Submitting an idea for caption/story:
''The characters are optional, others can be used.==
Asuka Langley and the POV character (which doesn't have to be specified, so you can imagine whichever you want) both have a chip in their brain which forces them to obey superiors. POV character is complaining about it, because it's their first week, and Asuka had it for a month. Asuka argues in favor of the chip, e.g.,:
>it was either that or being arrested for treason
>if you check the stats, rape is really common in the military! it would happen either way, the chip just prevents the brawling, disorderly conduct and insubordination charges
>you can't leak state secrets
>your superiors trust you and you respect them
>they can train you with joysticks.
>Once I gave bullies the access password, they're all nice to me and take me on dates to the men's restroom
>The officers always ensure I have enough protein intake
>stop complaining, it's just like the Dummy Plug but for your brain, what's so strange about it?
Also, there could be visual glitches or text as if it's displayed on the POV character's vision, such as "removing thought […]", "increasing saliva production", "adding fetish […]", "<character name> is connected on port :22 as user 'root'"
It could also be in the tone of "ok, it's your first week with the chip so I'll guide you" or "geez, I know it's your first week with the chip but look what they had to do just to make you take your protein!".