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File: 8cd5daf0aa311dd⋯.jpg (218.63 KB,1000x953,1000:953,loan_shark_by_louminouz_dc….jpg)

886ac1 No.3853

Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

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886ac1 No.3854

File: 65f6a5fd764267e⋯.png (196.8 KB,1963x375,1963:375,qtddtot1.png)

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ac5a47 No.4087

File: 107851dcd3974d9⋯.png (161.04 KB,1436x367,1436:367,2019-05-01-222725_2560x144….png)

Archiving some threads. There are a lot of question threads that don't reach 10 posts and will get pruned after page 5 that actually belong better in here.


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ac5a47 No.4088

File: 7f6eaa1f312ffb5⋯.png (206.34 KB,1269x668,1269:668,2019-05-01-223109_2560x144….png)

I have to admit this thread is substantial because of the answers. If the discussion on it continues, that'd be fine with me.



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ac5a47 No.4089

File: ed5f66631482e03⋯.png (176.75 KB,1437x426,479:142,2019-05-01-223358_2560x144….png)

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ac5a47 No.4090

File: 087a22399ae650c⋯.png (202.81 KB,1460x296,365:74,2019-05-01-223546_2560x144….png)

Not entirely absent of substance, but didn't get any responses.


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ac5a47 No.4091

File: a221d289c5b2c6d⋯.png (123.38 KB,1392x558,232:93,2019-05-01-223855_2560x144….png)

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ac5a47 No.4250

File: 815de88a8d3e337⋯.png (367.28 KB,1634x991,1634:991,2019-06-26-215602_2560x144….png)

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76e0fc No.4284

Why is trading > else?

I mean why is trading is the most what you're focusing on here? Instead of other buziness ?

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57c0cb No.4285


do you mean the board in general?

it should be because everybody should know how to invest and accumulate retirement savings. while running a business is something a very small portion of people want to pursue.

but it's probably more likely that investing is just seen as a low effort way to make money.

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ac5a47 No.4286


You can post about other topics besides trading like economics, personal finances, actually running a business, finding a job. I try to sticky those types of threads to encourage those topics to grow.

It's just that trading and investing is a popular topic.

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6b7a88 No.4319

loan sharks are great… if you want to set yourself up abroad.

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f21785 No.4339

well I'm bored.

I'm up for answering questions about personal finance or economics, regardless of how dumb.

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9819b5 No.4353

pt. 1/2

hello /biz/ can I receive some inputs on my situation?

>be 23

>son of rich parents, both are goverment servants

>am computer science fresh graduate

>did intern before graduation for 3 months doing factory automation

>after 3 months of internship a software house, employers like me cause I can do IoT programming and web development

>managers do not have any CS/IT knowledge but pretend like they know it all

>they give orders to me but they do not understand what they were saying

>they want to keep me but I chose to stop working there cause pay is shit (even McDonalds and UNIQLO staff gets better pay)

>after quitting, i decided to develop my own web service

3 weeks fast forward

>parents were furious cause I am unemployed

>told me to gain experience working at any job

>deny them "no cause managerial dept. are shit at any place and any experiences that I will gain are useless cause need to learn office politics bullshits and all that"

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9819b5 No.4354

File: 2da351cbad6a98f⋯.jpeg (110.73 KB,1008x567,16:9,1564239353168.jpeg)

pt. 2/2

told them that I want to do business selling web service and please have faith in me and give me time since I have followed them for 23 years: entering the highschool they want, university they want, what (not how) to dress, what (not how) to speak, what (not how) to think, always apologize to them even though it is not my fault, never raise my voice when I am angry at them.. In summary, I have been the son they wanted and pretend to be what they want..

but now I want to do my own thing while I still have the time, youth and energy. I do not want to waste all of it on learning office politics, working like slaves for 40 years, being two-face to coworkers, lying during interviews, faking resume, pretend to care about the company, etc. (do boomers really think all of these are good experiences?). After I told them all of these, my parents still think I am being disobedient and I will reach failure..

I do not know what to do bros.. please help me.. should I look for jobs? should I try my venture? should I run away from home? should I just ignore them?

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387dd9 No.4357


there's a lot to unpack here. but I'm afraid I'd be wasting a bunch of time if I dive strait into it so I'll just give you a quick run down.

you're not wrong to want your independence but independence isn't doing the opposite of what your parents want, it's making decisions independent of them, even if that means coming to the same conclusion. also that just sounds like an unhealthy relationship. there are ways to smooth things over, it's also an understandable reason to want to move out. though having free room and board can go a long way towards a startup.

as someone young and new to the work force you should be prioritizing experience over money, a part of that experience is learning how to get along with people you don't like. communication and other soft skills take practice, what better place to practice than a job you can quit at the drop of a hat with no consequences? like did you try to negotiate a better salary before you left? sounds like you had a fair amount of leverage.

you shouldn't be lying on your resume or interviews, ever. who the hell gave you that idea?

most bootstrap entrepreneurs start their first business while still working for someone else. they only quit when the start making a revenue and operations become time sensitive. if you want to leave the nest on top of that, you're going to need a plan and a budget. and I'm getting the impression you don't have either.

btw, are you the same guy that wanted to start a stock exchange?

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28cc76 No.4358


>independence isn't doing the opposite of what your parents want, it's making decisions independent of them, even if that means coming to the same conclusion.

They do not even let me rent a room. During the last 4 years I was in the dorm, they asked me to return home every week, if I don't: they will phone me, and said "anon, have you forgot about your family? are you so busy that your study is more important than your parents?" while all of my friends return home once a month and they all laughed at me cause I have such parents..

even my cousins do not want to stay long in our house cause there are lots of rules and they feel restrained…

>as someone young and new to the work force you should be prioritizing experience over money

I agree, but I think I will gain more relevant experiences doing what I am going, don't you think so?..

>a part of that experience is learning how to get along with people you don't like. communication and other soft skills take practice, what better place to practice than a job you can quit at the drop of a hat with no consequences?

I am quite extroverted and I can get along with people well. But after I told my friends about my company, they respond to me that everywhere is the same where the managerial and HR have poor skill.. is there any company that only consists of developers? cause that is a company that I can work for..

>like did you try to negotiate a better salary before you left?

no, because I am confident that they cannot provide me a higher salary because they keep spouting "we cannot give you much cause we're still a small company… but we will get big one day!"

I am the only developer left in the company and now all of their projects are on hold.. then again, to answer your question, yes I do not have experience discussing salaries..

>you shouldn't be lying on your resume or interviews, ever. who the hell gave you that idea?

it is just the way around here, people lies to secure a job.. some even stole references from other people's resume..

>most bootstrap entrepreneurs start their first business while still working for someone else. they only quit when the start making a revenue and operations become time sensitive.

i see.. I will start looking for a job once my project reached 90% completion so that once I deploy my project I can use the salary to jumpstart it.. also, What are the pros and cons if I start developing my project now, instead of going part-time?

>you're going to need a plan and a budget.

above is my plan, and my budget is 4000 dollars.. I am going to use it for internet hosting, an android developer license, and some for advertising/marketing my project..

>you the same guy that wanted to start a stock exchange?

yes, but that is just some idea that me and my friend brainstormed, we are currently building a social network where people can post without shame and fear of being judged, kind of like this anonymous imageboard… but what 4chan/8ch lacks are friendlist and a messenger.. most of my friends want to say/ask something to their friends circle but do not want to be known or being judged… so we thought we want to build something for them..

also, after deploying.. me and my friends will distribute the QR code (url to app's link) across the university and the dorm..

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387dd9 No.4359


>They do not even let me rent a room…

I'm just saying don't make pratical decisions out of retribution.

honestly? having to go home weekly is pretty minor in terms of controlling parents. I don't like to say "other people have it worse" but this comes off as entitled.

>I agree, but I think I will gain more relevant experiences doing what I am going, don't you think so?..

>is there any company that only consists of developers?

I mean you shouldn't be shying away from those exchanges. if you want to run a business you can't just talk to developers. customers, vendors, employees, lawyers, etc. they're all going to be more stressful than talking to HR. unless you have a partner that you can trust 100% (you shouldn't) to handle all of that for you then it's a part of the job. you should be jumping at the chance to practice in an environment where failure doesn't mean you might have close shop or fire somebody.

>it is just the way around here, people lies to secure a job.. some even stole references from other people's resume..

I can hardly believe that. background checks aren't hard to do, and the consequences usually aren't worth the risk.

>I will start looking for a job once my project reached 90% completion

>we are currently building a social network

WOAH, Wait, hold up. you can't spend months building a product and just assume people will pay for it. that's a stupid amount of risk somebody without parents to fall back on would ever take.

look, I'm getting the impression you didn't spend your time in school taking any business classes or learning any of the related skills. there are a lot of books you should read before you get started, "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries might be a good start since it deals specifically with tech startups.

starting a business is something tens of thousands of people try and almost always fail at. learn from other people's mistakes before making your own. even better if you can find somebody to learn from in person instead of from a book.

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9819b5 No.4360


>this comes off as entitled.

i see.. i will try to tolerate with my parents more

>I'm getting the impression you didn't spend your time in school taking any business classes or learning any of the related skills.

>"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries might be a good start

Thanks for the suggestion.. I will check it out. I have so much to learn and need to perform a lot of reality checks.. thanks for the input canada bro :)

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387dd9 No.4361


>i will try to tolerate with my parents more

nothing you've said so far has made me think you're parents are bad people, at least not of purpose, and I know people with legitimately bad parents. maybe try sitting down with your mom or dad one on one and ask about their pasts or where they're opinions come form. you might be surprised.

>I have so much to learn and need to perform a lot of reality checks

I'll emphasize that you should find a real life mentor. you should be able to find events / conventions where aspiring entrepreneurs get together and get to meet people already in their industry.

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387dd9 No.4362


seriously read that book. I want a report written on it posted here by next week. joking [spoiler]not really[/spoiler]

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bc2040 No.4364


i have listened to the audiobook up until the MVP (minimum viable product) part.. but what if I am copying other business? do I still need to do a MVP? cause the business I want to copy is already in the market, it is just that it is only popular at America.. which is 4chan

>written report

eehhh not like this (0v0 ) hehe

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6fe248 No.4365


i mean, almost like old Yikyak (before they crashed and burned after the new update), I mean their initial success prove that they did something right in the market..

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64959b No.4366

File: 2f7ee8180605446⋯.png (34.62 KB,474x340,237:170,8f46b00862c4a60c17c78271b4….png)


>i have listened to the audiobook up until the MVP (minimum viable product) part..

how far into the book are we talking here? MVPs are brought up early and are explained pretty thoroughly. but it has been a long time since I read it myself and other people have added a lot to the core ideas.

>but what if I am copying other business? do I still need to do a MVP?

absolutely, any idea you come up with will always *feel* like it makes perfect sense, but only because your the one that came up with it. it's a common cognitive bias to over value things close to your ego. you have to test your ideas so you can separate your feelings from reality. you want to avoid the situation where you're working months on something people were never interested in.

besides, you should be able to put together and test an MVP in literally hours. why avoid a relatively small about of time to ensure your success?

>eehhh not like this (0v0 ) hehe

just write it like you explaining the ideas to your friends. though they should just read it for themselves.

>almost like old Yikyak (before they crashed and burned after the new update)

Yik Yak was burning way before that last update, they only made those changes as a desperate attempt to save a sinking ship. they are a good case study you should research, along with the dozens of other failed social media platforms. I'd be interested if you actually have a novel solution to the myriad of problems they faced.

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cce7eb No.4367



>entering the highschool they want, university they want, what (not how) to dress, what (not how) to speak, what (not how) to think, always apologize to them

Move away from your parents.

>told me to gain experience working at any job

They're right on that. I'm speaking from personal experience; I was in a similar position.

>managerial dept. are shit at any place

You cannot possibly know that.

>any experiences that I will gain are useless

Not true.

>cause need to learn office politics bullshits and all that

I don't get that but ok, however you sure as hell are not going to learn anything about office politics from a book or something, only by working in one.


>independence isn't doing the opposite of what your parents want, it's making decisions independent of them, even if that means coming to the same conclusion.



>nothing you've said so far has made me think you're parents are bad people

I disagree.


>They do not even let me rent a room.

Do it anyway, you're 23 and not their prisoner. They don't have control over your bank account etc., do they?

>"anon, have you forgot about your family? are you so busy that your study is more important than your parents?"

Annoying. You need to establish boundaries. Tell them that you do not want that much contact with them. If they don't respect that start moving away from them anyway.

I would try to get a part-time job somewhere and run your business on the side. If it turns out to be profitable you can always quit.

And move out of your parents’ home asap. They've had more than enough time with you (and to tell you what to do), it's time to let go.

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