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/ara/ - 2D MILFs & Mature Women

Play with mama!

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File: 1426425853683.jpg (70.14 KB,960x540,16:9,1401032707909.jpg)


Today's mothers day in bongland, go show your mum you love her.
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Since I'm in the states, Mother's Day was on the 10th I think.

Well, I just want to say that I love my mom despite our very clashing outlook on the world. She's very wise and awesome, and I would likely be nothing without her guidance.

She raised me and my siblings very well, and is very good at taking care of all of them by herself.

I feel bad for those that possibly didn't really get the parental love and guidance that they needed, and if they had a unfortunate circumstances under their mothers. Considering how my mom treats us, I really couldn't imagine growing up in a household like that.

Hooray for good mothers.
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File: 1426476487599.jpg (97.41 KB,750x1260,25:42,milfy.jpg)

I love me mum unconditionally despite us always bantering and not really being around each other for that long die top economic pains (Thanks peso for taking the shit) still love ya and don't forget to through the Shoe at you younger son for eating the Sweet bread all morning.
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plus* Throw* your*
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Be honest, some of you love *too much* your mothers
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Hehe, there's probably some on this board that may love their moms *too much*. I'm not here to judge.

I can guarantee you that I'm not one of them though. Not to mention that my mom had no bearing in my love for milfs: that came much later in my life when I actually had to interact with milfs on an almost daily basis.

Me and my parents, especially my mom, don't see eye to eye at all on many things but she really did shape my life for the better and raised me well. So I really appreciate that about her and it's why I love her even if from her perspective it may not seem that obvious.
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File: 1434273218143.jpg (498.21 KB,1000x1497,1000:1497,aBoom.jpg)


IORI is best mum

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