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ac5743 No.6149


- Consumer Perception: Consumer's negative views about pharmaceutical industries on pure maximization of profits.

- Government Issues: Governmental lack of international harmonization, in regard to regulation and cooperation.

- Pharmaceutical Industry: Negative media coverage regarding the vaccination industry and industrial distribution monopoly.


Bioviratech combines the world of the pharmaceutical distribution of vaccines, international law, smart contracts/ Crypto and blockchain to generate legal contracts linked to

unique smart contracts. These create tokenized options that gives the bearer the right to, but not the cost of, a vaccine for a future pandemic after the most vulnerable have been vaccinated.

- Legal Obligation: Legal obligation with pharmaceutical companies to embrace a more even distribution of required vaccines.

- Subsidiary Transaction: Simple collaboration across regions for government and regulatory limitations of international distribution

- Bioviratech Tokens: BVT & BVTD speculative tokens are distributed evenly, providing purchase access to available vaccines.


✓ Addressing the disproportionate distribution of vaccines, experienced by many countries and even delays and inefficiencies within Europe.

✓ Negotiations with Pharmaceutical companies to create 360 contracts to produce options for a vaccine for a future pandemic.

✓ Tokenizing the legal contracts using smart contracts utilizing blockchain technology for transparency of transactions without compromising privacy.

✓ Maintaining the value of vaccines and recouping all associated losses and costs of manufacturing and distribution with no particular preference to any region.

BVT token sale is coming soon …

For more info: https://www.bioviratech.com/

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