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42974a No.5799

Personally, I've been thinking about the fact that my wife and I have an anniversary coming up. She and I have been together for 10 years and we are doing great. But honestly, I wish she would sometimes pay more attention to her beauty and self-care.Do you think maybe I could get her a trip to a beauty salon? I just don't know anything about it.

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ea54f6 No.5816

I think it would be a great gift for her. You could, for example, give her a trip to a laser hair removal salon. I found this one at https://laserhairremovalplaces.com. To be honest, I didn't expect my wife to be that excited about it. We're even fighting less about things. I think she had a good time there. I think for them going to places like that is like for men going golfing or going to a soccer game.

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42c656 No.5987

I have a lot of ideas for cool gifts

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42c656 No.5988

maybe you should choose a beautiful piece of jewelry

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42c656 No.5989

every woman will be delighted with good and high-quality clothes for a gift. I am sure that this is one of the best gift ideas and it will make your woman happy. I can recommend you some good stores to buy fashionable clothes. you should read about https://rofldna.org/top-10-best-outlets-shops-in-europe-that-are-worth-to-visit-and-why/ Best Outlets Shops In Europe. I am sure that this article will be interesting and useful for you

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2d11ad No.6105

so many great gift ideas

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2d11ad No.6106

I have a nice gift idea for your wife that she will love. I am sure that you should buy a vibrator for your wife and it will help you diversify your sex and strengthen your relationship. Do not be afraid, it is easy to use even for beginners in this field. you should read articles on this topic https://joynights.org/best-rabbit-vibrator/ to increase your knowledge

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fe2fd0 No.6126

I very often pamper my wife with gifts (flowers, some rings, equipment, and so on) This time I want to somehow diversify our evening in bed, since lately we haven’t been getting along very well with her in this regard, I came across to the article https://blog.uberhorny.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-g-spot/, in which I read about different postures and how to achieve your success.

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89910d No.6160


Take her to a beauty store and offer to buy her whatever she wants. It'll get her thinking about different options and she'll feel pressured to use the items afterwards.

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