>so you're saying that the labor shortage is a lie, but we should make it real?
Yes, so wages can have some real growth, housing can go down, to encourage companies to start training again, and so workers don't have to be so compliant. I do not care about companies having maximum profit.
Landscaping might have some problems without visa workers, but the only people that benefit from landscaping businesses are the owners themselves, visa workers subsidize them. There are plenty of goods and services that are not made anymore because it is not economically viable, should all of those be subsidized too? Door to door milk delivery in glass probably isn't profitable anymore even if the employees were all paid minimum wage. Some company, I can't remember which exactly, stopped producing high end Blu-ray players, should whatever country that company is in subsidize them so they can keep making them? The only reason landscaping might be a problem is because in the US you can be fined for not mowing your lawn which can be easily fixed by making it so you can't be fined for not having your lawn mowed.
Automation is supposed to remove tens of millions of jobs from market in a few years, self driving cars alone are supposed to remove millions. Whatever jobs are left will pay less, even programmers and engineers. Every extra person you take in now is going to make the damage done that much worse.
Higher wages would probably make automation happen faster, but it is going to happen anyway. Fast food jobs where I live pay a dollar or so above the state minimum wage, but after the 2008 crash when they were only minimum wage, self serving kiosks were being made anyways. Minimum wage could be half of what it is now and they would still automate as much as possible. Some study in the UK found officie workers were only productive 2 something hours out of their 8 hour shift. Many manufacturing positions can already be eliminated right now through improving the process, using different materials, or with automation.
As someone who cares about workers having as high of a standard of living as possible, I do not want all positions to be filled, in fact I want even more positions to be unfilled.