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File: 94d473aad7055fd⋯.jpg (20.12 KB,316x316,1:1,Mtzionhehasleft.jpg)

62d3c6 No.3760

i think about donating my million worth of bitcoins to a based a red pilled charity subsequently killing myself, this way i serve humanity better than by keeping it for myself and getting 40% - 57% stolen from it from the belgian socialist government

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4ece09 No.3762

How about some men's rights movement? Lot of men out there who were fucked by the system and need help.

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c74251 No.3771

I suggest just looking up GoFundMe cases and donate straight to individuals.

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2632c6 No.3773


OP, Beware of GoFundMe, Kickstarter and shits if you are illiterate on the subjects, there is a lot of bullshit, they sell you fundamentally impossible products.

If you are scientifically illiterate, don't invest on a

""revolutionary"" air-water harvester

If you are illiterate about computer, don't invest on """technical""" products, and so on…

Theses places are full of fucking unbelievable bullshit if you see behind the pretty colors of their videos presentation.

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2c1254 No.3777

Better yet; Live, and we can see a better future together, brother.

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815667 No.3800

Use the money to dox and destroy pedophiles.

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3bdea1 No.3804


Please explain how Belgian gov would try and steal your Canadian well earned dollars?

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18dac0 No.3811

start one yourself, OP

if you got millions then you get to choose what the charity is for

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66598b No.3814

Give it to me. I'm white and I need it.

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7783b4 No.4246

Give it to me

Im northafrican

I will stop the immigration

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25006b No.4257



We Build The Wall, Inc. has a proven record.


There is also an offline option.

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d1b0dd No.4290

File: b50d829b10f7305⋯.jpg (39.05 KB,500x500,1:1,1561856867375.jpg)

You can start by giving me $10,000 to get me out of hole from supporting my family

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44c966 No.4468


Donate to Moor Citizens and Sovereign citizens in their lawsuits against public officials. Enjoy said lulz.

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