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cf2426 No.1213

>sell a stock for 10% profit

>goes up 200% a few months later

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cf2426 No.1214

You'd get raped by taxes anyway.

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cf2426 No.1215



both of you sound like willful failures.

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cf2426 No.1220

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>Not just investing in companies you can hold forever

Take a look at this pleb

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cf2426 No.1225


you are bona fide stupid. there is no company that has lasted 'forever'. your mantra will lead you to ruin. taking profits is necessary for advancement.


-t. drunken trader

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cf2426 No.1229

Quite the opposite for me recently. I planned to buy a few shares of The Hershey Company (HSY), and thankfully pulled off the trade a few hours after Mondelez decided against an offer on the company and the price sank over 10%. What luck!

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cf2426 No.1231

Get on my level:

>buy s&p back at 2050 in fall because warren buffet says it works

>doesn't go up for a while

>starts going down

>about 5% paper loss

>panic and sell at 2000

>it drops to 1950

>don't buy because lol it's crashing

>it goes back up to 2080 instead

>oh come on, 2100 is clearly resistance line, there will be a market crash soon

>it goes up to 2200

>fugg i missed out should have bought

>keeps dropping to 2140 because of fed fuckery

>don't buy because too scared it's gonna crash

>tfw I've been waiting on muh shemitah since july 2015

>tfw even my pleb gf makes fun of me constantly predicting the crash any day now

>tfw the index has gone up 10% in the last year, as expected

I could have just kept my original shares that I bought at 2050 but nooo gotta chase them market timing gainz


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cf2426 No.1248


If you're scared of volatility, you can go with bonds.

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cf2426 No.1249


But the return is shit. I used to hold AGG but it went up like 0.5% over several months.

It's not so much volatility, just my incompetence at timing it (and stupidity in trying).

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cf2426 No.1250


It's better than stocks in the short term.

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cf2426 No.1251


The short term returns are so low you might as well not invest at all.

You'll probably say oh the risk is lower, but I don't want low risk. I want to make money.

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cf2426 No.1252


We're not talking about the same bonds. VCIT and VCLT have both outperformed the S&P 500 this year. AGG is low yielding and holds treasury notes. I know the flaws of bonds, I'm just stating they are an alternative to those that prefer safety over long term gains. If you want to make money, you should know what to do. Buy VTI on dips and never sell.

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cf2426 No.1288


Warren Buffet disagrees.

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cf2426 No.1299

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that dude is on another level, unless you can take ownership of an entire transcontinental railroad there isn't much long-term, impervious assets you can park wealth in. even bonds today are getting risky. gold makes great sense, and $1200/oz is a great price. silver has even more upside potential looking forward, bottom of $9 in the 2008 dump, $15/oz is a pretty solid entry.

once all this QE money gets priced in we'll get serious inflation. there's no way that money is going towards things that will generate enough profit to repay the loan. we will have inflation when it gets priced in. stop chasing yield (where are you finding it, anyway?) and sit in hard assets for the next 1-3 years. we're likely due for a market correction.

pic related, hands down my favorite image/graph to explain finance and economics. fiat paper works great, if done responsibly. it clearly isn't, currently.

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