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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1455858835084.jpg (2.7 MB,5468x2858,2734:1429,b8pi35P.jpg)

343b1b No.23596 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to the world of friskilvania. A dark age is soon to arrive and you are its heralds.

You can play as either the ruler of a particular nation, or a rouge hero/villian.




Population: 100

Money: 500€




Each turn you post 3 actions along with related bonuses that will affect the rolls and roll 3 d100. write "dice+3d100" in the email field. You then wait for the end of turn while being idle, watching some tv or maybe chatting with the other players and making fluff posts.

Combat actions are not part of the normal 3 actions but are separate. To fight you post a new post stating where to send your armies, how many armies and other relevant information, then you roll 1d100 for each army.

(defense bonuses only work when defending, but then count as x2, this is also true for other situational bonuses)

Writing fluff and generally roleplaying is encouraged and might give bonuses to rolls and actions, free actions can also be gained by roleplaying outside of your standard actions, eg. having a warmeeting with other players etc. can lead to bonuses and to things happening without actually being part of one of the normal actions.

Bonuses: Bonuses might be anything that might provide bonuses to certain actions goes if it's believable.

There are combat bonuses and general bonuses, combat bonuses might be for example weaponry or defences. While general bonuses could be infrastructure or puppets. There is overlap between the two categories.

HFill this in






Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

Heros can rule over nations, but they must forge a new one. Otherswise, its fair game.

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343b1b No.23597

>Name: Thief of the Night

>Race: Human

>Age: 22

>Gender: Female


I said the joker is a wanted man

He makes his way all across the land

I see him sifting through the sand

So I'll tell you all the story

About the joker and the thief in the night

He's always laughing in the midst of power

Are we living in the final hour

There is always sweet and sour

So we are not going home

Can you see the joker flying over

As she's standing in the field of clover

Watching out everyday

I wonder what would happen if he took her away

What you see well you might not know

You get the feelin' comin' after the glow

The vagabond is moving slow

So I'll tell you all the story

About the joker and the thief in the night

All the people that you see in the night

Hold their dreams up to the light

The wilderbeast is searching for sight

And we are not going home

Can you see the joker flying over

As she's standing in the field of clover

Watching out everyday

I wonder what would happen if he took her away

I said the joker is a wanted man

He makes his way all across the land

See him sifting through the sand

So I'll tell you all the story 'bout the joker and the thief

I said, I'll tell you all the story 'bout the joker and the thief

I said, I'll tell you all the story 'bout the joker and the thief

In the night

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: With the Joker of the Night

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343b1b No.23598

File: 1455859264890.jpg (5.52 KB,216x233,216:233,JokerOfTheNight.jpg)

>Name:Joker of the night




>Fluff:I said the joker is a wanted man

He makes his way all across the land

I see him sifting through the sand

So I'll tell you all the story

About the joker and the thief in the night

He's always laughing in the midst of power

Are we living in the final hour

There is always sweet and sour

So we are not going home

Can you see the joker flying over

As she's standing in the field of clover

Watching out everyday

I wonder what would happen if he took her away

What you see well you might not know

You get the feelin' comin' after the glow

The vagabond is moving slow

So I'll tell you all the story

About the joker and the thief in the night

All the people that you see in the night

Hold their dreams up to the light

The wilderbeast is searching for sight

And we are not going home

Can you see the joker flying over

As she's standing in the field of clover

Watching out everyday

I wonder what would happen if he took her away

I said the joker is a wanted man

He makes his way all across the land

See him sifting through the sand

So I'll tell you all the story 'bout the joker and the thief in the night.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: Right next to/with my darling companion the theif

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343b1b No.23599


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23600

Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Isiseros is a goddess of fertility and harvest. Her symbol is a sheaf of wheat and a line with a bulge part of the way down, representing pregnancy. She has no known set form; instead, She appears as the ideal form for each person who encounters her. Isiseron Priests and Priestesses are accomplished herbalists and skilled in the ways of childbirth, as Isiseros wishes not just to see people, the animals, and their land to be fertile, but to successfully reap the harvest that was sown so joyfully.

The church is headquartered in Isiseron, a town that grew around a church personally sanctified by the Goddess. The priesthood of this church leveraged their influence to become leaders of the entire following of Isiseros, and seek to better spread the word of their Lady, mainly by means of persuasion. While they will fight and the Church has Paladins and Clerics, most Isiseron are pacifistic in nature, and will not pursue matters beyond defense.

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23601

>Name: Ansel Semper

>Race: Human.

>Age: 21

>Gender: Female

>Fluff: Transformed by a potion that was promised to bring him pleasure, Ansel Semper found his fate was quickly twisted into one of slavery to his own desires. Once a young alchemist's apprentice, he encountered a travellomg merchant while out shopping one day. The merchant offered him his most valuable potion, one that would bring him true pleasure. Upon consumption, Ansel blacked out, finding he had become a she, and could not help but to fulfill the inhuman urges she now possessed. She now works her way across the land, trying her hardest not to succumb to the constant inhuman desires her body demands of her.

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343b1b No.23602


>Name: Komo the Bonemancer.

>Race: Human(?)

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female.


Born as the first of two sisters of a occult family, with a unusual talent a 'forgotten' art of magic, Komo was raised up to take advantage of such native power, to see how far such 'pseudo-necromancy' can go. Years later, and such efforts made her into a smol lazy mage, using the manifested ecto-bones to turn a book's page or tuck another blanket over her tiny frame. While she does nothing, her greater but younger sister, Nonia, help fund her bad habit through her task as a Town Guard.

While they would be content with their current lifestyle, Komo overheard rumours of a place that can grant ultimate power within the Tending Elemental tavern. If said rumours are true, it can finally offer a change to a greater life for both her and Nonia, to unlock the secrets of the 'Bonemancy' and bring her petty size up to par with her buffer sister, and would allow Nonia to learn said Bonemancy for herself. With a 'haste' that she didn't have in years, she gathered and bought the stuff required for the trip, convinced her sister to join her, and began the journey forwards the ultimate power.

>Location: On the path to the place of ultimate power.

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343b1b No.23603

Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green


Scaled folk of the top left islands' jungles, fond of humans for a wide variety of practicable applications ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Society divided into castes, only lizard folk can be the top caste and may never be enslaved but humans can rise to merchanthood or similar.

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23607

File: 1455862545764.jpg (17.25 KB,236x314,118:157,2b398a3f27eeaa7bfed429ab96….jpg)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Location: A large island.

Fluff/background: The Waglands refers to a relatively motley collection of townships, villages, and minor duchies ruled by a particularly intelligent demonic entity known only as “Wag”. It is unclear how Wag managed to secure control of such a broad territory, but most attribute the seizure as similarly owed to the intelligence of the creature, but less his strength. What is known about Wag himself is unclear of contradictory – while nominally evil and self-serving, he seemingly guards and protects his powerbase ferociously and in a manner most unbecoming a creature of the hells. Still, rumors abound of Wag's cruelty and eccentric sense of humor – he apparently enjoys chaos and destruction in an catholic fashion despite the prior biases perhaps construed as 'neutral' or even 'goodly'. Other facts about the Waglands are sparse but visible from the outside: the nation is a well oiled, efficient, and resilient autocracy that clearly benefits greatly from a Wag's constant micromanagement: cities within The Waglands have grown considerably, trade is indeed up, the population is healthy, and the urban centers are exceedingly safe….

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343b1b No.23608

File: 1455868757203.jpg (89.29 KB,1111x718,1111:718,Rumors.jpg)


>Name: Lewdcifer

>Race: Devil

>Age: Ayayayaya

>Gender: Male


There are many who claim the title Devil for themselves. Lewdcifer is one of them. Ambitious and bent on becoming the overlord of hell this devil seeks to empower himself by gathering the souls of sentient creatures and utilizing their spiritual energies to grow stronger.

Lewdcifer does not fight, changing faces, attires even races and genders frequently he has appeared as countless people from beggars to noblemen, choosing to avoid any direct confrontation and vanishing when engaged. Still he is not above having others fight his battles for him should they prove easy enough to be convinced and may grant boons to certain people should this prove beneficial to him personally.

In order to obtain the souls required to further his power Lewdcifer frequently offers deals to mortals, granting them a fraction of his power in very much the same manner a credit for a bank works. As the mortals grow more relevant and their souls more precious through the deeds they achieve with the power granted to them by Lewdcifer he will reap greater rewards once they die.

While Lewdcifer certainly enjoys striking deals motivated by greed or vengance it is often the people motivated by love or desperation who make for the easiest prey. Yet not everyone receives his boons. Lewdcifer is sure to keep away from those he considers too powerful as it is only in death that he receives his end of the bargain, though these individuals are few and far spread as not even the nigh immortal races are safe from his embrace. After all the devil outlasts them all in the end.

Whenever not engaged in deal making the Devil can be found interacting mostly with the commoners, as he is still too weak to directly engages the Highest of Kings, protected by powerful mages of near godlike power as they are. However until then he will bide his time encouraging petty squabbles between peasents, encouraging envy and revolution while trying to taint the soul of the common man.

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

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343b1b No.23609

File: 1455871578503.jpg (42.62 KB,400x511,400:511,104115.jpg)

Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Fluff: Henry Abernash was born to a minor noble family which was blessed with a small holding that been stricken with blight for years. For years Henry toiled trying to pull any profit from the blighted lands never gaining anything but aches and pains for his service for the land. He was an old and bitter man by the time he came upon and old scroll buried deep with the oldest part of his family manor. Written inside of it was an old black alchemy ritual for supposed immortality. Using what meagre wealth he had to acquire the ingredients with the final ingredient being the blood of a virgin. When he was in final segment of the ritual he was ambushed by paladins who rescued his sacrifice and drove him from his lands. Fleeing the paladins, the dark alchemy pumping through his veins twisted his body and mind into a dark form that while granting formidable power and the cost of drinking the blood of others. With his newly found abilities he has set out to gain enough power to reclaim his ancestral home and so much more…

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343b1b No.23612

File: 1455921808141.jpg (314.1 KB,976x1400,122:175,1424563971139.jpg)

>Name: Dongus

>Race: Human

>Age: 26

>Gender: Male

>Fluff: Dongus was born a mutant, and cast out of his village at a young age; his disfigurement was so great. A normal man would say her resembles a golden Adonis, except for one feature, the horrible disfigurement that has cursed him his entire life. Dongus was born with an abnormally large Penis. Now he roams the land, a cock for hire, a dick of war. Lady death will be the last thing he plows in life, after the rest of it has experienced his girth.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: Fuck if I know or care.

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343b1b No.23613

File: 1455921881886.jpg (134.41 KB,450x360,5:4,asian elf.jpg)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23614

File: 1455934071799.jpg (66.97 KB,900x823,900:823,pirate_captain_by_cereberu….jpg)

HFill this in

>Name: Catharine Hammond

>Race: Human

>Age: 19

>Gender: Female

>Fluff: Catharine was born to a wealthy Imperial family, and spend his early years studying your average noble things. But when he turned 19 everything changed. A peasant revolt had sprung up and his family was caught right in the middle. His father and mother where slain and his sister barely escaped. Catharine fled with a small bit of his once great fortune, and bought a reasonably sized ship and became a pirate. She journeys to find his lost sister and reclaim her fortune.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: Devil's Rock, A pirate haven

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343b1b No.23615

File: 1455935034785.jpg (84.46 KB,427x250,427:250,Bucket List.jpg)

I missed the last /d/ builder and I don't plan on missing this one!

>Name: George Carol

>Race: Human

>Age: 28

>Gender: M

>Fluff: There are some religions that follow this god or another, and those that are based around ideas. There are some which have very structured inner workings, and those which eschew order. George Carol is a deeply religious man, but not in the way that most people are. His religion carries no baggage; In fact, its one tenant is: "Forget your inhibitions." This is, funnily enough, easier said than done. Like the mountain monks cannot live without food and water, as much as they decry it as something material, letting go of one's inhibitions in order to pursue one's own desires is not entirely practical. However, as part of a long soul searching journey of sex, music, food, wine, and things less savory, George Carol has left his home in order to enjoy his life, and to take what he wants from it when he wants to do so.

>Location Preference: Upper left island


>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

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343b1b No.23637


>Name: Thief of the Night

>Race: Human

>Age: 22

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 10 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Dagger [.5]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Strangers in a strange land




-Thief of the Night- You gain a 5+ to any rolls involving thievery or stealing

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Joker of the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Joker of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

>Location: With the Joker of the Night


>Name:Joker of the night




>Health: Healthy

>Money: 10 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Dagger [.5]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Strangers in a strange land




-Jester of the Night- You gain a 5+ to all actions that have to do with performing or distracting.

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Theifof the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Thief of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

>Location: Right next to/with my darling companion the theif


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Money: 500€

Population: 100


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


2 Holy Militia [x2]


Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.


Field Guards [x2]


>Name: Ansel Semper

>Race: Human.

>Age: 21

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Literally who?




-Woman's intuition- You have a innate sense of danger. You will get PM to possible dangerous out comes.

-Heart's desires- Every other turn, roll a d100 to see if you give into your new body's wishes, and what the results are if you do.

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

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343b1b No.23675


>Name: Komo the Bonemancer.

>Race: Human(?)

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female.

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Basic Bone Magic[x1]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Master of the Bonezone




-Bone-o-mancy- You recieve a 5+ to rolls to animating bones or skeletal structures.

-Lazy- You receive a -5 to all rolls. Sloth Demons think your pretty cool though.

-Mechanic I didn't steal from another game- You may take a "nap" each turn. For each nap, you may add 1 to your nap counter. You may spend Nap Counter points to add 20 to any roll you make. You may spend multiple. You may only have three Nap Counters at max

-Smol- You don't get big easily.You also take more damage. However, your smaller to hit, so enemies get -10 to attack rolls against you.


Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


1 Market Guard [x1]


Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Location: A large island.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6][Hero][Demon]


>Name: Lewdcifer

>Race: Devil

>Age: Ayayayaya

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Robes

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)




-The Devil wears Prada( And everything else)- You can at will, change your physical form by spending a action. You will retain all your strengths and abilities in such a form. However, it must be of equal size or shape to your current one.

-Talk like a angel- You gain a +5 to diplomatic rolls against the Unwary

-But I got wise- For every soul of a another rival being(hero), or nation collapsed, you will gain a IMMENSE power boost. However, they must willingly agree, or be forced by contract to give it to you.

-Let's make a deal- The Deals you make far exceed your own power as a devil. For the right price, anything can be done. But the cosmic balances can be skewed at times. By making a deal with another player or nation, you not only putting their souls on the line, but your servitude as well. Just as they follow the contract, so must you. Your just better at reading between the lines.


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343b1b No.23676



Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Old Count clothing, Claws [1.5X][Brutal Strength]

>Level: 1





ARCHTYPE:-Child of the night- You are a vampire. You are ghastly pale, your eyes crimson and your hair as dark as the night. What i'm saying is, you stand out. You also gain [Brutal Strength]

–Music of the Night– You are weakend in the day, and empowered by the night. To represent this, every other turn you roll 3d100. However, every turn AFTER you roll 3d100, you only roll 1d100 for actions.

–I vant to suck your Bluhd!- you only need to consume blood to recieve nourishment. If you do not drink blood often, you will get weaker and weaker, until you die.

–Never call him by his real name- You are immune to all basic weaponry, and can not be killed by normal means. To be truly killed you must be stabbed by a blessed weapon in broad daylight.

–My Darling– You may pass on the curse/blessing of Vampirism to others, and those sired to you gain your abilities. You also gain 5+ To rolls concerning Hypnotism, thanks to your dark allure.

–One! One way to get away!– You may turn into a bat at will. RADICAL.



>Name: Dongus

>Race: Human

>Age: 26

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Arousal: 25

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Dick of Destiny[2.5x]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)

>Equipment: Your Dick



-His weapon…- You have a lust lvl. it starts at 25. The More aroused you get, the higher it goes. The Dick of Destiny's weapon stat is Equal to this lvl divided by ten. However, for each attack you make, you lose 5 lvls. If you get hit in the balls, you also loose arousal.

-Disfigured- Jesus christ dude, what the fuck are you spoused do to with the thing? Nobody can even fuck you, its too dam big. Can't hide it either. You look like a sex toy for a very lonely and horny giant, which is the only thing you could probably ever fuck. Dam dude.


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343b1b No.23709

File: 1456086852589.jpg (49.23 KB,1246x654,623:327,KUNG_FU_MEN.jpg)

Name: Dōjō no Azuma

Colour: White


Originally formed of human men discontent at the state of their homelands, the Dojo of the East is a secretive town full of warrior-monks devoted to the spirit of combat and its use in the defense of both oneself and those that are inadept at defending themselves, ever practicing their martial powers in the halls of the central building in which everything important to their lifestyle takes place.

Every man of the Dojo wears a distinct outfit consisting of a headband, a baggy set of cloth trousers and short robe or vest, and a belt, the colors of the suit depending on their area of expertise, the color of their belts indicating their level of mastery in that area. The use of weapons is frowned upon, and it is said that those that reach a state called "enlightenment" become so strong as to unlock special abilities that make their use null.

Location: Somewhere East

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23726

File: 1456091337754-0.jpg (98.46 KB,700x433,700:433,tuetuWV.jpg)

File: 1456091337791-1.jpg (103.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Skaven2.jpg)

Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown


The Skaven have long dwelt beneath the earth, infesting the buried ruins and cave networks and sewers below the world.

The Underhive is the largest gathering of Skaven, who dwell in a massive buried ruin complex within in the Shadow Lands. Once a shining beacon civilization of Atlynteria the greatest civilization the world had ever seen, until a great curse was cast upon them, and fire engulfed their realm. Now the Shadow Lands lie beneath the shade of several volcanoes which blot out the sun with ash and smoke. It is also the ancestral home of many other creatures of the night like the Vampire Families, the Werewolf Clans, the Warlock Covens, Evil Cults, or pirates and brigans seeking refuge and many other things that creep upon the world like a cancerous rot.

The Skaven are a cruel, conniving, ambitious race who have not forgotten the art of wit and politics. They have made dealings and several alliances in the past particularly with the Vampires and Pirates, and on occasion the Witches and Wolfmen. Offering skaven blood, slave sacrifices, or buried relics and treasure the rats have come to be known as something of the "Middlemen of Darkness"and the "Merchants of Evil". When the great nations of the world launch their Holy Crusades or Jihads into the Shadow Lands, the Skaven are called upon to offer their skill in logistics, communications, and tunnel networks against the holy threats.

Underhives efforts in diversification have not gone unrewarded. They are masters of jurry-rigging dark magic and savage science as one, their weapons and methods display a characteristic nature of the Skaven to incorporate everything. Skaven Enginseers use alchemy and sorcery to blast their enemies with dark lightning stemming from the tips of copper staffs, or bullets shot from warpstone infused pistols, or the most dreaded weapon of Underhive's arsenal, the Ratling Gunner, which uses warpstone to drive an automatic machine of leaden death.

Ever seeking new magics and technologies to integrate, they make it a point to explore every ruin, every forgotten temple, and take up any task that might offer them yet more knowledge of the dark arts. And as their tunnel networks dig outward, they grow themselves fat upon capture slaves and pillaged supplies, and are keen to share in the reward with their dark allies.

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23727

File: 1456092362224.jpg (479.47 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,SUPERSHIPSLUTS.jpg)

>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish


A coastal nation native to the southern archipelago, their advances in magitech is barely matched by the rest of the world. However, their military might is unusual, compared to other nations, and the reason why is because of their 'ships'.

Instead of, you know, actual literal ships, the Union instead employ towering females, equipped with mystical turrets and enhanced with mechanical supports. It is unclear why the Union employ these massive 'shipsluts', but it is clear that they are effective, able to serve as singular armies all by themselves.

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343b1b No.23736


>Name: Yashima

>Colour: Yellow Thats racist

>Population: 100

>Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]


>Name: Catharine Hammond

>Race: Human

>Age: 19

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 100 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Cutlass [x2]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Yar, your a poirate



[Insert Ship Name here] [Freighter] [x2]


-Pirates life for me- +5 to robbery and piratey stuff

-Neptune provides- You are able to pilot ships, and even fleets. You also gain a +5 to navigation rolls while on the high seas.

-Blow me down- You certainly are a beauty of the sea. Even your men are inspired by your sea-blown beauty. +10 to commanding/intimidating men and sailors.

-Miss Fortune- Being a pirate, you rely a lot on luck. Roll a d2 every turn. If its a one, gain a 10+ To all your rolls. If its a 2, lose -10 to all your rolls.

-Was it she…or he?- Nobody knows about your prior life as the son to a imperial family.PM me when you get the chance. You also get a overall +5 in sexual encounters, since you can be what ever they want you to be.

>Location: Devil's Rock, A pirate haven


>Name: George Carol

>Race: Human

>Age: 28

>Gender: M

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 2

>Fame/Infamy: Party Goer



2 Rampant Revelers [x2]


-Let it go- You are a one man priest, pope and messiah rolled into one. You gain a +5 in attempts to persuade lesser people into letting their inhibitions go, and are more likely to not get thrown out because of it.

-The Party don't start till I walk in- You are a very, very promiscuous man. Because of this, you have a innate knowledge of nation wide events from your many, many lovers. Also, +15 to sexual acts, or other works of debauchery, you dirty dirty profligate.

-Can't hold it back anymore- Turns out inhibitions are rather useful when it comes to saving. You LITERALLY can not have more than 25 gold coins before spending it, you awfully (Sexy), awful person.

>Location: Where ever the party is at


Name: Dōjō no Azuma

Colour: White

Location: Somewhere East

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Kung fu: Weak]

[Training: Weak]

[Spirit of Combat: Weak]


-erry body was kung-fu fighting- You are a nation dedicated to the art of combat. Recruiting soldiers and armies will come easier than others.

–Boys only– Your entire nation is composed of men, and humans at that. You lose -10 to any rolls dealing with Women. You lose -15 to any rolls dealing with non-human women.

–Enlightenment– For every battle your soldiers survive, they will come closer to Enlightenment. For every battle your soldier survives, add .5 to their combat effectiveness. You may also unlock special tags for certain units.

-At one with the Spirit- Your people are more intune to their spirit, and may in time come to better represent it. +5 to researching Elemental magics, and applying them to your martial arts. Your monks may also take on more of the appearance of what magic is most used around them.


3 Monks [x1]

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343b1b No.23737



Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown

Population: 150

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€

Warp Tokens: 10(-1/turn)


[Spells of Ruin: Weak]

[Mercantilism: Weak]

[Brass: Weak]


[Warp Stone: Weak]


ARCHETYPE –Rat Pack– You are rat-men, a bunch of dirty, conniving little monsters. Your sneaky, tricky and above all, pragmatic. You'll do what ever it takes to win and make a buck, or at least, cut your enemies throats before he does so to you.

-McRatvyver- You have the ability to mix Technologies and Magics. To see how this goes, roll a d100. You may only do this every two turns.

-Warped- Your people may only breed with themselves. Also, for all of your own disgusting tendencies, you find other species mostly unattractive. And they in turn, think of you that way as well. Not only that, but your people need a good supply of Warp Tokens, as they are your currency, your fuel, your seasoning, your magical talismans, your etc. Your society revolves around it. You may spend a Warp token to add 15 to any roll, but if you run out, you lose 20on ALL ROLLS.

-Smells like a rat- You are well known for your shady dealings. You lose -10 on ANY diplomatic rolls. Not only that, but due to your chaotic nature, your people are far more likely to ignore your commands and try to look out for themselves. Expect critical failures to be really bad. Also, your infantry are far, far weaker than others.


4 Slave Guards[x.5]


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

Population: 50

Money: 500€


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


–Titan's of Industry– Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

–Prima Donna- However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

–Heavy Artillery–


>KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x15]

Personality: Temperamental/bossy

Total Combat Effectiveness: [x25][Bombard: 1]

Current Outfitting:

Red Skirt

1 Weak Arcane Cannon[Bombard: 1][+x10]


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343b1b No.23738


Whoops, I meant she in my bio

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343b1b No.23739

HFill this in

>Name: Catharine Hammond

>Race: Human

>Age: 19

>Gender: Female

>Fluff: Catharine was born to a wealthy Imperial family, and spend her early years studying your average noble things. But when she turned 19 everything changed. A peasant revolt had sprung up and her family was caught right in the middle. Her father and mother where slain and her sister barely escaped. Catharine fled with a small bit of her once great fortune, and bought a reasonably sized ship and became a pirate. She journeys to find her lost sister and reclaim her fortune.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 100 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Cutlass

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Yar, your a poirate

>Equipment: Cutlass


[Neptune's Hangman] [Freighter] [x2]

>Bonus: -Pirates life for me- +5 to robbery and piratey stuff

-Neptune provides- You are able to pilot ships, and even fleets. You also gain a +5 to navigation rolls while on the high seas.

-Blow me down- You certainly are a beauty of the sea. Even your men are inspired by your sea-blown beauty. +10 to commanding/intimidating men and sailors.

-Miss Fortune- Being a pirate, you rely a lot on luck. Roll a d2 every turn. If its a one, gain a 10+ To all your rolls. If its a 2, lose -10 to all your rolls.

-Was it she…or he?- Nobody knows about your prior life as the son to a imperial family.PM me when you get the chance. You also get a overall +5 in sexual encounters, since you can be what ever they want you to be.

>Location: Devil's Rock, A pirate haven

1-2. A pirate needs her crew! I'll be sure to find some at the nearby tavern!

3. Look to buy a flintlock

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343b1b No.23740

Dice rollRolled 89, 86, 31 = 206 (3d100)

Forgot roll

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343b1b No.23741


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

>Population: 50

>Money: 500€


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


[Titan's of Industry] Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

[Prima Donna] However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

[Heavy Artillery] (This does a thing, I think?)

>Armies: (Full sheet: http://pastebin.com/h95qT52U )

KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x25][Bombard: 1]

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343b1b No.23746

File: 1456097688994.jpg (3.86 MB,5468x2858,2734:1429,Map.jpg)

>>WIP Map

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343b1b No.23747

File: 1456098376502.jpeg (155.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,images.duckduckgo.com.jpeg)

Dice rollRolled 710, 884, 449 = 2043 (3d1000)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6][Hero][Demon]


Actions [Expand East, Expand South, Expand Industry]


1. Expansion begins almost immediately as Wag's soldiers and loyal minions begin their acquisition of new territory. [Expand, East]

2. Another wave of expansion, this time to the south, starts. Wag looks forward to the new resources… [Expansion, South]

3. Wag also allocates some funding to infrastructure – the city must be larger and production must increase. [Increase industry/Infrastructure]

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343b1b No.23748

Dice rollRolled 9, 1, 56 = 66 (3d100)


…Wrong dice….

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343b1b No.23751

Dice rollRolled 18, 57, 55 = 130 (3d100)

Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


1 Market Guard [x1]

1. Sssshit ssshow's sssso ssssick, can't even be good at ssslaving!

[Research Better Slavery, Slave!]

2. Ssssssho the wildlife and sssack the natives, we want to own the landsss to our wessst.

[Expand East\North East]

3. Raise a unit of slave-takers.

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343b1b No.23752

Dice rollRolled 23, 25, 24 = 72 (3d100)


Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.


Field Guards [x2]

1: Research better Fertility Magic

2: Construct and Bless Farmlands +5

3. Pop growth. +5

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343b1b No.23753

Dice rollRolled 1, 92, 85 = 178 (3d100)


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


2 Holy Militia [x2]

1. Begin converting the population around us so that we may expand our dominion. (expand)

2. Begin praying to Zarus so he will bless us with the knowledge of how to purge his enemies.

3. Begin setting up farms for the peasants to work.

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343b1b No.23754

Dice rollRolled 58, 69, 60 = 187 (3d100)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]

The Emperor [1x][Hero][Inspiring]

1 ) We must find a way to weaponize the fire sand.

2 ) Search the lands for beasts that would be suitable for our military.

3 ) Set more men to working on alchemy, clearly it has capabilities that we were unaware of if it can produce materials like fire sand. What if it could make fire jelly, something that can be thrown then lit aflame to engulf it's target

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343b1b No.23757

File: 1456099837418.jpg (53.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,maxresdefault-1.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 8, 74, 17 = 99 (3d100)

Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Old Count clothing, Claws [1.5X][Brutal Strength]

>Level: 1





ARCHTYPE:-Child of the night- You are a vampire. You are ghastly pale, your eyes crimson and your hair as dark as the night. What i'm saying is, you stand out. You also gain [Brutal Strength]

–Music of the Night– You are weakend in the day, and empowered by the night. To represent this, every other turn you roll 3d100. However, every turn AFTER you roll 3d100, you only roll 1d100 for actions.

–I vant to suck your Bluhd!- you only need to consume blood to receive nourishment. If you do not drink blood often, you will get weaker and weaker, until you die.

–Never call him by his real name- You are immune to all basic weaponry, and can not be killed by normal means. To be truly killed you must be stabbed by a blessed weapon in broad daylight.

–My Darling– You may pass on the curse/blessing of Vampirism to others, and those sired to you gain your abilities. You also gain 5+ To rolls concerning Hypnotism, thanks to your dark allure.

–One! One way to get away!– You may turn into a bat at will. RADICAL.

1. First I must find a reliable source of food such as a village or city.

2. Also I must find a place to sleep during the day such as a cave, abandoned house or castle

3. I must FEEEEEED

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343b1b No.23759

Dice rollRolled 45, 78, 73 = 196 (3d100)


In a dojo, far away from their lands of origin, a group of fierce men in gis were practicing kicking cycles, their feet windmilling before landing back on the ground in a series of light thuds. They did in fluid, synchronized motions, ignoring their inner desires and distractions like hunger and the fact that many of them haven't seen a woman in so long that they've forgotten what they look like, for such material desires were damaging to the spirit, and a damaged spirit inhibited one's ability to effectively fight the same way a damaged body did. Sweat beaded from some of them. The next exercise came, and they were now practicing jabs, each of them striking a hanging bag full of fine sand and cloth shavings in unison.

Overlooking them was an old, short fellow with a long thin mustache. Every once and a while, he'd turn and scold a student for his imperfect form: such imperfections were bad, as they could mean the user in question injuring themselves as opposed to their foe. He had a sharp eye for such nuances, his steely gaze often enough to cause whichever man he placed it on to freeze in place, needing a gesture to get them to continue working. There was much to be done, it seemed, before his students would be ready for the challanges of Ive.

Name: Dōjō no Azuma

Colour: White

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Kung fu: Weak]

[Training: Weak]

[Spirit of Combat: Weak]


-Erry Body Was Kung-fu Fighting- You are a nation dedicated to the art of combat. Recruiting soldiers and armies will come easier than others.

–Boys only– Your entire nation is composed of men, and humans at that. You lose -10 to any rolls dealing with Women. You lose -15 to any rolls dealing with non-human women.

–Enlightenment– For every battle your soldiers survive, they will come closer to Enlightenment. For every battle your soldier survives, add .5 to their combat effectiveness. You may also unlock special tags for certain units.

-At one with the Spirit- Your people are more intune to their spirit, and may in time come to better represent it. +5 to researching Elemental magics, and applying them to your martial arts. Your monks may also take on more of the appearance of what magic is most used around them.


3 Monks [x1]





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343b1b No.23768

Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown


The Skaven have long dwelt beneath the earth, infesting the buried ruins and cave networks and sewers below the world.

The Underhive is the largest gathering of Skaven, who dwell in a massive buried ruin complex within in the Shadow Lands. Once a shining beacon civilization of Atlynteria the greatest civilization the world had ever seen, until a great curse was cast upon them, and fire engulfed their realm. Now the Shadow Lands lie beneath the shade of several volcanoes which blot out the sun with ash and smoke. It is also the ancestral home of many other creatures of the night like the Vampire Families, the Werewolf Clans, the Warlock Covens, Evil Cults, or pirates and brigans seeking refuge and many other things that creep upon the world like a cancerous rot.

The Skaven are a cruel, conniving, ambitious race who have not forgotten the art of wit and politics. They have made dealings and several alliances in the past particularly with the Vampires and Pirates, and on occasion the Witches and Wolfmen. Offering skaven blood, slave sacrifices, or buried relics and treasure the rats have come to be known as something of the "Middlemen of Darkness"and the "Merchants of Evil". When the great nations of the world launch their Holy Crusades or Jihads into the Shadow Lands, the Skaven are called upon to offer their skill in logistics, communications, and tunnel networks against the holy threats.

Underhives efforts in diversification have not gone unrewarded. They are masters of jurry-rigging dark magic and savage science as one, their weapons and methods display a characteristic nature of the Skaven to incorporate everything. Skaven Enginseers use alchemy and sorcery to blast their enemies with dark lightning stemming from the tips of copper staffs, or bullets shot from warpstone infused pistols, or the most dreaded weapon of Underhive's arsenal, the Ratling Gunner, which uses warpstone to drive an automatic machine of leaden death.

Ever seeking new magics and technologies to integrate, they make it a point to explore every ruin, every forgotten temple, and take up any task that might offer them yet more knowledge of the dark arts. And as their tunnel networks dig outward, they grow themselves fat upon capture slaves and pillaged supplies, and are keen to share in the reward with their dark allies.

Population: 150

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€

Warp Tokens: 10(-1/turn)


[Spells of Ruin: Weak]

[Mercantilism: Weak]

[Brass: Weak]


[Warp Stone: Weak]


ARCHETYPE –Rat Pack– You are rat-men, a bunch of dirty, conniving little monsters. Your sneaky, tricky and above all, pragmatic. You'll do what ever it takes to win and make a buck, or at least, cut your enemies throats before he does so to you.

-McRatvyver- You have the ability to mix Technologies and Magics. To see how this goes, roll a d100. You may only do this every two turns.

-Warped- Your people may only breed with themselves. Also, for all of your own disgusting tendencies, you find other species mostly unattractive. And they in turn, think of you that way as well. Not only that, but your people need a good supply of Warp Tokens, as they are your currency, your fuel, your seasoning, your magical talismans, your etc. Your society revolves around it. You may spend a Warp token to add 15 to any roll, but if you run out, you lose 20on ALL ROLLS.

-Smells like a rat- You are well known for your shady dealings. You lose -10 on ANY diplomatic rolls. Not only that, but due to your chaotic nature, your people are far more likely to ignore your commands and try to look out for themselves. Expect critical failures to be really bad. Also, your infantry are far, far weaker than others.


4 Slave Guards[x.5]

Stat Post, actions incoming.

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343b1b No.23771

Dice rollRolled 17, 96, 29 = 142 (3d100)


1. Work on some of the early prototype Warpstone Pistols

2. Train our digging technology, we shall carve into the earth

3. Establish an Alchemical Guild for better alchemy

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343b1b No.23778

Dice rollRolled 98, 73, 41 = 212 (3d100)


That's odd. I don't have a hangover. And I don't usually wake up with my clothes on. Where the fuck am I?

1. If I'm going to do anything fun today, I'm going to need to find out where the fuck I am. If I'm to spend any time lounging around, eating grapes, and getting blown, I need to find a place with sufficient lounges, grapes, and blowjobs.

2. Once I figure out what's going on (Maybe my fellow revelers will have ideas), I can find a way to make some money. There's always a job for a man who doesn't give a fuck.

3. It's time. Time to take up my mantle as the messiah of music, the seer of sex, the druid of fluids, the wizard of wine, the diviner of dinner, and the scion of countless children of ambiguous origin. Any location with a lot of people will do for my sermons: a street corner, a tavern, or maybe a church. THAT would be funny. Let's do that.

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343b1b No.23780

Dice rollRolled 56, 36, 82 = 174 (3d100)

>>23741 (You)

1: 'Upgrade' the KNS "Darci" Dreadnought to a larger form, due to her wishes.

2: Figure out the means for cement, in order to allow for more advanced and sturdy buildings.

3: Reform the Union's Bank after it crashed weeks before during the making of the first Ship Colossi, to allow taxes to allow a actual income once again.

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343b1b No.23790


Location: Near the Capital city of Yashima, in the ruins of a deserted shop where you had purchased the potion.

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343b1b No.23792

Dice rollRolled 86, 89, 57 = 232 (3d100)

>Name: Ansel Semper

>Race: Human.

>Age: 21

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Literally who?




-Woman's intuition- You have a innate sense of danger. You will get PM to possible dangerous out comes.

-Heart's desires- Every other turn, roll a d100 to see if you give into your new body's wishes, and what the results are if you do.

>Location: Near the Capital city of Yashima, in the ruins of a deserted shop where you had purchased the potion.

1. This shop is deserted, let's see if there's anything to loot.

2. Go to a non-deserted shop and see if my 5 gold will fetch any equipment.

3. Oh shit I'm a woman. Just sort of check that out, I guess.

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343b1b No.23854

File: 1456202029050.jpg (100.79 KB,600x575,24:23,Rachnera.jpg)


>Name: Latrodecta

>Race: Arachne

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female

>Fluff: Deep within a dark forest the birds do not sing, there are not deer or rabbits, even the wolves stay away, for there lies the lair of Latrodecta. Webs coat the trees and the ground and any who stray within her territory is quickly caught and brought to her lair, where she will feast. With her speed, strength, claws, and venom she easily takes down any intruder, and binds them in her web, though if they were particularly strong she may deign to take them as a mate for the season, draining them dry before finally disposing of them as a meal, either for her or any children she may have birthed. The only ones who have escaped have been let go by her so that others will come, for she is a lazy creature who does not wish to have to venture far from her home to find food.

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343b1b No.23855

File: 1456204090707.jpg (3.74 MB,5468x2858,2734:1429,Map01.jpg)


you quickly set off towards the Dirty Rat, a home of scum and villainy, a place you fit in well enough. Bar maids, buss boys and other servants ,all dressed scantily clad, rush about delivering hot drinks, hot food, and other things which may or may not be hot. You yourself aren't a bad looker, and with a few promises here and there of power and money, you quickly gather up a assortment of motley men and women ready to plunder. Along the way to your ship, you quickly purchase a Flintlock, and the supplies, although not on the cheap. While usually beasts don't bite the hand that feeds them, they never attack the hand that's also armed.



5 Privateer's[1.5x][-1 GC/per turn]


[Flintlock: x5][One Use: May only be used once per combat]


-20 Gold Coins


As the Wagland's stutter into preparation, many of the nobles and lords are caught unaware, and panic'd by the Wag's sudden extrovert behavior. Many of them even question the necessity of expanding so soon. The Wag, incredibly angered by this, begins a purge of these disloyal Nobles and their lot. Most them die, being eaten and swallowed alive, and their armies broken and torn apart. It will take some time to sort this out, and to recover from the giant feast. On the plus side, all these tasty tasty nobles sure does the demon body good.

GAIN: [Swallow Whole] tag for The Wag[x6]

–Political Instability– For the next two turns, the Wag will have to micromanage intensely, putting aside some other business as he personally oversees every action. You may only use two dice while this Bonus is in-effect.



In the temples and market places, business is good. However, after accident involving some…Some rather unethical interaction between a young flirty skink, and a unfortunate young human boy take place, a small scale Slave Riot occurs after some drunken lizardmen take offense. Thankfully, it is put down fast, and the Skink's parent's personally bought the Human slave for their daughter's sweet sixteenth shedding as a present for her. While this does put a damper on the whole advancement of it, but on the flip side, it provides some guards with rudimentary training. You also expand a little south!


1+ Hex.

1+ Market Guard.

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343b1b No.23856

File: 1456204160070.jpg (156.34 KB,484x536,121:134,HeresToYouConsul.jpg)


You set to work on the farm lands and the Fertility magic, when a odd inquiry seems to come from above, and lays down upon your minds. Perhaps one could fit with the other. You deduce from these instructions a wondrous a idea: A Farm blessed with the magics of fertility, a place where woman can go to achieve comfort and relaxation as the children develop, and exercise until their childs birth.


[Fertility farm:1/8]


As you set forth to purfiy the domain around you, a disgusting turn of events reveals how deeply the darkness has spread into these people: They deprive themselves, and live off the cheap thrills and carnal sin of the flesh. Even they're children are not sacred, and are encouraged to join in these foul affairs. You barely are able to save a small girl from being torn apart in the lust frenzied mobs of her village. Your people realize they are all but stuck between Gomorrah and Sodom. Your priests deliver their verdict, although it is hard not to guess it: None of these abominable tribes may survive. You are to slay every last one of their adults, or children over the age of 5. The word of Zarus spreads like wild fire, and more Militia quickly join your cause.

[The Purification: 1/4


2 Holy Militia.


As your men search the lands, it is quite clear that the dragons once held so high in regards to your people have fallen from the top of the food chain. Infact, when they return to you, you can hardly believe them as they regal to you of how the beasts had swooped from the sky, and quickly grappled a Young Dragon to the ground, before tearing it apart with their sharp claws and fangs. But the living proof they had with them soon confirmed it: Hurt from the fight with the dragon, it was still a good 10ft tall, with teeth like swords, a tail like mace, the wings great and powerful, the light wounds on her large breasts and ass, her horns curved and- The emperor's eyes bulge(And so does something else) upon seeing the splendid figure of the beast tied before him. Had she not have the traits beast, she would have surely been a rather fetching lady. The Guards cough, telling the Emperor she would serve as a fine "mount" in return for healing her. The sniggers from the rest of the court are audible, although the angry snorting of flames silences the laughter. Through her bindings, she mutters something about a debt, and owing the Emperor if he would help her heal after being abandoned by her kind. She would also appreciate it, if the ever so tight, and /confining/ ropes and chains be removed.

The country is too abuzz with the Drake's arrival to do much, but having a fire breathing creature surely would help…



[Drake Taming: Weak]

[Fire Jelly: 1/7]


–Drake's debt– The Drake, her name Asarka, your men saved, has promised that in return for her care and healing, she will serve your Emperor. In 3 TURNS, she will be fully healed and combat ready. Until then, your best apothecaries are helping her.

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343b1b No.23857

File: 1456204257518.png (131.62 KB,676x600,169:150,OhBoy.png)


Awakening from your deep slumber, the moon hangs high, and the mist lays low across the land. You rise from the ruins, your former majestic hold crumbling. Stumbling into the night, still drowzy and unaware, you find a small village, and stumble through. Most are asleep, or otherwise too busy to help the pale witching hour stranger, till you finally find a small cottage on the edge of town. The door opening, you barely have time to catch the sight of a young woman dressed in black before you pass out on to a bed.


Your monks take turns yelling at each other to hype themselves up for the oncoming combat. Spirits and tempers fly high, as they push each other harder and harder, and yell LOUDER AND LOUDER. Your energy attracts spirits, who cheer on their favorites and call out cheaters and bad sports.


[Training: 2/8]

[Spirit of Combat: 2/10]


At first, things seem to be going great the Skryer Warpsmith working on the pistol is considered the expert in his forefront, and quickly assembles the gun. However, a rival takes advantage of the situation and adds a few more components to the device. Upon pulling the trigger, the Warpstone pistol explodes, and the Warplock is thrown away unharmed. Soon though, the effects take place, and he begins to grow mammaries and blimp up slightly. It seems that the gun had been a failure, and the new sow is rolled into a breeding pit. The Task is assigned to a new Warplock, secretly the one to tamper with the first ones gun. In return, he begins to plan out the new drilling equipment he's been designing,



(Remember to subtract a warptoken)


Upon awakening, you smile as you see a pretty girl on your right holding tightly onto your chest(Along with the fact that you aren't wearing clothing). Ah, another wonderful night you suppose. Turning to your left, however, you see a Skink holding onto you, her cold scaly hands wrapping around your body, and a horrifying feeling of her tail being FAR too close to your rear. You roll out of a bed a moment later and find that you are in some sort of stone city. Heading down stairs, you find your revelers totally trashed, and laying with a variety of men, women, lizards and other such things. After everyone wakes up, they follow your lead and walk the streets looking for a church. Sadly, these lizard-dillards don't seem to have much for a religion. On the upside though, those two girls? Apparently you bough them! Right on! Slavery! woo!



2 Slave Lovers [x.5][Protector][Lover]

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343b1b No.23858


Darci pouts, sitting in the bay. She looks at the diplomat with a very angsty look on her face, and a very threatening cannon look on her…well, cannons. "What do you mean you can't build me bigger? You don't have the technology? WELL, GET IT." She turns around, crossing her arms. However, her picture and image is well received with the people, and the bank begins to reform with her as its poster girl.

[Union Bank: 2/6]


Searching around, you find a few alchemy ingredients, a couple of books, and a smattering of gold coins. With no option, you stuff them in your loose fitting clothing, and take off. You walk a bit, getting a few queer looks, but it seems that the news of a "Drake" being captured was catching more attention that some harlot on the street. Toitering into a shop, the tiny old lady beyond the counter eyes you over. Noticing your awkward actions and general un-comfortableness and out of place nature, she tries to talk to you. You look at her oddly for a bit, before she realizes you don't even speak their language. Where the hell did that merchant take you? Upon realizing that you didn't speak a word of it, she groans, than beckons for you to follow her into the back room.


Alchemy Supplies: 2 (You may spend alchemy supplies to make potions. The more you use, the stronger they are.


–Unusual in the Orient– You are a stranger in a strange land. It seems that the only language here is "Orient" and are considered extremely out of place here. If you want to even begin to live here, you'll have to put some effort into learning their customs.


>Name: Latrodecta

>Race: Arachne

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0

>Belongings: Clothes, Silken Clothing

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Legend of the woods




–All wrapped up in you– Unlike other hero's, you can claim territories. And while you may not have full control over them they are rather special: Units or heros that pass through them must make a combat check against the web level of the Forrest. if they fail, they are trapped in the web until next turn. Area's you control CAN be also controlled by others as well, however.

-Web Levels-




–Nowhere to run– You are very, very, /very/ good at wrapping things up tightly. If you and another hero are insame the territory, they can not escape. Further more, you may roll 3d100 to see if you wrap them up. If all dice roll at or above 75, the Hero is trapped until you let them go.

–Black Widow– If a male unit or hero is captured by "No where to run", than you may proceed to have your way with them, or drain them of their nutrients. If you have your way with them, however, roll a d50 times the Hero's Level to see how the spawn turns out. You may also use your venom to slowly twist and transform your prey into a shape similar to yours.

–Spider Silk Sale– You can spin silk, and gain a 10+ To the creation of clothing and fabrics. Neato!

>Location: The Dark Continent (Forest between Waglands and UnderHive)

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343b1b No.23859

File: 1456205169961.jpg (28.76 KB,500x310,50:31,vampire-e1317575036693.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 32 + 5 (1d100)


Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Old Count clothing, Claws [1.5X][Brutal Strength]

>Level: 1






[Child of the night] You are a vampire. You are ghastly pale, your eyes crimson and your hair as dark as the night. What I'm saying is, you stand out. You also gain [Brutal Strength]

[Music of the Night] You are weakened in the day, and empowered by the night. To represent this, every other turn you roll 3d100. However, every turn AFTER you roll 3d100, you only roll 1d100 for actions.

[I vant to suck your Bluhd!] you only need to consume blood to receive nourishment. If you do not drink blood often, you will get weaker and weaker, until you die.

[Never call him by his real name]You are immune to all basic weaponry, and can not be killed by normal means. To be truly killed you must be stabbed by a blessed weapon in broad daylight.

[My Darling]You may pass on the curse/blessing of Vampirism to others, and those sired to you gain your abilities. You also gain 5+ To rolls concerning Hypnotism, thanks to your dark allure.

[One! One way to get away!] You may turn into a bat at will. RADICAL.

Location: Kingdom of Astaro, Wilds


1. Charm the widower over to my bedside so I may feed upon her.

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343b1b No.23861

Dice rollRolled 88, 17, 51 = 156 (3d100)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]

[Drake Taming: Weak]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.

–Drake's debt– The Drake, her name Asarka, your men saved, has promised that in return for her care and healing, she will serve your Emperor. In 3 TURNS, she will be fully healed and combat ready. Until then, your best apothecaries are helping her.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]

The Emperor [1.2x][Hero][Inspiring]

1 ) Continue our work weaponizing the fire sand.

2 ) Increase our knowledge of steel

3 ) Fire Jelly 1/7

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343b1b No.23862

Dice rollRolled 75, 52, 91 = 218 (3d100)

1. Establish a warrior caste who automatically enter the military, attempting to generate

+[Caste: Medium]

2. Breeding, more breeding! Turn that hex we just conquered into a resort for breeding. Attempt to gain +Pop/turn

3. Research Paralysis Magic

Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


2 Market Guard [x1]

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343b1b No.23863


*1. attempting to generate military units/per turn

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343b1b No.23864

File: 1456205601596.jpg (100.22 KB,800x600,4:3,070912145919_1_900x600.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 34, 58 = 92 (2d100)


>Name: Latrodecta

>Race: Arachne

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0

>Belongings: Clothes, Silken Clothing

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Legend of the woods




–All wrapped up in you– Unlike other hero's, you can claim territories. And while you may not have full control over them they are rather special: Units or heros that pass through them must make a combat check against the web level of the Forrest. if they fail, they are trapped in the web until next turn. Area's you control CAN be also controlled by others as well, however.

-Web Levels-




–Nowhere to run– You are very, very, /very/ good at wrapping things up tightly. If you and another hero are insame the territory, they can not escape. Further more, you may roll 3d100 to see if you wrap them up. If all dice roll at or above 75, the Hero is trapped until you let them go.

–Black Widow– If a male unit or hero is captured by "No where to run", than you may proceed to have your way with them, or drain them of their nutrients. If you have your way with them, however, roll a d50 times the Hero's Level to see how the spawn turns out. You may also use your venom to slowly twist and transform your prey into a shape similar to yours.

–Spider Silk Sale– You can spin silk, and gain a 10+ To the creation of clothing and fabrics. Neato!

>Location: The Dark Continent (Forest between Waglands and UnderHive)

1.2 Begin to spin my web and expand my "territory"

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343b1b No.23865

Dice rollRolled 71, 16, 9 = 96 (3d100)


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


4 Holy Militia [x2]

1&2. Continue the purification! They shall be judged and those guilty shall be burned! Those without taint shall be taken to the monastery to learn the ways of Zarus. 1/4

3. With the influx of orphans we require a larger place for them to learn. We shall start with the combat wing. Begin building a training grounds attached to the monastery.

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343b1b No.23866

Dice rollRolled 97, 11, 37 = 145 (3d100)


Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.


Field Guards [x2]

In progress: Fertility Farm

1: We shall continue to work on the Fertility Farm! +5

2: Let us spread the good word of our goddess! [Expansion via converstion]

3: We need to study our herbology, let's build an herb farm to help!

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343b1b No.23867

File: 1456206759734.png (4.77 KB,240x240,1:1,main.png)

Dice rollRolled 10, 6, 58 = 74 (3d100)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6|Hero|Demon|Swallow Whole]


Outstanding Issues


>>–Political Instability– For the next two turns, the Wag will have to micromanage intensely, putting aside some other business as he personally oversees every action. You may only use two dice while this Bonus is in-effect.



Actions [Research: Bureaucracy]


1. Wag is tired of the nobility and so sets about establishing a massive bureaucracy to help him administrate the territories. "Listen, unless you want to DIE, you need to figure out the basics of administrating everything. You people are worthless and helpless without me. Look at me, I'm great. SOMEONE PET ME!" [Research: Bureaucracy]

2. Undeterred by the nobles, wag sets out to continue expansion. "We need more resources. Stop disagreeing or I'm going to kill more of you." [Expansion!]

X.[Eccentricity Roll]

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343b1b No.23868

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d2)

[Wag Helpfulness roll: 1d2]

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343b1b No.23869

File: 1456206900090.jpg (114.49 KB,600x400,3:2,ConcreteProduction.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 94, 44, 39 = 177 (3d100)


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

>Population: 50

>Money: 500€


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


[Titan's of Industry] Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

[Prima Donna] However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

[Heavy Artillery] (This does a thing, I think?)

>Armies: (Full sheet: http://pastebin.com/h95qT52U )

KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x25][Bombard: 1]

1: While the 'method' to produce new Colossi is highly secret that not even the Union's President know of, the urge from Darci to improve upon such means pushed the elite shipbuilders to figure out a way to produce and support a larger class of Ship Colossi, in addition to the means to allow older models to grow to those heights.

>Upgrade the [Ship Colossi] tech from Medium to good.

2: While there was little demand for the equivalent of a cold liquid form of rock that can be hardened to form structures, the general idea of concrete was bought up from a local 'inventor' by the higher shipbuilders, in order to provide a solid basis for 'facilities' and drydocks for the general production of shipsluts.

>Figure out the means for cement, in order to allow for more advanced and sturdy buildings.

3: Thanks to a general patriotic fever from back when Darci was first made that still remained to the present day, the Union Bank would receive support thanks to their use of her as a 'mascot' of sort. Even Darci herself enjoyed the connection, using it as a excuse to come inland to tower over the Union city-state to attract attention to the bank, in addition to reinforcing her power over the civilization to herself. However, she was making 'suggestions' to the bank to change their name to 'Bank of Darci', in order to 'help support the connection between the bank and the wonder which is myself', as she says.

>Reform the Union's Bank to get a per-turn income. (2/6) -50€

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343b1b No.23870

Dice rollRolled 97, 72, 44 = 213 (3d100)


Name: Dōjō no Azuma

Colour: White

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Kung fu: Weak]

[Training: Weak]

[Spirit of Combat: Weak]


-Erry Body was Kung-fu Fighting- You are a nation dedicated to the art of combat. Recruiting soldiers and armies will come easier than others.

–Boys Only– Your entire nation is composed of men, and humans at that. You lose -10 to any rolls dealing with Women. You lose -15 to any rolls dealing with non-human women.

–Enlightenment– For every battle your soldiers survive, they will come closer to Enlightenment. For every battle your soldier survives, add .5 to their combat effectiveness. You may also unlock special tags for certain units.

-At One With the Spirit- Your people are more intune to their spirit, and may in time come to better represent it. +5 to researching Elemental magics, and applying them to your martial arts. Your monks may also take on more of the appearance of what magic is most used around them.


3 Monks [x1]



2. THE TRAILS CONTINUE! (Training: 2/8)


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343b1b No.23874

Dice rollRolled 34, 85, 58 = 177 (3d100)


Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown


The Skaven have long dwelt beneath the earth, infesting the buried ruins and cave networks and sewers below the world.

The Underhive is the largest gathering of Skaven, who dwell in a massive buried ruin complex within in the Shadow Lands. Once a shining beacon civilization of Atlynteria the greatest civilization the world had ever seen, until a great curse was cast upon them, and fire engulfed their realm. Now the Shadow Lands lie beneath the shade of several volcanoes which blot out the sun with ash and smoke. It is also the ancestral home of many other creatures of the night like the Vampire Families, the Werewolf Clans, the Warlock Covens, Evil Cults, or pirates and brigans seeking refuge and many other things that creep upon the world like a cancerous rot.

The Skaven are a cruel, conniving, ambitious race who have not forgotten the art of wit and politics. They have made dealings and several alliances in the past particularly with the Vampires and Pirates, and on occasion the Witches and Wolfmen. Offering skaven blood, slave sacrifices, or buried relics and treasure the rats have come to be known as something of the "Middlemen of Darkness"and the "Merchants of Evil". When the great nations of the world launch their Holy Crusades or Jihads into the Shadow Lands, the Skaven are called upon to offer their skill in logistics, communications, and tunnel networks against the holy threats.

Underhives efforts in diversification have not gone unrewarded. They are masters of jurry-rigging dark magic and savage science as one, their weapons and methods display a characteristic nature of the Skaven to incorporate everything. Skaven Enginseers use alchemy and sorcery to blast their enemies with dark lightning stemming from the tips of copper staffs, or bullets shot from warpstone infused pistols, or the most dreaded weapon of Underhive's arsenal, the Ratling Gunner, which uses warpstone to drive an automatic machine of leaden death.

Ever seeking new magics and technologies to integrate, they make it a point to explore every ruin, every forgotten temple, and take up any task that might offer them yet more knowledge of the dark arts. And as their tunnel networks dig outward, they grow themselves fat upon capture slaves and pillaged supplies, and are keen to share in the reward with their dark allies.

Population: 150

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€

Warp Tokens: 9(-1/turn)


[Spells of Ruin: Weak]

[Mercantilism: Weak]

[Brass: Weak]


[Warp Stone: Weak]


ARCHETYPE –Rat Pack– You are rat-men, a bunch of dirty, conniving little monsters. Your sneaky, tricky and above all, pragmatic. You'll do what ever it takes to win and make a buck, or at least, cut your enemies throats before he does so to you.

-McRatvyver- You have the ability to mix Technologies and Magics. To see how this goes, roll a d100. You may only do this every two turns.

-Warped- Your people may only breed with themselves. Also, for all of your own disgusting tendencies, you find other species mostly unattractive. And they in turn, think of you that way as well. Not only that, but your people need a good supply of Warp Tokens, as they are your currency, your fuel, your seasoning, your magical talismans, your etc. Your society revolves around it. You may spend a Warp token to add 15 to any roll, but if you run out, you lose 20on ALL ROLLS.

-Smells like a rat- You are well known for your shady dealings. You lose -10 on ANY diplomatic rolls. Not only that, but due to your chaotic nature, your people are far more likely to ignore your commands and try to look out for themselves. Expect critical failures to be really bad. Also, your infantry are far, far weaker than others.


4 Slave Guards[x.5]

Stat Post, actions incoming.

1. Incompetent. Now he will be useful as a breeder sow.

It matters not, you there. You assumed position now don't fail us, or you'll meet the same fate as him!

Tunneling 1/8

2. Continue establishing the alchemical guild.

3. Find the Grey Seer, our supply of Warpstone diminishes and we will need to gather more.

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343b1b No.23875

File: 1456239670505.jpg (29.27 KB,416x500,104:125,415QWQFxHJL.jpg)

HFill this in

>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Fluff: Captain Freyborn is the commander of one of the world's finest freelance naval expeditionary vessels, the Diadem. As captain of the ship he has discovered many new lands, unknown to all but those who already lived there. Not that Freyborn see’s native savages as an issue, after all they can be dealt with simply enough. After all, the captains clients demand results, and he always delivers.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

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343b1b No.23876

Courtier to the blue order

Name: The Blue Monks

Colour: Light blue

Fluff/background: The monks are a scientific focused branch of the blue grail. They forsake the combat roll of the main order in return for focusing on improving the weapons and methods to eradicate the impure. The monks spend most of their lives in the labs and cellars of the monastery only leaving if they have to do a field study of a particular impure to figure out how better to combat it. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€




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343b1b No.23887

Dice rollRolled 47, 25, 44 = 116 (3d100)

1-3) Follow old lady.

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343b1b No.23892


>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Posh Captain hat and epaulets

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: Entrepreneur of Adventure



The Diadem[x5][Boat]


Umshini[Luggage boy]


–Adventure is out there!– You are a expert navigator and a renowned adventurer! You gain a +10 to all roles that regard movement or EXPLORING.

–Filthy savages– You exude a aura of refinement and adversity against all forms of barbarism. You may re-roll dice against enemies considered Uncivilized or vile(Which is up to me to decide).

–In the nick of time– As a well experienced explorer, you are a slippery dog. You can exit and enter combat at will, as long as you are completely healthy.

–Jungle fever– You get a 5+ When trying to convert unruly savages with your posh "Charm"

>Location: South of the Kaecolln union

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343b1b No.23894

Dice rollRolled 37, 59, 35 = 131 (3d100)

>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Posh Captain hat and epaulets

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: Entrepreneur of Adventure



The Diadem[x5][Boat]


Umshini[Luggage boy]


–Adventure is out there!– You are a expert navigator and a renowned adventurer! You gain a +10 to all roles that regard movement or EXPLORING.

–Filthy savages– You exude a aura of refinement and adversity against all forms of barbarism. You may re-roll dice against enemies considered Uncivilized or vile(Which is up to me to decide).

–In the nick of time– As a well experienced explorer, you are a slippery dog. You can exit and enter combat at will, as long as you are completely healthy.

–Jungle fever– You get a 5+ When trying to convert unruly savages with your posh "Charm"

>Location: South of the Kaecolln union

1. Make way to the nearest coast lads!

2. Scour the beaches for spot, such as a lagoon to put down anchor.

3. disembark my fine ship to take a look around, what mysteries could this land hold?

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343b1b No.23898


So… Still don't post?

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343b1b No.23901

File: 1456286455243.jpg (46.32 KB,480x331,480:331,Oktoberfest.jpg)



Fuck it, I'm posting. All the cool kids are doing it!

>Name: George Carol

>Race: Human

>Age: 28

>Gender: M

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 2

>Fame/Infamy: Party Goer



2 Rampant Revelers [x2]

2 Slave Lovers [x.5][Protector][Lover]


-Let it go- You are a one man priest, pope and messiah rolled into one. You gain a +5 in attempts to persuade lesser people into letting their inhibitions go, and are more likely to not get thrown out because of it.

-The Party don't start till I walk in- You are a very, very promiscuous man. Because of this, you have a innate knowledge of nationwide events from your many, many lovers. Also, +15 to sexual acts, or other works of debauchery, you dirty, dirty profligate.

-Can't hold it back anymore- Turns out inhibitions are rather useful when it comes to saving. You LITERALLY cannot have more than 25 gold coins before spending it, you awfully (Sexy), awful person.

>Location: Where ever the party is at

1. They don't have much religion? This is great! They'll be in need of "spiritual counsel"! Hell, I could whip them up into an eternal orgy of sex, drugs, music, violence, and general fun before I just leave! It's time to start proselytizing the one way to live to these lizards!

2. I wonder who's in charge here. Hopefully a queen or priestess. That would be a good time. If I could work my way into her bedchambers and stick around for all the messy banquets and debauched masquerades (that's what rich lizards do, right?)

3. Explore! The streets and alleys of towns and cities are great places to meet new and interesting people, and rob, fuck, kill, or drink with them. If I can steal a piece of paper or something, I could draw out a map. Huh. That's remarkably foresighted of me. Fuck maps. I'll walk around the streets lookin' for fun!

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343b1b No.23902


You awaken, the plush covers of the bed wrapped tightly around you. Leaning forward to move out of bed, and to the morsel who had been so kind as to let you in, It was than you noticed the draw string stretched across your face. Following it led to two grim conclusions: To the left, it is tied to a curtain, the morning light creeping about under it. Although it may not be exactly deadly, it was still about as pleasant as taking a bath in a broiling cauldron. To your right, sat the widow, a small smile on her face, and a large crucifix sharped into a stake in her hands.

"Good morning, my dear guest~" She says with a taste of joy. "As you can see, I know exactly what you are: Your slumber gave me ample time to ensure your life…or, unlife as it is the case. I was once a apothecary for the town…" she unfurls her dress' collar, revealing her neck. "I could end your life soon enough. Or at least make it rather unpleasant while I fetched help. But… I believe that isn't necessary, is it? No…As you can see, a widow such as myself has little to live for.. My children and husband all entered the grave far too soon, and left me alone.. But I know of the rumors of Vampires. Eternal life…Beauty…" She looks at you, before crawling atop you, the draw blind still tightly in her hand. "Please..I do not know who you are…But you must rescue me of this torment: I am alone. Destined to die alone. I have made my choice. Or end it…If I die here, or if I die later, it matters little.."

Do you bestow the gift to her?


Deep within the alchemical wing of the Emperor's palace, fantastic work is done. The powder is gaining strength and magnitude in blast as the chemical recipe is further refined and bettered. Soon, more powerful bombs and mines may be developed if progress is made such as this. The Fire Jelly synthesizing is also going well enough, albeit with a slight delay from a few men lost from a sneeze.

Fire Sand 2/8

Fire Jelly 2/7


You begin to make some slight bureaucratically inclined changes to the Caste system, and begin moving together the more military focused members of your castes. Although there is some rough tensions, it seems that soon enough a military only based caste will soon exist, albeit under the Priestly, Ruler and above the Merchants, at least in the current system. However, with the forming of this new caste, many a Skink and Human warrior's forgo the wanton pleasures of slaves. Your resort suffers from the lack of willing breeders, and the costs of Slaves and stone work add up. The work of Paralysis magic leaps ahead from both, however, as a re-known mage comes forth with the knowledge he has accumulated.

[Military Caste: 1/8]

[Paralysis Magic: 1/7]

[Breeder Resort: 1/10]


-75€ From slaves purchased and the Stone Work commissioned,


You descend from your inner sanctuary, looking over the webs. It seems that from all these years of prey struggling, many of them have gotten weakened or torn. Oh bother, can't be having that.

[Web lvl 1: 1/4]


You set forth, weapons held high, and than brought low upon the deviants and vile monsters in the valley's around you with righteous fury. Alas, the villages you reach now have already forgone such things as children, and the mongrols you find are but inbred dogs who only deserve mercy killings.

[2/4 Purification]


The farm springs with life, your full attention given to it. Life blooms as the pleasant figures of men and woman dot the area, each flowing with the power of the mother of all life itself. The land is green and fruitful as your people work it happily, before returning to their cottages and homes at the end of the workday.

[Fertility Farm: 3/8]


While your menacing dispatching of the rebelling nobility had done well to put some fear in your subjects, it seemed to have worked a little /too/ well. They are almost too scared to do a single thing, in fear of breaking your rules. However, it seems their panic is short lived, as they slowly return to work and petting your belly.


You set forth, talking to your wise associates at the production line. After a viewing of their progress and their production process, you allocate more funds. Darci meanwhile, poses for a few more pictures, but little else happens.

[Ship Colossi: Good: 2/35]


You are TRAINING HARD. SUPER HARD. Fists and feet are flying as you push your bodies to the limits. Afterwards, you sweaty, muscular men all must crowd into the showers and… take showers, really, really awkwardly with every one looking upwards. Good effort out there today, though.

[Kung Fu: 3/8]

[Training: 3/8']

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343b1b No.23903


Setting to first bragging about his victory over his rival, instead of actually working, he spends part of his time with the new sow before actually even starting on the work. However, the tunneling tools are developing quite nicely from his designs, and the Grey seer is able to locate a small cache of warpstone refined enough to use.

[Tunneling: 3/8]

+1 Warp Token.


Courtier to the blue order

Name: The Blue Monks

Colour: Light blue

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Light Magic: Weak]

[Lighting Magic: Weak]

[Siege works: Weak]

[Arms Forge: Weak]


–Deus Ex Machina– You have within your vaults one of the most ancient and archaic machines ever devised, a relic of a time long since passed and even possibly blessed by Zarus himself. This Machine allows for, when used properly, the prediction of the future and the past. You may use this machine every 3 turns to try and see the future, or speed up your Research.

–Holy Arsenal– You may equip your own units, and those Units from the [Blue Grail] Faction with your Technological and magical advancements, to better boost their combat abilities.

–Every living thing, is made of mostly four elements– You can combine technologies to make UNIQUE techs, that while not as powerful, have some wonky effects, every 3 turns. This requires a action to do.

–Do the Safety dance– You get a +5 to all research related rolls.


1 Divine Guard [x1.5]


You hop off aboard your ship after sailing a bit around the coast, cutting through leaves and botany and other features of the land before finally reaching the bay of Kaecolin. Peering across, you can barely make out some sort of strange shape in the water. Some sort of Statue it would seem, of a large woman. Suddenly, the statue moves, animated even, and disappears under the waves. More Curious than anything else,this strange Colossal woman may be the curious thing you've yet to find.


Following the lady around the counter, she gives you a small bundle of better fitting clothes for your new form, albeit they are tad bit frilly and girly. She bah's at your disapproval and helps you dress yourself, before slightly tilting her head at your genitalia and looking at it strangely. She shrugs, and once dressed, brings you over to a smaller room, and starts preparing something to eat. Moving back while the pot is cooking, she brings a small tablet and begins to teach you basic words in her language with simple gestures such as pointing and patting. For some reason, your doing very well at understanding it.

[Lang. Yashima: 1/3]

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343b1b No.23904

Dice rollRolled 16, 90, 3 = 109 (3d100)

1. Sssssoldiers [Military Caste: 1/8]

2. Sssssleepy [Paralysis Magic: 1/7]

3. Sssssssexy [Breeder Resort: 1/10]

Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 425€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


2 Market Guard [x1]

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343b1b No.23905

Dice rollRolled 18, 46, 96 = 160 (3d100)


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


4 Holy Militia [x2]

1&2. Continue the purification! 2/4

3. With the influx of orphans we require a larger place for them to learn. We shall start with the combat wing. Begin building a training grounds attached to the monastery.

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343b1b No.23906

File: 1456293268459.jpg (296.28 KB,850x1202,425:601,Drydocking.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 60, 7, 89 = 156 (3d100)


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

>Population: 50

>Money: 450€


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


[Titan's of Industry] Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

[Prima Donna] However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

[Heavy Artillery] With the aid of machinery, it is possible for you to equip modifications to the ship colossi, without having to spend a action to that cause. (?)

>Armies: (Full sheet: http://pastebin.com/h95qT52U )

KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x25][Bombard: 1]

>Inactive Activities:

[Ship Colossi: Good: 2/35]

1: While the general development of the means for the new tier of Ship Colossi started off well, a terrible development was discovered by those who led how it was handled…

Most of the shipyard's crew are pants-on-head retarded.

This was terrible, for not only would the crew's stupidity get in the way of the general requirement for the potential of larger shipsluts, but some even agree that such stupidity also infects the City-State itself, as even the 'cement' idea was a total bust given how it was little more than a scam. Because of this, they soon convinced the President to fund and construct a academy of sorts, so that when it comes to advancing the technological advances of the Ship Colossi and other matters.

>Fund and construct a academy of sorts, to help out the technological rolls.

2: In the meantime, the elite shipbuilders would soon consider the matter of 'annexing' foreign countries in order to provide more resources for the Union, and so began the process to construct a new Ship Colossus. The early stages generally involves preparing new farmlands and arcane turrets for the upcoming titaness.

>Begin the Project to build a new Patrol Boatslut.

3: All the while, the current shipslut Darci's assistant in the reforming of the Union Bank goes ahead as planned, provided needed attention forwards it's cause, even if the slight destruction that she caused forced the government to pay for reparations.

>Reform the Union's Bank to get a per-turn income. (3/6)

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343b1b No.23912

File: 1456297475460.jpg (56.54 KB,350x520,35:52,girl-in-beret-with-black-c….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 18, 77 = 95 (2d100)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6|Hero|Demon|Swallow Whole]


Outstanding Issues


>>–Political Instability– For the next two turns, the Wag will have to micromanage intensely, putting aside some other business as he personally oversees every action. You may only use two dice while this Bonus is in-effect.



Actions [Research: Bureaucracy]


1. Eventually Wag gets bored with the petting and decides to formally dictate new "administrative districts" for "my grand apparatus". Everyone nods slowly. [Research: Bureaucracy]

2. Wag frantically points at a map and yells at the nearest groomer. "I WANT IT! DAMMIT! I'LL CLAW YOU!" [Expansion!]

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343b1b No.23915

Dice rollRolled 30, 23, 49 = 102 (3d100)


>Name: Latrodecta

>Race: Arachne

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0

>Belongings: Clothes, Silken Clothing

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Legend of the woods




–All wrapped up in you– Unlike other hero's, you can claim territories. And while you may not have full control over them they are rather special: Units or heros that pass through them must make a combat check against the web level of the Forrest. if they fail, they are trapped in the web until next turn. Area's you control CAN be also controlled by others as well, however.

-Web Levels-




–Nowhere to run– You are very, very, /very/ good at wrapping things up tightly. If you and another hero are insame the territory, they can not escape. Further more, you may roll 3d100 to see if you wrap them up. If all dice roll at or above 75, the Hero is trapped until you let them go.

–Black Widow– If a male unit or hero is captured by "No where to run", than you may proceed to have your way with them, or drain them of their nutrients. If you have your way with them, however, roll a d50 times the Hero's Level to see how the spawn turns out. You may also use your venom to slowly twist and transform your prey into a shape similar to yours.

–Spider Silk Sale– You can spin silk, and gain a 10+ To the creation of clothing and fabrics. Neato!

>Location: The Dark Continent (Forest between Waglands and UnderHive

Well that's what being lazy will bring, ah well, time to get to work

1.2.3. Continue to strengthen the webs and spread them [Web lvl 1: 1/4]

((is it 2 or 3 actions I'm confused))

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343b1b No.23917

Dice rollRolled 80, 20, 67 = 167 (3d100)

>Name: Lewdcifer

>Race: Devil

>Age: Ayayayaya

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Robes

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)




-The Devil wears Prada( And everything else)- You can at will, change your physical form by spending a action. You will retain all your strengths and abilities in such a form. However, it must be of equal size or shape to your current one.

-Talk like a angel- You gain a +5 to diplomatic rolls against the Unwary

-But I got wise- For every soul of a another rival being(hero), or nation collapsed, you will gain a IMMENSE power boost. However, they must willingly agree, or be forced by contract to give it to you.

-Let's make a deal- The Deals you make far exceed your own power as a devil. For the right price, anything can be done. But the cosmic balances can be skewed at times. By making a deal with another player or nation, you not only putting their souls on the line, but your servitude as well. Just as they follow the contract, so must you. Your just better at reading between the lines.


1-3. The first day on the job certainly a very important thing for every devil. Lewdcifer would have to find an easy deal to complete, the profit he struck off of this was not as important as the experience it would grant him. It was necessary that he be experienced when it came to making deals so that he would be able to out-wit others when it came down to it.

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343b1b No.23922

Dice rollRolled 77, 1, 66 = 144 (3d100)


Name: Dōjō no Azuma

Colour: White

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Kung fu: Weak]

[Training: Weak]

[Spirit of Combat: Weak]


-Erry Body was Kung-fu Fighting- You are a nation dedicated to the art of combat. Recruiting soldiers and armies will come easier than others.

–Boys Only– Your entire nation is composed of men, and humans at that. You lose -10 to any rolls dealing with Women. You lose -15 to any rolls dealing with non-human women.

–Enlightenment– For every battle your soldiers survive, they will come closer to Enlightenment. For every battle your soldier survives, add .5 to their combat effectiveness. You may also unlock special tags for certain units.

-At One With the Spirit- Your people are more intune to their spirit, and may in time come to better represent it. +5 to researching Elemental magics, and applying them to your martial arts. Your monks may also take on more of the appearance of what magic is most used around them.


3 Monks [x1]


1. IT CONTINUES! (Kung-Fu 3/8)

2. ALL OF IT! (Training: 3/8)

3. HIYA! (Spirit of Combat: 2/10)

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343b1b No.23931

Dice rollRolled 84, 54, 75 = 213 (3d100)

Courtier to the blue order

Name: The Blue Monks

Colour: Light blue

Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Light Magic: Weak]

[Lighting Magic: Weak]

[Siege works: Weak]

[Arms Forge: Weak]


–Deus Ex Machina– You have within your vaults one of the most ancient and archaic machines ever devised, a relic of a time long since passed and even possibly blessed by Zarus himself. This Machine allows for, when used properly, the prediction of the future and the past. You may use this machine every 3 turns to try and see the future, or speed up your Research.

–Holy Arsenal– You may equip your own units, and those Units from the [Blue Grail] Faction with your Technological and magical advancements, to better boost their combat abilities.

–Every living thing, is made of mostly four elements– You can combine technologies to make UNIQUE techs, that while not as powerful, have some wonky effects, every 3 turns. This requires a action to do.

–Do the Safety dance– You get a +5 to all research related rolls.


1 Divine Guard [x1.5]

1. The first thing we will need to do is to set up extra laboratories for theory research.

2. We will also need to setup a testing facility for work on the more physical research such as weapons and armaments.

3. And finally we will be setting up a Mages tower to assist in magical research.

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343b1b No.23933


Sailing closer to the colossus Captain Freyborn notices that there are people are shore. intrigued he disembarks and attempts to parley with the least uncivilized looking person he can find. once a suitable individual is found the captain says "Greetings and salutations, I am Captain Freyborn of the Diadem. Might I inquire as to who you are, and what is that massive thing out in the bay?"

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343b1b No.23935


Inbetween crowds of sailors and dock workers of the pseudo-19th century docks, he would encounter a sharply-dressed man almost entirely in white, with his head topped with a fitting peaked cap. His facial appearance is also along those lines, being somewhat nondescript and nothing to write home about.

"Greetings to you too, I am Head Admiral Jonso, of the Union of Kaecolln. It will be my task to command our famed Ship Colossi in the future against foreign nations if conflict comes to us. As for the 'thing' in the bay, that is Dreadnought Darci, she is one of the first Ship Colossi that I spoke of, in addition to being our largest and only one at this current moment. If you wish to assist our efforts in any way, you can always visit the Presidential House inland to talk with the President himself, and if you so care for it, you can talk with Darci if you still remain curious about her."

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343b1b No.23936


"well i must say admiral, that is a most impressive accomplishment. While i would love to know more, i am interested in conducting business with you, so we should proceed to the presidential house you mentioned. You see, i am a Explorer extraordinaire, for a nominal fee i will take to the sea and discover new lands, and claim then in the name of my clients. Perhaps you would be interested in my services?"

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343b1b No.23937

File: 1456339308662-0.jpg (1.92 MB,3488x2616,4:3,UnionStreets.jpg)

File: 1456339308694-1.jpg (102.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,PresidentAnderson.jpg)


"That would depend on what the President says, but any additional assistance will be appreciated. Let me guide you to the Presidential House for you to speak with him."

With that, Jonso would guide Freyborn through the citystate of Kaecolln. To the latter's surprise, the city would actually be quite civilized, people wandering across the streets between three-story buildings, as the general community thrives to some degree as posters promoted not only local events, but the titanic Ship Colossi that was talked about earlier. Of course, there are some flaws with a closer look at things, but generally, with comparison to the lusty tribes that the Captain must've encountered before, the Union is a shining beacon to Civilization.

They would soon enter the Presidential House, and after waiting a bit after the Admiral enters the office ahead of him, Frayborn would soon meet President Anderson. "So, from what the Head Admiral told me, you are willing to offer your hand in assisting the Union through the annexing of foreign lands. Is this true?"

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343b1b No.23938


"Annexation isn't the word i would use, annexation implies taking from another. Most of the lands i discover are completely uninhabited. The term i would use for that is 'territorial acquisition'. In the few instances that their is some inhabitants they are savages, hardly better than feral beasts. It is a service to them to allow them to serve their betters. that would better be described as 'uplifting' or if you prefer 'enlightening'. This is all to say that i am not a mercenary, i will not fight your wars for you, or take territories from your rivals. I will expand the influence of your civilization to the areas of the world most sorely i need of culture.

All i require in exchange for this is some upgrade to my vessel. While walking through you dockworks i couldn't help but notice you posses arcane cannons and steel. I would like my ship outfitted with the cannons, and the hull reinforced with the steel, and as long as a remain in your service i require that my vessel be fitted with any other improvements you make.

If these term are acceptable, might i ask what length of contract are you interested in?"

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343b1b No.23939


"The upgrades for your ship would be acceptable, as while it would take some time, it is still something that is within our reach. In terms of how long the contract will last… How about a year, that will be renewed every year that you are willing to aid us?"

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343b1b No.23940


"A year you say?" the captain replies while scratching his chin "that's around 12 ARBITRARY TIME UNITS. That sound perfectly reasonable. before we put thins on paper and i cast off theirs one last matter we must discuss. What would you consider to appropriate protocol for contact with another civilzation?"

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343b1b No.23941


"Frankly, if you do find any other civilizations, then by all means do what is required or needed for the foreign settlement, as long as you report back the information about such civilization to the Union as soon as possible, where we will decide in the greater course of action."

Soon enough, Anderson would stand up from his desk, offering a hand to the freelance Captain, "So, unless you have any additional questions, I am sure we have a agreement on our hands."

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343b1b No.23942


"No more questions, i assure you" The captain said as they shook hands. "With our business concluded , i'll be making preparations for my expedition. Good day." Captain Freyborn then made his exit.

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343b1b No.23944

File: 1456343941418.jpg (80.75 KB,900x599,900:599,spanish-galleon_Hawaii.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 47, 76, 68 = 191 (3d100)

>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Posh Captain hat and epaulets

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: Entrepreneur of Adventure



The Diadem[x5][Boat]


Umshini[Luggage boy]


–Adventure is out there!– You are a expert navigator and a renowned adventurer! You gain a +10 to all roles that regard movement or EXPLORING.

–Filthy savages– You exude a aura of refinement and adversity against all forms of barbarism. You may re-roll dice against enemies considered Uncivilized or vile(Which is up to me to decide).

–In the nick of time– As a well experienced explorer, you are a slippery dog. You can exit and enter combat at will, as long as you are completely healthy.

–Jungle fever– You get a 5+ When trying to convert unruly savages with your posh "Charm"

>Location: bay of Kaecolin

1. Take a look at that ship-woman-thing. I'm not quite sure hwy old fashion ships wouldn't do, but its quite impressive nonetheless.

2. Gather up all the supplies necessary for a long expedition.

3. Return to the Diadem and set sail. we came from the south, so perhaps there is something interesting to the north? [–Adventure is out there!–]

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343b1b No.23945

Dice rollRolled 46, 25, 4 = 75 (3d100)


Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.


Field Guards [x2]

In progress: Fertility Farm [3/8]

1: We shall continue to work on the [Fertility Farm 3/8]! +5

2: Let us spread the good word of our goddess! [Expansion via converstion]

3: We need to study our herbology, let's build an herb farm to help!

[Meta: Cutebold, last turn was a 97+5 for the Fertility farm at 1/8, is that only +2 progress?]

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343b1b No.23946

Dice rollRolled 15, 13, 9 + 5 = 42 (3d20)

>Name:Joker of the night





Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus:-Jester of the Night- You gain a 5+ to all actions that have to do with performing or distracting.

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Thief of the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Thief of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

>Location: Waglands

1.hmn the waglands are quite odd….let us get an audience with wag I wish to entertain this cat beast….

2 Allow me to procure a room in an inn through means of entertainment I shall joke and play my lute.

3.Let us see if wag would be interested in a jester when I perform for him I shall ask him if he would like me as his jester.

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343b1b No.23949

Dice rollRolled 19, 16, 17 + 5 = 57 (3d20)


The Jester calmly strolled into the palace, today was Friday It was essentially an open house from what he had heard. Grasping his lute tightly to his chest He pulled down the familiar tragedy mask that normally adorned his face. Perched atop a pillow on the throne was wag. The jester bowed to the cat and awaited it to ask what his business with it was.

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343b1b No.23950

File: 1456347202070.png (2.27 MB,761x782,761:782,wag.png)


Wag looks bored as he sits on his immaculate gilded pillow. A raven haired woman – his groomer – stands at attention near him with her arms folded in an unspeaking posture and stays very still. Wag himself is small – almost too small for a demon. In all appearance, Wag is 'simply' a black cat. However, as one gazes closely at him one can notice that Wag has no pupils in his eyes and that they are shock white.

The remainder environment is regal; handing adornments are everywhere and the palace has seen many new amendments to both the art on the walls and the rugs on the floors. The roof, in particular, has intricately carved geometrical patterns that seem to nauseate. Wag yawns once, and then states flatly (in a bored tone): "Commoner of my dominion, what is your comment?"

The guards stand awkwardly. One is polishing his sword, while another is adjusting his helmet. Nobody seems terribly anxious about the situation.

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343b1b No.23951


"Aghem I apologize wag.I am not a commoner but a traveler of sorts I come offering my services. You see back in my country I was a famous jester working for the king…but you might think you have no need for a jester that's were you are wrong..where I come from jesters are not entertainers we are spys and very good ones at that. In fact if I may be so bold as to say I feel your security is quite…lacking….this is why I offer my services to you free of charge no questions asked..so wag will you have me as a spymaster?" The jester says making sure to remain humble and polite about things.

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343b1b No.23952


Wag thinks for a moment and his tail flicks back and forth as he thinks. Eventually he raises his head to speak. His voice is extremely low and baritone. "Traveler, then, it is. Well, traveler-jester. I suppose I could use a spy. Bring me some information about my enemies and I will provide you with the services of my kingdom and the rewards therein. I know of the Underhive near my dominion, but the world is largely unknown to me. Do not bother with the rat-men, as we share similar values and goals. They are not of concern. Instead, seek for me any information on nations farther abroad. Find for me this information – either through legal or extralegal means – and I will appoint you to my services and offer you whatever compensation you desire. You look male and I have many woman of the court. Such things do not interest me, but they seem to motivate mortals. I personally find it all…disgusting."

Wag then continues. "Do you accept?"

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343b1b No.23954

Dice rollRolled 15, 19, 7 + 5 = 46 (3d20)


"I accept,not for the women,but because I hope to earn your favor." The jester says bowing and promptly leaving setting out on a grand journey.

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343b1b No.23988

Dice rollRolled 26, 70, 13 = 109 (3d100)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]

[Drake Taming: Weak]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.

–Drake's debt– The Drake, her name Asarka, your men saved, has promised that in return for her care and healing, she will serve your Emperor. In 2 TURNS, she will be fully healed and combat ready. Until then, your best apothecaries are helping her.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]

The Emperor [1.4x][Hero][Inspiring]

1 ) Fire Sand 2/8

2 ) Increase our knowledge of steel

3 ) Fire Jelly 2/7

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343b1b No.23995

Dice rollRolled 3, 4, 4 = 11 (3d100)

1,2,3) Learn the local language (1/3)

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343b1b No.23996

Dice rollRolled 79, 42, 68 + 5 = 194 (3d100)


I've been informed it's d 100's not like i'm going to roll three nat100's

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343b1b No.23999

File: 1456363472213.jpg (113.4 KB,495x700,99:140,5bf035709fa5baf24e496ee5ac….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 29, 92, 49 = 170 (3d100)


Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Old Count clothing, Claws [1.5X][Brutal Strength]

>Level: 1






[Child of the night] You are a vampire. You are ghastly pale, your eyes crimson and your hair as dark as the night. What I'm saying is, you stand out. You also gain [Brutal Strength]

[Music of the Night] You are weakened in the day, and empowered by the night. To represent this, every other turn you roll 3d100. However, every turn AFTER you roll 3d100, you only roll 1d100 for actions.

[I vant to suck your Bluhd!] you only need to consume blood to receive nourishment. If you do not drink blood often, you will get weaker and weaker, until you die.

[Never call him by his real name]You are immune to all basic weaponry, and can not be killed by normal means. To be truly killed you must be stabbed by a blessed weapon in broad daylight.

[My Darling]You may pass on the curse/blessing of Vampirism to others, and those sired to you gain your abilities. You also gain 5+ To rolls concerning Hypnotism, thanks to your dark allure.

[One! One way to get away!] You may turn into a bat at will. RADICAL.

Location: Kingdom of Astaro, Wilds


" I dislike being threatened miss" Lord Abernash growls drawing her even closer.

"This dark gift you want comes at a great price. For it you would serve me as I tear this world down around you. When night falls I will descend on your town transforming it into a nightmare from which it will never wake. Everyone you now will suffer and your soul will be so black even the deepest pits of hell will balk at the deeds you will help accomplish. But you know this already. You think only for yourself and I can understand that, as it is the same for me."

Using his sun sapped strength he rips her blouse open his cold hands gripping into the warm supple flesh. He draws his tongue across her body focusing but a few seconds upon her breasts. Ignoring her moans he moves up towards her neck running over the vein that contains the amber nectar that creates a burning sensation deep in his throat. The only thing standing between him was a thin pale skin so easily pierced or broken, the fragility of this creature in his arms became so utterly aperent. He could do everything and anything even in this sun weakened state this women was nothing to him .Pulling himself away from the burning lust he brought his lips up to her ear whispering “Enjoy these last few rapturous moments of mortality as they will be the only things left of your humanity in the days to come.”

With this final thought he plunges his fangs deep into her neck embracing the lust as he laps down that liquid from which all life flows.


Create [The Widow]

-[Child of the Night]

-[I vant to suck your Bluhd]


1-2. As night falls [Lord Abernash] shall descend on the town turning all able body males into [Vampire Thralls] giving them only [Child of the Night] and [Music of the Night]

3. [The Widow] shall be sent to gather alchemical regents from the nearby area.

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343b1b No.24011


The Military caste's creation is stalled by the wizard's fantastic discovery of Paralysis magic. After all, who needs to fight when you can snap your fingers and have a new slave? Meanwhile, work on the Breeder Resort is rather lacking as well, as soldiers move through the country side to reach the capital.

[Paralysis Magic: 3/7]


The Purification is long and tedious as your men ransack the vile villages, and drag out their men and woman for slaughter. Your men make it a point to execute each of the maddened fools one by one in a long line, giving them ample time to convert and plead for forgiveness from Zarus.

The last head rolls, a crazed smile on their face just as all the others. However, from this massacre, there is hope. Instead of depraving their children, they had locked them away within a dark cave, with little to feed on but rats and other creatures of the dark. Your men's torches, burning brightly with the light of Zarus, may be the first they've seen in years. Leading them back home to the safety of your capital, you begin constructing a Orphanage for them.

[Holy Orphanage of Zaurs: 1/6]



After a frighteningly quick time in senate, the bill is passed and money is put forward to construct the Academy. Despite the time it will take, spirits are relatively high, and everyone is looking towards the new opportunities that will come from it. However, with so much time spent on the bill for the new academy, and the ratification of the national bank, your "Commissioning" of the PatrolSlut will take some time. However, with the buzz of the new Explorer entering the nation, it is not long before the money exchanges hands, and the next ship is being "assembled."

[Bank: 5/6]

[Academy: 1/6]

[Patrol Slut: 1/5]



Although everyone nods, impressed by your savvy use of diction, nobody really understands what that meant. However, they do understand the words "Expansion". Quickly mustering their forces, border nobles make numerous land grabs, quickly swelling your Territory.

1+ Hex


((It's 2))

Humming a little tune to yourself as you spin your web, you can only imagine all the tasty little morsel's that will be brought to you. You lick your fangs absentmindedly as you near the completion of your home.

[Web lvl 1.: 3/4]


Looking around the small village, it was clear that the people had a tad bit of…anxiety about them. The beast above them, their ruler, the omni-present Wag, was a dangerous beast most certainly. However, such a oppression could not crush the dreams of those he ruled. From your snooping, there are a few deals to be made: A girl wishes for a more "Enchanted" life. A peasant farmer want's to sire a son before he dies of old age. Even the local noble grows tired of the hedonism of his riches, and wishes for a new thrill. All that must be done is to pick one…


As your monks train, the sparring lasts well past sunset and into the dark of night, before finally, the last monk drops exhausted from the intense training. All feeling good,the monks return to their rooms in horror: Their sacred temples ransacked! Their clothing scattered about, and their rooms thrashed in searching! What kind of dishonor was this!?!

Racing outside, you are barely able to catch a glimpse of the sly raiders who had done this: A trio of woman it seems, hidden in black! carrying one of your own monks, and after a head check, it was one of the more dedicated students, Brother Tokao! You quickly find a note, taped to the front of your Dojo's gate, which was still sealed tight:

"Dear honorable men of the Dojo No Azuma-

We have been watching you train for some time now: And we believe some of you are ready for /true enlightenment/. We will come for you as you are ready. Do not try to stop us.

From the shadows, the women of Dojo No Seibu Monsutā On'nanoko

P.S. Brother Tokao is only the first of many. "



[Dojo No Seibu Monsutā On'nanoko] Your intense training and dedication to the learning of martial arts has attracted the attention of this mysterious school to the west, and they have decided not only to keep a eye on you and your men, but plan to abduct as many of you at they can, so that they may show you /true enlightenment/.

Expect possible raids and attacks in the future.


-1 population.

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343b1b No.24012


Dusting off the old laboratories of ages passed, you set to work on updating and rebuilding them to suit your purposes. Thanks to careful preservation before hand, it will not be long before it is complete. The Mage towers and Testing ground sections however, will draw some time away from it, but never the less will be done soon.

[Laboratory Complex: 1/10]


The Agreement is made, and after a short sail, your Ship is being outfitted with state of the art Weaponry! Good show old sport! However, it seems that it will take some time to get all things up to date. Perhaps now would be a good time to relax, and you do so by taking a better look at the giant. A true beauty (if not for her size), she stands far beyond the possible height of any mere human. However, after she she cuts here finger on a rock, a strange black liquid leaks out instead of blood. How peculiar.

[Ship Retrofitting; 1/2]


–In the name of the: Union!– You can now claim tiles and help set up colonies in the name of the Kaecolln Union. You gain a +5 in doing so. Your ship will also be repaired free of cost at any Kaecolln docks.


((Sorry, make that 3+ progress.))

Work goes well enough on the farm, but the same could not be said for your other endeavors. A severe drought has hurt the lands around you, and will take some time to heal.

[Fertility farm: 5/8]


((Its 2d100)

Your dancing and singing gains the eye of both the common folks and the Wag himself..Me oh my… You also find a few gold coins in your hat, thanks to your performance.


–Emissary of the Wag– You bare the /privilege/ of serving the one true ruler of the Waglands, the Wag itself. No one who serves the beast shall dare cross your path.


30 Gold Coins


All in all, things have been moving slowly for the blasting sand and fire jelly. Not enough samples to work with at the time…But fortunately, your smiths have begun to make progress with the steel! Also, in other news, a strange new woman has been seen, nothing like your countries in looks, and Asarka has been growing stronger.

[Steel Forging: 1/7]


[PM me when possible.]


The widow graciously accepts your gifts, life springing out of her, yet into her as well. As you two let your passions run wild in the day, the years of her life fall away, and she slowly regains the vigor of her youth. When night falls, you simply continue your marry making into the streets, slaughtering, laughing and drinking as if at some macabre ball. The Widow especially gives the town little to no mercy, cutting through those who shunned her and had left her alone in that cottage for who knows how long. By the stroke of midnight, there is nothing left living in the hobbels. The only things moving are you and her as you embrace once more in the glory of the night, and the countless undead servants you have rose to serve you. Of course, you best make head way soon: The destruction of the town may lead to unwanted attention if word gets out…


The Widow [Lover][Vampire][2X][Brutal Strength]

4 Ghoul Rabbles [x.5][Undead]


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343b1b No.24015

File: 1456378090400-0.png (836.04 KB,719x718,719:718,Demoncat.png)

File: 1456378090416-1.png (3.05 MB,1496x1284,374:321,map.png)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Population: 100

Money: 500€

Hexes: 1


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6|Hero|Demon|Swallow Whole]


Outstanding Issues



Actions [Research: Bureaucracy; Expansion; Expansion]


1. Wag decides to sit down with his groomer to write out what he means. He uses crude demon magic to manipulate a pencil and he sketches out what he means. Occasionally his groomer changes things when the magic doesn't work very well. "Look, the line goes there. See? Look. I think it looks rather nice. Mimi, get me a fish. I hunger." [Research: Bureaucracy]

2. Wag seems unsatisfied with the expansion and orders it to continue. He orders a big board and everything and puts little markers on it. [Expansion!]

3. Similarly, Wag orders another group south by gesturing with ADORABLE WIDDLE PAWS LOOK AT HIM AWWW! [Expansion!]

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343b1b No.24016

Dice rollRolled 3, 51, 1 = 55 (3d100)

[ Waglands Dice]

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343b1b No.24017

Dice rollRolled 14, 93, 18 = 125 (3d100)

1+2. Sssssoldiers [Military Caste: 1/8]

>Spend 100€ moving things along

3. Sssssleepy [Paralysis Magic: 3/7]

[Progress: On Hold]

[Breeder Resort: 1/10]


Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 425€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


2 Market Guard [x1]

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343b1b No.24018

Dice rollRolled 94, 48, 48 = 190 (3d100)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]

[Drake Taming: Weak]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.

–Drake's debt– The Drake, her name Asarka, your men saved, has promised that in return for her care and healing, she will serve your Emperor. In 1 TURNS, she will be fully healed and combat ready. Until then, your best apothecaries are helping her.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]

The Emperor [1.4x][Hero][Inspiring]

1 ) Fire Sand 2/8

2 ) Increase our knowledge of steel 1/7

3 ) Fire Jelly 2/7

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343b1b No.24019

File: 1456378924041.jpg (467.83 KB,1232x1543,1232:1543,2c4e6f41c8e859d8d3e35ade4d….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 62 (1d100)


Name: Lord Henry Abernash

Race: Human Vampire

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Health: Healthy

Money: 5 Gold Coins

Belongings: Clothes, Old Count clothing, Claws [1.5X][Brutal Strength]

Level: 1




The Widow [Lover][Vampire][2X][Brutal Strength]

4x Ghoul Rabbles [x.5][Undead]



[Child of the night] You are a vampire. You are ghastly pale, your eyes crimson and your hair as dark as the night. What I'm saying is, you stand out. You also gain [Brutal Strength]

[Music of the Night] You are weakened in the day, and empowered by the night. To represent this, every other turn you roll 3d100. However, every turn AFTER you roll 3d100, you only roll 1d100 for actions.

[I vant to suck your Bluhd!] you only need to consume blood to receive nourishment. If you do not drink blood often, you will get weaker and weaker, until you die.

[Never call him by his real name]You are immune to all basic weaponry, and can not be killed by normal means. To be truly killed you must be stabbed by a blessed weapon in broad daylight.

[My Darling]You may pass on the curse/blessing of Vampirism to others, and those sired to you gain your abilities. You also gain 5+ To rolls concerning Hypnotism, thanks to your dark allure.

[One! One way to get away!] You may turn into a bat at will. RADICAL.

Location: Kingdom of Astaro, Wilds


1. Scavenge a cart from the town so I may sleep as we travel during the day

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343b1b No.24021

Dice rollRolled 66, 22 = 88 (2d100)


>Name: Latrodecta

>Race: Arachne

>Age: 24

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 0

>Belongings: Clothes, Silken Clothing

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Legend of the woods




–All wrapped up in you– Unlike other hero's, you can claim territories. And while you may not have full control over them they are rather special: Units or heros that pass through them must make a combat check against the web level of the Forrest. if they fail, they are trapped in the web until next turn. Area's you control CAN be also controlled by others as well, however.

-Web Levels-




–Nowhere to run– You are very, very, /very/ good at wrapping things up tightly. If you and another hero are insame the territory, they can not escape. Further more, you may roll 3d100 to see if you wrap them up. If all dice roll at or above 75, the Hero is trapped until you let them go.

–Black Widow– If a male unit or hero is captured by "No where to run", than you may proceed to have your way with them, or drain them of their nutrients. If you have your way with them, however, roll a d50 times the Hero's Level to see how the spawn turns out. You may also use your venom to slowly twist and transform your prey into a shape similar to yours.

–Spider Silk Sale– You can spin silk, and gain a 10+ To the creation of clothing and fabrics. Neato!

>Location: The Dark Continent (Forest between Waglands and UnderHive

mmmmm sooo many tasty morsels, no gotta focus for now, dream about eating later

1.2. Webs! Make 'em, strengthen 'em, use 'em to catch tasty food [Web lvl 1.: 3/4]

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343b1b No.24031

File: 1456402194148.jpg (480.86 KB,767x1200,767:1200,ModlessShipslut.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 12, 30, 24 = 66 (3d100)


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

>Population: 50

>Money: 200$ (Changed it from not!Euros to Dollars, if that's alright?)


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


[Titan's of Industry] Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

[Prima Donna] However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

[Heavy Artillery] With the aid of machinery, it is possible for you to equip modifications to the ship colossi, without having to spend a action to that cause. (?)

>Armies: (Full sheet: http://pastebin.com/h95qT52U )

KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x25][Bombard: 1]

>Inactive Activities:

[Ship Colossi: Good: 2/35]

1: With the funds needed for the upcoming Academy granted, and the foundations for the educational facility in place, it will only take some time until it spreads the needed knowledge to support the Union's industries.

>Construct a research-assisting Academy. (1/6)

2: While there may be a lack of funding for the Patrol Boat-class Shipslut, it doesn't mean that it will be distracted from the hustle and bustle that the Academy and Bank requires. Besides, it is agreed upon that a template was found for the upcoming boatslut. With such a template, it will only take a month or so longer until the boatslut can be expected to be used.

>Produce a Patrol Boatslut, to help bolster the army's forces.

3: Finally, the effort of reforming the bank will soon see fruition, for only the formalization of the bureaucratic sheets and beginning the production of money from the Bank's mint stands in the way of proving the means of funding of future projects.

>Reform the Union's Bank to get a per-turn income. (5/6)

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343b1b No.24032

Dice rollRolled 33, 12, 16 = 61 (3d100)



Turn 2

Courtier to the blue order

Name: The Blue Monks

Colour: Light blue

Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Light Magic: Weak]

[Lighting Magic: Weak]

[Siege works: Weak]

[Arms Forge: Weak]


–Deus Ex Machina– You have within your vaults one of the most ancient and archaic machines ever devised, a relic of a time long since passed and even possibly blessed by Zarus himself. This Machine allows for, when used properly, the prediction of the future and the past. You may use this machine every 3 turns to try and see the future, or speed up your Research.

–Holy Arsenal– You may equip your own units, and those Units from the [Blue Grail] Faction with your Technological and magical advancements, to better boost their combat abilities.

–Every living thing, is made of mostly four elements– You can combine technologies to make UNIQUE techs, that while not as powerful, have some wonky effects, every 3 turns. This requires a action to do.

–Do the Safety dance– You get a +5 to all research related rolls.


1 Divine Guard [x1.5]

>1.2. Continue working on the [Laboratory Complex: 3/10]

3. Begin recruitment of a holy field researcher. He will be trained in all of the magic and tech we currently possess. He will be alone in the field conducting his research on the depravity of the unenlightened. He must be a master of all things combat, magic and science.

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343b1b No.24033

Dice rollRolled 84, 20, 45 = 149 (3d100)


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 425€


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


4 Holy Militia [x2]

1&2. Continue the purification efforts. 2/4

3. Continue construction of the orphanage. 1/6

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343b1b No.24035



Verifying this was me, didn't realize iPosted w/Out my trip on.

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343b1b No.24045

Dice rollRolled 18, 50 + 5 = 73 (2d100)


>Name:Joker of the night





Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus:-Jester of the Night- You gain a 5+ to all actions that have to do with performing or distracting.

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Thief of the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Thief of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

–Emissary of the Wag– You bare the /privilege/ of serving the one true ruler of the Waglands, the Wag itself. No one who serves the beast shall dare cross your path.

>Location: Waglands

1.I shall wait until nightfall and make my way east along the mountains to the coast I hear tale there is a fisherman that for the right amount of gold will ferry people over to the other island.

2.As soon as I step foot on the island to the east I shall make my way south across the river and over the mountains heading due west to the city of Yashima. Once there I shall collect the information I need for wag through subterfuge.

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343b1b No.24073

Dice rollRolled 90, 66, 87 = 243 (3d100)

>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Posh Captain hat and epaulets

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: Entrepreneur of Adventure



The Diadem[x5][Boat]


Umshini[Luggage boy]


–Adventure is out there!– You are a expert navigator and a renowned adventurer! You gain a +10 to all roles that regard movement or EXPLORING.

–Filthy savages– You exude a aura of refinement and adversity against all forms of barbarism. You may re-roll dice against enemies considered Uncivilized or vile(Which is up to me to decide).

–In the nick of time– As a well experienced explorer, you are a slippery dog. You can exit and enter combat at will, as long as you are completely healthy.

–Jungle fever– You get a 5+ When trying to convert unruly savages with your posh "Charm"

–In the name of the: Union!– You can now claim tiles and help set up colonies in the name of the Kaecolln Union. You gain a +5 in doing so. Your ship will also be repaired free of cost at any Kaecolln docks.

>Location: bay of Kaecolin

[Ship Retrofitting; 1/2] (should finish this turn)

1&2&3. I’ve done examinations on many a specimen i've gathered in my travels. I like to consider myself no stranger to the science of biology. that be said it would take a true expert in the field to figure this “ship colossus” out. However being woefully unqualified has never stop me before! Is it human? is it truly living or some sort of advanced clockwork? Why did it bleed black? I must know more about it.

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343b1b No.24083

Dice rollRolled 92, 51, 80 = 223 (3d100)


Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.


Field Guards [x2]

In progress: Fertility Farm [5/8]

1: We shall continue to work on the [Fertility Farm 5/8]! +5

2: Let us spread the good word of our goddess! [Expansion via converstion]

3: We need to study our herbology, let's build an herb farm to help!

[Deja vu?]

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343b1b No.24115

Dice rollRolled 85, 92, 43 = 220 (3d100)


Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown


The Skaven have long dwelt beneath the earth, infesting the buried ruins and cave networks and sewers below the world.

The Underhive is the largest gathering of Skaven, who dwell in a massive buried ruin complex within in the Shadow Lands. Once a shining beacon civilization of Atlynteria the greatest civilization the world had ever seen, until a great curse was cast upon them, and fire engulfed their realm. Now the Shadow Lands lie beneath the shade of several volcanoes which blot out the sun with ash and smoke. It is also the ancestral home of many other creatures of the night like the Vampire Families, the Werewolf Clans, the Warlock Covens, Evil Cults, or pirates and brigans seeking refuge and many other things that creep upon the world like a cancerous rot.

The Skaven are a cruel, conniving, ambitious race who have not forgotten the art of wit and politics. They have made dealings and several alliances in the past particularly with the Vampires and Pirates, and on occasion the Witches and Wolfmen. Offering skaven blood, slave sacrifices, or buried relics and treasure the rats have come to be known as something of the "Middlemen of Darkness"and the "Merchants of Evil". When the great nations of the world launch their Holy Crusades or Jihads into the Shadow Lands, the Skaven are called upon to offer their skill in logistics, communications, and tunnel networks against the holy threats.

Underhives efforts in diversification have not gone unrewarded. They are masters of jurry-rigging dark magic and savage science as one, their weapons and methods display a characteristic nature of the Skaven to incorporate everything. Skaven Enginseers use alchemy and sorcery to blast their enemies with dark lightning stemming from the tips of copper staffs, or bullets shot from warpstone infused pistols, or the most dreaded weapon of Underhive's arsenal, the Ratling Gunner, which uses warpstone to drive an automatic machine of leaden death.

Ever seeking new magics and technologies to integrate, they make it a point to explore every ruin, every forgotten temple, and take up any task that might offer them yet more knowledge of the dark arts. And as their tunnel networks dig outward, they grow themselves fat upon capture slaves and pillaged supplies, and are keen to share in the reward with their dark allies.

Population: 150

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€

Warp Tokens: 8(-1/turn)


[Spells of Ruin: Weak]

[Mercantilism: Weak]

[Brass: Weak]


[Warp Stone: Weak]


ARCHETYPE –Rat Pack– You are rat-men, a bunch of dirty, conniving little monsters. Your sneaky, tricky and above all, pragmatic. You'll do what ever it takes to win and make a buck, or at least, cut your enemies throats before he does so to you.

-McRatvyver- You have the ability to mix Technologies and Magics. To see how this goes, roll a d100. You may only do this every two turns.

-Warped- Your people may only breed with themselves. Also, for all of your own disgusting tendencies, you find other species mostly unattractive. And they in turn, think of you that way as well. Not only that, but your people need a good supply of Warp Tokens, as they are your currency, your fuel, your seasoning, your magical talismans, your etc. Your society revolves around it. You may spend a Warp token to add 15 to any roll, but if you run out, you lose 20on ALL ROLLS.

-Smells like a rat- You are well known for your shady dealings. You lose -10 on ANY diplomatic rolls. Not only that, but due to your chaotic nature, your people are far more likely to ignore your commands and try to look out for themselves. Expect critical failures to be really bad. Also, your infantry are far, far weaker than others.


4 Slave Guards[x.5]

Stat Post, actions incoming.

1-2. Continue work on the tunneling technology 3/8

3. And the establishment of an alchemical guild. We need more Skaven Engineers

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343b1b No.24116

Dice rollRolled 27, 2, 16 = 45 (3d100)


Missed Turn

1-2. Develop superior warp sniffing capabilities. I want us to be able to easily find warp tokens

3. Look around nearby for potential slaves. Preferably humans, they make great resource such as the vermin are.

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343b1b No.24216

>Name: Charax

>Race: Dragonoid, only surviving member.

>Age: 43

>Gender: Male

>Fluff: Charax was born 43 years ago, fully grown and alone in a large decorated cave. He hatched from an egg larger than a grown man, his mind already matured with his body, and found the cave quite nice. Feeling little need to leave for good he stayed at his location, an island in the middle of an ocean, and lazily practiced his fire and water magic while fighting off or fucking trespassers on his island. He never needed nor sought company, his mind coping with such things differently than a human, and did as he wished until eventually he decided to go have some fun. As such he has decided to repopulate his race, and there happen to be plenty of girls in the sea to do that with~

Oh and while hes at it he might as well make an island kingdom, because he can.

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343b1b No.24217


Image cause 8chan is tripping: http://m.imgur.com/LWkvPEP

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343b1b No.24239

Dice rollRolled 60, 77 = 137 (2d100)



>Name: Thief of the Night

>Race: Human

>Age: 22

>Gender: Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 10 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Dagger [.5]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Strangers in a strange land




-Thief of the Night- You gain a 5+ to any rolls involving thievery or stealing

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Joker of the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Joker of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

>Location: With the Joker of the Night

1. I travel along side my love, together we shall find the fisherman that ferries people to the other island

2. The Joker seems to know his way around much more than I do. Stay with him and stay alert incase anything bad happens. We need our wits about us in this strange land

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343b1b No.24247

File: 1456636010314.jpg (208.57 KB,800x958,400:479,Ua_NPC_MasterMoulder_01_15….jpg)


The messenger traveled far a wide, scittering his four legs over the land by night, resting by day.

Until at last far to the north he arrived. That place spoken of by the Grey Seer, where the demon lay.

He sniffed the air, looking for signs of life, until he found what he sought.

The Skaven ambassador approached the great WAG.

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343b1b No.24248

File: 1456636635666.png (2.27 MB,761x782,761:782,wag.png)



Wag's chamber is slightly opulent in a kitschy sort of way with garish gold-plated items and poorly hung tapestries. Things have been clearly arranged without any consideration of taste. Wag is sitting on a small pillow on a wooden throne; the throne is far too big for the small demon and he is splayed out across the seat. As the ambassador approaches, Wag raises his head a little bit as his groomer leans in to tell him who his guest is. He nods a little bit and looks surprised.

"Hello. Skaven. Of the Underhive. I am Wag and I administrate this hopeless lot of mortals. I hope my current form is not terribly offensive; the feline appearance is not one I am keen on, and the lack of opposable thumbs is something of a trifle. That aside, I hope that our nations might exist with a deal of understanding in this world; nations of our concern are constantly harried by…"

At this point Wag depresses his ears and bares his fangs as he speaks. "…do gooders. Naturally they will come for both of us, you know."

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343b1b No.24249


"It has always been this way" screetches the rat through teeth and slobber "The forces of light have driven us beneath the earth, but ever we multiply and grow stronger.

Where light shines, the shadows mingle ever more. Long has Underhive worked with other creatures of darkness. What does the great Wag propose in his deal?" spits the Rat through chittering teeth.

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343b1b No.24250



Wag looks pleased and his trail seems to lazily play back and forth as if caught by opposing winds.

"My proposal is simply enough. A research agreement and a mixed alliance. External wars and combat beyond this continent will be a matter of voluntary arrangement, while the defense of the continent – such as an invasion by the other powers – would see a commitment of both forces to the crushing of an invader. In such a situation the destruction of one of our nations would likely mean the death of the other; a beach head would be undesirable. The research agreement is more straightforward: your knowledge of weaponry is paramount, whereas my capacities for demonic mutation and uplift are considerable. A simple pursuit of specializations and a general exchange of equipment without sale to third parties is the general sum of such an agreement."

At this point Wag nods a little bit and waits for a response. His groomer is now combing his fur and he has slouched considerably on his pillow; his little paws hang off the throne like tiny black sausages.

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343b1b No.24252


Instinctively, watching the cat being combed the rat scratches the fur on his head vigorously, plucking a handful of lice and devouring them in hand before speaking.

"You speak truthfully, great demon. We are not unfamiliar with creatures of the Warp.

You wish us to provide you with equipment. This we can do, in exchange for your mutation services."

At this point, the rats tail is visibly thudding the floor as he racks his brain for words with some degree of effort.

"But this we request of you and your powers. . .Warp Tokens. You are a demon. And you have many slaves. Use your powers and send the fleshbags to the mines to get us Warp Tokens, and we shall provide you with weapons and armaments."

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343b1b No.24253



Wag nods a little. "It is agreed. I will command my followers to find this warp…tokens you require for your facilities. I assume the terms of our …alliance-of-sorts are similarly agreeable?"

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343b1b No.24254


"Our terms are simple." Speaks the rat.

"Do unto us what you would have done unto yourself. We help you, you help us."

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343b1b No.24255


Wag nods. "Agreeable. Trust is something that we shall make. Inform my followers of your plans in the future; more than likely I shall be keen to offer assistance. As for myself, I will begin the hunt for the warpstone and survey my lands as soon as matters of state are administered. Good day, ambassador."

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343b1b No.24370

File: 1456866917130.jpg (281.81 KB,1920x1357,1920:1357,-.jpg)


Fill this in

>Name: Felisa av Verdklydge

>Race: 100% Pure Human

>Age: 26

>Gender: 100% Pure Female

>Fluff: Felisa is a hallmark of purity. Her chasteness and piety are such that her peers look like slanderous thots in comparison. But because she is pure and noble, she does not begrudge their lack of chastity. She merely serves as an example of how a person could live if they were truly devoted to the Burning Lord and hated Heathens and Lewdness as much as she does. It is little surprise that Felisa joined the Order of the Blue Grail, seeking to hone her martial skills and refine her religious education. And to kill those that insult Zarus, of course.

Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus: Based on fluff

>Location: (Pick one, but think about the consequences.I will likely elaborate on the nation you find yourself in if you choose one. I may override your location request based on your fluff)

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343b1b No.24372


How dare you

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343b1b No.24374


Elias? I thought you were kill.

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343b1b No.24622


Your nobles, in a adorable panic from your WIDDLE PAWS, run off to gather their armies and expand in your name. However it seems that one is quite sick with your nonsense. "Hes just a cat!" he points out, to the other nobles. As you desend, a wicked idea crosses your mind. "A stupid, idiotic cat! Who's going to listen to a cat? Not I, If I may say so myself!" The nobles look around for a moment. He was right…You are a cat. A demon cat, albeit. Looking back to your aid Mimi, however, a dark idea pops into your head. Nobles were replaceable. A good servant however…


The Wag [x6|Hero|Demon|Swallow Whole][Cat-Corruption]

–HE'S JUST A CAT– Until this upstart is silenced, there will be no actions done.


The Soldier caste is moving in full swing, as warriors and soldiers from across the country gather to organize it, and the new tenants that its caste members will follow. Soon, you will have a system in place that will breed mighty warriors for your empire. However, the public's attention is now on the military, instead of the magic

[Military Caste: 5/8]


As Asarka finally flexes her wings, and rises from the Royal healing chambers, the Emperor watches outside, previewing the spectacle as the crowds below him watch in awe. The Drake than lumbers out, her eyes set on the Emperor. She arches back, letting a out a scorching blast of fire bellow from her mouth and into the sky, before bowing to the Emperor in fealty and allowing him to mount her. As the Royal engineers watch the event, a idea pops into their head as they descend into the royal workshop. For days, they request fire jelly and iron ore, only being seen eating and resting for a mere moment, before returning to their forges. When they finally return, they bring forth a new steel: Flame Brand, a metal that never loses the heat to forge it, and can set enemies aflame! The only problem is that it needs something heat resistant to allow people to hold it…


The Emperor, mounted upon Asarka [5.4x][Hero][Inspiring][Flying][Mounted][Fire Breathing]


[Fire Brand: Medium]


From the ruins of the village, you salvage a old cart and a variety of cloaks for you and your followers, so as to hide them from the dreaded sun and their ghoulish appearances. You also find a suitable coffin, if a bit plain, in the old coroner's shack. As you prepare to have the door shut, you notice The Widow descend upon you, as your Ghouls shut the lid behind her. You barely notice the cart beginning to move, as you two embrace once more in the dark.


You smile at your handiwork, the web's expertly strung across your domain. Sitting in the middle of it, you can sense every vibration and movement made it. Especially that scared, thrashing farm boy who ran away from those bandits…

Hex: 1 [lvl. 1 web]


The people are a little skeptical, but the budget is passed through congress, and the Patrol-slut is commissioned.

[Patrol-Slut: 1/20]


With all of your efforts focused on Restoring the laboratory complex, you have little time to vote on the monk who would fill this role as a Holy field researcher

[Laboratory Complex: 3/10]


The purification goes along swimmingly, your soldiers raising another village with holy righteousness. This tribe apparently, spared their woman the horrors of their male deviancy, and were only used as breeding stock while the men let loose their dark fantasies on each other. The woman and children flock around the men, grateful for their coming.


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343b1b No.24623



As you move towards the port city, you hear many a rumors from your stay in a transitional pub. That the Emperor across the sea had tamed a drake, and now had searing hot metal that kept its heat no matter wat. How weird. You'll need some time to gather rumors.

[Rumor Mongering: 1/2]


As you walk around the city, you enjoy yourself as you walk around the port. However, as you bring up the ShipSlut's, they seem rather happy about it. Or at least the men do. Their wives, not so much. But when asked about what they are, they simply reply as "Captured Giants" or "Mechanical women". Nobody tells the same tale of how they came to be, and even the few officers you catch seem to be rather hush hush. All you can really confirm is that they are indeed somewhat biological.

[The Truth: 2/100]


With the fertility farm complete, your woman and men have a peaceful place to tend and care for their young, as well as conceive in the many covered orchards. Indeed, the farm is almost flowing with life and energy. The expansion goes well as well, with many converts joining your church as they see the health of your people. Your herbtology is also going swimmingly as well


-Cabbage Patch Kids:+5 Population every turn

[Herbology: 1/8]


The tunneling goes well-well! Soon, you'll be digging everywhere! And nowhere! And maybe into some sleeping monsters… OR INTO TREASURE-GOLD, YES YES. However, the engiseers keeping boom-exploding themselves. Stupid Engineers. Wasting Warp Tokens!

[Tunneling: 7/8]


>Name: Charax

>Race: Dragonoid, only surviving member.

>Age: 43

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack,

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Lone Dragon Bachelor


Dragon Claws[2.5x]

Fire Breath [3x]



–Party of one– You are the last of your kind, and this makes it so that no one is yet aware of you.

–Dragonoid– You are a dragon. Not only can you fly, but you can breath fire, and when ever you breed, you are guaranteed a Half Dragon, as your Traits are the superior of its kind.

-Fire and Water- You have the innate control of fire and water. +5 to magic rolls concerning either.

-Hoarder- You have a deep obsession with all that glitters. You will immediately drop what ever your doing if free gold presents itself

-Dragons word- You are a noble, yet wild animal. As such, you feel a obsessive need to complete or respect any agreements you make.

>Location: Island of of The Republic


As you travel together, you reach the port city where the fisher man will embark from, tomorrow morn. In the meantime, the two of you rent a small room in a pub. It is small, yet cozy, and has but one bed for you to share.

[Rumor Monger: 1/2]


Fill this in

>Name: Felisa av Verdklydge

>Race: 100% Pure Human

>Age: 26

>Gender: 100% Pure Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Armor [1.5x]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Most Chaste


Long Sword [3x]


1 Holy Militia [x2]


-Blinded by the Light- You are a beacon of purity and light. You are so bright, that enemies can not as easily resist the purifying light of Zarus when in your presence. +5 to Purifying enemies.

-Smite the wicked- You gain a +10 in combat against lewd and Deviant opponents

-Blessing of Zarus- As the more deeds you commit in his name, Zarus will take more and more interest in your actions. The more you do that pleases him, the more he will reward you. He may even lend a helping hand or two.

-Inspiring- You may recruit Holy Militias from any population, for your devotion is legendary enough to inspire even the most foulest of nations to join.

>Location: The Order of the Blue Grail

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343b1b No.24624

Dice rollRolled 16, 85, 6 = 107 (3d100)

1+2. Sssssoldiers [Military Caste: 5/8]

>Spend 50€ moving things along

3. Sssssleepy [Paralysis Magic: 3/7]

>Spend 50€ moving things along

>allocate 10 Slave population for experimentation purposes

[Progress: On Hold]

[Breeder Resort: 1/10]


Name: Ka'Nashana

Colour: Dank Green

Population: 100

Slaves: 50

Money: 325€


[Slavery: Weak]

[Caste: Medium]


-Cold Blooded- Your people are generally heartless. Expect less uproar for shady deals

-Human Lovers- Your people have a natural fondness of humans-Friends, lovers, pets, meals, etc. You gain a +5 to all interactions with humans

-Slavers- You have a separate population, different from your main, consisting of slaves. They're like population, but they can't say no!


2 Market Guard [x1]

[Military Caste: 5/8]

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343b1b No.24625

File: 1457081188065.png (8.37 KB,300x300,1:1,Waglands.png)

Dice rollRolled 25, 3, 38, 97 = 163 (4d100)

Name: The Waglands

Colour: Black

Population: 100

Money: 500€

Hexes: 2


[Feudal System: Weak]

[Daemonic Magic: Weak]

[Corruption Magic: Weak]


-Scions of the Wag- Roll a d2 every other turn. This will dictate whether the Wag is being helpful or chaotic. Than, roll a d100 to see what it has done.

-The Wag- You start with The Wag[x6][Hero][Demon] Unit. This unit can be upgraded to be stronger, and as long as it is alive, you get +10 diplomatic rolls. If it dies however, your nation will collapse.


The Wag [x6|Hero|Demon|Swallow Whole][Cat-Corruption]


Outstanding Issues



Actions [Purge]


1.2.3. Wag is no longer "up". Seeing the apparent idiocy in his ranking mandarins, he issues a massive brutal purge with Mimi ordered to develop death squads: the palace guard is found to be complicit, and so they are also immediately killed. Then the upper ranking nobles. Then a few of the lower ranking nobles. Then their children. By the time the killing stops, Wag has installed several half-demon bureaucrats and re-allocated the positions and titles to individuals he finds competent. After that, he has some delicious Tuna that mimi feeds him. [Purge the nobles, reshuffle the bureaucracy]

4. [Eccentricity: What did Wag do?]

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343b1b No.24626

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d2)

[Wag: Helpful or unhelpful]

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343b1b No.24638

Dice rollRolled 69, 9, 59 = 137 (3d100)


Name: The Order of the Blue Grail

Colour: Blue

Fluff/background: The Order is a holy order of the god of light, justice, and fire. They believe that he is highest god and should be worshiped above all others. For this belief the order was cast out and forced to found their monastery in the wilderness. Now they search for artifacts of their god and attempt to convert all to their religion, through force if necessary. For it is in his light that the races of the world are made pure and strong. Praise be to the god of light! Praise be to Zarus! Deus Vult!

Population: 100

Money: 425€


Holy Capital


[Purifying Light: weak]

[Religion: Weak]


-One True Lord- In combat, add a .5 modifier to each of your units when fighting rival religions or demons.

-Holy Zeal- When recruiting units, or expanding, add a 5+ to the roll

-Purification in Progress- You may spend actions to try and "Purify" captured prisoners of war, and enemies. Depending on the process done, it may have different results.


4 Holy Militia [x2]

1&2. Continue the purification efforts. 3/4

3. Continue construction of the orphanage. 1/6

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343b1b No.24639

File: 1457107072622.jpg (146.34 KB,800x800,1:1,LWkvPEP.jpg)


>Name: Charax

>Race: Dragonoid, only surviving member.

>Age: 43

>Gender: Male

>Fluff: Charax is the only known Dragonoid to exist. He knows by instinct there used to be thousands if not millions of members of his race in the world, and yet now there is only him. Charax hatched from a single 8ft tall egg, full grown and matured yet alone in a massive room full of gold and gems that looked is if it should hold many more of his brood. He left the chamber and explored the area, finding himself underwater in a quiet sheltered palace. Swimming out he found himself on a island, as his wings blossomed he explored the chain that he calls his territory.

Being a Dragonoid he is mischevious, cunning, brutal, territorial, immensely strong, and VERY VERY lustful. For 43 years he spent his time doing as he pleased, fighting off or banging trespassers, and wallowing in the immense amounts of gold in his cave. But now, after all that time, he has decided to have some fun. As a Dragonoid the world should be his, so why not go out and take it? His semen became fertile as his body shifted into breeding mode, the genetic knowledge that any female he made his was his for good and that his cum can turn women into broodmothers burst into his head. With a smile on his face he took off to repopulate the race, ready to turn the islands into a nation of Dragonoids.

Dragonoid facts: Dragonoids have addictive cum, powerful pheromones, immense strength, claws and talons, wings, varying skin, hair and eye color, enhanced senses, water fire and lust magic, and a can father/give birth to Dragonoids with traits from both parents yet are fully dragonoid in blood. Pregnancy in females of any race is rapid and lay large clutches of basketball to up to person sized eggs depending on cum deposited and fertility. All dragonoids are lithe and physically highly sexual in appearanfe and attitude.

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343b1b No.24641

File: 1457109204096.jpeg (454.58 KB,2100x1600,21:16,463ef3eac7a780cd7933c4614….jpeg)


Reposting with permission

Rolled 88, 61, 57 = 206 (3d100)

1,2,3. Charax idly played with a ball of fire and water as he flew, looking down and all around for a potential toy to play with. From his travels of the islands he knew there are plenty of saucy girls for him to play with, just waiting for his majesticness to come down and give them his children.

But he cant just find one whore, willing or unwilling, he needs to find many! Thankfully being a dragonoid he can turn any girl he finds into a broodmother who lays numerous eggs, but first he has to find the broodmother with…desirable traits.

Searching around he sees a quite beautiful monsterous girl emerging from the sea onto an island, and without a second thought he goes in for the mindbreak rape ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Using his immense strength he plans to pin her down, while with his fire magic he will light the flames of lust in her womb and through his water magic make sure she is pregnant with dozens if not hundreds of eggs! She should be honored to have such a glorious being as him come down to fill her womb!

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Roll for monstergirl willingness

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343b1b No.24643

Dice rollRolled 30, 21 = 51 (2d100)

1/2 - Only a few weeks out of Paladin Academy, Felisa receives her first assignment. The Order has a holy mission for her: Head east, to the empire of the Orient, and locate a girl with bright, red hair. She is to take this woman back to the temple, alive. Hopefully willingly. After all, who could deny the summoning call of Zarus when given by his most devoted worshiper?


>Name: Felisa av Verdklydge

>Race: 100% Pure Human

>Age: 26

>Gender: 100% Pure Female

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Armor [1.5x]

>Level: 1

>Fame/Infamy: Most Chaste


Long Sword [3x]


1 Holy Militia [x2]


-Blinded by the Light- You are a beacon of purity and light. You are so bright, that enemies can not as easily resist the purifying light of Zarus when in your presence. +5 to Purifying enemies.

-Smite the wicked- You gain a +10 in combat against lewd and Deviant opponents

-Blessing of Zarus- As the more deeds you commit in his name, Zarus will take more and more interest in your actions. The more you do that pleases him, the more he will reward you. He may even lend a helping hand or two.

-Inspiring- You may recruit Holy Militias from any population, for your devotion is legendary enough to inspire even the most foulest of nations to join.

>Location: The Order of the Blue Grail

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343b1b No.24644

Dice rollRolled 65 (1d100)

whups forgot 3rd roll

3 - While travelling on the road to the Orient, Felisa studies her tomes of religious evocation. After all, the hallowed art of Theurgy was a family tradition for the av Verdklydge line, and she would be remiss to let this heritage be wasted!

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343b1b No.24647


[Waglands -→ Joker of the Night]

A missive arrives. It reads: "There has been a change of direction. While your goal of Yishima is correct, my need of information has become secondary. There is a woman in this city and I require her for certain purposes. Acquire her by any means you see fit and the reward will be considerable. He apparent notoriety and red hair will make her known to you, but I lack much beyond rumor. I will send some of my followers to assist you, but for now you will be on your own."

There is a paw print and a simple signature.

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343b1b No.24652

File: 1457130122436.jpg (165.95 KB,612x714,6:7,'Darci' Dreadnought.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 82, 67, 31 = 180 (3d100)


>Name: The Kaecolln Union.

>Colour: Orange-ish

>Population: 50

>Money: 200$


[Ship Colossi: Medium(Female only)][Special!]


[Arcane Cannon Magic: Weak]


[Titan's of Industry] Your people's greatest sacrifice: The Ship Colossi. The first of its kind, this lumbering, heavily armed troops can rival giants in strength and power. You are the only nation that can create such towering beings, and are unable to trade any tech. Your population also suffers much to feed and make such creatures, so it can not rise above 50. Also, the exact process of ShipSlut creation is kept in secret to all but the higher builders…

[Prima Donna] However, after the creation of the KNS "Dreadnought" or, Darci as she likes to be called, there were a few snags…As the first of her kind, she is powerful and also, very very bossy. As such, in return for protecting you, she has made a few extra rules along with basic maintenance and feeding:

1) Ship Sluts are the only kind of military unit you may make.

2) You may only make ship Girls. No boys.

3) More to come as she thinks of them…

[Heavy Artillery] With the aid of machinery, it is possible for you to equip modifications to the ship colossi, without having to spend a action to that cause. (?)

>Armies: (Full sheet: http://pastebin.com/h95qT52U )

KNS "Darci" Dreadnought [x25][Bombard: 1]

>Inactive Projects:

[Ship Colossi: Good: 2/35]

>Active Projects?

[Academy: 1/6]

[Bank of Darci: 5/6]

[Patrol Boat-class Shipslut: 2/5]

(Going to have the patrol boatslut have (2/5) progress instead of (1/20), k?)

(As well, is it fair to make the bank project, academy and the patrol boatslut 'active' projects since I paid for them earlier? I'll post the dice rulesheet later on to show what I mean)

1-2: The President of the Union would receive word from the Master Shipbuilders of a red-haired girl located in the north-eastern city known as Yashima. While it is unknown what her exact purpose is, the Master Shipbuilders say that with her help, they could produce a Ship Colossi unmatched in size and strength, which will ever ensure power to the Union. With that in mind, and the value she poses, the Dreadnought Darci would be sent with a gathering of supplies and political members, to ensure that she would be transferred to the Union safely.

>Get Regalia's McGuffin babe from the east. +'Darci' Dreadnought

3: Meanwhile, the Union's humble steelworks and gunnery would soon begin the production of Arcane Cannons in order to provide equipment for the upcoming Patrol-class Ship Colossi.

>Produce weak Arcane Cannons for the upcoming Patrol Boatslut.

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343b1b No.24654

File: 1457130471555.png (84.9 KB,512x512,1:1,RTD.png)

I'm posting a suggested 'rulesheet' for the rolls that would be used by the Nations of this game, and provided Cutebold accept them, 'Active' projects will soon become a thing:


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343b1b No.24667

File: 1457132394490.jpg (21.7 KB,456x628,114:157,HELP.jpg)


I think you skipped me, Lewdbold.


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343b1b No.24678

Dice rollRolled 64, 33, 86 = 183 (3d100)

>Name: Vered Freyborn

>Race: Human

>Age: 37

>Gender: Male

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack, Posh Captain hat and epaulets

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: Entrepreneur of Adventure



The Diadem[7x][Bombard:1][Boat]


Umshini[Luggage boy]


–Adventure is out there!– You are a expert navigator and a renowned adventurer! You gain a +10 to all roles that regard movement or EXPLORING.

–Filthy savages– You exude a aura of refinement and adversity against all forms of barbarism. You may re-roll dice against enemies considered Uncivilized or vile(Which is up to me to decide).

–In the nick of time– As a well experienced explorer, you are a slippery dog. You can exit and enter combat at will, as long as you are completely healthy.

–Jungle fever– You get a 5+ When trying to convert unruly savages with your posh "Charm"

–In the name of the: Union!– You can now claim tiles and help set up colonies in the name of the Kaecolln Union. You gain a +5 in doing so. Your ship will also be repaired free of cost at any Kaecolln docks.

>Location: bay of Kaecolin

[The Truth: 2/100]

1. Time to set sail. head north, for adventure!

2. Check out any cool places i see while underway.

3. if i see any native, prepare to oppress

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343b1b No.24681

Dice rollRolled 98, 5, 7 = 110 (3d100)


I'll let Bold know when I see her on; she asked me to paste the updoots for some reason.


-Cabbage Patch Kids:+5 Population every turn

[Herbology: 1/8]

Name: The Church of Isiseros

Colour: Pink


Holy Grove of Isiseron

Population: 105, +5/turn

Money: 500€


[Fertility Magic: Weak]

[Plant Control: Weak]

[Herbology: Weak]


-Mother knows best- You get a 5+ to all rolls involving the encouragment of growth

-At one with nature- Those blessed by your church will never be attacked by wild animals

-Life's mate- As a blessing from your goddess, your population is resistant against blighting and things could harm your birth rate. It will rarely go down. Also, woman given the blessing of your church will be invulnerable as long as they carry a child.

-Cabbage Patch Kids:+5 Population every turn


Field Guards [x2]

In Progress:

Herbology: 1/8

1: Let us gather animals to us! Let us improve a Breed of Cattle for milk.

2: Begin studying how we can best improve constructing buildings and defenses with our [Plant Control]

3: The herb farm is coming along, let us continue to grow it. [Herbology, 1/8]

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343b1b No.24697


Thanks. Name confused the fuck out of me.

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343b1b No.24699


Sorry Dara, but you never rolled. So I kinda forgot. Super sorry!

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343b1b No.24700

Dice rollRolled 95, 37, 9 = 141 (3d100)


Shit, I didn't? That's my bad, then! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

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343b1b No.24705

Dice rollRolled 88, 8, 18 = 114 (3d100)


Name: Underhive

Colour: Brown


The Skaven have long dwelt beneath the earth, infesting the buried ruins and cave networks and sewers below the world.

The Underhive is the largest gathering of Skaven, who dwell in a massive buried ruin complex within in the Shadow Lands. Once a shining beacon civilization of Atlynteria the greatest civilization the world had ever seen, until a great curse was cast upon them, and fire engulfed their realm. Now the Shadow Lands lie beneath the shade of several volcanoes which blot out the sun with ash and smoke. It is also the ancestral home of many other creatures of the night like the Vampire Families, the Werewolf Clans, the Warlock Covens, Evil Cults, or pirates and brigans seeking refuge and many other things that creep upon the world like a cancerous rot.

The Skaven are a cruel, conniving, ambitious race who have not forgotten the art of wit and politics. They have made dealings and several alliances in the past particularly with the Vampires and Pirates, and on occasion the Witches and Wolfmen. Offering skaven blood, slave sacrifices, or buried relics and treasure the rats have come to be known as something of the "Middlemen of Darkness"and the "Merchants of Evil". When the great nations of the world launch their Holy Crusades or Jihads into the Shadow Lands, the Skaven are called upon to offer their skill in logistics, communications, and tunnel networks against the holy threats.

Underhives efforts in diversification have not gone unrewarded. They are masters of jurry-rigging dark magic and savage science as one, their weapons and methods display a characteristic nature of the Skaven to incorporate everything. Skaven Enginseers use alchemy and sorcery to blast their enemies with dark lightning stemming from the tips of copper staffs, or bullets shot from warpstone infused pistols, or the most dreaded weapon of Underhive's arsenal, the Ratling Gunner, which uses warpstone to drive an automatic machine of leaden death.

Ever seeking new magics and technologies to integrate, they make it a point to explore every ruin, every forgotten temple, and take up any task that might offer them yet more knowledge of the dark arts. And as their tunnel networks dig outward, they grow themselves fat upon capture slaves and pillaged supplies, and are keen to share in the reward with their dark allies.

Population: 150

Slaves: 50

Money: 500€

Warp Tokens: 7(-1/turn)


[Spells of Ruin: Weak]

[Mercantilism: Weak]

[Brass: Weak]


[Warp Stone: Weak]


ARCHETYPE –Rat Pack– You are rat-men, a bunch of dirty, conniving little monsters. Your sneaky, tricky and above all, pragmatic. You'll do what ever it takes to win and make a buck, or at least, cut your enemies throats before he does so to you.

-McRatvyver- You have the ability to mix Technologies and Magics. To see how this goes, roll a d100. You may only do this every two turns.

-Warped- Your people may only breed with themselves. Also, for all of your own disgusting tendencies, you find other species mostly unattractive. And they in turn, think of you that way as well. Not only that, but your people need a good supply of Warp Tokens, as they are your currency, your fuel, your seasoning, your magical talismans, your etc. Your society revolves around it. You may spend a Warp token to add 15 to any roll, but if you run out, you lose 20on ALL ROLLS.

-Smells like a rat- You are well known for your shady dealings. You lose -10 on ANY diplomatic rolls. Not only that, but due to your chaotic nature, your people are far more likely to ignore your commands and try to look out for themselves. Expect critical failures to be really bad. Also, your infantry are far, far weaker than others.


4 Slave Guards[x.5]

Stat Post, actions incoming.

1-2. Build a Research-Coop Building in the Waglands, so we can share and cooperate on research actions both magical and technology

3. More work on the Alchemy Guild

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343b1b No.24710

Dice rollRolled 41, 58, 98 = 197 (3d100)



Colour: Yellow

Fluff/background: The child of the rain goddess and a mortal man, the First Emperor united the warring clans. With a sword capable of slicing through castle walls, he drove the monsters from the island and claimed it for his people. Many years have passed since then, with the First Emperor's line remaining unbroken. An alchemist recently stumbled on a new technology in his search for immortality, a black powder that burns fiercely when exposed to sparks. The extent of this has been limited to the halls of the noble clans, for fear of it's effects on the balance of power within the realm.

Population: 100

Money: 500€


[Fire sand: Weak]

[Steel Forge: Weak]

[Feudal system: Weak]

[Tentacle taming: weak]

[Drake Taming: Weak]

[Fire Brand: Medium]


–Of the Oriental- You gain a 5+ bonus to developments in technology and bureaucratic actions

-Chosen of the Emperor- You gain the Unit: The Emperor [x1][Hero][Inspiring] For every turn, add .2 to his attack bonus. If he dies, he comes back in Three turns, at [x1]

-Of the Asian persuasion- Your peoples vagina's are sideways, and their dicks upside down. What the fuck. You gain a +5 to rolls to raising your population. Some how, they just function better. Also, your people can't be taken as slave population.


2 Imperial Soldier[x1.5]

The Emperor mounted on Asarka[5.6x][Hero][Inspiring][Flying][Mounted][Fire Breathing]

1 ) Continue our work on making weapons from Fire Sand 2/8

2&3 ) Search the land for a material that can withstand incredibly high temperatures

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343b1b No.24712

Dice rollRolled 38, 63 = 101 (2d100)


>Name:Joker of the night





Don't fill this this:

>Health: Healthy

>Money: 5 Gold Coins

>Belongings: Clothes, Rucksack

>Level: 0

>Fame/Infamy: (You earn this in game)



>Bonus:-Jester of the Night- You gain a 5+ to all actions that have to do with performing or distracting.

-Better Together- When you roll for an action involving The Thief of the Night, add 10+ to the roll. NOTE: The Thief of the night must roll for the same action as well.

-In the Night- All travel made during the night is halved.

–Emissary of the Wag– You bare the /privilege/ of serving the one true ruler of the Waglands, the Wag itself. No one who serves the beast shall dare cross your path.

>Location: Unknown Port town

1.I need to gather more rumors, a drake the emperor tamed a drake? I suspect my stay in yashima shall be quite eventful.

2.Lets head out for the ferry and set out upon our journey.

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343b1b No.24713

Dice rollRolled 94, 35, 99 = 228 (3d100)


mobile can't format so turn in pastebin

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343b1b No.24744

File: 1457237809541.jpg (12.73 KB,320x320,1:1,DamSon.jpg)




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343b1b No.24746


Dara why not come back to the chat?

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343b1b No.37400

Any room?

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343b1b No.37408


There hasn't been a post in almost a year.

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