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File: 1433401834562.png (1.02 KB,138x110,69:55,58857587578.png)

fc9f69 No.558 [Last50 Posts]

bitcoin = 200USD

I don't see it can go any lower, well that wasn't that bad I think. I see bit coin is a medium of exchange but not a store value.

what do you think?

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fc9f69 No.568

Wall street firms are amicable to it, Nasdaq is using a blockchain to manage some of their private markets.

US Gov't hasn't sent SWAT teams on any mining farms..

I think BTC has the green light to go ahead at this point. So far it's looking like it might coexist rather peacefully with what's going on in the world. At least for the next year or two, until things develop further.

I would hedge my wealth in BTC the same way I would in gold. Perhaps 5% of my portfolio in emerging crypto markets.

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fc9f69 No.572

File: 1436394466921.png (524.66 KB,887x900,887:900,profsmoke.png)

litecoin's being pumped, 40million in circulation, currently worth $6 each.


peercoin's being accumulated, 22million in circulation, currently worth 0.55c each.


as far as i can tell all other contributing forces match up.

i'm looking forward at selling my ppc for great profit. good day gents.

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fc9f69 No.573


>tfw I listened to this anon and bought a lot of PPC with my last bits of bitcoin

>tfw I listened to those retarded 4chan biz anons saying bitcoin will fall the fuck down

>mfw PPC is 0.5 now, hit 0.9 max and went down

>mfw bitcoin is 300$ a piece now

thanks anons, I guess

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fc9f69 No.574

File: 1436668234824.gif (719.34 KB,480x320,3:2,duwaaayne.gif)


what, 90% profit isn't good enough for you? i bought at 55c retard, not 90. sold some at 95 and now i'm doubling up.

fuck you.

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fc9f69 No.575


Some other anon said it'll eventually go $10 but I guess I'm just naive and retarded.

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fc9f69 No.576


Since you seem like a clever guy - should I cut loses or will it go up again?

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fc9f69 No.577

full disclosure, i sold a bunch at 60c before the runup so i'm back where i started lol.


you really bought at 90? i'd hold, might be a while before it gets that high but ppc has good promise. the price really depends on the state of the cryptocurrency market as a whole. that recent pump n dump was mostly because of litecoin, ppc was the only other alt to move with it because they're both on btc-e.

there's probably gonna be a shift from PoW to PoS type systems, peercoin will be first to benefit when that happens. it's a good bet if you're willing to hold coins at all.

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fc9f69 No.578


Never said I bought at 0.90. I bought at 0.6 and was too stupid to sell. Thanks though.

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fc9f69 No.581


there's your lesson, never leave profits on the table. always take it when you can.

sold more at 0.72, we're back in accumulation phase atm. if you've got faith in BTC, PPC's a good short-term bet. building my position in it now. if world news continues to play favorably for BTC peercoin will shoot off like a bottle rocket. then it's anyone's guess as to what happens next.

frankly i view these coins more as a contingency plan than an investment. fun but hardly pertinent to what's currently happening with fiat currencies. if you're expecting riches out of cryptocurrency i hope you also have a passport to an up an coming country like China, where crypto will hopefully be recognized… It's all one big experiment.

best of luck anons. this is going to be a very interesting time to grow though. China'll become a hub of some kind, that's for certain. and blockchains will find their place in the finance industry.

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fc9f69 No.595

PPC 0.49 a piece now.

I hope it'll get up soon.

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fc9f69 No.596

File: 1437080994464.png (67.07 KB,1106x855,1106:855,screenshot-bitcoinwisdom c….png)


looking back at my post i'm disappointed in myself for getting preachy. i noticed a lot of dumpage at ~62c and was compelled to sell but i was being overzealous. if i had dropped the attitude and went with my gut i'd have gained ~15%.


I've still got plenty of faith in this coin (well, faith it'll get pumped eventually, again). Right now, I'm expecting it to retrace to 55c then probably back under 50. The recent massive jumps in price are because of a few individual players, it is impossible know exactly how/when they'll act but you can gauge the trend. If it gets up to 55 I'm gonna sell more; i think the price is gonna stay depressed for a while. Whales still want to accumulate as cheap as they can, which means they'll have to leave the markets to settle for a while. Protip: Whenever you see abnormally massive volume within a short time/price range, it's probably a whale selling to himself in an effort to spook the market into selling as well, which the whale will collect through his own trading, Vice versa when the whale's trying to exit their position.

The picture attached is some simple TA. The white lines are previous levels of resistance, we broke 50c so 40's the next target.

Another protip: trying to predict where the price is headed gets a lot easier when you consider how psychological the market is. people are attracted to nice, round, whole numbers, if there's upward momentum passing 50c, you can guess the next target to be 55, then 60, etc. Whales will try to push the price towards psychological levels to either spook or excite the market. PPC under 45c, or breaking 40 would definitely spook some people.

Assuming I'm correct that there'll be a wave of hype over the flaws in BTC's PoW model (which actually do hamper BTC's 'vision'), peercoin will be right there to take center stage. If i weren't trading I'd just throw my coins on a paper wallet (or stake them on a secure machine) and forget about it until it goes nuts.

also fwiw i originally bought in around 27c, the pain of loss is significantly numbed for me (so long as i'm able to stay in the green, anyway..) once you start making money it really is like a drug.

also lol, as i was typing this the price started going up.

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fc9f69 No.598

File: 1437099142258.png (27.36 KB,880x860,44:43,closeup.png)


Here's a shot of where we're at now, the white line was the resistance right before the pump. That dip to 45c concerns me, could be panic, could be whale profits. My guess is we'll bounce between 45c-55c, with spurts of volume in between to freak people out and activate/shakedown the market, though frankly there's not enough info to tell where it's heading near-future. need a few days to tell if whales are gonna go into bull mode again, or another few weeks if we're gonna remain in accumulation.

Chaos theory is something to comprehend here. Definition of chaos:

"When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future."

..if you're not trying to trade profitably just throw your coins into cold storage and bide your time.

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fc9f69 No.609

File: 1437806041376.png (63.88 KB,794x468,397:234,-0.00000074 BTC-BAY.png)

I'm gonna elaborate on an earlier point I made. Remember when I said whales will try to spook markets by jumping them with huge waves of volume? check these pix babe, these are near perfect specimens.

#1 this is BitBay on bittrex. ignore the fact it's a shitcoin for a millisecond and look at the chart. see those three 10BTC+ spikes on volume? completely fake. the red underline highlights whales building their position for a pump. they bought up, spooked it, then bought up the sells they spooked out.

#2 is PPC/USD on btc-e, same thing. that's almost exactly 35k on that single red stab to 0.45c. these assholes are barely trying to mask their tracks.

if you watch the orderbooks while these fakeouts are happening you can tell they just throw a fat order up and knock it right down, to make that candle show up.

don't bitch at me if you can't buy/sell at the right time. if you do i will enjoy a hearty chuckle and then call you a faggot. it seriously doesn't get any clearer than this. have fun learning.

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fc9f69 No.610

File: 1437806052569.png (102.42 KB,1114x604,557:302,0.554 BTC-e PPC USD - Bitc….png)

2nd pic

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fc9f69 No.611


also should point out, a 35k ppc fakeout is plain retarded, there's hardly ever that much volume sitting on the btc-e books, at *most* it's usually 5-15k

i mean come the fuck on

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fc9f69 No.616

File: 1438029029415.png (37.34 KB,880x616,10:7,again!again!.png)


*within a five cent range, sudden 35k ppc volume is retarded.

just saw a 20k dump from .0018 to .0017 on ppc/btc pair on btc-e, range is kinda wide and the ppc/btc books are usually thicker so i'm not sure, but looks like a repeat of what i just posted. stay tuned!

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fc9f69 No.620


It went up to 0.56 and then down to 0.52. It moves along with the bitcoin price. Doesn't really look like anyone is pumping or otherwise interfering with the coin price. If it gonna go up, then surely we'll have to wait a long time.

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fc9f69 No.623


i wouldn't say it's directly correlated with bitcoin, ppc has made some movements purely on its own which is a good sign, but yeah just like the real world market crypto markets tend to move in tandem.

also doesn't look like anyone is pumping? this coin hit a dollar from 25c man. but yeah, the longer it stays low the better it is for the guys behind the pump, more time for them to soak up as much as they possibly can. PPC might not be the best coin to trade but I think it's a safe hold, farrrr more upside potential than BTC without the same kind of risk you'd find in holding a generic altcoin.

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fc9f69 No.624


I should clarify myself: no one is pumping at the moment. The 0.25 to 0.9 was clearly a pump though. Other than pumps, there aren't going to be any major changes I guess.

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fc9f69 No.655


When will PPC go up, shit man, it seems like it's going to stay at 0.45 forever.

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fc9f69 No.661


i'm actually banking on it going a bit lower from here, not too sure though. seeing the price touch 39 would cause people to panic sell. my position is about 80% ppc, and i'm looking to increase my ppc holdings so that other 20% is waiting to buy.

i'll repeat, whales want the price to stay low so they can accumulate as much as they can as cheaply as they can. the price won't see any wild movements until they're satisfied and ready to roll, OR if some major global event happens, like the USD losing status as global reserve currency which would throw forex into complete chaos, making cryptocurrencies all the more bullish.

the major players that literally are the price movement won't buy up all at once, they will buy slowly and surely to get it cheap. have patience man. if you see a sudden spike to under 30 or something then yeah okay, panic and get out, but right now i just see them trying to 'walk' the market down through heavy volume within tight spreads.

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fc9f69 No.662


actually premature of me to say 'panic and get out', i'd probably be buying more if it fell under thirty.

i actually kinda suck at trading, lol

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fc9f69 No.682

File: 1439955288124-0.png (98.14 KB,1103x627,1103:627,ppc-2330-18-8-15.png)

File: 1439955288134-1.png (91.64 KB,1108x605,1108:605,ppcbtc-afterdump.png)

wow shit got rekt

i sold enough PPC @ 42c to cover my original investment (bought ~27c). wish i sold more. i royally fucked up not covering my original buy-in cost when it was >70c, i could've made enough money to live on for the rest of the year. i fucking left that money on the table. could've tripled my portfolio… i keep telling myself 'at least i'm not in the red', which is good but that shouldn't be an excuse against making profit. i'm still not sharp enough.

waiting to buy back in, but damn.. someone hates crypto. I'm still long-term bullish on PPC. i'm concerned how thin the orderbooks currently are on btc-e. we could go into the 20's easily, which means we probably will.

for those that're still questioning, just keep an eye on the 24hr daily volume on coinmarketcap.com. PPC usually holds ~$40k, and is #5 globally for volume atm (LTC and XRP are 2nd & 4th, and they're both shitcoins so yeah). I'm not %100 certain but i'd venture a guess that these dumps are whales selling to themselves; there just isn't $100k in small orders on the books. since i'm enjoying the anonymity here i'll go ahead and say whales are instigating a panic situation right now. it'll be the best timespan to buy soon.

feel free to tear into me with any complaints.

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fc9f69 No.683


Well, yeah, shit got wrecked hard. It's because of bitcoin dump though, all cryptos fell down, not just bitcoin.

Why do you think that peercoin, of all the coins, has the potential for profits?

Personally, I bought some at 0,44-ish, not a lot of volume, just to test the waters and see if I'm any good at trading. How can we be sure that it'll rise?

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fc9f69 No.684

File: 1440124703950-0.png (127.7 KB,1261x542,1261:542,yearhashrate.png)

File: 1440124703959-1.png (72.99 KB,1258x530,629:265,yearprice.png)


If you bought it, you should be telling me.

These are the parameters I'm working off of (in order of importance):

1. BTC showing overall momentum within the upper hierarchies of finance. NASDAQ is actively using blockchain tech, banks working with blockchains, etc. This puts cryptocurrency in a favorable (bullish) light, without the banks consent cryptocurrency would go nowhere market-wise, or at least it'd have a very, very hard time and wouldn't be likely to make a tangible difference. The fact serious litigation against bitcoin over the past few years hasn't occurred is a good sign, no news is good news.

Now in regards to PPC…

2. Bitcoin's method of keeping blockchain integrity (Proof-of-Work) has a major economic flaw..


http://www.bitcoinx.com/bitcoin-average-all-days-logarithmic-chart/ (this chart doesn't really show much but it's good for reference)

PoW dictates that a large, distributed base of machines (ideally the users of the network) compete with each other in order to ensure network decentralization. This is rather wasteful of resources and expensive to maintain. If the price of BTC falls so does network hashrate; if miners can't realize ROI on their equipment they have to shut them down to conserve energy costs (currently the correlation isn't defined in charts since many people seem to think BTC is undervalued, my guess). This means that BTC's security is correlated with its price, no bueno considering central authorities can conjure money at will and are prone to unabashed market manipulation. PoS mitigates this somewhat, it's not a full solution but it does solve the cost of production issue Bitcoin has. In any case I'm betting this gets hyped sooner or later and we see a shift away from PoW modeled coins.

3. PPC dev was the first to successfully implement PoS, and is still active behind the coin. He knows his shit, and is pleasingly quiet while maintaining a presence in the community. I suspect he'll come out with cold-minting and that'll be the signal (excuse) for a price increase (pump), although it could easily be another event that triggers things, this is just more predictable to happen.

4. BTC-e is apparently minting something like 5m PPC (~23% of total coins in circulation):




..so there's your investor interest to inflate the price.

5. PPC has reliably held >$30k daily volume for quite some time, I'm confident the demand is there to keep this coin from crashing and being forgotten like so many others. If LTC can hit $50 because 'hurr durr it's lite' I don't see why PPC can't, especially since it actually is a real advancement over BTC.

i dunno.. ask me a question and i'll see if i can answer it. or shoot holes in my theory and we'll see if i can defend it, i would enjoy that. Given the relentless increase of uncertainty in real-world markets, and the lack of punitive actions against cryptocurrencies (which are practically antimatter to fiat currencies) I'm bullish.

i'd love someone to give me a good reason *not* to buy this. yeah it's heavily manipulated and volatile, but i'm confident i'll be able to offload these at much higher prices when the time is right. in no way do i think ppc will become a permanent force in global finance, i'm trading it like anyone would trade anything.

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fc9f69 No.685


also lol i just fucking realized i'm not the OP of this thread. wtf.

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fc9f69 No.687


Seems pretty legit to me, though I'm no expert. Any idea when can we expect the price to rise? Months? Years?

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fc9f69 No.688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Movements for this program were made possible by the Corporation for Internal Pumping, and NOT by the annual financial support of suckers like you."

they'll pump it when they're content to. i have NO idea when the price will rise because I am not the one moving the price. i'm only trying to catch the wave.

Major events usually occur together, for example Bitcoin price is down along with the Dow this week (BTC actually preceded the Dow, which is interesting). I'm betting that cryptocurrency will be hyped as a 'dark horse' alternative to crumbling fiat structures. So keep an eye on the Fed and real world events to get a grasp on when such movements may occur.

It MIGHT actually be more pertinent to hold onto bitcoin rather than PPC, since bitcoin will receive market interest first. Then you could shuffle from BTC to PPC afterwards. But this is pure conjecture, they could both move at the same time. Right now I'm about 20% PPC 80% fiat. Waiting to see if Bitcoin gets crushed more, though it could get eaten up right back to 280. Bitcoin is one of the most volatile markets out there dude. I'm just starting to understand that myself.

You need to widen your scope, this situation is on a global scale with fiat and central banks. The price for crypto will move when banks can't hold their credibility any longer. Till then I expect continued price suppression but really anything could happen. I'm watching very carefully for the right moment to jump back in.

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fc9f69 No.689

File: 1440292065622.png (111.99 KB,1110x658,555:329,btcppc08-22.png)


using this as a guideline we can guess the price will trend downward for the next month, that's what occurred last time we saw a nasty spike down. i'm not expecting the price to climb upwards, whales may take a bite up but overall the trend is down.

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fc9f69 No.695

File: 1440427733001.png (99.22 KB,1174x652,587:326,s&p-aug24.png)

WEW, look at that bounce!

Guessing we'll tamper out ~2000 over the week, get more shaky around September fed meeting, then shit's gonna get wild. Cryptocurrency will follow this trend BECAUSE there are people who want to buy crypto cheap, so markets aren't going to show any excitement, keep that depression around so people sell their crypto as well as their stocks in apprehension. This is the time for strong hands.

FYI i'm mostly using this thread as a personal journal. hope nobody minds.

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fc9f69 No.696

File: 1440428062844.png (91.28 KB,1179x570,393:190,s&p1mdaily.png)

closer up of that crash n bounce on the S&P open, monday aug 24

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fc9f69 No.700

File: 1440476416889-0.png (116.82 KB,1105x679,1105:679,takingtheirmoney.png)

File: 1440476416890-1.png (108.47 KB,1105x637,85:49,takingtheirmoneyltc.png)

bitcoin dipped under 200 and i noticed something interesting

basically, the price got dumped to 190 monday afternoon, then it got pumped it back up above 200. now at 11:30pm eastern time (east coast USA, largest concentration of wealthy people on the planet most likely) it gets dumped down again to 195, with much less volume. Same story with LTC.

what i think happened is whales dumped the price to spook the markets into activity, moved it up above 200, then waited as plebs put up buy orders. after said plebs go to sleep, they chow down on all that available cash up for bid.

gotta understand that market orders fluctuate all the time, they're never at a constant level. gotta shake the markets up to get people placing orders

i'm gonna guess they're gonna let the price sit low come tomorrow morning to instigate more panic selling, then sometime after 10am EST they'll start moving it back up. rinse and repeat.

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fc9f69 No.701

File: 1440476877088.png (39.03 KB,316x541,316:541,ppc buys.png)

also ppc buys are pretty thick. i've got my buys set up between 27c and 16c. depending on if 30c holds i'm gonna start moving back in; PPC hasn't blinked while BTC and LTC are getting raped.

wish i could get the whole order book in a screenshot, right now it's about 60k total PPC between .294 and .255. That's just the PPC/USD pair mind you.

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fc9f69 No.702

File: 1440478678095.png (126.24 KB,1110x680,111:68,whoops.png)


nope, i was wrong, btc got bought up back over 200, higher than it was before it dipped back down. let's see what it does.

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fc9f69 No.706

File: 1440532668388-0.png (896.73 KB,3000x1687,3000:1687,1435242407605.png)

File: 1440532668388-1.png (40.28 KB,326x543,326:543,ppcbuysAug25.png)

also FYI to anyone reading through this thinking i know what i'm talking about, i really don't. you must be able to make your own conclusions to trade, if you take someone else's advice you won't know when to execute the trade when you need to. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and STUDY. the market is the closet thing there is to a mythical beast or mystic force in this world. you can't beat it, and you will lose, but if you prepare to lose you'll lose less and win enough. just focus on staying in the green to start.

I'm about 40/60 ppc/fiat right now, 30c has shown to be pretty solid but the chance of things reversing is still there, it depends how bitcoin behaves above 200 (and maybe if the S&P does another slam dunk). if i see btc get punched towards/under 200 again i'm gonna move back into fiat.

now it's about 20k ppc up for bid between .322 and .281, books are 2/3 less thick than they were ~18hrs ago. could get slammed down again.

if you wanna just take a straight crypto-gamble i'd say grab some PPC now, throw it on a cold wallet and come back in december. I'm really hoping SHTF in global markets, banks in '08 almost crumbled, only a matter of time.. could pull some other shit and delay it another 7 years but their time IS limited.. fuckin patience man. it can get frustrating.

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fc9f69 No.709

File: 1440799704569.png (110.59 KB,1104x680,138:85,20kbuy-aug28.png)

20k buy from .014 to .015 today. not a major move, but something to acknowledge, it seems to be legit accumulation to me. the 20k dump afterward i think is a fabrication to mask tracks, i was watching the books and there wasn't that much volume moving into them after that buyup.

i could just be insanely paranoid :)

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fc9f69 No.712

File: 1441165849971-0.png (130.86 KB,1278x687,426:229,ppcbtc1hr1-9-15.png)

File: 1441165849974-1.png (137.78 KB,1278x686,639:343,ppcusd1hr1-9-15.png)

looks like i was right, we saw some nice steady accumulation going on past few days in PPC, while LTC and BTC continue to get p&d. all the dispersed buying on ppc/usd is reassuring, and the 10k+ buys on ppc/btc are in line with what's usually on the books. don't take my word as truth though.

right now i'm getting the feeling things are gonna be suppressed, bitcoin's been getting some stronger sell pressure than usual atm. the bids on ppc right now are way stronger than the asks, but these books jump around a lot so it's hard to tell what's legit and what's being monitored. we may see some forced manipulation downward, but we are pretty close to the previous bottom so i don't expect the price movements to get super serious. under 30 would be neat.

i'm like 90/10 ppc/usd right now, would have sold off more but i've been away a while, i'm uncomfortable being 90% in but at the same time i'm uncomfortable selling this low, 36c was a good deal but now i'd have to take 33 and meh. in hindsight if i had planned my trades out beforehand and stuck to them, i wouldn't be dancing in and out of the market like this. i'm not doing well as a trader right now, still confident in going long though.

also, Barclay's bank (big bank in england or somewhere) has made an official announcement of Bitcoin integration into their customer accounts. Right now it's only for charities, but they hinted they could be willing to service regular clients if things go well. GREAT news.


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fc9f69 No.715

Whoa. I was keeping an eye on the PPC price, and just after one refresh, it instantly went from 0.33 to 0.36. I'm pretty sure it's one person/group of people accumulating the PPC. It's coming soon.

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fc9f69 No.717

File: 1441477838582.jpeg (413.97 KB,1418x787,1418:787,StockMarket-MondayAugust2….jpeg)


aye aye capn. be careful not to get caught into the hype though, when accumulating whales want to say in low denominations. doubtful we'll break 40c. if we do that's a bull signal and we'll be entering serious volatility again.

i'm back in 100% ppc. since a few months ago my position is 1.5x… if i had been more disciplined i coulda made it 4x. alas.. here's to living in interesting times :) if we see more volatility i'm going to try harder this time around.

FYI, looking like a new PPC 0.5 update coming out.


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fc9f69 No.718


What do you think, how much will it hit at best, approximate? One dollar? More? What's the expected ceiling?

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fc9f69 No.719

File: 1441550610429-0.png (121.74 KB,1278x642,213:107,ppcusd4hrSep06.png)

File: 1441550610432-1.png (126.54 KB,1278x641,1278:641,ppcusd4hrApr-May.png)


At best? Who knows. Really though, once whales build up momentum they can keep it going as long as they want, it's impossible to say exactly where this will go (beyond my original hypothesis of 'up') but I wouldn't be surprised if we passed $10 or more (NOT counting on that though.) For an example of this compare when BTC passed $1k and LTC almost hit $50 back in 2013, BTC's rise is much more gradual while LTC shot up like a bottle rocket. Once they gnaw through the orders that settled around the current market it's all open for them to slam their own orders straight up.

I'm hoping to sell >$5, but the way real traders do it is to cut their losses quick, and let their winners run. For example I should have dumped a majority of what I had when PPC broke back under 90c, instead I got caught up in the hype, bought/sold on the way up, and because I let myself get caught in the hype I held too much on the way down. Thankfully I got in PPC early ~25c so I still gained, however if I had done my original entry at 50c/60c I'd be sitting at a loss now, BECAUSE i was buying/selling with the market and not PLANNING my trades. By forcing yourself to follow a set plan you can guarantee returns, because you've set targets on where to sell at profit, and where you exit to minimize losses. MANAGE your RISK.

The last time we saw level-but-choppy waters like this on PPC was back in Apr-May, so I'm kinda comfortable saying we're back in an uptrend, I'd want another week or two before being more certain though. 30c may have been the new floor, as opposed to 20c back then. We shall see! I'm feeling pretty good about it atm. Wouldn't expect any serious movements until later on in the year, so we got time to make decisions.

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fc9f69 No.720

File: 1441550670249-0.png (120.06 KB,1278x638,639:319,btcbullrunNov2013.png)

File: 1441550670249-1.png (120.88 KB,1278x640,639:320,ltcbullrunNov2013.png)


Comparisons of LTC/BTC bull runs back in Nov 2013

wish i had a wider monitor..

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fc9f69 No.721

Sold off 5% of my holdings @ 38c just now, thinking it's gonna drag back down. Books are kinda thin and whoevers putting in this momentum wouldn't want the price over 40. Just going out on a limb here, hence only moving %5.. just practicing.

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fc9f69 No.722


yeah that was a premature move, price has been steady at 38c for most of the day with a bunch of nibbles up to 40c. nobody wants to push us past 40 though. if i had been a little more patient in setting trades I coulda scalped an extra two cents.

Dunno what's gonna happen here.. price is staying pretty steady, will have to see by tomorrow if it holds.

Also, it's labor day night, all the east coast chumps are asleep after having all day to look at the market. maybe surprise pump? ahah i dunno wtf i'm working off of but we'll see. about 8% sold out @39.4c, we'll see if i can recoup that ~35. not feeling it though. this upward pressure is too steady.

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fc9f69 No.723


fwiw i wanna add the disclaimer this coin isn't good for trading, low volatility and wide spreads mean you're more likely to get caught in a position you can't easily get out of.

forex is a much better place to try trading for regular profit. i'm in ppc for speculation mostly.

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fc9f69 No.724


Oh shit man, oh shit.

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fc9f69 No.725

File: 1441737633205.png (121.76 KB,1278x632,639:316,nomnomnom.png)


fug dis bullishness i did not expect, gonna see if i can recoup at 39c (i am bad trader). glad i only sold a bit of my holdings.

lotsa small, regular buys from 39c to 40, we breached 40c once and now are breaching it again, it's clearly bullish. i'm still hesitant to make a call cuz this market is so tiny/illiquid they could slam it down to induce fear if they wanted to make the small monetary sacrifice. we could get back up to 45c, 50c if this continues.

I DUNNO MAN I JUST DON'T KNOW. taking profits though so who cares :) pic related is what i see.

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fc9f69 No.726

File: 1441814831500-0.png (114.58 KB,1107x624,369:208,ppcusd.png)

File: 1441814831558-1.png (100.44 KB,1107x626,1107:626,stab.png)


yyyup, there we go! whoever was buying decided to let the market rest for a while, let it regain its bearings so it'll be ripe for another beating. if I had bought in the hype and not stuck to my plan, i'd have bought at .415c and be sitting at a loss, even though I had sold at .395. but i stuck to my plan, maintained my bottom line and am still profitable, even if i missed out on *potential* profits I STILL MADE PROFIT.

just like the real world corporations that are destroying our freedom, it's all about maintaining that bottom line. the bottom line must never shrink, only grow.

we saw another red stab downward, i dunno after seeing the same volume push up i'm hesitant to say it's pure manipulation but it is definitely an aberration from the norm. definitely not the market mover's target market doing that.

let's see if it settles down to 35c or if 40c holds. wish i had sold above 40.. oh well. right now i'm at a very slight loss (like a few bucks) for having sold a bit at 38. falkjeaoifha

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fc9f69 No.727


Why did the whales do this instead of opting for a straight pump right away? You said yourself that they want to get as much coins at the lowest price for maximum profits. Getting it up to 0.40 is only hindering their goal. What's going on?

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fc9f69 No.728

File: 1441895726157-0.png (26.32 KB,670x262,335:131,lowvolume.png)

File: 1441895726171-1.png (61.81 KB,879x629,879:629,lolidunno.png)


i mean, once again i could be a raving paranoid so take anything i say with a grain of salt. i have no formal training in trading, although I have chatted with some professional traders (in the flesh at their office, not in some chatroom) and yeah, the industry term for whales is 'institutional investors', who are a mass majority of the money in the market and thus are the ones who move it most when they want to build/exit a position that they believe will return a strong profit in the long-run (potential to be hyped and sold to suckers at much higher prices). that really is the bread & butter of wall st, seriously.

really the genuine market (you and me) is hardly anything, maybe 1/20th of whale's footprints. look at the attached pic, that's the ppc/btc market on btc-e over the past 24 hours, no volume over 1k occurred at that time (and the ppc/btc books are pretty thick with orders). good example of what normality is, and what whales would be able to get if they refrained from making large movements.

so, to answer your question i'm not positive why they wouldn't just let it settle at cheap levels, but my foremost GUESS is that there's growing interest in peercoin and bitcoin. if they let the market settle sure they'd be accumulating cheaper, but so would everyone else buying into the market. they're primary goal here is to be the majority of the market, even if that means buying it up to a higher price, because the longer they left it to settle the more units would dilute into other peoples pockets. Can't be having that now! So, they decided to buy up a little, and wait and see how the market reacts. Almost like buying themselves time, in a way.

I guess, the way to tell is whether the real market (market sans whale movements) is trading flat or trending up, rather than being sold off (usually by miners dumping for profits in the case of cryptocurrency). I attached my own analysis to it but realize it's just a guess. Do your own research and reach your own conclusions, and make your own plan.

generally, professional traders wait until they see truly bullish signals, then jump in and enter/exit pumps within a day or so, depending how much volume/momentum is there. they'd never try to guess what's happening price-wise to a small-game market like this because in the end *there's no way to truly know*. it is at the whims of the institutional investor behind it; you can do all the fundamental analysis you want but in the end if some rich bastard decides he wants to enter/exit, that's it, you're at the mercy of his movements. if you want to get an idea of the kinds of markets normal people trade, check out some forex charts (here's the Euro against the Dollar: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=FX:EURUSD)

so really just understand what i'm trying to do is silly, i'm doing this for the learning experience, i'm not really making anything 'trading' this market. if i had only traded within that spike to $1 last month and ignored it since then I'd be in just as much profit, and probably a LOT more since i wouldn't have been obsessing over it so much.

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fc9f69 No.731

File: 1441976486601.png (160.47 KB,1277x682,1277:682,moaraccumulation.png)

More buying going on, looks like 40c is keeping pretty solid. I'm hesitant to say this is strictly bullish, however i'm confident saying it is accumulation. Also was a 5k buy on the ppc/btc pair, clearing the books from 0.165 to 0.172, that's a pretty hefty spread.

Whoever wants to build up their bags is willing to pay for it, and probably will up to $1. man who knows. they'll drag their feet as long as they can, i'm hoping BTC and altcoins get pumped should another banking panic set in. ya get the most effect by timing it with real world events, imagine, your bank account is dead, where do you put your cash? that bitcoin thing you've been hearing about is going up? FUCK. my hypothesis, anyway.

also lol dat ad

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fc9f69 No.736

posting this for posterity

15k ppc bids 39c to 37.5c

~700ppc bids 37.5c to 35.6c

27576 ppc asks 40c to 43c

2800 ppc asks 43c to 44c

just to gauge against future movements, order books can change anytime so this data is not definite what-so-ever. just wanna see if future movements line up with what's up now. probably useless.

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fc9f69 No.740


lol yep, two hours later there's now ~8k ppc asks from 40-43c, ~20k moved off the books past two hours. seems to have moved once the price dipped back under 40 to 38.7 (only ~2k sold mind you, nothing serious)

just goes to show, impossible to predict what an institutional investors gonna do, and by proxy where the market's gonna go.

conversely, the bids have stayed about the same. looks good but not really something to make a call on.

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fc9f69 No.741


hah, we're falling back down to 35c, shows what i know. previous buyup started ~33c, 34c is a realistic expectation, could get pummeled down under 30 though.

am i going to punch you with my left hand, or my right hand? it's impossible to know what the market will do, infinitely more so when it's as tiny and manipulable as this. i should probably just keep my ppc in cold storage and try my luck on poloniex.

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fc9f69 No.742


I don't know shit but it looks like silence before the storm. It's like they want to make people believe that PPC is falling so they can get a higher share of the market for themselves, just like you said, and then pump it into oblivion. Is the /pol/'s le shmitah prophecy true? Is something bound to happen tommorow, on the 13th of September? Something that the whales know and want to utilize? I can imagine bitcoin and altcoins skyrocketing in times of depression.

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fc9f69 No.743


also fuck, bitcoin just fell 7-10 dollars…

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fc9f69 No.744


excuse the amount of posts

I wonder why does it fall though, all the news I read about bitcoin are positive, cryptocurrency startups getting millions upon millions of dollars of funding, the issue of block size is close to a temporary resolve, many big players are taking interest in bitcoin and the blockchain technology, why is it not flourishing and sky-high? I know there are people who manipulate the market, but it always made me wonder.

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fc9f69 No.745

File: 1442089869295.png (143.84 KB,1175x611,25:13,mybestguess.png)


tomorrow is sunday, US markets open on monday, so monday, although it's ridiculous to narrow it down to a single day. watch the foreign markets to see how they behave tomorrow. but yeah, just about EVERYONE is uncertain what's going to happen. markets HATE uncertainty, if they aren't confident in a bet they'll sell their stocks and sit in a proper asset until things are more clear. everyone pulling out the market = crash, when this started happening in '08 the fed pumped as much near-zero interest loans as they could into the system to keep it alive, at the expense of US credibility, which of course can't last forever.

something that'd be plausible, every american citizen gets a fat check from the government that they have to spend within a year else it expires (stimulate the economy at its most basic level, LOL what a novel idea rite??). they did this in japan (which was doing QE for a while before the US did) and it kinda sorta worked but not really. this system must collapse, the only question is what they can do to prolong it. we may not see an actual 'crisis' until next year. pic attached is my best guess where we're at.


i'd really like to know that myself, but really the bitcoin markets don't have that much volume in them:


a couple million $/day is nothing, NOTHING. AAPL transacts ~150k a minute on the Nasdaq alone, if my calculations are correct that's $7,425,000,000 between 9:30am and 4pm. I mean, bitcoin shouldn't be easily manipulable since it's a hard supply but for a couple whales with tens of millions of capital at their disposal they have no trouble crushing the market (they're probably selling at a profit anyway) for the potential to spook it if they're gonna buy on massive hype and profit even more. i dunno man i'm not really comfortable giving an answer here because i really just don't know. that's my best guess.

I've seen those articles as well and they do bode well for bitcoin but ultimately banks won't be using bitcoin, they'll just usurp the technology and back their fiat-regime with blockchains because it really does help them manage things better. it's not like they WANT to collapse the economy, they do want to manage it as efficiently as they can. but nobody wants to lose their prestigious position in life. Ultimately I don't think bitcoin is going to surpass the banking system, if it ever comes close the gov't will litigate against it any way they can. the BTC market is still small beans though after 7 years of it existing, they may never have to. they really did make themselves too big to fail.

also, the blockchain tech banks are using is similar to BitShares DPoS (delegated proof-of-stake), where a select few people act as arbiters for the network. No mining, just human decisions, fits the banks current setup perfectly. GOOD FUCKING JOB BANKERS, just fuckin fork a github repo and claim all the fuckin glory for yourselves jesus fucking christ.

anyway mandatory disclaimer, i'm a fuckin NEET with no formal education in any of this. make your own decisions!

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fc9f69 No.747

File: 1442091520569.png (123.51 KB,1101x681,367:227,ppcdump.png)

Also fuck, there we go, PPC dumped to 33 cents. once again i let myself get caught in the hype. If i stuck to my guns on that 38c sale I could've increased profit by %13, but no i just had to cum early, fuck

back at 33c old resistance, in theory that should hold but in reality it's a guy with millions playing with a market that has ~$8k in orders from 33.8c to 29c. who knows what they'll do… here's a theory though: Sep 6th-9th had way more upward volume than what we're seeing right now, so just being statistical wouldn't they have much less success pumping the market without buying rouge orders, versus dumping it now and taking profits? it's more likely they'd have gotten stuck accumulating through doing that. but there could be other factors, say they pump it up, set asks that some other sucker buys which recoups their expenses. this behavior is the same I've seen in other pump n dump coins that have long since died, so i can't say.

DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. MAKE YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. my posting is to help me chronicle my thoughts, not to advise others what to do.

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fc9f69 No.748


also, if a bagholder did want to cash out they wouldn't crush the market like this. this is like a %15 percent correction. You'd only see the market die that hard if it was suddenly discovered that there was some hidden premine somewhere (its happened before), or if it was discovered the core protocol had a knockout zeroday, something that would completely ruin any prospect of success. which we've seen nothing of. there's no news behind these movements whatsoever.

so stay calm and don't buy the hype. or actually do, if i had any fiat i'd be buying right now.

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fc9f69 No.749

File: 1442092382424.jpg (195.01 KB,844x960,211:240,fecklessunemployed.jpg)


also just for fun, since i started posting here two months ago all i've accomplished was increasing my position in PPC by ~%21. if I had done everything right that'd be like %400+.

i'm taking it seriously enough, but still not treating it like the job it is

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fc9f69 No.750

File: 1442170206828.png (116.37 KB,1109x658,1109:658,fakedump.png)

blatantly obvious fake dump, ~31k PPC dumped from .333 to .32 in a MINUTE.

if genuine bids get spooked out, the books will be open enough they can do it again.

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fc9f69 No.755

File: 1442236392982-0.png (112.71 KB,1108x659,1108:659,reassuring.png)

File: 1442236392985-1.png (113.04 KB,1106x658,79:47,nmcusd.png)

some bullish accumulation going on, this is reassuring. looks like the 30-40c range is a go. shit like that 31k dump are something to be intrigued by, not scared.

Also, the other two markets on btc-e LTC and NMC are following the same pattern, probably the same entity moving the markets. LTC has absurd volume and is probably being milked for all its worth, which isn't much. NMC afaik has somewhat dead development, so if you'll notice its regular volume is way less while still receiving ridiculous dump volume, it had 41k NMC dumped from *38c to 31c*, while PPC was from 33.3c to 32c. Total red herring they don't care to accumulate a position in.

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fc9f69 No.758


Well, I wonder why haven't I asked this earlier, because this was always on my mind, but here we go. Is the manipulation of the market by large players (those whales) like this legal? I guess no one would chase after them anyway, but making money basically out of thin air by moving money just because you have a lot of money seems like a grossly unfair move, ESPECIALLY when you're artificially pumping the market to your advantage. World is unfair and the ones at the top write the rules, I get it. But, so shamelessly and without any attempt to conceal their movement? Boggles my mind.

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fc9f69 No.760


You're exactly correct, it is completely unfair. Although I'd have to ask why you weren't able to reach this conclusion sooner, much about our current lives is unfair, at least in the financial sense.

As far as I can tell all these problems come back to two things, fiat monetary policy and cash flow/velocity, ie the power to print money at will and the efforts necessary to keep that printed money accepted AND actively used in order to retain its influence/power. To put it bluntly, they wanted to build their own personal empire off the backs of taxpayers, same story in just about every great human empire. Except this time around people are more informed thanks to the internet, looking like they're starting to sweat.

Sorry to get a little offtopic there but it's necessary to understand why so little is done about it, it's the situation of the fox guarding the henhouse. Major institutional investors are like the Fed's right hand men, their activities compliment each other. You really gotta understand how much POWER exists within the ability to control the money supply, so much you can bribe, thwart etc anyone or thing that threatens your position. This is why so little is done and so little actually changes about the way the world runs. Money makes the world go 'round, and the central bankers control the supply of money.

So, to answer your question, yes price manipulation is illegal, but when everyone involved is making money the incentive to persecute it is low. Every time a huge scandal does come out they usually blame a couple 'rogue traders' as the culprits, pass some laws to 'reform the system' and then it's business as usual until the next scandal breaks loose. Usually the only news you hear on this are from pennystock manipulation rings that don't contribute much to the overall economy, helps keep the SEC (the 'market police' gov't agency) looking good, but every so often something big happens that gives a brief glimpse into how ugly the financial system really is. Check out the LIBOR scandal for an example of that, also AIG and the mortgage-backed securities fiasco that was the linchpin of the '08 crash. In the case of the '08 crash an entire bank had to take the blame/toxic assets (Lehmen bros), few if any of whose operators got any sentence for it, and then yeah guys problem solved lets get back to keeping things running as they always have.

It's a mad circus, I don't think I can do it justice writing about it myself because there are so many players and conditions. Just try to understand the basic nature of fiat money and the need to keep it running through the system for the powers that be to keep their power, and everything else about the world will fall into place. Thankfully though people are starting to wake up, and now that we have this history recorded forever on databases anyone with an internet connection can access it's unlikely we'll go through this bullshit again.

Once money becomes corrupted, everything its used for becomes corrupted as well.

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fc9f69 No.761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also make sure you understand the distinction between building a position, and price manipulation. It's illegal to use your influence to try to control the *price* of an asset, but building a position in a market and the price's subsequent rise isn't illegal at all. It's very much up to interpretation, if you're sly about it (and given authorities have an incentive to ignore it) you can get away with many things.

Also keep in mind the Fed just about literally funds the US Defense Department, aka military, so. Well, technically it's the taxpayers that 'fund' anything but ahaha ha hahaha

Gonna post my favorite clip on this kind of stuff, this guy was employed as an instigator of this whole empire-building through debt-based fiat money. His attitude and demeanor tell a lot about the psychology of the people running this system.

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fc9f69 No.762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc9f69 No.763


So it's just like I thought. Semi-omnipotent invulnerable jewish bankers with a REAL lot of money that lets them do whatever they want with the world. And we can't do anything, can we.

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fc9f69 No.764


of course you can, educating yourself is the first step towards liberation. just try to understand what's going on and educate the people around you.

also get off the jewish-hate bandwagon, it's true jewish religion consents to usury but blaming everything on 'duh joos' is plain retarded. it shows how little you actually care to understand. that's like saying americans are the reason the world's oppressed, you and i are americans, so we've been the original instigators of all this? 'neocons' are a more accurate group to target if you need things dumbed down, but really it's anyone who is power hungry and seeks control of their environment, we're all to blame to some degree. just try to be a better person.

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fc9f69 No.766

File: 1442498489310.png (68.14 KB,673x660,673:660,ppc300btcbuy.png)

well i fucked up again, that 300btc buy wall scared me, thought they were trying to get people to place buy orders over it so it could get dumped again. I didn't think it through, should have assumed they wouldn't want to sell into other peoples hands at all if i'm working off the original assumption that this coin is getting pumped. also considering the price was pretty low to begin with.

guess i'm gonna have to be content with that profit i took. dumped about 10%, the thought that 10% could, *could* be worth so much more makes me want to buy back in but i must refrain, if it falls back to the .35c mark i sold at I may move back in but i need to learn to stick to my guns and not jump in and out like this.

if we see another insane move from 60c -> $1 like we did back in july i'll try to buy in and scalp a 10c spread, but for now i'm just gonna have to take it and wait.

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fc9f69 No.771

File: 1442759117381-0.png (125 KB,1106x687,1106:687,ltcbtcSep20.png)

File: 1442759117382-1.png (117.82 KB,1106x686,79:49,ppcbtcSep20.png)

Big differentiation between the btc-e markets, check it out

Here's PPC/BTC pair compared to LTC/BTC pair. You can tell LTC is getting dumped/milked, PPC on the other hand is keeping sturdy at each point it's bought up to.

Such a blatant pattern is notable, what it means is anyones guess though. I'm saying peercoin is still being accumulated, hence the lack of downward pressure/selling. Whoever's a major mover in the LTC markets is plenty content to sell.

Also, another decent coin BitShares is getting bought up quite a bit. Dunno if it's a good buy at the current price though, though I did buy in when it bottomed out at 1500 satoshis ;)

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fc9f69 No.772

File: 1442759200388.png (118.9 KB,1108x688,277:172,nmcbtcSep20.png)

Also here's the NMC/BTC pair, i had to pull the graph back a bit because that 39c -> 31c plunge flattened it out. You'll notice less consistency in price.

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fc9f69 No.776

That 300btc buy wall hasn't budged all this time, and remains at the top of the orderbooks (its 80btc now). That's why the price has remained elevated like this.

For such a large order to remain for so long I would have to guess they're willing to accumulate at these prices. It seems too obvious though, to leave up such a large order.. I would've thought that would spur other people into buying up, which would be counterproductive to their goal.

If a time comes where the bids on the books become thin enough they could slam a red candle in there, we'll see. This seems very bullish to me, although such a large order doesn't seem right, I don't know if I'm being paranoid or what. We'll see. I'm watching apprehensively to see what happens.

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fc9f69 No.778


For a while, it was almost like the peercoin price is inversely proportional to the price of bitcoin. When bitcoin went down, PPC went to 0.40 for a while, when bitcoin went up to 235, PPC went down to 0.37. I really don't fucking get markets.

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fc9f69 No.781


That's simple enough, bitcoin goes down, people want to move into another coin. Not saying that's the exact reason, but it's a rational conclusion to meet.

Really though given how out-of-hand our whole monetary system has gotten you really can't get markets. There's so little transparency in the system and so much tension that anything can happen at any time. Just roll with it man. It's not something that can be controlled.

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fc9f69 No.783

Well it's Monday, Sep 28th and the SPX dipped below 1900 for the first time since the Aug 24th crash, it's currently at 1888 and is really resistant to going back over 1900, spooky stuff. Bitcoin is behaving opposite, gaining as the markets fall. :)

Gonna post some graphs later after things flesh themselves out more.

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fc9f69 No.785


Peercoin is not gaining, though -.-

Oh, Pump&Dump Lords, where are you now? ;_;

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fc9f69 No.786

File: 1443917333594-0.png (122.13 KB,1107x686,1107:686,ppcbtc.png)

File: 1443917333643-1.png (114.96 KB,1106x688,553:344,longppcbtc.png)


i'm not too concerned about it, looking at the longterm ppc/btc graph a pump occurs every five months. Could be doldrums until December. Right now we're sitting at previous resistance, I can see it settling back under 35c to draw out more bearishness.

Really starting to hate myself for not selling back in july. For whatever reason I'm not grasping this fact that I can sit back in cash until the time's right. If I'm going to watch the market daily there's no reason not to.. and it's a lot safer in case some random shit happens. If I'm gonna be watching it like this I should just be sitting in my cash gains until I think the times right for it to get pumped again. Holding in between is just stupid if I'm gonna spend this much effort constantly analyzing the market.

Would you believe that instinct to grasp onto your valuables is what makes wall street so profitable? Like people latently understand cash isn't a safe hold.. so they put it into something they think is safer, but really isn't since its still denominated in cash-units anyway.

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fc9f69 No.787

File: 1443970611863.jpg (430.33 KB,900x900,1:1,bloodylioness.jpg)


I have to repeat a point here because I'm still not getting it

>I can sit back in cash until the time's right. If I'm going to watch the market daily there's no reason not to.. and it's a lot safer in case some random shit happens. If I'm gonna be watching it like this I should just be sitting in my cash gains until I think the times right for it to get pumped again. Holding in between is just stupid if I'm gonna spend this much effort constantly analyzing the market.



If I'm watching the price daily I can buy low, sell high. I know what the market lows are, I know what an inflated price looks like, I have no excuse not to be continuously profitable at this.

>If I'm gonna be watching it like this I should just be sitting in my cash gains until I think the times right for it to get pumped again.

>If I'm gonna be watching it like this I should just be sitting in my cash gains until I think the times right for it to get pumped again.

>If I'm gonna be watching it like this I should just be sitting in my cash gains until I think the times right for it to get pumped again.

fuck me

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fc9f69 No.797

File: 1444765275636-0.png (70.23 KB,656x540,164:135,ppcusdorders_13-10-15.png)

File: 1444765275654-1.png (69.23 KB,658x540,329:270,nmcusdorders_13-10-15.png)

just wanted to post this, what with the recent volatility in bitcoin.

Bitcoin's been jumping up a good bit, but PPC has been trading sideways. However, comparing PPC's bids against NMC (a coin i'm pretty sure nobody gives a hoot about) you can tell there's a lot more interest in accumulating PPC.

So while BTC is rising, people want to cash out their other holdings to load up on BTC. People interested in accumulating PPC are taking this opportunity to leave up pretty hefty bids. I'm watching to see if it gets dumped downwards, or if a whale takes some bites up past .00155-165/39-44c, further verifying the current price.

Also, LTC has been rising recently. I still don't care for it, but maybe there's enough hype there for it to continue being relevant enough to get seriously pumped/milked. Whereas a coin like NMC i think is going to get a one off pump then left for dead. LTC/NMC development is pretty shit afaik.

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fc9f69 No.800

File: 1445005602396-0.png (70.47 KB,663x541,663:541,nmcusd.png)

File: 1445005602413-1.png (69.82 KB,663x539,663:539,ppcusd.png)


or maybe i'm succumbing to confirmation-bias, BTC has risen to $260 today and now the USD books between PPC/NMC are about even, although PPC's btc book is somewhat stronger.

watching the orderbooks is flawed anyway, they can pull/place orders at any time. i'm sure there're some bots waiting for any major price movement, still, it's depressing. at least I was right about altcoins staying level while BTC rises, hopefully whoever's working behind altcoins isn't willing to force dump the market.

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fc9f69 No.802

As a career NEET with a small amount of money, how hard would it be to get into cryptocurrency trading? I get the basics, but have neither traded in any form nor used bitcoin/altcoin before so know little about exchanges, etc.

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fc9f69 No.804

Man all altcoins are getting raped against bitcoins volatility, I pulled out most my position yesterday, waiting for the right moment to get back in. If this keeps up ppc is going back to lower 30's.


It's pretty easy getting into trading, being profitable is something else entirely. Make an account on Poloniex.com or Bittrex.com, all you need is an email. It's very easy to handle bitcoin just make sure you keep backups of any wallets you hold locally, and always make sure whatever address you're sending coins to is correct. You are wholly responsible for your funds, no chargebanks, support, anything like that you usually find in modern banking. You lose your coins they're fucking gone.

If you don't care about being anonymous you can link a bank account to coinbase.com to buy BTC. If you want to remain anonymous buy locally through localbitcoins.com, though it's pretty futile to stay anonymous with the NSA world we live in.

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fc9f69 No.805


also just to say, I encourage you give it a try, I fucked up a ton in the beginning and even though I lost money I still learned many valuable things about how the financial world works. It's a sense of money you can only get through taking real risk. Best of luck, and stay vigilant.

Honestly the best thing I've found in trading is to focus on not losing money, rather than making it. The one thing that's caused me to lose money the most was buying up and into a trend (i was right!!), then holding on the retracement back down (but.. but I WAS right.. so it'll come back!!).

Before you buy think about where you will sell to get your money back + any gains, and where you will exit to cut losses if it doesn't move where you expected. Follow that plan and you won't go broke. That's really all there is to it, people tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.

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fc9f69 No.806



Thanks, I figured as much from reading things like >>682 that it's probably better to recover any initial investment when possible.

Would you recommend any minimum amount to start with, or would smaller = better for starting out until one got the hang of things?

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fc9f69 No.807


Ideally what you should do is paper trade against the market, there are probably some apps for doing it against bitcoin. If you can discipline yourself to emulate your trades on paper until you're consistently profitable you're guaranteed to make money on the markets.

Of course a small portfolio is the most appropriate to start with. It's definitely more fun when you have real skin in the game, if you need that incentive to learn its understandable. Just start with a hundred bucks and see what you can do with it. And no matter how much money you have/make in the markets the cardinal rule is to never risk what you're not willing to lose. If you don't do that you're not trading, you are gambling. And the market is far more unforgiving than a casino.

It's totally possible, and frighteningly easy, to go bankrupt trading. Suppose you start with $1k and put it into something that goes up 100%, now you have $2k. Thinking you're a genius, you put $2k into something that then falls 70%. Now you're at $700. Even though you were more 'correct' on your first trade, you lost more on the second because you had more capital exposed.

If, after turning $1k into $2k, you took $1k out of your account and gambled the other $1k for a 70% loss, you'd still be up $300.

Also if you're letting your position fall by any greater than %10 you just should not be trading at all period. Nobody can call themselves a 'trader' if they're taking huge losses. Those people are gamblers. I was gambling on PPC, because I didn't have a set plan, because I didn't follow any rules I let myself be at the mercy of the market. The market just doesn't care about you, it's a wholly self interested creature, never be naive and think it'll care about you because you bought a stake in it, it won't.

Also, learn what a stop-loss (aka limit-order) is, and use them. It's basically an order you set to automatically execute when the price hits a certain point. So if you bought 1btc at 250 and think it could sink to 240, you set a stop-loss at 246.5 in case it trends back down. Just a way to trade without having to be on the screen 24/7.

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fc9f69 No.808


Thanks again. I guess I'll have time to think about it a bit longer as I think I'd wait for BTC to go lower before buying in to it.

>start with a hundred bucks and see what you can do with it

That may be more towards the top end of what I'd be able to put into it, I have stuff to sell and can either buy something else or stick my neck out and try and make a bit of money here and there.

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fc9f69 No.810


yeah, looking like we might trend back towards 245.

sometimes there are ways to pick up free altcoins, if you're willing to do bitchwork you could probably scrounge up a few bucks a day in crypto.

This is looking like a promising altcoin


and by promising i mean promising to get a lot of market attention. it's just another altcoin in the end. But you can apparently earn some free coins just signing up for stuff, 75 Neucoins for taking some quiz, that's like 50c of bitcoin. you're not gonna make any level of serious money but it's a decent way to get started with cryptocurrency.

really though you (and I) should get a job. Check out reddit's /r/workonline, i made some decent money on UHRS judging search engine returns for accuracy.

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fc9f69 No.812

well shit, I should've cashed out long ago (and write this post long ago to whine)

PPC is like 0,35 while BTC is 265, I should've never bought any PPC in the first place, well

I just hope for a pump and dump, I really do

I just want some fucking NEETbux damn it

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fc9f69 No.813


Sorry man, I know I kinda went haywire and overanalyzed it in this thread but yeah, if you don't know why you entered a trade you won't know when to exit. I'm positive PPC will get pumped at some point in time but to know exactly when is futile. Better to sit back and monitor for a new bull trend. I should've followed through on my thought that BTC would benefit initially and sat in BTC as well.

There seems to be little resistance building on PPC's sell side. Looking like this could easily slide down to 32 cents. Don't blame me if someone buys up though, it could happen whenever with such a small, illiquid market. That's altcoins for you.

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fc9f69 No.814


*little resistance building on PPC's buy(bid) side, fuck me. but yeah. books are unnaturally thin, it could easily slide back towards 30 to incite more panic selling.

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fc9f69 No.815


Well, I'm losing faith that anyone will pump PPC, really. I won't sell at this point because it's retarded, but I doubt that there was any PPC pump in the first place. Just looking at the graphs - they all coincide with BTC pumps, no one gives a fuck about some shitty unknown altcoin lol. LTC was/is being pumped, sure, but PPC looks like it wasn't pumped on purpose, so to speak. And dollar was supposed to fall too, US economy was supposed to hit rock bottom and crash, there was supposed to be a le maymay shemitah happening, but nothing happened, like fucking always in this boring shit world.

$274 for a bitcoin, ouch.

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fc9f69 No.816


it was 1200 at a time, and call me crazy but things don't seem worse since then.

price has been holding pretty well, last time bitcoin behaved like this (back in july) it made a sudden spike to 300. i'm waiting, if btc takes off i'm guessing ppc/btc pair will get smacked. setting some bids up between .00105-.0012

also started doing some light trading on poloniex, if i hadn't had all my eggs in one basket (ppc) wouldn't have been sideswiped as badly as i have been. feeling kinda guilty pushing it so hard here. that was fanaticism.

no idea wtf is gonna happen with bitcoin, it could dump after breaching 300 or fly on up to 350+.

pumps happen every DAY in so many markets, getting wrapped up in one is foolish. keep it on your radar and wait for the right time to strike.

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fc9f69 No.818

betting bitcoin's gonna cross 300, maybe hit 310

all the attentions focused on btc, why most other alts are depressed. it's either gonna slingshot back or take a moon shot… there's no serious way to tell what BTC is gonna do, it's completely unprecedented technology.

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fc9f69 No.823

File: 1446006738233.jpg (145.01 KB,707x820,707:820,1426269703146.jpg)

crossed 300, betting a fomo rocket is gonna go off

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fc9f69 No.824



Rule one of trading, never trust retarded strangers on the Internet. Like I said, there was never a pump. Not in PPC. In LTC, yes, but not in PPC. I could've made way more just sitting in BTC rather than ever buying PPC. All I can hope for is a pump to at least one dollar, otherwise I'll be at loss. Just lol @ NEETs trying to trade, just lol.

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fc9f69 No.827

I wonder how bitcoin even got so much boost?

I mean, I never heard of crypto currency until media started hyping it up.

Can anyone here share how they came across bitcoins?

and how much did you originally paid for it?

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fc9f69 No.828


can't disagree with you but there obviously was a pump to ppc. not that that means anything i guess.


bitcoin's getting a boost because cryptocurrency is legit. i came across it via reddit back in 2012, i'd heard of it when it was <$1, seeing it hold $5 told me it was real. bought in between $5-50, but had no idea what i was doing with markets and lost most my gains (not all thankfullly, i knew when to pull out). so here i am now logging my fuckups on /biz/.

we've been pretty steady at 300, the longer we hold above $300/2000 CNY the more bullish things will seem.

fyi china's where most the price movement's coming from, watch Huobi or BTCChina


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fc9f69 No.829

for the first time since bitcoins started its bullrun, altcoins jumped when bitcoin dipped

got some alarms set in case things go crazy, good to see this downtrend broken.

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fc9f69 No.839


$330, 350 AT SIGHT


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fc9f69 No.840


yeah shits taking off, we broke through the previous high of 315 real fiercely.

this is way too parabolic though, it SHOULD settle around 300-350 for a month or two, but it's not a stock, it's bitcoin.

interesting times indeed

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fc9f69 No.841


Wew, 0.45 a PPC, means I'm breaking even now (as if my gains are equal to ones I'd have made staying in BTC). I wonder if I should move into BTC or wait for the memic glorious PPC pump and dump.

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fc9f69 No.843


lol, well said. it's your choice if you wanna hold or sell, i picked up some more around 38c. totally depends on what bitcoin is, as far as i can tell it's still bull market.

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fc9f69 No.845



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fc9f69 No.846


probably, you should be watching this exchange: https://www.okcoin.cn/market.do

(better chart than the other two i posted)

china's where the initial price action comes from:


just remember to take profits. it's very easy to get caught up in upward hype and be left holding a bag after a huge correction. but really there's no telling where bitcoin can go, totally possible to revisit $1200 again. if you're using an exchange that allows stop losses/limits, USE THEM.

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fc9f69 No.847




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fc9f69 No.848


What kind of exchange do you recommend? I always just used purse.io lol

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fc9f69 No.849


depends what you're trying to do, bitfinex/bitstamp are probably easiest if you just want to ride momentum. some of the chinese exchanges like bitvc.com offer futures and margin trading but you shouldn't get into that until you've practiced on paper. also, futures/margin trading with bitcoin is kinda shady, seeing as bitcoin itself hasn't really broken out yet as a mainstream thing.


hold your horses, look at 30m candles and you'll see this bull run started at 2300 CNY. could revisit there or keep going, who knows. I took some profit around 48c in regards to PPC, dunno where this is going.

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fc9f69 No.850


Meant shapeshift.io lol

Anyhow, wtf is up with blockchain.info? Says the latest block was mined ~5 hours ago. Shapeshift is also fucking up my transaction, and in that 1 hour window BTC managed to fall from 495 to 460. Wow fuck my life.

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fc9f69 No.851


i think i heard blockchain.info went down, google search bitcointalk.org or /r/bitcoin for news.

this bullishness is insane. i have no idea where this is going. i'm staying mostly in fiat. i gotta make an account with bitfinex and start using margin trading.. 3x baby

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fc9f69 No.852


Well, it turns out the peercoin blockchain doesn't want to process my transaction and that's why I'm still fucking waiting still (6 hours and counting)

I guess the price slowing down a bit might have something to do with bitcoin technical problems due to the sheer transaction volumes from the Chinese lol

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fc9f69 No.853


really, that's happening with peercoin? i know bitcoin's getting overloaded.

apparently bitshares can handle transactions well (coin you should keep an eye on)

also we're in a triple top right now, price has tried to break 3200 three times and failed, i think we're gonna see a huge correction

but who knows man

who the fuck knows

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fc9f69 No.854

*3300, 3350. point is we've had lower highs and lower lows since breaking 3000, apparently this is a megaphone pattern (same pattern the S&P, major US markets are in now)

sooooo yeah let's watch and see what happens

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fc9f69 No.855

File: 1446691803276.png (120.78 KB,1111x655,1111:655,megaphonecrash.png)


well that was insane. i'm hoping it'll fall back towards 2300, whoever wants to buy up bitcoin in bulk would rather get it cheaper yeah? and we know for a fact they cashed out ~3200, probably better to let the market settle. my guess, anyway.

i did buy back some ppc between 48-45c, if we go down i lose some, if we go up hopefully we see more volatility in alts to make that worth the risk.

still staying mostly in fiat for now.. honestly didn't play that scenario as well as i should've, only made about a hundred bucks, could've been 4x that. jumped in and out too much again, i need to trade less, heh..

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fc9f69 No.856


You're right about taking your profits early, if I'd take action two days ago instead of yesterday, the slow exchanges wouldn't cut on my profits, $500 and $400 is really a difference.

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fc9f69 No.857


yeah, you never go broke taking profits. for the first two years i was fanatical that bitcoin was going to revolutionize everything, that fanaticism kept me from caring about my balance. well, that and not being under financial stress already. unfortunately the reigning financial system is insanely resilient.

right now we just got a fresh pump up to 2600 on bitstamp, pretty sure it's just another bulltrap, might get lifted to 2750 then retrace back. it shoooould spend enough time languishing around to tell whether or not it bottomed out, but yeah, i'm just guessing here. price is keeping pretty strong..

unfortunately i didn't catch the bottom, fucking cancelled my orders at 340 (btce) when it was dropping and missed out.

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fc9f69 No.858


*bitstamp -> okcoin damn i'm fuckin everything up.

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fc9f69 No.860

Looks like bitcoin is gonna get wrecked again, glad I quit, no PPC dump in sight. I'll try buying some when it falls down a bit though. Lol @ bluepilled faggots in comment sections under low price announcment articles on bitcoin, all I see is coping "hurr durr it'll be 2k soon" wew lad

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fc9f69 No.861

AAAH I gotta come clean, looking back at this thread i'm just embarrassed to read it. I got some things right but really there's a glaring error to my ranting about PPC, which i actually stated here >>688

>It MIGHT actually be more pertinent to hold onto bitcoin rather than PPC, since bitcoin will receive market interest first.

And if I had kept my dick in my pants and left it at that, my trading would have been a lot simpler, and a lot more profitable.

PPC is a more prestigious alt than most but it's still an alt. I'm still positive about my assertion in this post >>684, but until that shift occurs PPC and other such coins will be reactionary to BTC movement, it's rare for them to make moves against it (and when that does happen it's highly unpredictable). It's patently foolish to focus on a single alts price movement the way I've been doing with PPC.

I'm still gonna keep some PPC in a cold wallet, like I said earlier if you're not into trading but still want to get into crypto, just buy it when you KNOW it's low (21c seems to have been a reliable price floor), throw them on a cold wallet and come back later. But I'm not gonna hold it exclusively. Right now my account is %100 fiat, if I had dumped my stored PPC at 48c I'd have recouped %20 value that I've LOST thus far. Therein is the danger of focusing on one thing too much, you'll lose sight of when it's appropriate to take action.

I've got my profits made from that BTC bullrun locked into a PPC cold wallet @ a value of ~45c.. losing my profits.. I'm not happy with myself with this. Still grappling with myself whether or not I should offload some. This is what more experienced traders/investors call FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I am staying profitable, but not maximizing it for silly reasons..


Good job. I expect BTC to fall through 300. We're gonna have a few weeks to determine what price is acceptable. The previous price that was seemingly acceptable before the bullrun to $500 was ~220, 230. I'm planning to move back in around 250 but that target is tentative, have to wait and see what happens if we do break 300 and move lower.

Also please be aware, PPC has been dumping about as much as BTC has; earlier BTC moved from 373 to 303, 18.7% change. In that same time span PPC moved from 0.42c to 0.357c, a 15% change, and given the drastic difference in volume between those two markets a 3% margin of error is sensible. This is why so many people get screwed on pennystocks, 5-10c doesn't look like much but it still carries the same effect.

(also i don't want this statement to mean anything, but it seems to me it may, bids on ppc at btc-e have been pretty strong. refresh the orderbooks a few times a day and check for yourself, compare it to nmc or altcoins on other exchanges.)

Anyway, a lot of my ranting about whales and market manipulation is accurate but that doesn't make it any more fair for us. Unless you're trying to actively daytrade cryptocurrency (which is absolutely insane) just wait for price to near proven bottoms over the long term, pick some up if you want to invest in this, throw it on a cold wallet and wait for volatility to hit the market. Trying to make sense of this on a daily basis is insanity.

It's most likely PPC will continue to go down if BTC does fall through $300/1900CNY. If you're in profit, just take it. Lock in your profits, wait for opportunity to return before getting back in, don't leave yourself prone..

YOU WILL NEVER LOSE MONEY TAKING PROFITS. Prices never go from 40c to $400 in a single day, if you watch the market you will have time to buy back in.

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fc9f69 No.862


FWIW I'm going to list the other altcoins I'm keeping an eye on, just to help get some people off this PPC bandwagon I naively engaged.


%100 premined PoS coin with some serious angel investors backing it (http://www.neucoin.org/en/wiki/#angels), i've contacted the investor from Xapo and he confirmed he's involved with it. Looks like they've partnered with a lot of social media providers, seems their plan is to push NeuCoin adverts on all their platforms and possibly even integrate it as a method of payment. Seems like quite an exquisite pump n dump in the works. Current price is below their IPO selloff (the idea of having an IPO for a cryptocurrency is hilarious but whatever), it could go lower. Waiting to buy in on this.


Another pure PoS coin that has a VPN client bundled into the coin's wallet. Chinese developer, I've tried out the wallet and the VPN works well on Windows. Currently the price is very low, and there has been some strong volatility on this in the past, as well as the dev remaining active (most important). I've got some of this left on a cold wallet, seems likely to get a serious pump, its market cap is pretty low currently at $430k.


%100 PoS coin, supposed to have a marketplace built into the client, although there are already marketplaces being built for Bitcoin so it seems pretty superfluous. Price hasn't been too interesting though. Don't own any, just watching it. Not planning on buying any anytime soon.


What I think to be the best cryptocurrency but I can't for the life of me determine what a proper price for it is. Bought some at 1300 which was its all time low.. and it proceeded to dump to 800 during bitcoin's bullrun. Watching it anyway because it does seem to be the best iteration of cryptocurrency for our modern economy.

Other good coins to watch are CounterParty (Overstock.com used these guys for something) and Ethereum (market cap is absurdly high, their smart-contract platform is a hot topic in crypto). They seem overpriced, but are good for trading if you wanna give that a shot. I've flipped CounterParty a few times, been bouncing around .003 for the past two weeks. Just remember to TAKE YOUR PROFITS.

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fc9f69 No.867

File: 1447606425710-0.png (100.03 KB,1107x688,1107:688,dump.png)

File: 1447606425710-1.png (116.16 KB,1108x687,1108:687,whereithinkwe'regoing.png)

yeap, we took another hard dump today. i'm gonna start paying attention about buying back in when we're <300, hopefully can buy in 250 or less.. depending how things look then. If we languish under 280 for a few weeks I'd be willing to bet on some bull pressure building up then, keep an eye on how it behaves if we go that low.

also my trend lines are pretty amateur, and it's difficult to deduce a trend after such a strong bullrun/pump, so don't take those lines to be hard fact. they're just guidelines.

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fc9f69 No.868

File: 1447607053854.png (119.99 KB,1107x688,1107:688,plausiblerange.png)


actually adding a line over the previous highs can help gauge a channel the market's comfortable existing in

anything between the bottom two lines i'd be very interested in buying, but that's just me. market might want to do something else entirely.

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fc9f69 No.869

File: 1447612951060-0.png (120.19 KB,1106x688,553:344,btce3d.png)

File: 1447612951093-1.png (112.33 KB,1106x684,553:342,btce3m.png)

noticed something else that's intriguing

look at the trendline drawn against the previous two highs, and compare it to where we're at now


depending on how wacky BTC-e can get, could be possible to pick up some very cheap btc there. we'll see what actually happens.

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fc9f69 No.873

File: 1448219940368-0.png (55.59 KB,881x684,881:684,3d.png)

File: 1448219940369-1.png (108.73 KB,1107x686,1107:686,4h.png)

quick update where we're at, if we don't hold the top end of this range should expect a hard dump lower.

i would guess whales are still milking bids being placed into bitcoin, i'm expecting more downward movements with quick pumps to keep bids coming in at higher prices. a bounce off 300, then languish ~290, then back down to 250.

if i'm wrong and we push higher i'd want to see the price stay >$330 for a week or more. we haven't been able to stay above the top of this range for more than three days at most.

still staying %100 fiat, probably will be for a while if things go according to plan.

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fc9f69 No.882

File: 1448576694270.png (51.89 KB,880x688,55:43,3min.png)

pretty strong push today, most since that dump from 500. i'm waiting to see if it settles around 2120-40.

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fc9f69 No.883

File: 1448679508646.png (57.49 KB,881x687,881:687,15m.png)

wasn't expecting that..

we broke the trend on this recent bullrun, the yellow dots are where i initially drew the line, it's held up well till now. i'm expecting it to dump some from here but this buyup has me rethinking where we're at in the long-run.

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fc9f69 No.885

File: 1448763212937.png (36.57 KB,881x503,881:503,15m.png)

I've no idea. If it keeps going up I'd think it's been accepted that bitcoin's undervalued. I'm starting to question my paranoia whether this is a pump n dump or not.

I'm watching alts more closely now in case things do take off, if we drop from here I'm more certain about buying in.

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fc9f69 No.888

File: 1448938642961.png (111.7 KB,1099x656,1099:656,prediction.png)

I'm gonna go ahead and make a prediction here.

the one thing you guys need to be aware of is the $USD losing its status as global reserve currency.

i'll repeat, global reserve currency. you need to understand what exactly that means. this is a pivotal moment in history.

i am really enjoying this. still waiting to buy in, i made a little flipping ppc but not much. mostly just waiting for the right time to buy. i'm still bearish for now, we may tap 400 but i still think we've got some time to spend in the 300-400 zone. either gonna buy at 330, or at 550.

it's annoying to post hard numbers because it's always tentative. so do your own research and make your own trades.

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fc9f69 No.889


and i should admit the ppc flips were mostly a fluke, bought at 42c expecting a bull market and got cold feet at 47c, still have more to dump at 47. emotional trading isn't trading.

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fc9f69 No.891

File: 1449020017959.png (105.5 KB,1105x656,1105:656,30m.png)

yeah that's what i get for being emotional, had about %20 of my portfolio tied into ppc ~45c, lowered it to 10% at 41c… totally fucked that up. lost my gains and then some.

goddamn crypto is such a tease.


>if you wanna just take a straight crypto-gamble i'd say grab some PPC now, throw it on a cold wallet and come back in december.

price was 32c then.. people really do have the bad habit of overcomplicating things. can't believe i bungled this up. trading too much is a problem..

well, back to laying in wait for cheaper prices. gonna be interesting to see where the price settles.

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fc9f69 No.901

Fuck bitcoin, why the fuck is this shit not falling? Fucking hell.

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fc9f69 No.903

Sorry, I keep trying to post but 8ch blocks my VPN lol. Yeah, I'm sticking to my previous figures. I'm either gonna buy at 300, or 500. Everything's just getting thrashed right now.

Sit back and enjoy the show man. That's what I'm doing.


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fc9f69 No.905


>using a VPN/multiple VPN's to post on some anonymous taiwanese image board about Ponzi schemes

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fc9f69 No.925

File: 1451416857362.png (82.87 KB,1111x606,11:6,BTCUSDdec29.png)

Bitcoin took another dive, waiting to see how cheap it can get. Sticking to my 300 figure, anything around there is attractive to me, same if PPC gets closer to 30c.

Pic is what i'm hoping to see, even if it bumps up I'm still not gonna buy, not unless it holds 450 and takes its time to 500.

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fc9f69 No.943


jesus that was 15 days ago… where's my life going

anyway bitcoin's kind of flailing around, ppc just hit 47c. that kind of divergence is good to see.

i'm getting doubtful bitcoin is going to be THE coin, there's so much drama in the btc community over where to go with it and nothing's really happening. i think it's gonna wind up in development hell.

literally no real difference between bitcoin and most altcoins, save its userbase. Also, US markets are starting to flail and show their weakness. Here's to a wacky 2016.

currently i'm 70% in ppc, moved back in at 43c. Really starting to regret not just going long at 25c, seriously trying to daytrade crypto is a fucking joke, even with bitcoin it's so volatile predicting daily movements is impossible. Much, much easier to predict long-term trends.

Also if I had just done that one trade, and held for a year, I would be able to claim ZERO taxes on capital gains. Instead i'm going to have to cough up the short term rate of %10-15. go fuckin figure. Shoulda just gone long and forgot about it.

gonna be a fun year.

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fc9f69 No.946


aaaaand i royally fucked myself. impressive dump, ppc at 36c now, i'm working on buying more.

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fc9f69 No.947


looks like this is playing out, $350/0.35c buy zone. I think you're safer off in certain altcoins than Bitcoin, namely BTS and PPC, both of which have been holding these all-time-low prices pretty well. I'm loading up now.

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fc9f69 No.953

Now's the time to get some.

Bitcoin fell in price due to Criptsy being bankrupt and some Google asshole saying again that "Bitcoin is shit".

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fc9f69 No.962


alright, a partner in crime. i think we're gonna see btc dump, looking to see if the S&P index holds over 1900 today.

also just wanted to brag about my VPNcoin call, bought in at 0.00000400 and it's 0.00002000 currently, i'm up 5x. I SHOULD DUMP THIS AND TAKE MY MONEY but i think i'm going to be a massive faggot instead and keep holding for now.

buy silver and crypto. i'm thinking about gambling on some SPY puts if the SPX gets over 1930.

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fc9f69 No.965

File: 1453817425662.png (68.9 KB,1246x479,1246:479,vpn.png)


up 15x on vpncoin pump, slowly cashing out of this one. Still gonna hold some, can see this going over .0001 in due time. Can't recommend buying any now.


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fc9f69 No.966

File: 1453818893255.png (77.93 KB,1081x563,1081:563,spx.png)


Also FWIW looks like this situation is playing out, the markets at the start of this year are behaving exactly like they were back in '08. Looks like thing will be depressing from Feb-Mar, then there'll be an attempt to revert to what was 'normal' in April, and then when that obviously fails everything goes to shit fast. Have you got a list of stocks you'd like to own, at prices you want to buy? You should.

We got some time then, I'm expecting bitcoin to get trashed a bit until summer starts, could still be a chance to buy lower towards $300. If it rockets before then I'd be getting really spooked.

fyi each of those candlesticks is about a month, you can play with the graph here: https://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=^GSPC

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fc9f69 No.972

cashed out 1/3 of my vpndicks at 5200, constantly selling small amounts at 6800 currently. moved some of my earnings into bitshares and neucoin, though waiting to see if they'll go lower. BTS had some strong bull movements today.

altcoins across the board have been volatile. even DOGE got pumped 3x. looking like 2016 is going to be a very interesting year.

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fc9f69 No.973

File: 1453919853756.png (150.68 KB,1670x881,1670:881,freebitcoin.png)

Well if you're interested in bitcoin I know a good bitcoin faucet


I figured I'd recommend this site to you guys since it's a pretty great faucet imo, you can win up to $200 in bitcoin every hour just by clicking a button (and a short easy captcha but who cares about those), a weekly lottery that you get 2 tickets for free every time you roll (2 tickets every hour for a week is pretty significant) and an easy high/low game that has helped me win thousands of satoshi in a short amount of time.

I can even hook you guys up with an automation script for the hi/lo game as well, just hit F12 (or however you open the elements function in your browser) and just let this run http://pastebin.com/5vxmKiF3

Hopefully this is appreciated, pretty worth it imo.

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fc9f69 No.990

File: 1454956564937.png (98.78 KB,1107x618,369:206,cupnhandle.png)

i'm in about 80% on ppc and other various altcoins at the moment (%20 is btc), seems like another wave is coming.

i'm not big into patterns but looks like a really nice cup n handle formation on ppc. one strong buy up to 49c, market left alone for two weeks for orders to settle and then again back to 49c, we'll see. seems a strong buy opportunity to me @ .41-42c, literally anything could happen with it though, a dump to 35c would be cool too.

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fc9f69 No.1053

Hey /biz/, can I do anything with 100 mBtc? I'm illiterate when it comes to money, I just thought this would be a nice place to ask.

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fc9f69 No.1054


that's like 4 cents worth lol, not really. sorry man. definitely hoard it though, someday it could be worth 4, maybe 20 dollars. could be. who knows.

if you want to score on crypto i'd advise buying some peercoin, putting it on a paper wallet, and forgetting about it until the price is $5+. If you're going to invest in crypto at all make sure you own some Bitcoin as well, it will be leading the pack for quite some time. Best of luck.

other coins that are good holds, in order of reliability (in my opinion ofc, reach your own conclusions):

XPM - 1/10th the market cap of PPC and will probably trail its success.

BTC - Just hold some.

NEU - Looks like it'll get pumped in a huge marketing campaign, however there's a ton of coins in circulation so I dunno how volatile the price can get.

BTS - Lots in circulation, about the same market cap as peercoin, but has hands down the best community behind it in the crypto-universe.

XCR - Fully mined supply that is full PoS. Seems ripe for a pump, could be a scam, don't hold much of this and be ready to dump it for profit.

VPN - Recently pumped, this could keep going up as the supply is fully mined and it's full PoS. Dunno if it's gonna hold it's current price or get dumped.

Risk = Reward. You may lose money, you may make money. Good luck.

Also KEEP RECORDS OF YOUR TRADES FFS, everyone's gotta pay their taxes.

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fc9f69 No.1055

Taxes are bad.

There should be no taxes.

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fc9f69 No.1056

File: 1456412641331.jpg (62.38 KB,636x446,318:223,Debt-and-GDP-1-15-2016.jpg)


Even worse, they're irrelevant. The central banks of the world have taken money printing to such an insane degree that the notion taxpayers will ever be able to repay that debt has become impossible to entertain (and you betcha it'll get dragged out as long as possible, until every shred of possible sanity has been rendered obsolete)

A factoid I've heard, you can tax %100 of the citizens (i assume this also includes the %1) by %100 of their income, and the national debt still wouldn't be repaid.

Taxes are necessary within government (which i argue is also necessary to arbitrate disputes), but combine that with the opiate that is printing money on credit and everything slowly dissolves away over time, and we're the substance being dissolved.

Still, I'd rather pay tribute to our quell our monetary overlords insatiable appetite lest they confiscate ALL my wealth and throw me in a cage for disobeying them. What a country!

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fc9f69 No.1072

File: 1457220177627.png (143.89 KB,1106x637,158:91,btcprediction.png)

The next month or so may be the cheapest period we'll have to build a position in cryptocurrency. It's getting pounded lower against the rise of the US markets, which won't last. 2550 CNY/ $380 seems like strong resistance, we'll see.

Fed's gonna meet on March 15-16 and announce whether or not they're gonna raise rates. If they don't, the SPX will probably float around 1950-2000, if they do expect the markets to tank again. I'd guess they'd stall until their next meeting, feels like the excuse of their previous raise can last a little longer, but they could just as easily raise.

If the markets are still up right before the Fed meeting you can get stupid cheap SPY puts that expire the 18th, three days after they meet. That'll be fun to see if I can turn ~30c puts into $3+. It's a long shot but something i'm watching out for.

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fc9f69 No.1073


I was wondering why btc had tanked yet again.

>tfw I sold out at the aud$640 high this time.

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fc9f69 No.1091

File: 1458955813242.gif (742.56 KB,708x479,708:479,yuiskeptical.gif)


XCR just got pumped to 6500 sats, also my SYS call was accurate though i wasn't holding any when it got pumped.

sold like 50% my XCR bag at 1750 satoshis… and a little more from 4k to 6k. i'm trying to dump now but the orders vanish whenever i do, Poloniex frontrunning confirmed

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fc9f69 No.1096



there was a lot of activity on xpm recently too, huge volume ran through it doubling the price momentarily


go gonna ahead and call that .00022 - .00019 is a new floor.

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fc9f69 No.1097

ethereum got pumped up to 10$ recently, that's 10x times the original price

the dude "speculating" on here is an absolute, retarded quack, don't listen to him, peercoin won't get pumped anytime soon, neither will any of his shitty no-name coins

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fc9f69 No.1112


yeah, eth did get pumped %1000. my VPN call was up %1500, same with SYS, most my other calls are either slightly up or flat.

i did kinda spam the thread at first, but if you're gonna criticize me maybe read my posts? also, since your post ETH fell about %80, hope you took your profits when you could. I can see it continuing down to .015, in any case ETH's an obvious pump-n-dump scheme that's already had a pump phase, could get pumped again but there are better plays out there currently. I would never want to take >month position in ETH.

anyway, currently seems most crypto is in a depressed state, good time to buy. BTS & PPC are the two decent coins that I don't think are getting much cheaper from here (10-15% downside). If you're playing with a marginal amount of money NEU & XPM are more trustworthy coins (taken with a grain of salt) with more potential for volatility. I'm also still interested in XCR, .000015 currently, waiting for it to get closer to .00001 if i'm gonna buy more.

the US markets are at a peak as well, it seems crypto is inverse to the real-world markets. S&P is at 2082, its previous peak, probably gonna fall from here.

i still believe crypto has huge potential in the coming months/years, educate yourself on the exorbitant state of our debt-centric economy and you'll understand why there's so much interest out there in hard, non-paper wealth.

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fc9f69 No.1122

File: 1461615362169-0.png (169.39 KB,1278x662,639:331,30mPPC-4-25-2016.png)

File: 1461615362169-1.png (184 KB,1278x662,639:331,15mPPC-4-23-2016.png)

Seems like a 40-45c is indeed the lower range on ppc, check out these graphs I managed to snatch. First is of recent activity, the second picture is a close up of the 200k "dump" that occured five days ago. Looks like a shakedown to me, weak hands panic sold, and look what happened right after…

So, it took about five days for asks to pile up on the books until the whale was satisfied to devour them all up to 47c. I don't think it'll climb much past 50c today but I've no real idea, we'll see.

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fc9f69 No.1123

File: 1461631219968.jpeg (346.22 KB,1170x1000,117:100,1441143300152.jpeg)


well fuck, NEU collapsed by half, 380 satoshis currently, sitting at an alltime low. I had thought 600 sats was as low as anyone was willing to sell, guess not, it didn't spend much time at that price so it was premature of me to assume. There's no reference for any lower price and no serious bids on the books (should've been keeping a closer eye on those), could keep going down to 200, 100, who knows… if we pull back to 600-700 i'm gonna sell a chunk of my bag. stay away from it for now. should've expected this from what's essentially a pennystock.

BTS is getting beat down as well, 815 satoshis. previous low was 650-700. I still think it's a decent buy, we've got a week or two to reach a decision on that. at least it has some regular volume, easier to gauge. markets with <$5k in daily volume can get jerked around all over the place.

so goes the world of trading.

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fc9f69 No.1128

File: 1463165410754-0.png (114.86 KB,1176x634,588:317,xpmbtc.png)

File: 1463165410754-1.png (168.24 KB,1106x666,553:333,btcprediction.png)

The pressure on altcoins is stronger than I thought, most my previous calls are down ~%30 now. Managed to dump some of my NEU at 600 but wasn't aggressive enough, lost a bitcoin on that. I'm still watching it, if it starts to pick back up I might move back in but it'll probably need to spend some time in the doldrums for whales to build the position they want.

Also sold off some of my BTS, the dev has some weird plans for ditching their current blockchain in order to implement it with some kind of reddit knockoff, see here:


the plan would involve creating a new chain and exchanging the new cryptocurrency for bitshares, which would be abandoned. maybe just FUD to get people to sell, since the supply of BTS is heavily distributed whales have no incentive to move the market up to only get dumped on by tons of little fish. It could keep going lower to 500 satoshis. I sold off about 80% of my position which was already marginal, there are pumps with more potential to sit in. Credibility is antithetical to volatility.

PPC and XPM remain my largest positions, and I'm still holding onto some of the VPN i bought ~200 satoshis. Currently I'm about %50 PPC, %20 XPM, %20 BTC, %10 VPN/XCR. Should be more weighted with BTC but… i guess i'm a sucker.

Overall my trading has been pretty good, VPN and XCR remain my most lucrative trades with %1500 and ~%300 respectively. I missed taking advantage of XPM when a whale took that bite from .0002-.0004, that's a good sign though. I was too hasty on my previous prediction, looks like it'll move to .00015-.00013 where it took off from previously, pic related. I might move some of my PPC into it soon, especially if it gets in that 15-13 range.

I don't think PPC is going to seriously move below 40c, if it does it'll be another fake dump to 35c like we've seen happening. The books have been stuffed pretty thick, there are more bids on ppc/usd than on eth/usd, not that I'm reading too deep into that but it's neat.

Bitcoin's been on a respectable bull run as well, I don't think we're going under 430 anytime soon, if ever. Pic attached, and the picture here >>888 are what I see happening. The way BTC is looking now it's much more resilient to depreciation than it was in 2013; it's gotten popular. Compare the attached 3d graph with >>888 and you'll see a strong difference.


Also food for thought, the market meltdown in '08 started two months before the election, in september.. and the SPX haven't been able to break past the 2100 top it established August last year. Things will probably be slow for a while longer but I still think we're due for some serious market turbulence, and I'm still quite apprehensive for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

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fc9f69 No.1129

File: 1463165633749.png (156.4 KB,1099x639,1099:639,btcprediction3d.png)


missed a pic, compare this 3d (3 day candlesticks) graph with the one I posted earlier >>888

bitcoin currently is about 1.43% the size of Apple if that helps put things in perspective (market capitalization of $7billion compared to $483billion).

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fc9f69 No.1139

File: 1463751622334.jpg (122.84 KB,639x639,1:1,domesticated.jpg)

Both ppc and btc getting sold off

I'm still holding, managed to sell off some PPC when it retraced to 40c, waiting to move back in, if it moves much under 33c i'll be in the red.

on the brighter side, looks like my crypti call is getting some love: https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_xcr

up about %250 so far. selling off a little to build a stronger btc position.

urgh.. this suppression on ppc has me fretting. the volume dumped seems more real than fake. although, can't deny the action shown here >>1122

i think it's a purely psychological move meant to force out weak hands, whoevers behind this volume is for sure trading at a loss. I'm waiting to build a stronger position.

tinfoil hat, or preemptive deduction? you decide.

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fc9f69 No.1149

File: 1464968387809.png (164.1 KB,1114x660,557:330,btcprediction.png)

Seems like China bid up BTC a ton, and it took a while for the $ to catch up to it. Pic related is where I think we're at.

My portfolio was stupidly weighted in altcoins, BTC is the first mover, everything else follows. Should have been %50 btc, %25 ppc, %25 other alts. Since I'm weighted more in altcoins my portfolio's down since they've depreciated against bitcoin.

I shaved some of my ppc and xpm to increase my btc holding, although I don't think they're falling much further, ~%10

This bullrun on bitcoin is inspiring though. I bought some more at $550, will do so again if it gets around 500-530.

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fc9f69 No.1150


also should note: the graph makes it seem bitcoin will be $800+ by next month, I don't think it would happen that soon, i'd think more towards august/september. That's being conservative though and I've already bought in so on this case I can be wrong and still win. Just wanted to give the disclaimer.

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fc9f69 No.1165

File: 1466254919304.png (163.31 KB,1107x637,1107:637,ppcguess.png)



BTC under $600 is a good opportunity to buy. We'll be at 2-3k by the end of the year at least, most likely.

PPC's made a jump as well, pic related.

I can't believe I didn't realize bitcoin would have first-mover advantage. That was pretty obvious. Now that bitcoin's having a little respite from its bull run alts are being bought up. Currently things depend on how long bitcoin keeps hovering around 750 before resuming this bull run, the less likely it seems to break 800 the more uncertainty/profit taking will occur. If btc hovers here/breaks down, alts will be bought up, increasing the likelihood they'll get pumped along with bitcoin when it finally explodes past 800.

Bitcoin exploding past 800 would draw a lot of eyes to crypto-land, which is why I think alts will get lifted as well. Whales/market makers want to sell as high as they possibly can, and that is easiest done when there is the most traffic. As soon as you hear Bitcoin getting a lot of lip service on mainstream media, you'll know the time to sell for profit will be approaching, probably several months after. This things move very slowly, hell I've been waiting for this bitcoin pump since 2013, patience pays.

Also that 8-10 year business cycle or whatever it is causing stock markets to rise/crash every eight or so years. The matched timing on these markets is too uncanny to ignore.

Still, I was too arrogant with my PPC research that I totally missed the obvious fact that Bitcoin would have first-mover advantage. Missed out on ~70% gain over the past month. Disappointed in myself for that.

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fc9f69 No.1195


>bitcoin = 200USD

>tfw bitcoin => 700USD and you didn't buy


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fc9f69 No.1196

File: 1467566963360.gif (2.81 MB,512x288,16:9,tfwnogf$$$.gif)


You can still buy some cheaper altcoins if you want crypto exposure. Just look at the $USD market cap history to see how healthy it is.


looks like $3m marketcap has been resilient. Good idea behind the coin, high daily volume, likely you can buy at $3m cap and sell at $10m+ in due time.

Honestly though movements of %200+ aren't unique to crypto; they happen all the time in the lower-cap stock markets, and almost all the time via options on leveraged ETF's.

tl;dr git gud, goy.

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fc9f69 No.1197

File: 1467641235781.png (23.46 KB,171x300,57:100,1398161724478.png)

NEET from earlier in the thread reporting in, might as well post here again.

I've managed to do reasonably well over the course of a few months considering I'm not putting too much time into it, I've managed to make a bit of money and the only major losses I've taken (PPC) I managed to claw back. Whatever I did to make that happen I probably need to do more of.

I'm mainly in BTC at the moment, with a small amount in LTC and LSK while waiting to see what the market does. I had money in BTM as well but sold it off for 10% profit.

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fc9f69 No.1198

File: 1467669912405.jpg (543.76 KB,1269x1226,1269:1226,fuckbitchesgetmoney.jpg)


man that hurt to read. Yeah, I got overly autistic about peercoin. I still think it's one of the safer coins for a set-and-forget type strategy (read: laziness), but yeah, all these coins will fluctuate, hence all of them are profitable in their own ways. Take profits often; just pulled %60 out of BitBay (52 sats to 85), got lazy and have losses on NEU and NSR. Rest are about flat, I didn't take profit on PPC when it blew up from 35c to 52c, wish i had, would've made a few thousand dollars. moonshots don't matter if you never take your money back.

Posting one of my favorite motivation stories, helps keep me committed to this.

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fc9f69 No.1199


Not really anybody's fault but mine really, I didn't pull my money out when I could have and also ended up fat-fingering a trade that dumped even more money into it but decided to keep it because I wasn't sure where things would go. I ended up cashing out for BTC at around 0.0006 then selling BTC near the top at 766 and re-buying much lower, making back much of what I had lost.

Besides, when I say "major" I mean percentage-wise, which for me was a few dollars. My other medium term picks (mainly RADS) at the time didn't do too well either, though I made some decent change with VOX, DCR and a few others.

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fc9f69 No.1200


Nice, good job taking your money back when you could, I need to do that more myself, would have made a LOT more if I had just taken profits when I had them rather than holding out hoping for more. This should be OBVIOUS.

anyway.. NSR had a strong buy spike from 100 sats back to what i thought was the old floor at 500, and another chomp up afterwards to 200 sats, picking up any lagging bids of people panic selling. 80-120 is probably a safe point to build a long position. Strong daily volume, about $700k market cap, promising idea, i bought some around 106, will buy more around 80.


I need to leave asks up more than I already do, if I had placed an ask on NSR at 450 (taking a small %10 loss) i could've quintupled my position now.

Low market cap + active daily volume + believable idea behind coin = winner

I'm not sure whether it's more appropriate to gauge a coin's value in its $ market cap, vs in bitcoin. Bitcoin fluctuates against $USD so it can cause obfuscation when determining targets to buy/sell. Market cap is probably more appropriate to look at.

anyway, other coins i'm watching:

EXP between .0005-.0003, ~$650k market cap

BTS, 550-650, ~$8.5m

MINT, 8-11, ~$1m

XCR, 550, ~$400k

BAY, 50-60, ~$400k

VPN's been resilient at 1000 sats but having had NSR collapse on me recently I couldn't recommend it, $3m market cap seems strong though.

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fc9f69 No.1201

File: 1467930890570.png (151.15 KB,1111x603,1111:603,btcspeculation.png)

BTC getting a smackdown, pic related is what i see.

If you don't have any BTC exposure and want some, now's the time to buy in. Pretty sure we're never going under 450 ever again, 450/630 = %29 downside risk.

I'm gonna buy some more around 580-590, and again if it gets closer to 550.

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fc9f69 No.1206

File: 1468602456284.png (134.85 KB,1108x597,1108:597,bitcoin.png)


Man bitcoin price is keeping really resilient.. given that i've misjudged my last few guesses on bitcoin dropping, maybe i'm underestimating its strength. Oh well. If you don't have exposure, you should get some. far more upside potential than downside.

i dunno if it's gonna keep going up but there's certainly been upward pressure on the price over past week. hard to time these things.

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fc9f69 No.1208

File: 1468773807567-0.png (131.44 KB,1109x599,1109:599,ltc.png)

File: 1468773807582-1.png (132.45 KB,1108x598,554:299,ppc.png)

Huh, my previous post didn't go through, and the image has 'already been posted'… anyway, bitcoin price is being really resilient. Given the fact I underestimated it dipping the past few times… if you've no exposure, get some. Half in now, half held for later in case we do see some kind of correction.

ppc popped again to 51c, trying to offload some, again didn't have sell orders up to take my profits. But, looking at the overall trend, yeah, I'm still content to hold this position long term. All cryptos are going to boom, just find one with a small market cap and believable premise and enjoy the ride.

Compare PPC chart against LTC, which do you think has more potential for an upward explosion? Seems to me there's a lot more interest/appreciation of PPC, at much cheaper prices. The cheaper a whale's able to corner a market, the easier it'll be to pump it. Really, $10m market cap vs $250m, it's easily argued peercoin's more advanced than LTC, most coins use PoS for their network-integrity scheme, seems like an obvious bet to me.

Also, grabbed some more NSR at 90 satoshis. Still holding BAY, XCR, and BTS as my main plays, holding some token amounts of BCN, MINT, and XPM. Wish I had dumped XPM, I mean, it'll probably follow PPC yeah, but prime numbers? Who cares. Not really that interesting.

Good luck. Bitcoin's gonna be a great trade 2016/2017.

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fc9f69 No.1209

File: 1468774014597.jpg (393.03 KB,450x1045,90:209,moneyoverbitches.jpg)



wow what the hell… 8ch bugging out on me.

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fc9f69 No.1210

File: 1468785358054-0.png (120.57 KB,847x552,847:552,via_breaking_range.png)

File: 1468785358074-1.png (123.1 KB,853x548,853:548,via_entry_prices.png)

Just saw coinmarketcap.com offers charts in $USD, super handy. This is probably the site i reference first when looking into altcoins.

Viacoin is looking like a decent bet, marketcap flatlined around $70k, recently exploded to $500k with respectable volume behind it. Missed that initial pump but this is likely just the start. A price around .000013-17/7-10c seems like a good place to go long. It seems like a respectable coin, around since 2014 and I haven't seen much negativity around it, also the developer is a contributor to bitcoin core and remains committed to viacoin, that looks really good. Apparently the max supply is 23m VIA, currently 21.46m in circulation, at a market cap of $300k that's pretty swell. This will likely pop hard. I'm going to look into adding this one to my portfolio, will start averaging in around 2100 sats, 1100 is best price.

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fc9f69 No.1211

File: 1468785425791.png (115.63 KB,1091x530,1091:530,via_cmc_ta.png)


And another chart of VIA in $USD terms, wish I could've gotten the whole range in a bigger chart, kinda cramped.

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fc9f69 No.1212



Oh an FYI, the time range for filling a position on this is two weeks to two months. Being impatient is just going to make us buy at irrational prices, wait for the price to come to you.

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fc9f69 No.1218

File: 1469838319162.png (106.96 KB,849x555,283:185,via_june29.png)


Strong buy on VIA, 1420 to 2473, wouldn't be surprised to see it continue falling to 950-1250 though since it was just a single stab up, buying pressure doesn't seem to be keeping up. I think a whale just wiped out whatever asks to add onto their position, of course they still want to build up cheap, letting the coin languish for a while will make weak hands place more low asks. I bought some at 1666 a few days ago, probably too soon.

NSR also got a bit of a liftoff from 57 to 71, nothing major but notable. I was way too early buying at 100, added more at 77 and 64.

I've started to enjoy waiting, hopefully this pays off.

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fc9f69 No.1282

File: d57605af9e9e90d⋯.png (104.43 KB,1175x625,47:25,ppczones.png)

lol, my abortion of a thread is still here. my trading has actually gotten better once i stopped trying to chronicle every single thought i had.

worst mistake i made was not keeping %50 of my acct in bitcoin to hedge altcoin volatility, left my portfolio prone to too much risk essentially.

been flipping NSR with good results, and NEU recently jumped nicely, that's about it. Didn't dump XCR in time and sitting with a loss on that I should've easily avoided. I probably place a few trades a month.

still got my ppc stash, pic related is the current setup I plan to utilize. so long as it gains appreciation similar to litecoin (very likely imo), following this chart you cannot lose money. it'll probably take 2 years at most for this to play out. i'm gonna be buying more if it gets <=$0.25.

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fc9f69 No.1293

File: bce6e862633f7d0⋯.png (149.92 KB,1109x652,1109:652,btcguess.png)


Buying more ppc around 22-24c, avg cost per ppc is about 33c. stings, but i'll bear it, I'll probably sell some around 55c and try to double up around 30-40, will have to wait and see if i can pull that off.

Bitcoin around 650-680 is attractive. Just got dumped to $670 today from 700+. Under 680, weak hands get scared and throw up more asks, whales build a stronger position cheaper. Pic related is what I think will play out, at worst could see a power dump to/under 630 but i doubt it'd stay there long, much like the dump we saw to 470 a while ago which only lasted for two minutes (despite how it looks on the chart, i was watching the market then, definitely only stayed at 470 for all of two fucking minutes, so.. pretty silly). from 680, at worst 590, ~%15 downside, not terrible.

Plan to dump %50 my bitcoin around 2400-2700, my guess is q2-q4 next year at the latest, holding the other half for any SHTF scenarios we may see in the dominant bond/equity markets, hopefully can sell for >$5k but yeah that's hoping for some kind of 2008 crisis occuring again. Which is probable, ZIRP/QE ain't accomplishing shit and we're gonna need a huge load of inflation to pay that debt off.

Good luck out there faggots.

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fc9f69 No.1298

File: 0a2a2340f2bde46⋯.png (102.82 KB,1180x656,295:164,BTCguess.png)

here's TA on bitcoin for the next few weeks

I think we'll touch 680 again, if it breaks 670 could easily get to 655. Might see a grab to 730, gotta get over 750 for FOMO buying to kick in, but I think we'll sit in this range a while so bid/asks can re-acclimate after such volatility. Highly unlikely to break 570. 680 is a safe entry.

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fc9f69 No.1321

File: 2013efc96824dff⋯.png (97.69 KB,1180x631,1180:631,btcguess121316.png)

kind of a critical moment for coins, bitcoins either going to 808+ or we're getting some bullshit dump, have some bids <737 in case it does.

also note how altcoins react. bitcoin up and altcoins up is a very good sign. i'm bullish bitcoin right now, if alts continue to dump as bitcoin rises they'll be left to settle for a while. stay %50 in bitcoin.

bitbay has been noticeably resilient during btc's relentless appreciation, have some bids between 120-82.

also, absolutely rookie mistake, i haven't been using stop-losses, if i had i'd be in a lot less pain right now. i really wish i could go back ten months and beat myself for not doing so. absolutely stupid mistake to make. use a stop-loss.

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fc9f69 No.1325

File: cd857cfaec4e327⋯.png (165.25 KB,1103x738,1103:738,btcguessjan4.png)

nocoiners will never have justification. bitcoin is the shit.

OP looking pretty clever right now, I'm still sticking to my 2400-2700 sell target.

peercoin price has been moving in sync with bitcoin since it crossed 900, good sign. 22-25c is cheap. now is when you'd want to start building a position in altcoins.

pic related is worst i see, if it dumps i doubt it'd go lower than $818. if it dumps. not really sure what it's going to do tbh, i still recommend buying peercoin for the value.

I'll probably take a little profit on ppc around 52c, mostly planning on selling %20 at $1, $2-3, $5-7, then holding the last %40 for whatever scenario.

i should've taken my working capital back out in august when ppc hit 52c, that way any ppc leftover would've been free, thus inconsequential of price movement. excellent rule to adhere to, when managing risk & profits.

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fc9f69 No.1329


All the chinese exchanges are finally putting fees on their platforms, starting tomorrow.

0 fees = unlimited volume, i'm surprised it took them this long… i'm expecting BTC to dump along with this news, "oh it was just a chinese ponzi scheme all along", that'll convince any pussies holding bitcoin to sell for cheaper prices.

650 at worst, anything between 650 and 750 is a definite buy.

Draghi reaffirmed the $80bn+ ECB purchasing per month, and the Euro is rallying against a tightening dollar at this moment.. shit doesn't make sense.

all this moneyprinting has to end in inflation (the other routes are eternal stagnation, or collapse), stuff like gold, real estate, bitcoin, good, underappreciated hard assets are a necessity now, at least %20 of your wealth. Cash is good too. The dollar will get stronger, i'm betting on the DXY hitting 110 sometime within the next two years, couldn't say exactly when.

%10 gold/bitcoin/peercoin, %20 cash, %30 bonds, %30 equities, %10 whatever you want.. wouldn't be a bad mix right now.

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fc9f69 No.1335

File: 02f738fc9180e3f⋯.gif (1.81 MB,500x282,250:141,thisisfine.gif)


Pretty sure things are going to take off soon, bitcoins quick recovery's after getting dumped is exciting, asks being taken again and again, seems to be in enough demand.

ppc at 30c, hoping to lock in some profit >50c before summer, planning on selling most for $1+ later this year.

Fed is intent to 'normalize' our interest-rate driven economy, while JCB and ECB continue to rely on trashing their currencies to keep their economies from imploding from debt-obligations. Fed is purposefully tightening supply of dollars, this will cause the eurodollar market to freak out, and we'll have some kind of super-volatile event where the Fed gets to call the shots or else everyone dies. China will probably be blamed for it.

fiscal spending will flood the system with money and neutralize banks spending (plus they get to keep the stuff they bought). get ready for a volatile 2017!

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fc9f69 No.1452

I'm a retarded faggot;

How do I start investing in alt-coin? For instance, do I have to download all the mining tools and shit from Ethereum? Do I just use the tool in their wallet interface to convert USD to ETH? What the FUCK do I do?

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fc9f69 No.1469


either buy coins on an exchange, or yeah run the software and help find blocks/get rewards. you won't get anything mining though, people run entire buildings with mining hardware, your chimpy laptop can't compete. so, buy them.

sign up on coinbase.com if you're in the US, bitstamp.com if you're in Europe.

if you're in an altcoin ignore the btc/alt pair, bitcoin is too volatile. follow the $USD price here: coinmarketcap.com

most alts already got pumped, some might get pumped further but now there's more room to fall. have fun losing your money.

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fc9f69 No.1526

i'm the peercoin faggot, just wanted to post letting ya'll know i'm doing fine, price atm is $1.1, avg cost per ppc is $0.287. though just about all altcoins are getting pumped, so it's not really that impressive. ppc market cap is $27m now, with things like bitcoin and ether pushing >$5billion, ppc at $500m is believable. i doubt it's going back under 90c anytime soon, under 76c and something is very wrong.

crypto's probably taking off because of real-world volatility, with trump and the Fed raising and everything i've been posting about already. the US president doesn't matter that much tbh he's just a liason between public and private interests, the Fed remains the most powerful entity on this planet thanks to demand for dollars.

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dcc351 No.1559

File: 6abe965211f31fd⋯.jpg (43.98 KB,393x395,393:395,6abe965211f31fdc45037c460a….jpg)

PPC is getting shaken out pretty hard w/ bitcoin. And bitcoin might be lame until June, if/when Fed tries to raise rates/tighten dollar availability. if btc can hold 1750 i'll start feeling bullish on it again.

Under $1.5 would be nice price for PPC, anything between $0.80 and $1.2 is a definite buy, so long as things keep running smoothly.

Also, this was incredible:


SEVENTY PERCENT of GLOBAL GDP rests on the dollar.

Fed is literally managing %70 of the global economy.

Mission accomplished. And as they raise, the world will fall into line with global reformations. Gov'ts will have no choice but to pass bank-friendly laws or their economies will evaporate.

Really glad I studied this before going to college :)

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737953 No.1560


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2108d4 No.1585

File: b8a0c032d2ce7e0⋯.gif (377.72 KB,208x200,26:25,happy_merchant.gif)


Jumped back over $2.. late bloomer compared to other coins. ETH about %2000 up from its low. BTS about %3300. PPC moved about %1260.

under $1.2 was indeed a definite buy. Gonna enjoy riding this through 2017/2018. All my shitposting in this thread is the difference between being early and being wrong.

And yeah to anyone shitting out hot stock trading advice, if you don't pay attention to the price you pay for something you're a sucker, plain and simple. Price & technical analysis is all you need, with a macro framework for knowing which assets to use long-term.

Good luck out there faggots. I'm buying my ass some real estate.. soon anyway. If the Fed tightens the dollar further this 13/14th that'll set in motion for a slow collapse of the international economy (%70 of which is dependent on dollars and living on ZIRP financing). If they do raise it should get volatile later this year, which will be when I'm dumping my coins and buying everything else cheap.


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a138c2 No.1587


Almost 3k now…

Should i buy eth/ltc or wait for crash…

Tbh ive never seen a bubble this steady

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e55ba2 No.1615


Just bought some for a long term hold. Even if it crashes its going to be back up within a month.

This might be a bad idea but i'm going to hold btc long with $5k and start trading other cryptos with $3k.

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6759da No.1655

File: d7d5148fcae30c2⋯.jpg (218.07 KB,740x416,185:104,zh-se-applause-740.jpg)


good timing faggot


Fed continues to demand more for $, while every other currency requires zirp to continue operating. Yellen's calling the shots for the global economy.

respect power for what it is, i guess.

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a447b8 No.1657

I believe BTC can reach a price of 5000$ over the next 3 years. It cut through the ATH of 1300 like butter. It will eventually cut the 3000 mark as well.

Also mining does not get any easier with time and normies are slowly adopting the blockchain meme into real life (logistics and shit).

However, it could also fall to 10$ if another technology comes that would be better, faster, more secure, more anonymous, less transaction fees etc.

I am really surprised how even after 8 years nobody developed a real successor to BTC. Today devs seem to be more interested with ICO scams.


This time the bubble is different. Back in 2011 when BTC crashed from its ATH of $30 to roughly $1 there was all the panic and how it will never come back up. Then 2013 happened. It went to 1300$ and crashed to 200$ in a matter of months. Back in 2013 you had a giantic wave of new shitcoins announced every week but it was also mostly tech geeks who were into it.

Today you have normal people who want to get rich quick after seeing BTC going parabolic for the 3rd time in history. The "bubble is popped" meme is not working anymore and normal people lost their fear for cryptos. It is incredible how many new users have registered on Bitcointalk in the past few months. They are all looking for the next ethereum. Even if the price of BTC crashed, it would likely not go much lower than 1300$.

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c81398 No.2234

well done OP. sold most my bitcoin from 2015 around 3.5-4.5k.. still holding some but man. this shit is nuts.

do not invest more than you can afford to lose. atm i've been buying some gold miners, the r/r on those is far better than bitcoin atm. gold/dollar trend has been strong.

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c86ee5 No.2239

I hope this thread stays up forever

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4beb94 No.2242

sibos 2017 happened just recently I enjoy watching suits talk about technology they don't really understand. Some good points were made though. First off, banks are backing plenty of startups, bad news though, in that the bankers keep calling these startups "proof of concepts" even though the startups themselves act as though they are major partners to the banks for crypto they are not and you as an investor might get the rug pulled out from under your feet when a bank backs a competing startup to one they already backed. Careful with things like request.network. Though I'll admit I am holding 2000 REQ on the side I am only holding because its so low and the development of the platform is quick, I plan on selling on news and if you are a holder I suggest you do the same.

Sibos has a youtube channel, but they took down the day long streams, you'll have to watch bite sized videos that are all over the place, Lunch with Sibos has 2 good episodes, check out day 3.

Sibos also had a talk on Hyperledger and blockchain security, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WiumhlGwdk This is an important watch if you want to understand why there wont just be one major blockchain that all the banks will use. Simply, its illegal to have JP Morgan money with Goldman money. It'll be the same on blockchain even if you make a network where those parties can not interact. This is good news for altchains.

Other then Sibos lets talk about government for blockchain startups, we are seeing interesting startups come into the field that are working with government regulation (Modum) and some startups are even getting government funding (PowerLedger) https://web.powerledger.io/mediarelease/

This is a sign that startups might be where governments will warm up to the idea of blockchain.

Monero is shaky, I suggested to my friends IRL to buy XMR at $90 but they didnt listen, I feel like this is a repeat of the past, could reach 300 around eoy.

Bitcoin is going to reach 10k, however USDT is being put into question by the crypto-investment community. That might cause a bank run, buy the dip because a bank run out of crypto and into fiat is a laugh. Normies will never understand.

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e5299c No.2590

Easy 20% returns per day, just join the /biz/ pump group:

<link removed>

So don't miss that info !!!

KuCoin market, so feel free to register there, while registration is still possible :)

<link removed>

Thx :) :) :) :)

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fc8af8 No.2619

File: 1c5c2c67cd0bcdb⋯.gif (2.9 MB,200x200,1:1,1514723675796.gif)

>3 years later

Bitcoin = 12000USD

I don't see it can go any lower, well that wasn't that bad I think. I see bit coin is a medium of exchange but not a store value.

what do you think?

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b789f9 No.2626


Check again faggot, BTC is trading at sub 9k on most exchanges

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4a67fd No.2637

File: 9683ab5c73a37f7⋯.png (23.92 KB,980x344,245:86,bitcoin after dip - 1-17-2….png)


Shes at $11,600 USD right now, going up.

I hope nobody sold, top Kek.

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3cb706 No.2699


8k tommorow

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3e6644 No.2748


You were off by about a week

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16d89b No.2779


I bought the dip, how about you guys?

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9325e4 No.2780


you should wait a bit longer, it will dip more.

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2a157d No.2782


We'll see, I intend to put my next check towards Monero as well.

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580f93 No.2809


I don't think it will dip anytime soon

AFAICR the stock market and everything revolving around it is recovering, and latest political outputs in the US have been very positive

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d247c3 No.2816

File: 31dc2aa1c1d2641⋯.png (68.3 KB,1173x577,1173:577,btcusd120118.png)

ppcfag here, bitcoin's looking pretty healthy despite that crazy shakedown to 6k. long term trend from april last year (starting around $1k USD) seems to have held. there's no real news for it to have crashed so hard. i think the market's slowly gonna get soaked up back to $20k throughout the first half of the year, then new highs afterward. god bless the controlled supply and massive demand.

currently up about %1200 on my position, ready to cash out if bitcoin turns under 7k again. as always keep your risk measured.

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d247c3 No.2817

File: ea19be3116dce58⋯.png (84.49 KB,1177x575,1177:575,btcusd1d120118.png)

1d graph

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d247c3 No.2819

also BO yeah this thread is kind of a legacy, dunno if it should be bumplocked or what. do whatever you want.

Been thinking about starting a thread on technical analysis but frankly i've lost faith in people, easily %95 of internet users have no discipline or sense of scale. not sure if it's worth my time.

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da4aef No.2821


There are many old threads on this board. Assuming a thread does not break any rules and isn't a shitpost, what gets bumplocked is personal situation or similar threads that gets resolved in a short amount of time. Example >>25

My perception is that threads like this can handle long term and gradual conversation. So it's fine to remain as is. It is also getting close to the normal bump limit. It's going to be either this thread or the /pol/ thread that becomes the first thread of the board to reach bump limit.

>Been thinking about starting a thread on technical analysis but frankly i've lost faith in people, easily %95 of internet users have no discipline or sense of scale. not sure if it's worth my time.

This board is small and slow paced. You can observe on the board list that there's a major decline in posts per hour after the top 25 or so boards. The main consideration would be the patience with regards to getting a response.

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