself out of one of the myriad caves in the area, phew that storm was nasty. You see the ruins of the spawning ground covered with detritus and filled with scavengers.

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a27c43 No.7993

Dice rollRolled 12 (1d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

Nasty, nasty place! Always hate to be late for a party. Bothrog a bugruz, ah well, I'll just have to help myself to some of the leftovers before I depart!


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a27c43 No.7995


2d100 oreo

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a27c43 No.7997

From the conflict that has arisen so to do I rise from the pits

>Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

>Magical differences: Empathy

>Body color: Red

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a27c43 No.7998


>Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

>Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy

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a27c43 No.7999



You rise up out of the cave, only a fool would stay outside of cover in such storms. You peer outwards into the light, to see the ravaged lands, with corpses and detritus everywhere, being picked over by scavengers. Not farr too your left you see a very wounded demon, and 4 imps moving to attack it.

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a27c43 No.8000

Dice rollRolled 15, 10 = 25 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy

12 Move in to attack the wounded demon along side the 4 imps

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a27c43 No.8001

Dice rollRolled 70, 72 = 142 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. Perhaps it would be best for the little Imp to lick his wounds for now, but the more he ate the faster he would recover. He would attack another imp, perhaps this time one that was not as powerful.

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a27c43 No.8002

Dice rollRolled 32 (1d100)


thank goodness, another die!

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a27c43 No.8014

Dice rollRolled 32, 32 = 64 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)





I try to sneak around him, hoping to catch him where he isn't looking, where once again I will seek to disable him. If I latch onto his only arm and bite and claw it with all my might, he doesn't have a spare arm to knock me off!

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a27c43 No.8015

Dice rollRolled 19, 6, 93, 73, 73, 87 = 351 (6d100)










5 6

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a27c43 No.8075


"So you were admiring meeeeee then little iiiiiiiiimp? Tell meeeeeeeeee do you like what you seeeeeeeeee?" The armless serpentine demon with many legs hisses out. He's clearly in a good mood with his meal. Maybe with some compliments he'll let you go?


You stalk the land and see an imp scavenging the dead. It doesn't see you. You also see a multi-limbed Imp with spines taking the fight to an imp with wings and spiked tail.


You dart low, Hamstringing your current opponent and Diave claws first onto one of the ones Attacking the newly born lesser demon. This lets him Bring his clubbed tail and scorpion claws into play better making shot work of the other two. The enemy team only has 3 demons left, counting the one you hamstring and the one your clawing.


You pick at some imp bits. That imp that has been watching you non-stop has left, you hear fighting some ways away. What's that about? Still after the meal you feel better.

-bruises all over

+light bruising

-set broken bones

+set broken right arm


You charge the imp again, only this time he uses his wings to flap some distance away, after lashing you with his tail. Doesn't hurt, but your normal means of attack might not work well any more. This guy isn't dumb.


You snap the imps neck, dragging it back into the water and obscuring your trail. Now you gotta eat it. The ambush sight is immaculate however.


You don't seem to find any such books. On the plus side the headache is gone. On the minus side you might actually be a little lost.


You find some scraps, not really filing.



You hunt for a weaker imp while avoiding the demons. Unfortunately someone else finds you first. An imp with blackened claws, red eyes and long tongue.

>Fighting E. Imp


Yeah You fly over him, only for him to jump and hit you with that club into your side. Shit that hurts!

+cracked rib




The slime charges the limping demon, Getting onto it fleets, surprising it even as the meager acid starts to ever so slowly dissolve it's skin. The minor shock spell it used to shake off the thing dissipating as if eaten.

The scaled imp and her cohort follows suit even as another scaled imp with a stingered tail attacks. The demons notices this and with it's one good arm eviscerates one of the standard imps, catching the stingered imp with his back hand. Meanwhile the scaled imp jumpd onto the demons head clawing out an eye and savaging it's nostrils. Leaving the demon half blind and with no sense of smell, before the demon's hand forces the imp to jump off. the other normal imp hitting it in the knee like the slimy imp. Meanwhile the stingered imp picks itself off the ground to attack again.


-1 follower


+right foot



+swollen right eye

+cracked ribs

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a27c43 No.8076

Dice rollRolled 20, 35 = 55 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. The one scavenging the dead. Hit it with thorn bolt and keep it at a distance. Let it die to poison.

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a27c43 No.8077

Dice rollRolled 24, 21 = 45 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. Chances were an imp with a long tongue was going to use just that. With a bit of luck it would be stupid enough to try some sort of tongue trick at first which would open an opportunity to reel it in. As for the claws they were certainly dangerous but if it understood correctly not retractable, they could be just as dangerous to their owner. The imp was a little stronger than most and perhaps this would give it the edge it needed to force the other imp to cut into itself.

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a27c43 No.8078

Dice rollRolled 57, 99 = 156 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 1] (5/15) [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic] [Basic Magic]

1/2: Eh. I'm sure I'll find that book. Just keep searching, and I'll get myself un-lost in the process! This is one huge library, gotta be something good like that in here.

+ [Empathy 1] (5/15)

+ [Intelligence 2]

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a27c43 No.8079

Dice rollRolled 42, 21, 88 = 151 (3d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1


1 imp

1.2. Use my charm magic and charisma to distract the demon and leave openings for my followers and the other imp.

3. Follower imp attacks

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a27c43 No.8080

Dice rollRolled 82, 23 = 105 (2d100)

1.2. Continue gnaw at the wounds and magic of this living meal while my acid tenderizes the meat to perfection.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.8081

Dice rollRolled 64, 42 = 106 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

It's a start, but alas, seems the fun has left already! I'm not one to sit and pout and eat away my troubles, bugrash na barz, ah, I will see what other festivities await! Perhaps a fine shiny trinket or two, to add to my collection?

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a27c43 No.8084

Dice rollRolled 6, 12 = 18 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


No! Kill! Flesh! Pain! Hunger! Eat! Fight!

1. Flying enemies just aren't worth the effort. You can run well, but your jumping is mediocre at best. Disregard this flying Imp and Scavenge.

2. Put those legs to good use! Scuttle on over (Running 2?) towards that City in the distance!

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a27c43 No.8087

Dice rollRolled 60, 9 = 69 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Set Broken Bones

Light Bruising

Set broken right arm

1/2. Don't know don't care, gonna find a nice hole to sleep in, bury myself a bit to hide myself

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a27c43 No.8088

Dice rollRolled 95, 34 = 129 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy


+swollen right eye

+cracked ribs

1 Clear my head of this concussion

2 Aim for the offending arm with my stinger

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a27c43 No.8103

Dice rollRolled 98, 5 = 103 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Go and kill any threatening my bird brother before finishing off the wounded ones.

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a27c43 No.8104

Dice rollRolled 20, 26 = 46 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

1-2. Fucking bastard saw me coming, goddam I will kill him if I have to carry a big rock and drop it on him!

…wait a minute…


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a27c43 No.8194

Dice rollRolled 74, 28 = 102 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1; Consume consume consume

2; Bring up the dead bodies, set up the ambush again

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a27c43 No.8195

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a27c43 No.8197


So shoot at the Imp, unfortunately the wind kicks up and causes you to miss. He looks up right at you, he then runs like a bitch. You see the multi-limbed imp getting side-swiped hard by the one with wings and tail.


The tongue shoots out too fast for you to dodge. It embeds in your arm, sending you reeling as it charges you with its claws. Not a great start.


You find Malagoth's Guide to understanding humans. Coincidentally you're no longer lost. Odd how that works isn't it?

>Empathy 2

>arcane bolt


You find some bits and pieces of iron amongst the corpses. YOu quickly turn them into a knife.

>artifice I (1/5)


You move to turn away and the flying imp swideswipes in a dive bowling you over and cracking several ribs. YOur limbs fail and his spiked tail scores your hidn limb badly before you get your footing.

>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb


You find a cave and sleep.

- Bruising

-set broken bones (arm is still fucked up though)


You compliment his might and magical prowess, along with his pleasing scales and fast legs. He buys it. He lets you go.

Silver tongue(2/5)


The remaining imp fall easily. They were badly outnumbered and weakened. The horns decreeing the match is over are blown. Your "brother " is taken elsewhere while the rest of you are escorted back to the barracks. When you get there the dead imps are arrayed on a table as a feast.


You're idea was elegant and intelligent, sadly his ability to brute force was underestimated, He wound up with the club and hit the rock sending it hurtling into your foot breaking it. that hurts a lot!

>Broken foot.


You eat the imp, not bad pretty filling. You then array the dead to create a trap. Sadly while you do so a demon swoops down from the air and lands behind you. Before you can turn or speak,

"What are you doing little imp?"it asks in a voice that is sweet like honey and barbed like a beast's stinger.




The scaled imp tries to charm the demon Only to get a claw to the gut. On a normal imp it'd have been a mortal wound, the scales however blunted just enough force to keep her from being eviscerated. She is still sent sprawling back in pain with damage. Meanwhile the slime imp and the regular imp savage the legs of the demon more, causing it to lose it's footing. The stingered imp shakes his head and head back into combat his stinger Striking into the demons other eye before the imp is forced to leap back to avoid it's arm. The demon blinded, prone and in lots of pain uses it's trump magic. It's arm reaches into the air and a black ball of shadow is created over the field. Even imps who cannot read magic feel it's power


>Broken ribs

>Ruptured lung

>Broken arm


No status effect but your' stuck underneath the demon.


>Your stinger got lodged in his eye and you lost it. It'll regrow in time.

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a27c43 No.8200

Dice rollRolled 31, 72 = 103 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb

[Internal Monologue that consists entirely of screeching]

1+2. We are wounded, but a broken leg is a paltry thing when you have 5 more to stand on. Chase this Imp down, even if we have to follow him until his wings give out. Our claws, teeth and spines will make quick work of him then!

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a27c43 No.8203

Dice rollRolled 25, 99 = 124 (2d100)

1.2. That is a lot of magic, see if I can't eat the source of that power, not just the spell that is being cast. With how much he is drawing out it should be easy to figure out where in his body it originates from. Better still he is right on top of me so I don't have to go far!

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>-right foot

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.8222

Dice rollRolled 92, 53 = 145 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Use empathy to get a sense of what it wants, though it probably wants to eat me or somethng

"Oh, well, I was using these, eh, useless imps here to set up a trap for other imps and then I was, uhm, killing and eating them for my own gain. I-I hope I wasn't, uh, stepping onto your turf or anything~" Look super cute too while looking at it, blushing at the end and turning away

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a27c43 No.8235

Dice rollRolled 94, 61 = 155 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


A fine cake-cutter for any occasion! Oh how delightful to craft, even without a forge! What, I wonder, do these other scraps hold? Perhaps some gem to be found, or otherwise forged? What glee! What power the untapped potential of metal holds!

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a27c43 No.8240

Dice rollRolled 2, 90 = 92 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Set Broken Bones

1/2. Now that I've healed a bit, let's go kill something, preferably something small and close to death

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a27c43 No.8241

Dice rollRolled 14, 51 = 65 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail (Needs to regrow)

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy


+swollen right eye

+cracked ribs

This conflict will soon reach its resolution and I can share in the rewards…but not if this demon destroys itself with foul magic

12 Tackle its arm reaching towards the sphere of shadow, hopefully it will crash down harmlessly away from the rest of us

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a27c43 No.8250

Dice rollRolled 74, 11 = 85 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. While in the air the Imp would spread it's wings to gain some altitude to shoot past and over his target and drag the other imp into the dirt. Hopefully he would be able to use the tongue to strangle his opponent otherwise the imp would have to try to bite it through or if that wouldn't work use it as a shield against those black claws.

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a27c43 No.8263

Dice rollRolled 81, 1, 31 = 113 (3d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1


1 imp

>Broken ribs

>Ruptured lung

>Broken arm

1.2. Find a position either outside of what I think the blast radius will be while still being close enough to partake in the spoils, or at the least a spot with some sort of barrier and trust the barrier and my natural defenses to protect me from the magical blast

3. The Follower will attack the demon in an attempt to break it's concentration and to take it out.

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a27c43 No.8265

Dice rollRolled 85, 32 = 117 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (greater demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Magic]

1/2: Perfect. I think about now will be time to talk to some of the bigger demons about summoning and familiars, now that I feel like I can understand human emotion, outwit their feelings and charm them to my will, as any true demon should! I feel as though I'm ready to feel the air of the mortal plane, if only I knew who exactly to talk to about it… I doubt Grishnkangnkan himself would be too pleased if I asked.

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a27c43 No.8266

Dice rollRolled 52, 6 = 58 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. You ain't getting away! Use vine whip to trip the imp and then beat it.

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a27c43 No.8271

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a27c43 No.8272

Dice rollRolled 99, 99 = 198 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks

>Demonhood (4/50)

>Combat 1

1,2. Feast on the imp with wings and shadow and muscle first, then try to eat the other elite imps with my brother. If they are all gone move onto the regular imps.

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a27c43 No.8276

Dice rollRolled 15, 49 = 64 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1-2. Lesson learned. . .do NOT stand still when the rock is coming back at you.

But this can work. He only has one damn arm after all.

Go back and carry some easier to carry rocks, something I can carry a bunch with and start lobbing them at him from a distance in succession.

He can strike one back, but without another arm he'll never get the ones after it! And this time I won't just stand when they come flying!


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a27c43 No.8277

Dice rollRolled 30, 61 = 91 (2d100)


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a27c43 No.8485


You try running after the imp, unfortunately you wounded leg slows you and sapps your endurance. While winded the imp side sideswipes you again. You just manage to avoid getting your eye taken out by his tail. Yeah running around doesn't seem to work.

+facial scarring


You find some mushrooms, nasty stunted and foul smelling. You're hungry though, so down the hatch they go. ugh you feel slightly queasy for a few minutes, but then it's all good.

+Endurance I (3/5)

+Poison 1 (1/5)


You turn around look at the demoness. She's tall with 6 massive wings, branching horns and a human face with golden eyes and 2 Axes made of black metal in her hand. You plead for your life, trying your best to look cute and non-edible.

She looks at you "You are, now leave pond scum before I turn you into shashimi"

She hefts her axe and you leg it for a good distance. You're now back at the mountains between the spawning grounds and the city. Not much to see right now.


You look around for something shiny and useful, and after a few moment of searching you see something red and shiny. As you move to pick it up and Imp swoops down and grabs it. Motherfucker that was yours! The imp caws down at you in derision, it large wings letting it move agilely in the air. More worrying is the lightning dancing along it's beak.

>Fighting E. Imp


(remove your followers scruffy)

You walk out, your arms is still mangled to fuck and back but the rest of you is fine.

As you step out an imp jump at you, you dodge and headbutt him sending him reeling. You're kinda hungry, he'll do.

>Fighting stunned Imp


As he pulls you in you use your wings to try and overshoot him. He leaps up and hits you with a claw on your side, but you've had worse. You kick him off, rip his tongue out of you arm. You then follow up by landing on him. You're hurt but so is he now.

+Wounded side

+Wounded left arm



You talk to one of the guards while annoyed by your speaking to him, he pints you to a demon who can help you get set up to be summoned, Agaislax the crazed. Last chance to bone up in the library impling.


Unfortunately the imp has gotten too far out of range for your whip. The little fucker is gains even more distance on you and shortly lost in the cave network. Bugger.


Such a feast! You dive at it head first Eating and eating and eating with your fellows. While they eat in bulk you only picks the finest bits, the ones filled with essence or muscles. YOur taste and obvious eye for good food helps you immeasureably as besides maybe the imp that turned into the lesser demon you've gained more than any of the other combatants.


+Strength 2

+Endurance 1

+Sparks 2

+Combat 2

Bonus: Good taste- You can always tell where the good bits on a corpse are. Bonus Essence


You swoop down and grab a armful of small rocks, you dump them on him, he's hurt a little but still not going down. At least he didn't hit you again.




The oozing imp, being almost crushed beneath the bulk of the demon starts siphoning up magic as fast as it can. Meanwhile the stingered imp and the minion attack the arm of the demon trying to abort the spell or change its target. Unfortunately the spell was an air burst spell so when the two imps jostle the arm, it flies up higher into the air, and bursts, right over the scaled imp who was trying to get out of the blast range.


Your allies adjust the spell, and it detonates right over you, life draining shadow magic bombards you and the rest of the area. You survive, but barely, right now you're so weak you don't think you could move, Especially with your wounds. You see your minions grow pale and die, apparently to frail to survive the spell.

+Very Drained(-75to any rolls beside resting until you recover)

+Magic Drained(no magic until fixed)

+Weakness 5

You get caught in the spell, on the fringes, and fuck it's awful. You can feel part of your existence slipping away. the Minion imp keels over dead but you persevere. The demon whose armo your grasping is dead but the corpse is intact as is the one of the minion imp. No sign of the slimy one and the scaled one is lying in a heap, the spell detonate right on her. She might be dead, or just very wounded, you can't tell.

+weakness 3


You feel the spell detonate over you, but the demon's bulk and the fact your under means you get spared most of it. What does hit you gets absorb by your ability.

You shuffle out from under the demon, to better see the corpse's condition and that of your allies. The stingered one is breathing heavily and is pale. The minion is Clearly dead, white as a ghost. The sacled one is down on the ground some distance away, either dead or badly hurt. Huh, you really got lucky being where you were.

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a27c43 No.8486

Dice rollRolled 14, 39 = 53 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1


>Broken ribs

>Ruptured lung

>Broken arm

+Very Drained(-75to any rolls beside resting until you recover)

+Magic Drained(no magic until fixed)

+Weakness 5

1.2. Bloody rest, holy fuck how am I alive?

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a27c43 No.8487

Dice rollRolled 61, 99 = 160 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1-2. I really wish I could shoot lasers out of my eyes right now, but training by throwing rocks and dodging them as they come back? What better opportunity to practice can there be? This is exactly the kind of thing I will be doing when I become a demon!


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a27c43 No.8488

File: 1439746514511.png (30.8 KB,1024x683,1024:683,1438662960186.png)

Dice rollRolled 12, 74 = 86 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Fucked up arm

1/2. Alright, pin him down with my size and break his neck with my knee

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a27c43 No.8489

Dice rollRolled 45, 6 = 51 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. Lets hope that multi-legged one and the winged one are still around, and don't think they noticed me. Just need to wait for one to win and then kill the winner, or whoever is slower if someone ran away.

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a27c43 No.8491

Dice rollRolled 86, 35 = 121 (2d100)

1.2. Eat the demon while I think what to do. Hmmm, to spare the injured or to eat them. On one hand they are awfully tasty looking, on the other…. I wouldn't be eating this meal without them.

Decisions. Decisions.

I know what I will do. I call out to the two beside me.

Hey. How about you both be my minions instead?

If they say yes give them the two dead imps to eat so they can heal.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>-right foot

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 1, Endurance 1 Absorb magic(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (2/50)

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a27c43 No.8495



Pinging people, I asked you both a fairly important question.


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a27c43 No.8497

Dice rollRolled 94, 84 = 178 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks


>Strength 2

>Endurance 1

>Sparks 2

>Combat 2

>Bonus: Good taste- You can always tell where the good bits on a corpse are. Bonus Essence

1. Well now that im done eating I guess ill go train.

2. Lets see if there are any female head demons i can cozy up to.

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a27c43 No.8499

Dice rollRolled 10, 56 = 66 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Magic]

1/2: Alright, alright, good point. I'll take this chance to look for one last book of magic, try and get a couple illusion or deception spells in my book, maybe something about contracts? Should brush up just a bit before I head out, I think!

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a27c43 No.8500

Dice rollRolled 20, 58 = 78 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb

>Facial Scars

External Monologue that consists entirely of pained screeches and high-pitches 'roars'.

1. We might not be entirely sentient, but we do have a certain low, beastly cunning. Let's do a little acting, and pretend to limp away. Shouldn't be that hard, our leg DOES hurt like a bitch.

2. If he takes the bait, spring into action and chomp his wing.

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a27c43 No.8503

Dice rollRolled 79, 51 = 130 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


1/2 - Fear is ill company with an imp. Lightning may strike my metal form, its beak may peck at me, but that shiny thing WILL be mine! Let us see how much it really likes metal!

>Use Iron Spike against the Imp

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a27c43 No.8504

Dice rollRolled 19, 47 = 66 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail (Needs to regrow)

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy


+swollen right eye

+cracked ribs

+Weakness 3


"Fuck no, I fight for me"

12 Eat the demon, starting with this arm right in front of me

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a27c43 No.8508


"Not exactly one for following orders, but I guess I don't have much choice right now."

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a27c43 No.8525

Dice rollRolled 31, 88 = 119 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ Wounded Side

+ Wounded Left Arm

+ Bleeding

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. Bleeding wasn't in his favor. Something needed to happen. They were both hurt now and if he wanted to prevail he would have to capitalize quickly. Having landed on the other imp he would have to force down the other imp's arms and try to scratch it's eyes out. Certainly not the most original of plans but a blind enemy would hopefully prove a lot less dangerous. Then he would be able to finish that imp off and finally get a good snack.

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a27c43 No.8543

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a27c43 No.8568

Dice rollRolled 95, 1 = 96 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Cover myself in dirt and slink around the edge of the mountains looking for prey to ambush. feast

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a27c43 No.8573

Dice rollRolled 88 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.8709


You rest up a little. You still feel like SHITE but you can move now, if slowly.

- Very drained

-weakness 5

+ weakness 4


You keep dropping Stones on him and he keeps trying to knock them away, one particularly good throw stuns him and makes him drop his club.


You trigger Growth and nearly black out from the pain. Apparently growing while you have a fucked up arms hurts like a bitch. Still your fist lashes out knocking the imp down. You quickly step over it and stomp on it's neck until it stops moving.


You back track still seeing the two imps fighting. It's getting pretty bad for both of them at this point. You se the multi-legged one hobble, and as the wings one swoops in him present his back to it, causing it to hit the ground with a few smalls holes in it. The multi-legged one the chomps on the wing, rendering it useless. neither of them see you.


You Eat and eat, and still there is some demon left, even as the stingered one feasts beside you. Quite frankly despite your ultimatum you are too hungry to care.

+Acid 2

+Endurqance 2

+right foot

+Absorb magic 2



You hit the training yard, and thanks to your feast due very well. Several of your teammates look at you with envy. You are doing so well you start getting cocky. When the demoness in charge of the training grounds comes to collect you for the other team to practice, you try hitting on her. However since you're about as charismatic as a toad she back hands you HARD.

"Hmm, so you survived that impling, you might have promise after all."

+Broken ribs


You find a book on illusions, unfortunately, you get lost in the library again.

+illusion I (2/8)


Your ruse works, as the demon swwops in you turn you back to him and he gets a face fully of spines, even if most of them are ripped out of you back. It hurts, but you persevere and bite deep into the root of this wings, hobbling his flight.


You shoot an iron Spike at it, it counter with lightening, which does fuck all as your iron seems to attract it and then both end up hitting the imp, and knocking it to earth. He gets back up but his wings are too damaged to allow him flight now.


You eat, ignoring the slime's declaration. You feel much better.

-concussion, swollen eye, cracked ribs weakness 3

+strength I



You find an imp, seemingly leaking all sorts of foul smelling things. it sees you too. It looks hungry.

>Fighting elite imp


You pin the imps arms beneath you legs, dodging his tongue lashing out at you again. and proceed to wrap your hands around it's throat. You twist and squeeze until it's dead.


You cover yourself in dirt and ambush a wandering imp, only to realize that the imp was an illusion. Now you see what cast it. A serpentine demon with 5 heads and 7 arms.

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a27c43 No.8710

Dice rollRolled 57, 35 = 92 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Magic]

1/2: Argh, how annoying. Keep studying up on illusion and deception magic as I try and find my way around. (2/8)

+[Intelligence 2]

+[Basic Magic]

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a27c43 No.8711

Dice rollRolled 63, 15 = 78 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


1/2 - They won't gimp this imp! I can fly circles around him, but it'd be more befitting to make short work of the matter. A spike to the head should do the job, then I shall enjoy his pilfered shiny, and perhaps his corpse as well.

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a27c43 No.8712

File: 1439926785813.jpg (103.77 KB,500x500,1:1,youve earned it.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 18, 11, 27 = 56 (3d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ Wounded Side

+ Wounded Left Arm

+ Bleeding

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. The imp greedily dug into the carcass to feast on it. He had waited to wait a long time in order to get this meal and he sure would enjoy it.

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a27c43 No.8713


Also only 2 rolls

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a27c43 No.8717

Dice rollRolled 65, 32 = 97 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Long claws on hands and feet

>Magical differences: can shoot lightning

>Body color: Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Sharpened +5 to unarmed combat


>Innate abilities: Unarmed 2, Sparks


>Strength 2

>Endurance 1

>Sparks 2

>Combat 2

>Bonus: Good taste- You can always tell where the good bits on a corpse are. Bonus Essence

1,2. Ignore the pain, weakness will only earn me death. Go to do the necessary training, and rest once its over.

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a27c43 No.8718

Dice rollRolled 76, 15 = 91 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail (Needs to regrow)

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1


12 Eat and take my fill this is the spoils of the demon I helped slay

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a27c43 No.8719

Dice rollRolled 30, 31 = 61 (2d100)

1.2. Attack the stinging imp. Leap at him to bowl him over then wrap myself around him so my acidic skin can get the greatest contact. Eat him as his skin and flesh and bone softens

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (8/50)

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a27c43 No.8726

Dice rollRolled 16, 53 = 69 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (3/15)

>Current Ailments:

Fucked up arm

1/2. Right, let's not try that for awhile, just eat this bastard and find a secure place to rest up

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a27c43 No.8729

Dice rollRolled 23, 19 = 42 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb

>Facial Scars

> Depleted Spines

1. One Crippled Wing would hobble most fliers, but we're not taking chances. Pursue the Imp, targeting his wing.

2. If we can catch the Imp and damage his wing, then we must go for the neck! This Elite Imp will fall before us!

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a27c43 No.8759

Dice rollRolled 92, 18 = 110 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. Welp, this is boring. Thorn bolt them both. They seem weak enough to kill off.

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a27c43 No.8796

Dice rollRolled 29, 26 = 55 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck gotta scramble back to the lake, hopefully luring them dare will make them fight and maybe I can help the lake demon out

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a27c43 No.8800




2 3








7 8


9 10 11 12



13, 14

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a27c43 No.8801

Dice rollRolled 83, 23 = 106 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1-2. Quickly! Throw more stones at him to distract him, and then Swoop in an grab his club. He can't hit stuff back at me without it!

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a27c43 No.8802

Dice rollRolled 95, 13 = 108 (2d100)


1 2

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a27c43 No.8907

Dice rollRolled 81, 52 = 133 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1


>Broken ribs

>Ruptured lung

>Broken arm

+Magic Drained(no magic until fixed)

+Weakness 4

1.2. While the other two are distracted start eating the demon

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a27c43 No.8954


Ugh you're STILL lost. It's a good omen your master has all these books, but damn. (if you're going to study either split actions or bunker down)

>illusion I (3/8)


it seems like he's faster on the draw with the lightning this time, zapping you and making you lose your concentration. Then he's on top of you trying to claw out your eyes and knock you over. You could grab for your knife, but you hands are busy defending your ace.


As your about to dig in you feel a rumbling in the ground. A massive maw comes up from the dirt, and it devours your kill whole, just missing you.


You try and finish training, but the pain, and not being able to breath right catches up to you. You pass out. You awaken in the infirmary, being attended to be a demon.

"Oh you're awake, good. You've been out a day. Thankfully you didn't miss the solo competitions, get out there!"

You're thrust into the arena facing another imp. One with a gaping maw and spittle that hisses on the floor.


You eat the imp and your arm feels better. Not great but better. You head abck into your cave to rest up some some.

>Arm heal 1/3

>Strength 2 (4/15)

>Demonhood 1/50


You hammer him with spells, but he just keeps coming. Apparently he's rather tough. He punches you hard and sends you back, your skin sizzling from his acid.

+gut wound


You swoop him and grab his club. It's pretty fucking heavy, you can't fly with it so do the next best thing and toss it a ways away. The n take back to the air.


You try to run but the demon catches you. He rips of the bud of your regrowing tail. IT hurts badly, but you make it to the lake and dive in the water. Only now he's hammering it with ice spikes. no help is in sight.


You start to resume eating on the corpse when you get a hostile feeling. Out of the corner of you eye you see the slimy imp jump at you. You grab him with your arms and toss him, you fingers stinging after being exposed to his acid. You feel your stinger pop into place.


You leap at the stingered imp, it's almost as if he picked up on you intent, he grabs and tosses you quickly, your acid doing little in the way of harming him. He rounds about and gets into a combat stance. hits tail restored.


You crawl over your way to the corpse. You eat as much as you can. You feel stronger and less frail now. Also your scales might be thicker? Regardless you breathe easier and your arm works again.

+Scales 2

-broken ribs

-ruptured lug

-Broken arm

-weakness 4





Demon corpse left (3/6)


You launch yourself at them imp, until you feel a sharp pain pierce you and adhere you to him. Looks like a wooden spike.

You then get hit with another spike. Looks like some sort of plant imp is shooting them at you trying to kill you both.





You manage to stick the two of them together with the first bolt, so you hit the quadruped again. The seem stuck together now, and hurting.

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a27c43 No.8956

Dice rollRolled 5, 83 = 88 (2d100)

1.2. Circle around it until I reach one of the dead imps, then using it as a shield against its stinger and only then do I approach it. Once close enough I'll throw the corpse at it to stagger it and then go in for a grapple to apply my acid.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (8/50)

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a27c43 No.8970

Dice rollRolled 72, 55 = 127 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb

>Facial Scars

>Depleted Spines




1. Damn! Another foe! Priority One, the Imp I'm impaled to might still be alive and doing further damage to me. Turn, if possible, so that he is between me and Plant Imp.

2. I might have a medley of disabilities, buy I cannot back down. Dash to the Plant Foe and tackle him. See how he likes close range combat!

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a27c43 No.8972

Dice rollRolled 64, 33 = 97 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

(Remember, thorns cause poison too :3)

1&2. Vine whip until both are dead. They should be pinned together so they probably can't run away without freeing themselves. Let's put them on defense and die by bleeding, or try to break free and die by whips.

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a27c43 No.8974

Dice rollRolled 13, 59 = 72 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


Dumb fucker shouldn't have gone near my mouth. I'll make a meal of his arm instead!

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a27c43 No.8975

Dice rollRolled 88, 93 = 181 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ Wounded Side

+ Wounded Left Arm

+ Bleeding

+ regrown eye (1/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. Welp, find another imp to kill.

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a27c43 No.8977

File: 1440118979273.jpg (393.98 KB,1122x358,561:179,1122x358_543_Rhino_Mountai….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 12, 87 = 99 (2d100)

Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (4/15)

>Demonhood 1/50

>Current Ailments:

healed up arm 1/2



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a27c43 No.8980

Dice rollRolled 61 (1d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1. Keep pelting him with stones, and hovering him like vulture, tire him out, bruise him, hurt him. Don't let him rest. When he's tired, go and find a big rock, a really big one that I can carry.

Fly really high over him, and drop it onto him. HIgh enough that even if he tried to catch it he'd break his arm

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a27c43 No.8981

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.8990

Dice rollRolled 7, 80 = 87 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense1, Charm, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (12/40)

+Magic Drained

1.2. Continue to eat the demon while the other 2 are fighting

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a27c43 No.8992

Dice rollRolled 92, 67 = 159 (2d100)


I glance over at the imp that agreed to follow me and snarl. Though it deserves some of the demon it doesn't deserve all of it.

I speak. "Your wounds are gone and you have agreed to follow me. Fight with me, then we will both feast once again. Or do your words mean nothing?"

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a27c43 No.8995

Dice rollRolled 32, 84 = 116 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1


12 Charge the oozing imp and sting him good, his acidic nature will be neutralized by my basic scorpion venom!


"She can't follow a corpse!"

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a27c43 No.8998

Dice rollRolled 19, 93 = 112 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Magic]

1/2: Dammit! Keep studying this thing as I try to find my way around this place. I'm sure I've been here before… (3/8)

+[Intelligence 2]

+[Basic Magic]

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a27c43 No.9017

Dice rollRolled 92, 68, 52, 73, 92, 5, 96, 88 = 566 (8d100)









3 4










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a27c43 No.9029

Dice rollRolled 54, 48 = 102 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Begin shuffling the sand at the bottom of the lake moving in loops in and out of the cloud. Use empathy to vaguely sense where he'll throw the ice spikes to dodge them

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a27c43 No.9044

Dice rollRolled 40, 81, 37, 92 = 250 (4d100)


1-4 response

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a27c43 No.9045

Dice rollRolled 80, 37, 51, 73 = 241 (4d100)


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a27c43 No.9075


You BITE into the Imps Right arm tearing it off, reveling in the taste of ichor. However its other hand gets free and rakes across you left eye, it's not been ripped out, but fucked it hurts. The imp leaps backwards, bleeding profusely.


-damaged left eye


You feel rather nonplussed about the loss of your kill. Your luck been shit, so it continuing to be shit does not surprise you. So you go hunt, You find an imp who seems to have had an unfortunate run in with what took your meal. You finish him off and eat him.


-wounded Side

-wounded left arm

+regrown eye(2/3)


You find a wounded imp, he's hurt and even though he's eating a another imp he's no match for you. You get them jump on him and knock him out with one punch.


You lift the heaviest stone you can find and drop it at him. He dives out of the way and is running for his club again. Dammit.


You're still lost, opting to bunker down and read the book. You feel like you almost have it down. (seriously split for distinct actions or I will auto-fail you next time.)

Basic illusions(7/8)


You head towards the bottom so you can muddy the water. Several near misses, make you swim faster. You muddy the water successfully, only for the demon to change tactics and start sending hundreds of icy shards to hit you in the water, their numbers too much to dodge. The water changes color as your ichor changes the color of the water.



You eat, you feel even stronger now, and you feel your magic returning. You pay no mind to the other two imps fighting.

defense 3(7/30) (you have defense 2)


Strength 1

Charm II

-magic Drained


You hiss at the Stingered imp rushing for the body, only for the the imp to try and intercept, you play a game of cat and mouse striking at each other while the scaled imp gluts itself on the corpse. Both of you trying to convince it to pick a side.


You rush the limy imp trying to sting it, but it knows the threat all too well and dodges. You go back and forth for while while the scaled imp gluts itself. Ignores your words to join you against the slime.




Suddenly the three of you realize you're not alone. 4 regular imps and 2 elite imps are rapidly approaching your kill, salivating. They are surely hungry, and probably would not be adverse to adding more meat to the meal.

Demon corpse (2/5)


You quickly turn the your pinned too around as it takes a savage beating from the vines of the new interloper. YOu begin to charge as you hear a great thunderous crack as a Demon seemingly made of crystalline rainbows appears between the two of you.


The multi-legged imp manages to turn around so the winged one takes the beating. In fact you're pretty sure you killed it. As the foolish wounded imp is about to charge you, a flash and thunderous crack happen and a crystalline demon the color of the rainbow appears. You can see blood on it's maw.

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a27c43 No.9076

Dice rollRolled 17, 98 = 115 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)


+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1-2. Again! Smash him with the same big rock. This time I know he's going to lunge for the Club, all I have to do is drop it on the club and I'll drop it on him. I know where he'll be this time.

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a27c43 No.9077

Dice rollRolled 13, 70 = 83 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Magic]

1. Finish reading the book. [7/8]

[Intelligence 2]

[Basic Magic]

2. Find my way outta this stupid damn place, and go speak to Agaislax!

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a27c43 No.9078

Dice rollRolled 8, 50 = 58 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

1&2. Well shit. Try to use vines to grab the winged imp corpse and start running. Maybe the demon will want the easier meal. Either way get the fuck out!

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a27c43 No.9080

Dice rollRolled 37, 16 = 53 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1


1 Rip off a piece of demon

2 Take off with my spoils, threatening anyone that wants to approach with my stinger

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a27c43 No.9081

Dice rollRolled 35, 83 = 118 (2d100)

1. I take one look at the incoming horde and bolt for the corpse of the demon. I dive INTO the torn open wounds and eat my way into the demon hoping for the skin of the dead demon to protect me while I eat.

2. Once I've eaten all I can…. Run away!

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Demon hood (8/50)

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a27c43 No.9085

Dice rollRolled 12, 55 = 67 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Multiple Legs (2 Points Speed) Spiked Back (1 Point Defense)

>Magical differences: None…yet.

>Body color: Dark Blue and Brown

>Bonus: Surefooted -+5 to speed and stability checks

>Innate abilities: Spikes(reflect damage), Dash, Running 2


>Cracked ribs

>Wounded left rear limb

>Facial Scars

>Depleted Spines




1. The Plant Demon is trying to take the winged Imp, even tho it is pinned to me! Latch onto the oncoming vines with my teeth, aiming to hold and secure, not sever.

2. The rainbow crystal demon is between me and the plant. Try and back away from it, hopefully dragging the plant closer to the danger even as I make my escape! [+5 surefooted?]

Our lives shall be decided on a game of tug-of-war.

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a27c43 No.9087

Dice rollRolled 79, 92 = 171 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Dig into the side bottom of the lake and bunker down

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a27c43 No.9088

Dice rollRolled 87, 37 = 124 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

- right eye

+ regrown eye (2/3)

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (2/25)

1-2. Hussah! Successful at last! Then again that eye would not regrow on it's own and demonhood was still a world away. So off with you little imp to hunt down more of your adversaries. Perhaps by eating them he could even gain some of their powers. That or he would just be really well fed.

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a27c43 No.9092

Dice rollRolled 91, 29 = 120 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>-injured left eye

Bah! Who needs TWO eyes anyhow? My voltaic friend certainly seems to need two arms! And what a delightful after-dinner meal he makes, I wonder if his tender neck will make a fine desert!

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a27c43 No.9109

Dice rollRolled 99, 84 = 183 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (4/15)

>Demonhood 1/50

>Current Ailments:

healed up arm 1/2

1/2. Eat them both like a sorority girl eats dick

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a27c43 No.9110

I'll be joining as a slot opened up. I just want to thank Curious for letting me know and offering the spot.

>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.9111


>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

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a27c43 No.9112

Dice rollRolled 16, 22 = 38 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (20/40)

1.2. Instead of running use my Stealth and find a place to hide and when they're focused on the corpse and eachother start to use my Charm skill to slowly take over the group, starting with the weakest.

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a27c43 No.9113

Dice rollRolled 19, 42, 82, 93, 7, 23, 68, 96, 76, 37, 81, 63, 21, 63, 41, 40, 73, 84, 39, 57, 81, 8, 43 = 1237 (23d100)


1 2





4 5 6 7




8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19




21 22



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a27c43 No.9114

Dice rollRolled 1, 41 = 42 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat


>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1. Now that I have emerged from the roiling chaos that is the chasms of Gehenna, I should find a master to serve. It will offer me protection and resources so that I can fulfill my aspirations of ultimate power.

2. Even now, I am a leader. I shall create a web of allies among the other imps.

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a27c43 No.9115

Dice rollRolled 47 (1d100)


wow, fucking wow response roll

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a27c43 No.9162


You swoop down and grab another rock, letting your long time foe seemingly get to his club, he grabs it and howls in exultation, only for it to be cut shoot as he sees a big rock fall on him from great height. Squish.

>Rival defeated +1 to any existing skill you have.(yes you can still eat his corpse)


You finish up the book, unfortunately you get a headache from doing so which makes finding your way out rather hard.

+basic illusion


You dig into the bottom of the lake and bunker down, using sand to shield yourself from the rain of ice. Your makeshift defenses coupled with the diffused attack, means you don't get hit anymore. Eventually the ice stops falling. The water is still pretty chilly though. What will you do impling?

>Healed: Bleeding(1/5)(regen)


You find some imp corpses. Bereft of essence, still the flesh helps you recover.

+right eye

+Endurance 3(5/25)


Your foe strikes you with lighting, to no avail, you close quickly and bring knife and fang to bear on the thief. He's dead Jim.


You eat and eat and eat, briefly random thoughts of female beings twice your height choking on genitalia flash through your head. Huh, weird.

-fuck up arm


+Strength 2(10/15)


You look for a patron. You see a demon and approach him, he's not a greater demon, and probably not even a normal one. Still he's bigger than you. You clear your throat to get his attention, when he turns he affixes you with a red-eyed feral glare and a lick on his lips. Best make it good blue boy.

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a27c43 No.9165



The plant imp Has it vine lash out to grab the broken and battered corpse of the winged imp. The Quadrupedal imp however, has other ideas and clamps down on the vine, turning this into a tug of war. Meanwhile the crystalline demon just watches, for a reason known only to itself. Both imps pull franticly at each other, and despite the injuries of the quad. imp neither make any headway. Eventually the demon tires of watching and grab the vines with both hands, Both both imps to him and hitting them both HARD with his fists.


You strain against the plant with all your might. Suddenly you get pulled sharply to the side. The last thing you see is a crystalline spike and it pierces your skull.



Your caught in an infernal tug of war with the Quadruped. Why wouldn't he die, or at least let you get your spoils? Suddenly you feel a strong jerk on your vines as you're sent flying into the demon crystalline fists. You black out. Some time later you see the demon eating on the other two imps. His other hand covered in gray matter of the quad. he's not looking at you right now. Your head is killing you and you are out-matched. What will you do?

+Cracked Skull


+Broken jaw

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a27c43 No.9166

Dice rollRolled 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2 = 11 (6d3)







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a27c43 No.9168


You try to pull of a haunch of the demon. However even in death it's too well built to come apart easily. Giving up on Bringing it with you, you turn only to be cut of by an imp and an elite imp with claws and fangs. The imp charges you and gets stung for the effort, you poison and the force of the sting sending him reeling backwards. The clawed imp charges you and his claws graze your scales, but fail to pierce them.


You dive into the corpse trying to scrounge up a last meal. You don't get nearly as much as you could in your haste, but you get enough. However as you exit to make your escape you are cut off by 2 imps and an elite, who seem to be as surprised as your about your mutual appearances. The regular imps are not stymied at all and attack with their fists, uncaring of the sizzling pain the endure to batter your innards. The Elite imps is casting a spell and a ray of darkness hits you at a glance just as you get you absorb up. That would have really hurt.

+Absorb II(5/25)


+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach


You split off from the corpse and this saves you. While the other five head towards you erstwhile "allies" only one head to you. A regular imp at that. You try to charm him. However his hunger is too great to be affected by your spell and he launches himself at you. Still your scales serve you in good stead and you take only minor wounds at worst. The time for charming has clearly passed however.

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a27c43 No.9169

Dice rollRolled 25, 83 = 108 (2d100)

1.2. Go for the necks of the regular imps and do my best to burn through them with acid. They won't be a threat with melted throats or missing heads. Do keep an eye on the elite imp in case it casts more spells however.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Progress :

Demon hood (14/50)

Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

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a27c43 No.9171

File: 1440358800008.jpg (61.29 KB,700x394,350:197,Ice Vs Centipede way coole….jpg)


Fill In:

>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.9172


>Bonus: Many-limbed: +10 to movment and stability checks. No hands what so ever

>Innate abilities: Running 1, BIte, Ice bolt

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a27c43 No.9173

Dice rollRolled 75, 87 = 162 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat


>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1/2. I apologize deeply for interrupting you, your brutal eminence. I am but a lowly Imp, as you can see, and I was seeking a master. I prostrate myself before you, and only beg that you do not consume me, for I am less than a morsel to you, and you are the darkness before which all life dies.

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a27c43 No.9174

Dice rollRolled 70, 29 = 99 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull


+Broken jaw

1&2. Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out! Need to find a nice sunny place to heal, but first gtfo!

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a27c43 No.9176

Dice rollRolled 80, 54 = 134 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt

1. Scavenge for morsels.

2. Run around. Look for wounded Imps.

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a27c43 No.9207

Dice rollRolled 16, 95 = 111 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (20/40)

1.2. Such a pedestrian way to do combat but if I must….REND AND TEAR!

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a27c43 No.9208

Dice rollRolled 11, 74, 32, 48, 28, 39, 36, 39, 67 = 374 (9d100)


1 2 3 4






7 8


9 (demonhood is 20/50) anni not 20/40

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a27c43 No.9213

Dice rollRolled 7, 16 = 23 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. Yummy yummy yummy I want imps in my tummy

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a27c43 No.9215

Dice rollRolled 83, 6 = 89 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

1/2: Get out of here and go find Agaislax to get myself summoned!

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a27c43 No.9236

Dice rollRolled 17, 25 = 42 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>-injured left eye

Finally, time to claim my shiny prize!

1 - And the poor bird, as well, shall have to be my after-dinner snack! He will hopefully be nourishing enough to recoup the damage he has done.

2 - With meal done and shiny collected, it's time I was off once more, looking for other shiny metal things to scavenge.

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a27c43 No.9245

Dice rollRolled 77, 3 = 80 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Stir up some bubbles and sand to see if it's still there and wait to regen this turn

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a27c43 No.9251

Dice rollRolled 86, 45 = 131 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (3/50)

Strength 2

+Cracked Rib

+Broken Foot

1-2. I sense myself growing stronger after defeating this foe.

This foe. . .whom I have fought and fought and fought again, whom we nearly destroyed each other, whom even I with my eye can see gave me a purpose, a patience, a perseverence.

And whom has prevented me from training up any kind of skill whatsoever.

I hate him so much.

I will not simply eat his corpse, I will see to conduct a demonic ritual, to signify the completion of my revenge, and grow stronger. To gain not mere flesh but of spiritual power. That I might grow in demonhood and know, I have defeated this my first enemy, the first of many to come.

I still seek to become the great demon of the eye I intend to be, but if I am to make such lengthy battles as this profitable, simply eating a dead body will not suffice.

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a27c43 No.9256

Dice rollRolled 51, 52, 27, 20, 80 = 230 (5d100)






3 4



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a27c43 No.9268

Dice rollRolled 46, 28 = 74 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1


12 Break his claws one hand at a time, grab a rock and when he tries to slash hold his hand against my scales and break his claws, hammer and anvil

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a27c43 No.9269

Dice rollRolled 83, 37, 60 = 180 (3d100)


1 2 3

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a27c43 No.9295


You leap atop an Imp, Acid scoring it's eyes and face. You feel it struggle under you, while your other foes attack. The elite imp is too wary to strike in earnest into your acid. The regular one however hammers you again, breaking a rib.

>broken rib


"I have no need for you antics imp, either bring food to me or leave!"


You crawl away as stealthily as you can. Fuck you hurt. Still the demon does not notice you and you get as far away as you can.


You find some imp scraps. You eat them. They're old and nasty. Still better than nothing. You then go to find an imp. you find a wounded one.

>Fighting Wounded imp.



The attacks you continuously, however your scales serve you in good stead, Rendering his blows harmless. Your blows however are not. Your fists and stubby claws score several major gashes against your opponent.


You're about to eat another imp when you hear a rumbling underneath you. You dodge out of the way and a giant maw comes up and eats your kill. Motherfucker.


You find your way out off the library an d head towards Agiaslax's lab. You find him there. He looks like several cubes and spheres made out of water, off coloured wind, and ash cobbled together.

"Yes, Little imp. Why do you disturb my works?"

He has no mouth but you still here him clearly.


You eat the bird imp and feel the swelling around your left eye go down. You still have a scar though. You pick up the shiny, which looks like a red stone buzzing with energy. As your about to store it in an improvised pouch you made you see another imp approach you. it's well muscled and has a alligator's head.

"That shiny, I wants it, give it here!"

+Ruby focus

-injured left eye


You stir up some silt and bubbles. Nothing. You feel your bleeding abate more. (2/5)


You make a ritual of eating your foe. You're honestly not really sure if you're doing it right, but it feels right. So feel stronger and healthier after you finish your meal.

-cracked rib

-broken foot


+empathy 2


You pick up a rock and break one of the Elite's claws with it. He starts backing off and using quick strikes to avoid anymore damage. The battle quickly turns into a stalemate, however you forgot the regular imp, you blindsides you with a tackle. He overbears you to the ground, pinning your stinger beneath your back.

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a27c43 No.9296

Dice rollRolled 82, 73 = 155 (2d100)

1.2. Bite and claw the throat of the imp out while rolling with it so I don't give a good a target to the others, then once its dead move on to the other one.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

>Progress :

Demon hood (14/50)

Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

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a27c43 No.9297

Dice rollRolled 45, 34 = 79 (2d100)


+broken ribs

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a27c43 No.9298

Dice rollRolled 78, 67 = 145 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

1-2. With newfound health, strength, and the feeling of superiority, the eye flies on, with wings now, searching for new opportunity.

Like the eye, it sees and seeks.

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a27c43 No.9299

Dice rollRolled 8, 30 = 38 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt

Demonhood 2/50

1. Ice Bolt him from afar and then-

2. Run up to him and Bite him!

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a27c43 No.9300

Dice rollRolled 27, 12 = 39 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (20/40)

1.2. Continue to rend and tear at the imp, use whatever skills I can to gain an upper hand.

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a27c43 No.9301

Dice rollRolled 8, 47 = 55 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull


+Broken jaw

1&2. find a nicely lit place to heal

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a27c43 No.9302

Dice rollRolled 1, 21, 100, 63, 53, 98, 18, 9 = 363 (8d100)


1 2 3 4









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a27c43 No.9303

Dice rollRolled 41, 58 = 99 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>+Shiny red thing

What gall! I murdered this guy fair and square, this stuff is mine! Well if he wants to be a rude guest, maybe I'll give him a taste! Now, how do I turn this blessed thing on?

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a27c43 No.9304

Dice rollRolled 20, 66 = 86 (2d100)


1 and 2

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a27c43 No.9306

Dice rollRolled 83, 50 = 133 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat


>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1. The small blue imp does as he is bidden and leaves posthaste.

2. This only accentuates my need for a master to protect me during my rise to power. I shall continue to seek one out, but I will be more cautious to avoid ravenous looking demons in the process.

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a27c43 No.9307

Dice rollRolled 58 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.9308

Dice rollRolled 100, 61 = 161 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1


12 Grab the broken-off claw from the ground and stab the regular imp till he loses all strength push him off of me and get up into a ready stance with my new weapon

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a27c43 No.9309

Dice rollRolled 88, 99, 45 = 232 (3d100)


1 2 3

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a27c43 No.9312

File: 1440530370510.jpg (25.6 KB,500x373,500:373,1440206546772.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 79, 16 = 95 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. Well shit, lets get as far away from this horrible monstrosity as possible

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a27c43 No.9318

Dice rollRolled 88, 73 = 161 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Stir up more and continue healing

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a27c43 No.9319

Dice rollRolled 71, 44 = 115 (2d100)





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a27c43 No.9337


You claw at the imp under you while your acid eats away at it. You keep moving and flexing avoid the other imps blows. You then notice the elite imp is a ways away. Then you see it, a black ball of energy similar to the one the demon launched, point right at you. You freezxe up for a half second, which lets the imp on top of you throw you off and he scrambles upward, only to get hit by the spell, turn white like bleached bone and die. Close one.


You fly up and out looking for prey. YOu notice it's getting Much harder to find anything of value and that there are a lot of lesser demons about. You try to avoid them. From your height you see several imps and elite imps fighting over a dead demon's nearly eaten corpse, what look to be a plant standing in the sun, and a skull headed imp running quickly. In fact you're pretty sure that particular imp you've seen before.


You shoot an Ice bolt at him and Miss, badly. When you rush up to him he's ready and punches you in the face, hard. he then overbears you. Seems he still has some fight to him.



The imp is hurt, but his blood is slick, and you can't get a good grip. It quickly turns into a slap fight. You can tell you're wearing him down though. Thankfully the other 2 imps you hunted with can't see your embarrassing display.


You Stand out in the sun and rest. Healing yourself. You're not fully healed, but its a start.


Fixed jaw(1/2)

cracked skull (1/4)


You try turning the Shiny on, but you have no fucking clue. The Muscled imp rushes you, you stop fiddling with the shiny and cast Iron bolt. You feel a rush of power from the shiny. You spell hits the muscled imp hard, piercing his flesh and stymieing his assault. The spike it launched is much larger then normal, and id far more damage.

>Ruby Focus: Once per combat, can cast a spell at 3 levels higher than caster level.


You leave quickly still on the search for a new master. However all you find is an imp who lucks at you hungrily.


You run into the hills leading to the mountains, that should keep it from following you, but the hunting here is shitty. The city of in the distance beckons, surrounded by walls and shanty towns.


You continue to do nothing. How productive! Bleeding healed (3/5). You realize two things, if you brought that demon into the demoness' territory, she could easily kill you. Two if someone wants you dead or found, that silt and water won't slow them down much if they make a concerted effort.


You realize that you're in pretty deep shit, what with being on the ground under an imp, with another clawed one bearing down on you. So you reach for a weapon, hoping to find a rock or a claw to get this imps of you. Your hand touches something and you feel a jolt of power going through you. You bring it up to the imp's jaw hard. Knocking the imp off you and breaking it's jaw. YOu realize what you have in your hands is a sword, a sword for a demon no less. It's large, and awkward, and likely enchanted for it to be so light in your hands. But it is a sword. You get over your astonishment quickly, and slash into the imp who tackled you, disemboweling him and leaving his innards and ichor to splash atop the earth. You then turn to the Claw imp and swing. He bring his claws up to bear, too little too late. Your new blade goes straight through his claws and bites deep into his neck, killing him. After the kills you feel stronger.

+Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.

>Combat II

>Swordsmanship II

>Demonhood( 6/50)

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a27c43 No.9338

Dice rollRolled 9, 15 = 24 (2d100)

1.2. The elite imp has to go. Another shot like that and I'll die. No joke. No time for fancy tactics just tackle the thing.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs

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a27c43 No.9339

Dice rollRolled 68, 40 = 108 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 1/4

+Broken jaw 1/2

1&2. Continue healing.

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a27c43 No.9340

Dice rollRolled 41, 32 = 73 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Bleeding stopped, better head up now. Take a quick look around to see if it's safe, bow to the lake, then sneak off, probably in the opposite direct from where I went last time. Cover myself in dirt again too so I can ambush other imps more easily

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a27c43 No.9342

Dice rollRolled 100, 31 = 131 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat


>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1. I speak to the imp. 'I can see that you are hungry. What if I told you that if you do what I tell you to do, neither of us will want for food for a long time. All you need to do is serve me, and in doing so, serve yourself.'

2. The search for a master is going quite slowly. I need to keep looking.

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a27c43 No.9343

Dice rollRolled 98, 58 = 156 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>Ruby Focus: Once per combat, can cast a spell at 3 levels higher than caster level.

1/2 - Haha! Such a fine little trinket, serving its owner so nicely! Well I wouldn't want to waste this golden opportunity. The dire scoundrel is down, so I'll make a feast of him!

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a27c43 No.9344

Dice rollRolled 66, 64 = 130 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense I, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength 1, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


1 Kill the imp fighting the dark purple

2 Feast on the last of the demon and elite imp I killed


"I invite you to join me for a feast and some entertainment" motioning towards the oozing imp. "Together we took down the demon who alone was no match, together we possess the strength and power to kill or control many minions. I offer you the other imp I killed as a gift"

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a27c43 No.9345

Dice rollRolled 41, 73 = 114 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. "Big city, hell no, mountain hunting, hell yes."

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a27c43 No.9348

Dice rollRolled 29, 74 = 103 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt



1. Bite him once, shame on him.

2. Bite him twice, shame on him again.

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a27c43 No.9367

Dice rollRolled 5, 17 = 22 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (20/40)

1. Continue to fight the imp

2. if the imp is still alive continue to fight, using whatever tricks I can to gain the upper hand, if it is dead devour the imp.

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a27c43 No.9370

Dice rollRolled 22, 21 = 43 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

1/2: "I was told to come here to be summoned as master Grishnkangkan instructed. I will bring back a wizard's soul with me, I guarantee it!"

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a27c43 No.9375

Dice rollRolled 82, 32, 50, 12, 70, 96, 86, 8, 27, 60, 74, 32, 74 = 703 (13d100)


1 2 3+4


















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a27c43 No.9376

Dice rollRolled 35, 51 = 86 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

1-2. Lots of opportunity.

I am strong, but not in the way I intend.

Sit down and ponder, and think.

Is there any way I can practice laser?

Even just a little one. . .

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a27c43 No.9377

Dice rollRolled 73 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.9393


(should have been 3 against you instead of 4, so I dropped the 4th dice)

You try to tackle the elite imp, Only for the regular one to stop you cold with a hard punch, as you shake it off you feel a fatigue wash over you. A black bolt from the elite hit you dead center.


+Fatigue I


You continue to "sun" yourself in the light of the furnace. You feel better now, your jaw sore, but moving again. However you notice an imp staring at you intently, with an expression of……… curiosity?

-broken jaw

+Cracked Skull (2/4)


You surface and peer out into the land. You see the demoness and demon fighting. Magic and weapons, both innate and wielded, are flashing in the air. You try to leave, only to realize you can't. There is a wall of light that appears and causes you to bounce against it whenever you get too far. One of them set up a domain.


Your foe is still stunned from the rather large chunk of metal stuck in his chest. You charge him and Bite into his neck from one side, while your knife stabs with the other. He falls dead.


You don't find anything(told you hunting here would be hard)


You charge him again, trying to bring your mandibles to bear. He punches at you again, hitting you, but nearly as hard as last time. You bite down onto his arm, mauling it.


"That right, master Grishy told me I was in charge of this batch of potential familiars. Still you're the first to seek me out. Does that bely you're prepared or just over-eager? No matter stand in that circle Imp, it'll do the rest."

(Roll 4 d100 for your apprentice next turn)


You attempt to cast magic, however you lack the innate skill or the training to do so. Still you feel something stirring in you. You are rather tired now.

-fatigue 1

-???? (1/5)


You continue fighting the imp, he slowly gains the upper hand, his ferocity, slowly having him gain the upper hand over you. He knocks you over, making your breath leave. As he's about to leap on top of you, a Sword flashes out, killing the imp. The Red stingered Imp is holding the blade. He then speaks to you. Offering a partnership and the regular imp he killed for food.


You move over to the regular imp, noticed the purple scaled imp about to get straddled for a beating. You swing your sword and the imp dies. you make your offer to the purple imp and then feat upon the elite you kill, staring at the oozing imp's predicament all the while. After a while your scales feel thicker and stronger.

+Demonhood (20/50)

+Defense II


You speak to the imp, you wax eloquent on the matter and by the end the he no longer looks at you with hunger, but respect. You then set out looking for a demon.

"Why, blue?"

"Because, my dear imp, we're small fry, and to survive in this world we need a demon's patronage"

Then the imp chuckles, you turn to around to ask what's so funny, only to see a humanoid demon, face covered in a white mask with a smiling face.

"It is good you know your place in this world little blue. A smart mind and talented tongue. I see some potential in you for more than just a prank. Come we're going to my home."

He then grabs you with one hand and you feel the world shift underneath you.

You waken only to find him sitting in a chair looking at you.

"You are now one of my apprentices Blue. You may call me Comedy. Get yourself off the ground and claim a room. We'll start your lessons when you're ready."

>Allegiance: Comedy?

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a27c43 No.9396

Dice rollRolled 2, 89 = 91 (2d100)

1.2. I am getting tired, and woozy. It is time to take this carefully. Once again charge the elite imp, but keep an eye on the normal imp. When he attacks dodge him and then push him into the elite imp. Once they are tangled in each other cover both of them with as much acid as I can produce from my skin.

Do keep an eye out for more magic. I can eat that and heal from it.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs


+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.9397

Dice rollRolled 60, 63 = 123 (2d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



0 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1 (5/10)

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1. Well this is shit, head back to the spawning pools, taking care to avoid the gaping maw of terror

2. See if I can find any other imps to join me, or rather, to intimidate into following me

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a27c43 No.9399

Dice rollRolled 3, 76 = 79 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 2/4

1. Sun myself for a bit longer

2. Then use vine whip to grab the imp so he cant run away.

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a27c43 No.9400

Dice rollRolled 55, 89, 13, 79 = 236 (4d100)


Rollen for wizard-hunting

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a27c43 No.9401

Dice rollRolled 83, 80 = 163 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt



1 and 2.

Continue Biting him, see if we can aim for his neck! We will drink blood!

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a27c43 No.9410

Dice rollRolled 18, 56 = 74 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


12 Eat the last fifth of the demon waiting for an answer from the purple as the oozing imp's fight unfolds. Suckling the last juices of the flesh like a big gulp

"Oooh hes gathering himself up to cover them in acid, I think they might be done for unless the magic one has a trump card"


Standing I draw a big breath "HEY SLIMEY! After you win I have a counter proposal to your earlier offer!"

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a27c43 No.9414

Dice rollRolled 97, 2 = 99 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; I pick up some rocks and throw them at the demon that chased me into this damn lake in order to distract it. Hopefully, this will be enough for the demoness from before to land a fatal blow. I can only hope she would spare me afterwards.

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a27c43 No.9415

File: 1440986224687.jpg (110.42 KB,500x707,500:707,Satan.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 42, 29 = 71 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1. I would be wise to be wary of this demon's intentions, though I have long sought a master. One of the first things I should do, or rather, avoid doing, is to refrain from speaking ill, or speculatively, of Comedy in the presence of others. My secret thoughts shall remain so, and the white masked one has shown himself to be an able manipulator. In any event, it is time to get to work. I will do as the demon says and claim a room, whether by force or by guile, though the latter is preferred.

2. Though I have found a master, and one who seems quite powerful, I still need suppourters. I will take care to avoid those who seem like their allegiance is too good to be true, as they could simply be Comedy in disguise. As always, discretion is of the utmost importance.

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a27c43 No.9416

Dice rollRolled 70, 55 = 125 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

1-2. The eye is patient, and perservers, just as with its first foe.

It shall rest and restore its stamina, and then resume with all concentration to summon from its eye that weapon which it so desires.

-???? (1/5)

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a27c43 No.9417

Dice rollRolled 68, 71 = 139 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (20/40)

1.2. eat the two imps and make a non-committal noise as I watch the other imps fight, thinking about jumping in, still unsure on which side.

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a27c43 No.9418

Dice rollRolled 96, 1 = 97 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight I, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [1/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>Ruby Focus: Once per combat, can cast a spell at 3 levels higher than caster level.

1 - Roll to eat the imp because Curious a shit.

2 - A fine meal, and a fine trinket, but I feel underserved merely finding and dining. Would that I had some servitors of my own, we could get so much more done! Surely there must be other fiendish types about who recognize the superiority of artifice.

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a27c43 No.9419

File: 1441020736922.jpg (57.44 KB,650x400,13:8,arrested-gob-bluth.jpg)



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a27c43 No.9424


1 2 3












9 10






Relax you're not in combat yet so it won't be as bad.

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a27c43 No.9425

Dice rollRolled 35, 26, 77, 4, 32, 96, 58, 74, 58, 66, 80, 70 = 676 (12d100)


now with dice!

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a27c43 No.9426


You charge the elite imp once again, and as planned you throw the regular imp at him when said imp moves to intercept. You leap atop them, however the elite imp scramble free and tries to zap you with his magic. You absorb it, feeling slightly less shitty. The regular imp is pinned beneath you.


You head pack to the spawning grounds and find a trio of imps that have just finished eating another. You grow and intimidate them into following you.

>Intimidate 1

>3 imp followers


Sadly you can sun yourself for long because the imps moves close and pokes you, in your skull, hard. This however let's you entangle his arm nicely.

>Fighting imp


The imp puts up a might struggle, but is too hurt to beat you. IT dies as you ravage his torso with your maw.


You eat the last of the demon while you watch the oozing imp. He's not bad, but you're certain your better.

>Demon hood 28/50


Your throw some rocks at the serpentine demon who pursued you, you hit one of it's head turning it attention enough for the demoness with wings and armor to cleave it away. The fight isn't over, but the barrier has weakened.


You try to get a nice room, but the only availability is the room under the stairs. IT's small and dark, but at least it's warm and dry. also nothing that'd eat you in your sleep. You don't find any other imps in the manor tot alk to sadly.


You try again you don't make much headway, but you feel like your missing something. Like some context just out of mind. You're tired. (you did not put fatigue one on your sheet!)


>fatigue 2


You eat both imps each one filling the hole in you stomach. You feel slightly stronger.

(you did not fix your demon hood so your gains are cut, fix it or next time I'll just kill you off)

Demonhood 25/50


You eat your imp, you feel smarter and stronger. Thought the meat around the hole in his chest tastes like iron. Your wings feel like you could actually fly with them now!


>Flight 2

You go and look for some imps or fiends that might share your crafty desires, you find a group of 5 imps 3 regulars and 2 elites, however before you get a chance to talk they look at your shiny and rush at you.


You stand in the circle. It's inlaid with all matter of signs and sigils and imp like you could never understand. It allows the item inside to go across time and spice from one location on a plane to another plane and place. You however know none of this, despite being more learned than an imp normally is. All you see is Agaislax chanting and moving in a way you can't quite comprehend. Suddenly your world turns blue, and you feel a shift somewhere that shouldn't be. Now you're in a dark chamber in front of a Human? male in a black robe. in his hands are a book and a dagger. The dagger is crimson with the blood of a small animal, with whitish fur and long fluffy ears.

"Success!" the male crows in jubilation, "I've summoned m very own familiar….. imp? You are an imp aren't you?"

You realize you understand him despite the words making no sense at all to you. He takes off his hood to regard you better. Across a newly formed link you regard him back as well. Young for a human, poor kempt clothes and shoddy, equipment, a sign of poverty. average magical talent for a youth, however there is a dedication behind it that you can feel paying dividends for him. Likely he practiced long and hard to summon you. You reach out empathetically, nan you feel his joy, but also lots of pain and hate for certain people even now. You can use that. His face is pretty, very pretty, in fact he'd be good looking by any racial standard. His eyes are brown and his hair is darker. He ears have an ever so slight point.

He finishes looking at you, apparently satisfied. "My name is Thomas imp, and you are my familiar." He says with authority. Come follow me, I must present you to my master. You can ask any stupid questions you have on your way.

>Thomas Astrius

Magic Talent: Average

Magic Skill: Very Good

Standing : Very bad

Moral compass: Compatible

Appearance: Excellent

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a27c43 No.9427


Note the linked to scruffy goes to red and the first randomperson link goes to scruffy.

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a27c43 No.9428

Dice rollRolled 92, 53 = 145 (2d100)

1.2. The normal Imp is at my mercy. Show it I have none. Tear at it with teeth and batter it with my fists. Smother it with acid skin. Engulf it in my pliable flesh. However don't forget I am facing two enemies. The elite imp will continue to look for opportunities to attack. Given it none. Absorb its magic or roll with the normal imp so it is attacking its partner instead.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs


+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.9430

Dice rollRolled 85, 62 = 147 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 2/4

1&2. Impale him with thorn and beat his skull in! That fucking hurt!

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a27c43 No.9431

Dice rollRolled 14, 76 = 90 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1/2. I suppose that there's not much else to do now but attempt to serve my new master and see where that gets me. I'll keep my ears open for anything that I could use to gain more power, but I will also keep my mouth closed, that I might live a longer life.

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a27c43 No.9439

Dice rollRolled 39, 44 = 83 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


1 The elite imp tossing magic is so concentrated on the oozing imp he can't see anything else, I shall finish him while his focus is not on me

2 If the elite is still kicking after my surprise attack give him another slash, if hes dead I may as well eat

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a27c43 No.9447

Dice rollRolled 83, 58, 79, 76, 26 = 322 (5d100)



1 2+3





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a27c43 No.9448

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d3)


checking something

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a27c43 No.9449

Dice rollRolled 57, 86 = 143 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; It should be distracted enough still by the demoness, so I should be relatively safe. I'll gather a bunch of rocks so it looks like I'm going to try to defend myself again, then i'mm dig a decent sized hole behind the rocks and i'll throw more rocks to taunt the snake demon guy to coming at me, then dodge and the demon will fall into the hole, being momentarily stuck. This should be enough for the demoness to take advantage of again

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a27c43 No.9451

Dice rollRolled 21, 78 = 99 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight II, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [4/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>Ruby Focus: Once per combat, can cast a spell at 3 levels higher than caster level.

1 - Three's company, four's a crowd and five is altogether more than I can stand. Time I put these new wings to use, and scarper!

2 - Give em a taste of what they're after, with a nice, supercharged spike of iron! That should dissuade any unwanted shadowers.

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a27c43 No.9452

Dice rollRolled 47, 47, 95, 41, 93, 28 = 351 (6d100)

Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



3 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. Now, lets fan out and hunt for other imps to eat

4/5/6. Follower rolls

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a27c43 No.9453

Dice rollRolled 9, 72, 64, 20, 41, 62, 98, 69, 74, 82 = 591 (10d100)


1 2


3 4 5 6+7 8+9



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a27c43 No.9455

Dice rollRolled 63, 37 = 100 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

(Sorry, forgot)

1.2. well they seem to have this well in hand, and now it is time for me to go find some more followers, I have no desire to ally myself to anyone, even considering how powerful they are. Use my stealth skills and sneak away, look for anything that may be of use to me on the way.

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a27c43 No.9456

Dice rollRolled 92, 48 = 140 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

fatigue 2


1-2. Rest is good to prevent retinal fatigue.

But I sleep with one eye open.

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a27c43 No.9457

Dice rollRolled 7, 39 = 46 (2d100)





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a27c43 No.9458

Dice rollRolled 100, 72 = 172 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [1 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [1 point]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt



1. Consume him.

2. Scuttle fast as you can! Ignore the scraps on the ground, head for high ground, and keep an eye out for prey!

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a27c43 No.9459

Dice rollRolled 72, 69 = 141 (2d100)


1 2

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a27c43 No.9463

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.9464


>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.

>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

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a27c43 No.9465

Dice rollRolled 10, 29 = 39 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

1-2: Begin searching for any wounded or dead imps.

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a27c43 No.9466

Dice rollRolled 60 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.9467

Dice rollRolled 34, 97 + 5 = 136 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>+Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

"Explain where we are, and everything about yourself, mortal.", the cute little imp says, in a shockingly human-like, cute, chirping voice. With small feet and flaps of feathers, he makes his way up to the human's shoulder, where he perches sternly.

1/2: Link myself as well as I can to this person, establish a bond to feel every inch of his emotion and feeling. My intelligence, magic and natural inclinations will help me here…

[Intelligence 2]

[Empathy 2]

[Basic Magic]

[Sense Magic]

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a27c43 No.9476


The Imp struggles under you but you're not letting him up, the Elite Imp starts casting a spell but changes targets, so you ignore him. The imp under you Chokes and dies.


He's thrashing about in your vines, so you hit him with a Thorn Bolt, You penetrate him, but also nick yourself. Thankfully Any poison you'd pick up would be minimal. He's still fighting though.


Your master has you do a collection of menial chores, scrubbing baseboards, dusting, etc. During this time you see several other imps doing much the same.


You rush toward the Elite imp, hoping to remain unnoticed until it's too late. The Dusky Imp, however notices you and fires off a bolt of shadow, that pierces your shoulder. Still you're almost in striking range.

>Wounded shoulder


You make a cute little fort out of rock and earth, and then start chucking rocks at the demon. He ignores you.


You take to the air, thankful for better wings. You focus your spell through your shiny and Hit on of the regular imps in the face, killing it outright. You Crow in victory, only to notice fire flying right at you. Seems one can cast magic, and you notice the other take to the air like you did. shit.


You find three potential feeding sights. A demon corpse where a Teal imp that oozes is strangling a regular, a Red imp with a stinger and sword is trying to stab a dusky elite imp, and a purple imp is running. Next you find 4 regular imps eating on remains, apparently they banded together for protection. Finally you see a demon, seemingly searching for something.


You leave. You fail to find anything or anyone though. In Fact this place ahs gotten awfully desolate. Likely due to the fact there is little in the way of prey here now.


You sleep in a cave, you waken and feel refreshed.

- fatigue 2


You look fro prey but it finds you first! You dodge a claw coming at you. A Green imp with claws and tail attacks!

>Fighting Elite imp


"Well, my little familiar, You in Aventel, a city in the kingdom of Cairnsburg. My name is Thomas Astrius, son to disgraced magus Jacob Astrius. Apprentice to Kell Varneth. With your summoning as my familiar I just took my first step to being a true wizard. There are 4 other apprentices besides me. William," He spits out with disdain, "Mikah," with loathing, "Erics," he says with seemingly no warmth, "and Shelly. Currently i'm the elast in favor of Kell's apprentices, but with you that should change. A here we are my master's manor." He looks to a maid, "please tell Master Kell I wish to show him something." The maid sneers at him but moves to do as he says.

Meanwhile you're putting much of your mental energy to maximizing your link to him.

>Familiar Link

(keep track of Thomas' stats)


You eat the wounded demon. Underneath him you find a crystal, radiating with the most tantalizing energy. it makes you salivate just looking at it. So you eat it. You nearly pass out from the ecstasy of power going through you. You feel stronger, fast more dominant. You rush out to go challenge and hunt more prey. You see off in the distance one imp fighting a large group of imps, and in the other directions, a plant strangling an imp by the looks of it.

Demonhod (20/50)

Gain 3 free Stat and/or spell up.

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a27c43 No.9477

Dice rollRolled 43, 13 = 56 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1. Head out in search of other imps, work on my stealth as I go.

2. If I see a site of power along my journey make a detour to investigate.

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a27c43 No.9481

Dice rollRolled 49, 54 = 103 (2d100)

1.2. Aid the stinging imp in slaying the elite imp. Do my best to hinder its movements so that it can meet its end on the stinger or the blade.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs


+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.9482

Dice rollRolled 30, 44 = 74 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

12 Close the distance and build up a big jumping strike to build up power without relying overly on the wounded shoulder, with its movements sealed by the oozing imp its a sitting duck.

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a27c43 No.9485

Dice rollRolled 17, 35 = 52 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 2/4

1&2. Start beating him with vines until either the poison takes effect or he dies.

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a27c43 No.9486

Dice rollRolled 92, 42 = 134 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

1-2: Attempt to sting the Elite Demon.

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a27c43 No.9488

Dice rollRolled 26, 82, 81, 66, 73, 93, 73 = 494 (7d100)


1 2



3 4




6 7

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a27c43 No.9494

Dice rollRolled 23, 45 = 68 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

I've had an idea. I must go about it with the utmost discretion. Hopefully, it will result in my rising to demonhood, or at least be the first step on the way. I don't even know where to start for the whole thing, but this seems to be a good a place as any.

1/2. There is only one thing that I need to do. I need to gather supporters, imps who would do my bidding, while ensuring that Comedy is not among their number. That will be tricky, but not impossible.

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a27c43 No.9495

Dice rollRolled 18, 38 + 5 = 61 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

Attached to:

>Thomas Astrius

>Magic Talent: Average

>Magic Skill: Very Good

>Standing : Very bad

>Moral compass: Compatible

>Appearance: Excellent

"Yes, that's very, very much going to change… how should I call you, then? Would you prefer Master? Thomas? Sir? Tell me about each one of these apprentices and Varneth. You will be a mage of legend under my wing, little one."

(Rolling for inducing pride, corruption, and diplomacy.)

+5 to both

[Intelligence 2]

[Silver tongue 2]

[Empathy 2]

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a27c43 No.9497

Dice rollRolled 12, 33 = 45 (2d100)


Adding 1 point to Bite and 2 to Affinity for Ice.

>Physical differences:

Centipede, long, thin, lots of legs, (like, so many legs, its not even funny) [1 point speed]

Mandibles, for sharp nom noms [2 point Biting]

>Magical differences:

Affinity to Ice. [3 points]

>Body color:

Blue and light purple.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Many-Limbed: +10 to movement and Stability Checks. No Arms/Hands whatsoever.


>Innate abilities: Running 1, Bite, Ice Bolt





1. Fire an Ice Bolt into the Crowd of Imps. No particular target.

2. Charge the group of Imps. It appears to be Many vs One, so I will attack the Many and even the odds.

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a27c43 No.9505

Dice rollRolled 25, 90 = 115 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Wings, pronounced teeth and jaw, goblinoid stature

>Magical differences: Affinity for metals, up to and including body grafts and totemic metals

>Body color: Dusky orange and green

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)


>Bonus: Tinker: +5 to metal crafting, weapon and making rolls.

>Innate abilities: Flight II, Bite, Iron spike(Spell that shots a spike of iron at enemy)

>Demonhood [4/50]

>Artifice I [1/5]


>Ruby Focus: Once per combat, can cast a spell at 3 levels higher than caster level.

1 - Leave it to others to mimic greatness! Ah well, there's nothing for it. A parting shot at this flying chap, to get him off my tail.

2 - And then, make with some proper absconding.

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a27c43 No.9612

Dice rollRolled 39, 11, 41, 64, 86 = 241 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



3 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. Oh boy oh boy oh boy,go crush those four imps and eat them and what they were eating

3/4/5. GIT EM BOYZ

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a27c43 No.9629

Dice rollRolled 10, 99 = 109 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Regen rest of my tail in fort

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a27c43 No.9635

Dice rollRolled 65, 10 = 75 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

fatigue 2


1-2. Concentrate, and bring forth death in your gaze


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a27c43 No.9636

Dice rollRolled 85, 87, 14, 67, 25, 25, 12, 79, 10, 10, 41, 71, 82, 84 = 692 (14d100)





2 3 4 56 78


9 10 11 12





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a27c43 No.9641

Dice rollRolled 40, 34 = 74 (2d100)

>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (5/25)

>Personal Achievements:

+ [An Eye for an Eye] Regrown an eye lost in battle.

1-2. A dead imp! Pfewh! A true imp of battle is never satisfied! Continue onwards and find another imp to best, eat and absorb! For power and tasty food!

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a27c43 No.9642

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a27c43 No.9643

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.10029


You manage to collect another imp follower using your charm and wits. He's not that bright.

You walk along with imp in tow. Keeping an eye out for useful things and sites of power. You see a glittering in the distance. You head towards it. Your imp rushes ahead of you. By the time you get too the area, the imp is gone. You see a font of energy, glistening in the landscape, it's so beautiful. You just want to walk up to it and view at it's splendor for forever. You start walking towards it again, barely hearing the crunch of desiccated bone under foot.


YOu try beating the imp with your vines. He punches you in the face. You definitely took the worse for that exchange.

Cracked skull 0/4


You sting the Imp with your stinger, he slashes you with his claws. Your stinger hits him in the chest pumping poison into his blood. His claw lands home as well, Breaking your sand armor completely with one blow.


You try to gather supporters. They look at you like you're silly.

"Just wait until the master asks for you BLue one."

Later that day in the courtyard. He does.

"Ah in such a rush aren't you Blue? Trying to gather your own little coterie from my underlings? Well you are ambitious if nothing else. Now I want you to follow me Blue, I need you to watch and observe."

Then you hear a trumpet sounding "Oh dear" as an angel and 3 archons appear.


"Master is fine. Varneth is my master and a strong wizard, even though he rarely teaches and leaves us up to our own devices. William and Mikah are bastards, in the figurative sense. Favored because of their power and pure human lineage. Erics is a human too, he's fine but he's a coward you can't count on. Shelly is nice and the only apprentice who doesn't look down on me."

As he finishes Kell Varneth walks in. Tall pale and dressed in fine red robes. He speaks, "So this is your new familiar? A fluffy imp? Well that's lackluster, but still an extra-planar summon is worth a great deal Thomas. You finally ascend to the tower proper. You also now have full access to the library."

He walks out, and Thomas does a little jig in his happiness.


Your ice bolt sputters out. Bad cast, or too hot maybe.

You then charge into the group of imps You knock one over.


You shoot an iron bolt at the flyer and miss horribly. The flyer still lagging behind, which would be great if you didn't have fireballs thrown at you. You still make some distance to escape when you notice a Insect like imp tackling you foes underfoot.


You charge the imp cluster, missing the imp you swung at, your followers do not and over beat two into the ground while the third is fighting a fourth. The imp you attacked tries to retaliate but his blows are glancing at best.


You concentrate on regenerating your tail, while the fight betwixt the two demons rage outside your little construct. You feel the tip of you tail growing back when the sounds of violence stops. You also here a trumpet. Suddenly 3 beings made out of light and metal and feathers and come crashing through the barrier set up. one lands right next to you.


(your fatigue was gone with your rest Baz)

You try to focus on the feeling, but all you feel is tired and worn.

>+Fatigue I


You go looking through the spawning lands. Food has gotten scarce. You're about to give up when you find an imp. Then just as your about to attack the being looking like short human with a spear stabs downwards out of the sky and skewers your prey.














Everyone in the realm hears a loud trumpet call and then this, "By command of the Lord Thrones of the Order of the Argent Chalice, This pit is to be purged! Demons face the glory of the Light and Die!"

Angels and archons start appearing all over the plane. Attacking and killing demons and imps wherever the may be found. Welcome to War Imps, have fun!

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a27c43 No.10030


You through yourself at the Elite imp caster, turning it into a rolling scuffle, both of you trying to get the upper hand.


The imp hits you in the eye with a spell before he is tackled. It swells shut. You take a running jump, and Stab at him only to hit him and your ally. Oops

>Swollen eye


You keep up your struggles only to feel a cold blade pass through you and him, ow shit that hurts a lot. The imps below stops struggling.

>Stabbed lung.

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a27c43 No.10031

Dice rollRolled 51, 84 = 135 (2d100)

1.2. I need to heal. Eat the elite imp. Alive. Use my acid to make him easier to eat.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs


+Fatigue I

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (14/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+Bruised kidneys

+bruised stomach

+broken ribs


+Stabbed Lung

+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.10032

Dice rollRolled 70, 1 = 71 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 0/4

1&2. Look to imp and say "Bigger problems now, fight later." Then heal up as much as I can for the fight with the light.

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a27c43 No.10034

Dice rollRolled 22, 52 = 74 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye

While the oozing imp expunges the life of that imp on my blade I must consider our position in this war.

1 Massage the swollen eye, what doesnt kill us makes us stronger

2 Keep the good eye open and look in the vicinity for a place with some cover

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a27c43 No.10035

Dice rollRolled 83, 8, 6, 95 = 192 (4d100)


1 2





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a27c43 No.10053

Dice rollRolled 97, 45 = 142 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (5/25)

>Personal Achievements:

+ [An Eye for an Eye] Regrown an eye lost in battle.

1-2. Find an angel that is being attacked by several other imps and dragged down. Latch onto it and eat the angel.

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a27c43 No.10072

Dice rollRolled 12, 77 = 89 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

fatigue 1


1. Rest again

2. Concentrate again!


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a27c43 No.10073

Dice rollRolled 24, 40 = 64 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging

>Injuries: Bleeding


>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Fort is love, Fort is life

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a27c43 No.10075

Dice rollRolled 76, 65, 37, 19, 2 = 199 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



3 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:


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a27c43 No.10087

Dice rollRolled 60, 52 = 112 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

This incursion is unexpected. I know little of these Bright Ones, but they seem bent on destroying demonkind, despite the fact that most of us toil in servitude or fight one another in aimless power struggles. None of that matters of course. I have a choice right now, and neither option seems favourable.

On one hand, I could remain with Comedy and attempt to fight. I'm nearly useless in a scrap, but might get lucky. It's also possible that Comedy is quite powerful. If I take this path, one thing is for certain: My charm and guile will mean absolutely nothing to the Bright Ones, whose zeal and hatred for our kind seem to be limitless.

The other option is flight, my first impulse. I'm not terribly large, so there's many places that I could hide, and Comedy would provide a needed distraction. If the Bright Ones win the fight, my master and apparent protector would be slain, while I may be rooted out in deeper clean-up operation. A Comedic victory would present its own set of problems. While the immediate benefits (My survival for one) would be helpful, the demon would be likely to hunt me down and kill me. Or worse. Of course, I know little about my master, and even less about his intentions. There is a chance, however slight, that my pragmatism would be rewarded.

1/2. I have decided on my course of action. I will watch Comedy and determine what I should do depending on his reaction to the situation. If he remains and fights, I will do so as well, to the death if need be. If he runs, I too will flee, albeit in a different direction. Other situations arising from extenuating circumstances could arise, and I will be ready to act accordingly. The First Law of Scheming As Put Forth by Murphus of Contradictus states that any plan that can go wrong will go wrong. I will be ready to improvise.

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a27c43 No.10088

Dice rollRolled 32, 74 = 106 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

1-2: Barrage the demon with fast stings towards his body.

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a27c43 No.10092

Dice rollRolled 28, 41, 64, 39, 55, 11, 11, 78, 15, 34, 96, 73, 71, 54, 62, 16, 56, 62, 2, 62, 4, 75, 82, 19, 38, 47, 54, 65, 56, 30, 16, 84, 71, 80, 22, 26, 90, 33, 4, 4, 67 = 1897 (41d100)


1 2




4-7 8-11 12-14 15-17 18-20


21 22 23 24


25-30 31-33 34-36 37-39



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a27c43 No.10141

Dice rollRolled 10, 44 = 54 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1.2. Hold up, crunch of bones, not a good idea, collect my senses and investigate.

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a27c43 No.10150

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.10154


You dissolve and devour the unconscious imp. You feel much better. However you feel the imp with a blade tap you on the head. You've got company.

-Bruised kidneys

-Bruised stomach

-Stabbed lung


+ 3 demonhood


The imp keels over, still poisoned and very unwell. However you have much bigger concerns as you see several winged entities scouring the landscape with light and fire, and it's heading your way.


You massage your eye, it doesn't help. In fact it hurts a lot. You look around looking for cover and any inbound enemies. You see some caves in the distance, as well as those "angels" scoring the spawning ground and looking into said caves. You are far more immediately concerned with the 4 small winged beings bearing down on you and your ally, one of which has 2 sets of wings and a sword instead of a spear.


You rush the being, with wings much like yours, while he stabs the imp he killed repeatedly. You lead by ripping of it's helmet and punching it in the face with a large haymaker, knocking it back and making it lose it's weapon.


You get no rest, but you feel like you're making more headway.



55 93 73 62 62

The demoness and hydra-like demon attack the angels with vigor. The demoness who is sues to fighting foes who are monstrous, struggles against the angels who fight much like she does. The Serpentine demon however, lays about with great vigor attacking the angel from multiple angles. However Oh of the Angels break off and casts a giant wave of light over the battlefield. It barely affects the demon but you feel great pain and cry out. The angel is now looking right at you and your paltry earthworks.


You charge forward and over beat the imp pummeling it into paste. Two of your other followers have taken down their opponents. However your third imp is on the ground getting beat on by his opponent. You note that far behind the scene there are a host of winged beings striking the land with magic.


Comedy draws a weapon, an impossibly thin blade glowing with purple energy. Then he seemingly disappears only to reappear in front of one of the beings running it through. He brings up a long dagger with his other hand and stabbed it into the skull. The other two charge at him feathered wings beating furiously attempting to bring enough pressure against him to actually hit. Comedy for his part is backpedaling to dodge their thrusts. You decide to help him out by hitting one in the back with a thrown rock. it doesn't hurt the being but it causes it to stop for a second and allows Comedy to come back into his guard.

"Well done servant, that saved me some trouble. Now watch and learn, Art is about to be performed."

However the being you hit is no looking right at you while his ally faces off against Comedy.


You sting at the demon again and again. He dodges your barrage of stings from your tail be continuously moving backward. However it's not enough and you land another hit. He takes advantage of the close quarters and hit you in the chest with his claws creating a bloody wound. You can tell he's starting to slow down from the venom in his system though, hopefully not much longer.

-wounded side



You register something is wrong, wait bones. That's not good. Then the grand announcement registers in your mind. You nearly miss the tendril of white and pure energy flying at you. You dodge at the last second and flee. Before you get to far a winged humanoid about as tall as your are lands in front of you.

"Halt demon, the purifier may not have worked on you, but you shall not best me!"

He charges you axe with arcing energy in hand.

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a27c43 No.10155

All across the pit Angel are landing and scouring the ground of imps and demons. It's even more chaotic and pandemonium filled than usual. demons struggle in their manors against the invaders while imps and their ilk try to coordinate a desperate defense in the streets. Spells and elements fly as essence is lost and taken on both sides.

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a27c43 No.10156

Dice rollRolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Vine like body, leaves

>Magical differences: Plant based (go with what you wish)

>Body color: Green

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Plant like - Vulnerable to Fire, Can Heal in the presence of strong light.


>Innate abilities: Vines whip(weak vine to slash at the enemy) Thorn bolt II (small thorn striking the enemy from range, poisonous) Stealth 1, Strength I

Demonhood (7/50)

+Cracked Skull 0/4

1&2. Too many. Grab the fucker I made useless and run, try to find a place to hide.

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a27c43 No.10157

Dice rollRolled 83, 94 = 177 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1. Use my charm magic and cower slightly, plead and beg for my life, the angels are suckers for that, make claims about not wanting to be evil, try to get the angel to let it's guard down. use all my charisma and charm skills.

2. Once the guard is down STRIKE! try to tear out the angel's throat

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a27c43 No.10158


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)



>Innate abilities:

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a27c43 No.10159


One of the host notices you and suddenly you're standing in a massive ball of fire. You die.


>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing

>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

You wake up on the streets of the city. The grand announcement still blaring in your mind. You see angels and archons and demons and imps fighting all over the city. What will you do?

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a27c43 No.10160

Dice rollRolled 4, 19 = 23 (2d100)


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing


>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

1&2. Head to where there is fighting and a reasoable amount of targets for the angels that arn't me. Then try to snipe a few of the more lonely and weaker angels.

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a27c43 No.10161

Dice rollRolled 34, 15, 49 = 98 (3d100)


1 2



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a27c43 No.10162

Dice rollRolled 60, 95 = 155 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

Attached to:

>Thomas Astrius

>Magic Talent: Average

>Magic Skill: Very Good

>Standing : Very bad

>Moral compass: Compatible

>Appearance: Excellent

1/2: A fluffy imp! What a pompous little bastard! I'd wipe that smile off his face if he knew the extent of my magics. For now, we'll just hum and move with him to the library, see what we can learn in that place both of this situation and it's people, and of the magic and human knowledge available. If we encounter anyone along the way…. Oh, this is a situation rife for exploitation.

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a27c43 No.10164

Dice rollRolled 38, 90 = 128 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls


>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

The Imp stares at the 12 foot demon in fear and slight awe, clearly this is a being of great might. He had never even heard of a demon with no mouth, how can one devour other demons with no mouth? Clearly this one no longer required further strength so it lost its mouth, or maybe it became as strong as possible and this is it’s final for, do all demons lose their mouths when they finish evolving‽ Will he also lose his mouth eventually‽ Questions for later.

1-2. The Nameless Imp does not avert its gaze from the glowing eyes of the mouthless demon but he also shows his submission. “Yes… I understand, Master. As weak and stupid as I am I can at least understand the difference between us. The only reason I still live is your will, it is only fitting that I serve you.”

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a27c43 No.10165

Dice rollRolled 62, 6 = 68 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye


"I doubt we could outrun them, back to back fighting and staying in step with the other. We signal if they do a diving thrust when we are at each others backs and roll to the side"

What a day to live in blasphemy. Nothing is gained by charging at them so we can only cover our backs keeping them at bay with his acid and my swordsmanship.

12 Following the plan above, parry their strikes and bring my blade around to maim and cripple. Ill enjoy watching their feet get cut out from under them and their strength leave them

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a27c43 No.10166

File: 1443748328620.jpg (193.11 KB,700x700,1:1,1440207799078.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 26, 54 = 80 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging



>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Fuck me, I yell in a cute kawaii voice, "Oh please, won't anybody save me from this terrible fate I've met!?" Then, I start digging sidewayish and up towards the demons fighting so I can use them for cover in case nobody will come to my aid

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a27c43 No.10167

Dice rollRolled 96, 88 = 184 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

1-2: Stab him right in the head

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a27c43 No.10168

Dice rollRolled 33, 54 = 87 (2d100)


1.2. Follow my new leader's orders and fight covering his back. Do my best to confront a spear wielder so I can grab its spear and drag into my acidic embrace.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (17/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+broken ribs

+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.10169

Dice rollRolled 17, 50, 1, 44, 42, 65, 96, 36, 11, 52, 20, 72, 58, 81, 81, 24, 66, 15, 28, 36, 8, 37, 16, 33, 25 = 1014 (25d100)




2-4 5-8 9-12 13-15 16-18


19 20



21 22 23 24-25

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a27c43 No.10170

Dice rollRolled 76, 9 = 85 (2d100)

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2

fatigue 1


1. Rest and hide

2. And opportunistically eat corpses that we can see, avoiding major conflict

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a27c43 No.10172

Dice rollRolled 21, 38, 17, 26, 79 = 181 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



3 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2/3/4/5. Kill the last few imps then drag their corpses to the isolated mountain pass, where we will wait out this angelic invasion

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a27c43 No.10175

Dice rollRolled 66, 76 = 142 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

>I missed the update

Curious, pls. Don't leave me behind.

1/2. It seems that there is only one thing to do here: Redirect. I'll try to find a way to manipulate this being into Comedy's path of destruction. I obviously can't do much to him, but I can drag him around the battlefield, like one would fly a kite, and move him into a more tactically sound position. Of course, failing that, I must fight. But it's better to have a more powerful being deal with something.

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a27c43 No.10442

Dice rollRolled 48, 12, 64, 36, 61 = 221 (5d100)






3 4 5

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a27c43 No.10448


You plead and cower while laying you magic on thick, too thick for it too actually work, but in that time he stops, if only for a seconds. You strike at him knocking the axe from his hands and hitting him in the gut and face several time before he sues his wings to get clear.


You're about to move when An angel breaks of from the fight in the sky and alnds in front of you.

"Die monster" it yells as it's spear stabs at you.


Thomas moves what few belongings he ahs to his new room and at your advice starts exploring the library. While he looks around you find a book on Arcane shaping, hidden underneath a bookshelf. When you open it up you see that it's both very old and very powerful.


"Good, now follow me Imp, we have places to get too before the celestials get there first"

He rips open a gate with his hands and walks through.

>Allegiance: Askani(demon)


As the angel Crashes down on your position you dodge out of the way, he falls and get's stuck in your hole and seems to be having issues getting out of it. Meanwhile with the third angel out of opaly the female demon iis performing much better and scores several gashes on one of the angels while the serpent demon has entangled the third, losing 2 head to do so.


You stab the imp in the head, and he dies. To hurt and full of poison to continue.


The leader with 4 wings and one archons break off and head straight at you, the singular archon breaking ahead trying to catch you on his spear, You sense the intent and use your blade to bat it out of line and behead the poor humanoid with the speed of his own movement. The other archon pulls up short and starts chanting.

+ 6 essence


You move to support your leader and the angel fly right at you, much to one's chagrin and you lurch out quickly and grab his spear, dragging him into your embrace while you use his body to shield yourself from the other.


You find a cave and rest, you feel much better. You were contemplating leaving the cave before a humanoid with 4 wings walks in sword in hand. Something about it strikes you as wrong. It sees you and you see it.


You and your followers quickly kill the few left and grab the food and head to the mountains, while angels are flying over head. Thankfully you are unnoticed, however one imp notices they are conducting a systematic purge of the area.


The angel charges you and you quickly break for cover using your smaller size and familiarity with the terrain to evade him for a time. However it could not last and he catches up to you. As he's about to strike you watch a purple colored blade pierce him from behind. From a distance you see Comedy standing over the corpse of the other celestial chuckling. The angel falls dead.

"Go ahead and Eat Blue, their blood is too thin for my tastes, and you could sue some meat on your bones. I'll go and make sure none of other guests are left unentertained" as he walks off.

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a27c43 No.10452

Dice rollRolled 47, 78 = 125 (2d100)


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing


>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

1&2. Defend and counterattack! +10

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a27c43 No.10475

File: 1444530615048.jpg (147.05 KB,900x628,225:157,SlainAngel.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 49, 6 = 55 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I

1. This whole situation is altogether unexpected. The invasion of these Bright Ones is something that I should think on, but only once there is time. My master has saved my life and given me a task. I know not why I have been told to eat the flesh of these creatures, but I will do as I am bidden.

2. While I consume the flesh of these fallen foes, I will search their bodies for anything small enough for me to carry off. Surely it is of some value, even to the denizens of the deep.

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a27c43 No.10483

Dice rollRolled 31, 33 = 64 (2d100)

1.2. I still hunger. I always hunger. Begin to eat the one in my grasp while using him as a shield. However eating doesn't mean I should neglect the world around me. The chanting angel is making magic and my new boss is weak against it. If the angel unleashes its spell I shall eat that as well.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities: Acid 2, Endurance 2 Absorb magic 2(note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (17/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+broken ribs

+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.10488

Dice rollRolled 35, 54, 8, 66, 91 = 254 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



4 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2/3/4/5. And thus did the 5 imps scamper quietly and very sneakily into a cave, in the deepest part of it they can find

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a27c43 No.10490

Dice rollRolled 41, 4 = 45 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye

Haha! One foolish archon down and one very troublesome enemy in front of me. I dislike that chanting and my eyes go for the spear, but then the weight of the four winged archon's emotions registers on my sixth sense. Through my empathy I can feel his hate and his desire for vengeance and if I play it up perhaps I can break his concentration and goad him into attacking prematurely

12 Taking the body of the headless archon into my embrace I dance with his lifeless body, starting to eat him from his severed neck down and between the nibbles I even sing "What a wonderful meal, the blood of fools so silky sweet"

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a27c43 No.10492

File: 1444570759745.jpg (37.15 KB,480x360,4:3,nope.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 29, 33 = 62 (2d100)

>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2


1-2. FLY



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a27c43 No.10517

File: 1444607239962.gif (3.26 MB,600x600,1:1,1437465269493.gif)

Dice rollRolled 98, 86 = 184 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging



>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Head for the angel fighting the mistress demon and pull at its leg or throw rocks at it if too high up to allow mistress demon to gain an advantage

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a27c43 No.10532

Dice rollRolled 80, 8 = 88 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1.2. Right, not gonna get a better chance, GRAB THE AXE AND HIT HIM WITH IT!

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a27c43 No.10533

Dice rollRolled 10, 31, 68, 24, 71, 5, 28, 14, 58, 26, 91, 98, 34, 20, 87, 3, 84 = 752 (17d100)






5 6




8 9


10 11




15-16 17

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a27c43 No.10684

Dice rollRolled 24, 78 = 102 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

Attached to:

>Thomas Astrius

>Magic Talent: Average

>Magic Skill: Very Good

>Standing : Very bad

>Moral compass: Compatible

>Appearance: Excellent

1. Old and powerful means valuable experience and knowledge inside. First, I will see what I can glean from this book of power!

+ [Intelligence 2]

2. Then, pass it on to Thomas, if it seems to be anything useful. What I'm looking more for is more, eh, sinister books for him, any tomes on the corruptible and lost magics in this great library. Surely there must be some to aid me in my quest for this boy's soul!

[+ Intelligence 2]

[+ Sense Magic]

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a27c43 No.10690

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.10757

Dice rollRolled 57, 59 = 116 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (5/25)

>Personal Achievements:

+ [An Eye for an Eye] Regrown an eye lost in battle.

1-2. Kill the angel tiny angel things and consume them!

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a27c43 No.10766

Dice rollRolled 19, 46 = 65 (2d100)


1 2

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a27c43 No.10789

Dice rollRolled 57, 93 = 150 (2d100)

>Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor

1-2: Consume the dead imp.

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a27c43 No.10860

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d100)



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a27c43 No.10870


You deflect the spear with your arms and keep defending yourself. When one or your parries leaves him open you hit him with a shard shot. Sadly his armor absorbs most of the force.


You eat the dead angel. Despite it's fair appearance, it tastes absolutely AWFUL. Like ashes and shit. Still you do as your master bids and eat the bleeding meat. After you finish eating you check it's and it's fellows corpses for anything you can use. However you find nothing, as the spears burn your hand when you try to touch them and the armor is far too big. You then feel a pain in your back, you double over in agony as 2 new limbs explode from your torso. You lie there for several moments before you come to your senses. When you stabilize, you feel… stronger. You sense and feel that you could cast darkness now.


>Flight 2

>Dark Bolt

>Strength 1


You use the Archon caught in your grasp as a shield, to no avail. For it's companion does not hesitate and pierces it and you straight to where you heart is, and you feel PAIN! (trinity 83 bonus) But you do not die, in fact it feels as if the spear is caught on something. You take advantage of that fact, letting go of the dying archon in your hand and use the spear as a fulcrum to slam the other in the ground. The poor thing too shocked to let go of his weapon before it was too late.

>Trait: Core, You vital organs are surrounded by a hard crystal. Making you much harder to kill in one strike.


You and your followers find a cave to hole up in. What now?


You take the head of the foe you just killed and taunt the spellcasting archon, in a bid to make him charge you prematurely. It does not work. You scream in agony as a ray of light hits you from above, as you're reeling the winged being descends upon you quickly, sword in hand poised for a mortal strike.



You try to fly past him to escape, but his sword shearing off you wing, quickly convinces you that isn't happening. You fall to the ground.


You throw a rock and hit the angel in the head hard enough to stun it for a half second, which is all that's necessary for the angel to get eviscerated be the demoness. She touches down and starts devouring the corpse almost immediately, ignoring you. the serpentine demon is doing much the same with his prey.


You try grabbing the axe, as your hand wraps around it's handle, you feel electricity run all over your body. Your muscles lock up and you can't move. This gives the archon enough time to tackle you away and grab his weapon. After that you're feeling tired.

>fatigue 1


You try reading the book, but all you get nothing but a headache. Apparently the secrets contained are not meant for imp eyes.

SO you pass it off to Thomas who looks at quizzically. Oh right, he can't feel it's power. You tell him where you found it and what you felt and he starts reading. You notice the room start to darken as he does. He stops after several minutes. Apparently this is a tome on blood magic. He seems excited.


You charge again punching for it's unarmored face, it tries to counter you, but you've been doing this for a while now, and you lay him out with a haymaker when he leaves himself open. He gets back up slowly, he's hurting and reeling. The white wings on his back have turned brown from all the dust and dirt on them.


You feast and gnaw upon the imp. His flesh tasty and moist. HIs bones hard, but filled with lovely marrow. You eat him all and once you are done you feel stronger. You also notice winged being flying around the air. Your intuition tells you it's not a good thing at all.


>Combat I

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a27c43 No.10872

Dice rollRolled 35, 41 = 76 (2d100)


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing


>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

1&2. Aim shard shots to something not covered in armor. He is probably going to defend and charge. Be ready for that and defend then grab his arm. I need to get a shard shot into his face! +10, Defense 1

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a27c43 No.10877

Dice rollRolled 37, 25, 54 = 116 (3d100)



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a27c43 No.10888

Dice rollRolled 56, 88 = 144 (2d100)

1.2. I ignore the burning of the spear as it sears my flesh with holy might. I yank it out of my heart and the archon's hands. With quick and inexpert jabs I finish off the prone angel then turn the heart-seeking spear on the final angel still moving. I will not let it kill my boss. I have more loyalty then that!

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities:

Core, You vital organs are surrounded by a hard crystal. Making you much harder to kill in one strike.

Acid 2

Endurance 2

Absorb magic 2 (note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (17/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+broken ribs

+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.10901

Dice rollRolled 48, 16 = 64 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell, Dark Bolt

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I. Strength I, Flight II

>Demonhood: 3/50

1/2. This power is… intoxicating. I must keep in mind that I am still merely an imp, no matter my physical changes. However, after this windfall, I feel that I can trust Comedy more. Perhaps trust isn't the right word. You shouldn't trust anyone in the Pit. In any event, my master has left to give our guests a warm welcome. I know not the path to him, but I could find it. Stealth is of paramount import at times like this, so I shall remain low to the ground, travelling in the ditches and ravines that dot the landscape of the Pit. Once I find Comedy, I can figure out how to proceed. Once it's safe, of course.

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a27c43 No.10909

Dice rollRolled 79, 89 = 168 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging



>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Slink towards the mistress in a prostrating position and address her, " U-uh. m-mistress~, th-there is still o-one more angel left…"

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a27c43 No.10912

Dice rollRolled 73, 28 = 101 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2


1-2. Try to slither away, look for a small crack or hole we can go to and hide away from his swords reach.

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a27c43 No.10914

Dice rollRolled 6, 44 = 50 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye


12 Parry the mortal strike curving it into the ground and holding it there with my blade to make him open for the strike from my companion

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a27c43 No.10957

Dice rollRolled 18, 70, 39, 82, 87, 53 = 349 (6d100)



1 2-3




5 6

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a27c43 No.10962

Dice rollRolled 53, 56 = 109 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1.2. Dodge him and hide in the remains, look for something to fight him with.

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a27c43 No.10990



1. Actually, forget about that. I'll just fight instead.

Seeing as I lost my wings and got these stubby little legs not gonna make it to a cave wall anyway.

Look for a nearby rock and do my best to bash its swordhand!

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a27c43 No.10994

File: 1445049077665.jpg (10.56 KB,328x430,164:215,185000.jpg)

>Tfw realizing archons are not at all like pic related but more akin to elite imps

>suddenly dawning upon me that PC's can actually fight these things and it isn't like the storm event at all

>tfw realizing you can actually KILL these things

Wings or no wing I am gonna fuck up this archon to hell and back or die trying.

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a27c43 No.11009

File: 1445062928052.jpg (147.93 KB,1000x750,4:3,Demon-Wallpaper.jpg)


The Imp held the rock in his hand, the stump from his severed wing. Huffing and puffing as he looks on the archon before him, the intimidating angelic figure with its sword still instilling the fear of heaven upon the lowly imp

"Now you've done it." he mutters between grittted fangs.

"You stupid son of a bitch. . .I gave you a chance to let it go. But you just had to cut off my fucking wings."

Gripping the rock, he looks squarely at the face of the Archon.


Damn you! Wanna know something you dumb winged fool?

I fought an imp. Yeah, just another imp like me. For ages, I tried to kill him and he tried to kill me over a worthless corpse. Until at long last I ate his guts and triumphed in victory.

The battle was long and took many cycles. . .and what did I learn from it? What did I get?

I got a little bit stronger. Twice as strong in fact.

And that PISSES me off. You know what other fucking Imps where doing while I fought?

They trained their abilities. Learned magic and powerful arts. They are closer to demonhood than I'll ever be at this fucking rate. They didn't WASTE their time in long fucking battles like assholes like you and that Imp make me do. You interrupted my training for my first fucking actual power.

So here's the thing asshole. You better not fucking waste my time anymore.

Only ONE of us is gonna make it out of here alive. So let's settle this quick and dirty. But I swear by all of heaven and hell, if you don't die or kill me quickly, if you take up any more of time time, I swear to you if there is an after-afterlife I will come back from it and I will show you terrors that will make hell itself tremble.

Let's finish this."

The Imp grips the rock in his hand, hoping his long and angry dialogue would have sufficiently distracted the archon, and spent just bit more time for him to think on a strategy as he filibusters. At the end of his speech he rushes forward hoping to catch him off guard from his monologue and strike the archon's sword hand, and get that blade away from him.

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a27c43 No.11115

Dice rollRolled 23, 4 = 27 (2d100)


>Physical differences:

White Fluffy Gliding wings.

>Magical differences:

Two slots survivability.

>Body color:

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


+ Endurant +10 to surviving hazards and wounds

-5 from demon diplmacy


>Innate abilities:

+ Flight 1

+ Endurance 2

+ Strength 1

>What the fuck is a category:

+ Demonhood (7/50)

+ Endurance 3 (5/25)

>Personal Achievements:

+ [An Eye for an Eye] Regrown an eye lost in battle.

1-2. Punch him even harder! And keep punching! When given the opportunity bite out his throat!

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a27c43 No.11117

Dice rollRolled 12, 23, 80, 15 = 130 (4d100)


1 2


3 4

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a27c43 No.11120

Dice rollRolled 79, 47 = 126 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Quick Learner.

>Magical differences: Magical Comprehension. Magical Comprehension.

>Body color: Red with black hands and feet and a tuft of brown fur around his neck.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Arcane +5 to magic rolls

>Allegiance: Askani(demon)

>Innate abilities: arcane bolt, Intelligence, Magic sight

The Imp does not hesitate as it follow its new master through the gate, but it couldn’t help but ponder it’s new masters words. The Celestials? They were here? If that were true, then he had to hurry. But still, always time to take a look at new magics, yes?

1-2. As the Imp goes through the portal he activates his Magic Sight to view the portals and it’s workings, attempting to comprehend it’s workings. He does nto look at it for long as he would not dare to keep his new master waiting. +5 to magic rolls

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a27c43 No.11140

Dice rollRolled 89, 65, 94, 26, 79 = 353 (5d104)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



4 imps (´・ω・`)

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (10/15)

>Demonhood 7/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2/3/4/5. Now we eat, quietly

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a27c43 No.11244

Dice rollRolled 84, 51, 57 = 192 (3d100)





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a27c43 No.11593


You cast more shards in his direction, sadly they bounce off his armor due to insufficient force. Meanwhile the angel dashes closer and jabs at you with his spear. Your left arm comes off when it hits home and he twists it.

-left arm


You look around Comedy's Manor. While you do not find him you do see several corpses like the ones you fought in the courtyard, but of lesser aspect laid out. You also hear fighting in the greeting room. Ironic really.


She looks up from her meal, her maw bloody with white-ish angelic ichor and black ichor leaking from her wounds. She is NOT happy to see you and her expression makes this clear. Still instead of striking you down where you stand she ask "Where?" You point to where your collapsed fort is and the unmoving angel with his wings still showing. She promptly pulls him out of the earthworks and decapitates him before returning to her fallen food.


You pull the spear out of yourself, while the archon below you is still senseless. It hurts, A LOT, the pain is nearly unbearable, but you endure. The spear burns you hands as grasp it so you throw it as best you can at the leader archon while your bulk pins the other in place.

Your throw hits it's mark hitting the archon in the shoulder, denying him his wings.


You attempt to parry the strike but he has too much momentum going, and whatever spell he placed on you has your thoughts addled. Your sword cannot block the strike and simply moves it's location to your already wounded shoulder. You hiss in pain as it cuts deeply. The angel smirks before a heavenly spear hits him in the shoulder. Rendering his wings useless.


The angel swings at you with his axe, but your blow to his head must have thrown off your aim. You dive to the side and pick up a large femur for a weapon.


You start making a grand speech at the archon, about half way through your speech. You had picked up a rock and used it to block the blow, but your rock is now busted. Thankfully the archon is now wincing , seems he hit it wrong and his hands hurt.


You try to punch him again but this time he sees you coming clearly, as you swing he grabs your arm and tosses you over his shoulder, then makes a flying dash for his spear. Fuck, he's now armed and there nothing near you except for some rocks … and his helmet.


You walk through the portal and try to look at it, but quickly shut your sight off as you realized that magic was well beyond you. Askani chuckles.

You walk into a small library, with a chair made out of odd leather next to a fountain with odd blue energy.

"Now impling I want you to hold this wand and shoot anyone how comes in with it while I handle setting up wards, can you do that?"

There is a door right behind you.


>you have 3 followers not 4 you get 2 dice as an elite imp

You eat and eat well, even if the imps you and yours killed had gotten rather disgusting being dragged along. Your each devour one imp. After the meal is done one of your imps screams loudly, as a tail shoots out from his spine, small scales start poking out of his skin and he grows longer claws. He looks around once it is over and jumps around with glee while your other 2 followers looks at him with envy. It's nice he grew but that scream must have drawn attention.


>strength 2(13/15)

>Lose imp

>Gain elite imp with claws, scales and tail

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a27c43 No.11594

Dice rollRolled 57, 80 = 137 (2d100)


1-2. "You've got a fucking sword and you let a fucker with a ROCK hurt you?

Is this the best divine wrath can do? Fuck you, I'm not letting you beat me."

Gripping two halves of the busted rock, saving time by not picking up another, the Demon grips them in his palms. He tries again to hit his hand with flat side of his palm gripping the rock, knowing he'll wise up and deflect it with his sword again, he prepares to exploit this parry by striking the hand after he blocks it again.

The benefit of having two weapons in each hand over one in both. Feint right, smash left.

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a27c43 No.11595

Dice rollRolled 92, 33 = 125 (2d100)


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing


>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

- left arm

1&2. I need to survive until some other fucker shows up to help or at least draw his attention away. If I run I am fucked. Really go on the defensive, dodge and block anything I can, do not get stabbed anywhere important. +10, Defense 1

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a27c43 No.11598

Dice rollRolled 17, 79, 55, 74, 41 = 266 (5d100)





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a27c43 No.11600

Dice rollRolled 40, 39 = 79 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)

1.2. Proceed to attempt to beat the angel to death with the femur, disarm him if we can.

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a27c43 No.11630

Dice rollRolled 78, 4 = 82 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye


12 Press him, pound that spear in further with the flat side of my blade staying in motion to maintain a distance close enough to keep pounding the spear into him but far enough on his spear pierced side to be out of range of his sword, if he tries to use magic then lets see him concentrate when I give the spear an extra hard pound. His momentum is gone and his wings are garnish for my next meal our blood is in the air so its best to finish this as efficiently as I can.

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a27c43 No.11648

Dice rollRolled 67, 24, 27, 41 = 159 (4d100)


1 2


3 4

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a27c43 No.11699

Dice rollRolled 35, 69 = 104 (2d100)

1.2. I smile at the helpless and stunned angel pinned beneath me. I shall eat it alive and put it out of its misery. To leave it alive would be foolish and my boss seems to have the other one well in hand.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities:

Core, You vital organs are surrounded by a hard crystal. Making you much harder to kill in one strike.

Acid 2

Endurance 2

Absorb magic 2 (note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)


+Demon hood (17/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

>Injuries :

+broken ribs

+Fatigue I

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a27c43 No.11762

Dice rollRolled 69, 88 = 157 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging



>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1

>Demonhood: (4/50)

1-2; Check to see the demons are focused on their meal, then go and eat some of the unmoving angel the demoness just killed.

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a27c43 No.11773

Dice rollRolled 9, 70 = 79 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell, Dark Bolt

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I. Strength I, Flight II

>Demonhood: 3/50

1/2. Hah. That's good. It's funny because he said… Yeah. I'll stop now. I do feel a little useless, but perhaps I can take this time to quietly observe the situation in the other room. Comedy is a formidable fighter and I don't wish to get in his way. I also don't wish to die. Perhaps I can find a weakness in the tactics or strategy of the Bright Ones.

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a27c43 No.11921

Dice rollRolled 60, 19 = 79 (2d100)

Physical differences: Appears to be a giant scorpion, covered completely in golden, egyptianish chitin, made out of sand. He seems to have an aura of sand around him. His stinger is vital, as it is the main source of sand, and also contains potent caustic toxins, and it is his primary weapon.

*Venom Stinger (2 Points)

>Magical differences:

*Sand Affinity (1 Point)

>Body color: gee gollygosh i wonder what it could be (Gold with some Blue.) (or maybe it's black and gold or blue and white)

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Earthbound +5 to all rols while touching the earth. -5 to all rolls when not touching the earth.


>Innate abilities: Poison 2(stinger), Sand Armor, Combat 1

1-2: Burrow down into the ground and hide.

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a27c43 No.11923

Dice rollRolled 90, 37 = 127 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2], [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic]

Attached to:

>Thomas Astrius

>Magic Talent: Average

>Magic Skill: Very Good

>Standing : Very bad

>Moral compass: Compatible

>Appearance: Excellent

1/2: Question Thomas further about the tome, especially considering it was one of blood magic… Maybe he should read some more, see what secrets such a powerful and forbidden form of magic may hold?

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a27c43 No.11957

Dice rollRolled 52, 17, 16, 82, 47 = 214 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps (´・ω・`)

Elite Imp: Claws, scales, tail

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (13/15)

>Demonhood 10/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2/3/4/5. Fool, now we must go deeper into this crevice, as deep as we can go :3

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a27c43 No.12155








4 your elite buddy gets 2 dice scruffy

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a27c43 No.12170

Dice rollRolled 67, 24, 21, 14 = 126 (4d100)


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a27c43 No.12171


The angel's sword swing, shearing through the rock and you hand. Still with your other hand to hit His hand and disarm him of his weapon.

- four finger on right hand

- right wing (forgot it in appropriate update)


You get backpedaling and dodging that celestial spear, you get a few more scratches, but you avoid any real hits. Still you're starting to get worn down, something the angel is showing no signs off, at least until you skipped past a puddle of oil that he steps in, which is promptly ignited via a spark spell from behind you. Ouch that has gotta burn.


Add Fatigue I under you injuries Anni

You attempt to bash the axe out of his hand but his guard is too good. His axe hit's you bone weapon and shatters it. Fuck, not good.


With it's wings neutralized by your ally/underling you slash at the angel, dent and cutting into his armor repeatedly. He's hurting and bleeding pretty badly now.


You eat the unfortunate archon under you as well as the one impaled by his owns ally. They taste absolutely horrible, like ass and piss and vinegar, but you're hungry and hurt, hopefully eating them will fix that. You feel your core repair itself and ribs knit, much to your relief. Your feel much more energetic too, as well as tougher.

- all wounds and penalties

+Endurance 3

+Light shot 1

Demonhood (20/50)


The demons are busy eating their meal, so why not eat that corpse laying out? They aren't doing anything with it, and you are hungry.

Ugh! it tastes horrible, like ass and shit and vinegar and rotten elderberries. Still it fills the hole in your stomach. As you stretch and look around you feel your tail again. IT back yay! but the other 2 demons are done with their meals too and both are staring at you.


+Combat 1


+Strength 1


You watch comedy layout 3 angels only for 4 more to enter through the window via breaking. You here a "Rude!" come from you master as he starts fighting them again.

From another corridor you see 3 regular imps running from an archon with a glowing spear.

They're going to come right by you and lead him to you, you have second to respond.


You dig and hide. You sleep. Hopefully noting finds you.


You and yours hide even deeper in the cave. Nothing has come yet, but your imps are grumbling at how cowardly their leader is, and that maybe scales should lead instead.


Thomas agrees that he should study it with your help but not here and not now. Instead you all should find less taboo books to study here and take this particular book to the cubby holes he summoned you in. YOu study some basic magic.

Silver tongued 3(5/25)

+one spell of choice

+Arcane bolt 2

Give me a weakly schedule of how much of what you're doing with Thomas and on you own.

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a27c43 No.12172

Dice rollRolled 26, 94 = 120 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Lightly scaled skin Seductive Form

>Magical differences: Lust based magic

>Body color: Dark Purple

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Alluring +5 to charisma rolls


>Innate abilities: Charisma1, Defense2(7/30), Charm II, Stealth 1


>Demonhood (25/50)


Fatigue I

1. Throw dirt/sand/bonedust into the angel's eyes.

2. If successful dive into the bodies and attempt to hide and sneak attack the angel when it's guard is down.

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a27c43 No.12173


addendum to 2. If the dirt/sand/bonechip idea doesn't work attempt to wrestle the axe away from the angel or to cripple it in some way.

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a27c43 No.12174

Dice rollRolled 15, 33 = 48 (2d100)


>Physical differences: gems instead of eyes

>Magical differences: gem based magic if you would

>Body color: blue

Note you can only get up to 3 differences from norm and the stronger the difference the more slots it will take. I.E. One slot of wings would let the imp glide, true flight would require two slots said flight would be slow as flying goes. Moderate speed flight would require 3 etc.

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Crystalline: +10 defense - 10 healing


>Innate abilities: Shard shot, Defense 1, Perception 1

- left arm

1&2. Get a bit of distance from the burning angel and pelt him with shard shot. Gotta make him pay, at least a bit, for taking my arm.

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a27c43 No.12176

Dice rollRolled 39, 41 = 80 (2d100)


Physical differences: Scales, Scorpion Tail

Magical differences: Empathy

Body color: Red

Bonus: Conflict Seeker: Bonus Essence from foes you've helped to kill

Innate abilities: Defense II, Poison sting(weak), Empathy, Strength I, Combat II, Swordsmanship II

Vampiric Enchanted Sword(two handed): Gives user an strength and speed boost. additionally captures the essence and imp or demon loses immediately upon death.


>Wounded shoulder

>Swollen eye


12 Finish him, he must die on my blade and then I will appease my growing appetite with his heart. With his death hopefully his awful magic will fade away and I can feast unhindered.

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a27c43 No.12178




3-5 6-7 8-9



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a27c43 No.12179

Dice rollRolled 83, 89, 24, 38, 21, 6, 57, 37, 93, 91, 78 = 617 (11d100)


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a27c43 No.12181

Dice rollRolled 89, 82 = 171 (2d100)

1.2. I feel much better. I also seem to have a new ability. Lets try it out. See how the four winged archon likes a little Light Shot.

>Physical differences: Slightly Acidic, Gelatinous Body

>Magical differences: Can eat magic

>Body color: Teal, Slightly transparent.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: Gelatinous +5 On defence


>Innate abilities:

Core, You vital organs are surrounded by a hard crystal. Making you much harder to kill in one strike.

Acid 2

Endurance 3

Absorb magic 2 (note this is not a perfect defense and will be overpowered by even elite imp tier enemies, at this time it is an active cast.)

Light Shot 1


+Demon hood (20/50)

+Absorb III(5/25)

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a27c43 No.12182

Dice rollRolled 57, 40 = 97 (2d100)


>>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>>Bonus: Discerning +10 to observation rolls


>>Innate abilities: flight 2 empathy 1

>Physical differences: A flying eyeball with wings

>Magical differences: An evil eye. It flies around and looks at things, finds things that could cause evil, and sometimes tricks people to follow it and cause mischief.

>Body color: Whiteish

Demonhood (10/50)

Strength 2

empathy 2


- four finger on right hand

- right wing

1. Point my hand in his face, and squirt blood into his eyes!

2. While he is blinded, smack him upside the head with my good hand holding the halved rock, hoping to give him a concussion!

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a27c43 No.12184

Dice rollRolled 75, 45 = 120 (2d100)


1 2

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a27c43 No.12203

Dice rollRolled 33, 8, 46, 63, 70 = 220 (5d100)


Physical differences: A goat-like, 4-eyed head and bigger than most Imps

Magical differences: Can Temporarily increase his size to the height of a full demon

Body color: A drab grey with a bone white sku- head

Don't fill out or you get eaten by a wandering demon



Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

Bonus: [Intimidating] - That goat head of yours terrifies mortals and demons of equal or lesser rank +10 intimidation



2 imps (´・ω・`)

Elite Imp: Claws, scales, tail

>Innate abilities:

Strength 1



Intimidate 1

Strength 2 (13/15)

>Demonhood 10/50

>Current Ailments:

1/2. Such insolence will not be tolerated, flog the impudent imp who dares to question my orders

3/4/5. After the public demonstration as to why you don't fuck with me, send the emps around the cave to look for shit to eat/loot

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a27c43 No.12226

Dice rollRolled 66, 28 = 94 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Charisma, Silver Tongue

>Magical differences: Charm spell, Dark Bolt

>Body color: Blue

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless (names will not be acquired until you become a true demon)

>Bonus: Socializer: +10 to socializing -5 to combat

>Allegiance: Comedy?

>Innate abilities: Charisma I, Silver tongued I, Charm I. Strength I, Flight II

>Demonhood: 3/50

Combat with one of these would be suicidal. However, I could get the other imps to team up on him while I set up and spring a trap. First, I'll fly up into a dark alcove, if I can find one, then I'll address the imps below:

"Halt, servants of the master! In the name of Comedy, stand your ground and fight! Are you larval pitlings, who are good for nothing more than labour, or are you legends in the making, waiting to attain demonhood? Could this be your chance? Why wait to take it? If you run, you will be hunted. If you hold, your benevolent master will come to your aid and reward you for your courage!"

Of course, none of the things I'm saying will happen. Chances are, they'll die buying me time to spring my trap. Once the Archon is slowed down by the fighting imps, I'll drop something on him. A chandelier, a large stone, something heavy enough to kill him. And maybe the imps. But that's irrelevant. If it doesn't work, I can still use my size, speed, and flight to evade him, perhaps by crawling somewhere where he can't reach.

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a27c43 No.12241

Dice rollRolled 77, 48, 47, 75, 45, 76, 14, 53 = 435 (8d100)


12 3


4 5 6 7-8

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a27c43 No.12245

Dice rollRolled 24 (1d100)


>Physical differences: Cute, feathered body, similar to that of a bird.

>Magical differences: Particularly intelligent and well-spoken for an Imp/Sharp wit and tongue, traces of humanity and empathy.

>Body color: Grey.

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless

>Bonus: [Harmless?] + 5 to diplomatic actions with non-demons.

>Allegiance Grishnkangnkan (Greater Demon)

>Innate abilities: [Empathy 2] [Intelligence 2], [Silver tongued 2] (Silver tongued 3 5/25), [Sense Magic], [Arcane Bolt II], [Basic Illusion] [Basic Magic], [Invisibility]

Attached to:

>Thomas Astrius

>Magic Talent: Average

>Magic Skill: Very Good

>Standing : Very bad

>Moral compass: Compatible

>Appearance: Excellent


Spend two days or so a week with Thomas teaching him stronger forms of basic, yet nefarious magic, so that people do not grow suspicious (yet). Another day is spent giving him rest, as I independently grow my own power, studying the many spells of the library with my evil, fluffy paws. The remaining four are spent learning the sordid art of Blood Magic, and whatever other demon-related, evil tomes I can get my hands on… the stronger and more forbidden lore I can imbue him with, an the faster, the better. For now, he must master this magic, before we can move on to the next phase of my claiming of his soul! Errr, I mean, empowerment, of course.

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a27c43 No.12246

File: 1445993722805.png (569.18 KB,960x960,1:1,1440480179096.png)

Dice rollRolled 96, 92 = 188 (2d100)


>Physical differences: Fins with markings all over body

>Body color: White, Red, and Beige

>Rank: Imp

>Name: Nameless


Serpentine +5 to dodging



>Innate abilities:

Empathy 2; Swimming 1; Regen 1; Endurance 1; Combat 1; Digging; Strength 1

>Demonhood: (10/50)

1-2; give best kawaii-chan face ever "I-I submit myself to you. P-Please take care of me, Sempais~" Use Empathy to gain vague sense and appeal to them even more

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a27c43 No.12247


1 2


roll 4 d100

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a27c43 No.12248

Dice rollRolled 80, 77 = 157 (2d100)


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a27c43 No.12249

Dice rollRolled 37, 18, 97, 88 = 240 (4d100)



Ignore that roll, should have been 0d100

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a27c43 No.12250

Dice rollRolled 24, 40, 93, 88, 26 = 271 (5d100)


Real world rolls

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