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/ara/ - 2D MILFs & Mature Women

Play with mama!

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File: 144560fa2a0be4f⋯.jpg (2.34 MB,2120x3000,53:75,205.jpg)

 No.6334 [View All]

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the board post it here.

We have 205 banner spots open, so if anyone wants to make some leave them here. If anyone wants to make a custom spoiler image that would be great as well. I realize this is a porn board so there isn't much need to spoiler anything, but it would be nice to have.

Banners need to be 300 x 100 pixels. The spoiler image needs to be 128 x 128 pixels.

15 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Not even a futafag, just got notified today about the board falling into the hands of some hotpocket, and I'm mad because I like boards to have no mods and for the users themselves to decide what goes onto the board, which doesn't happen when there's mods around. You don't like something? Ignore the thread of stuff you don't like. Are there no threads on anything you like? Start one.

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File: 015269292e25935⋯.jpg (37.94 KB,240x240,1:1,1459065996917.jpg)

>New BO

What happened to the old one?

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This board is for 2D women, and futas aren't women.

If you don't like this feel free to use this thread to discuss going elsewhere.

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cuckmonkey gave away the board to some (((/pol/))) mod from his nepotistic IRC circlejerk it seems

now hes autistically spamming random doujins >>6357 like he does on /ss/ since it looks like he took that board in december too >>>/ss/7518

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anyone can just flood that with proxies

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I don't care about futa and won't vote in this poll. Add a third option that says "should hotpockets hotpocket - no" and I'll pick that. You deleted other stuff than just futa, I just want an unnmoderated board.

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What else was removed?

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>board for older ladies

>doesn't remove futa

<"well I didn't really care about it."

>on a board about older ladies, not about transvestites.

You're a crap mod, my friend. Allowing this shit to creep in (and later flood in, in an admitted prolonged spam raid) is what fucked half-/d/ and is now fucking /aco/.


>I just want an unnmoderated board.

Then fuck off to halfchan, 7chan, 420chan, bbwchan, or make your own goddamn board and refuse to moderate it and run it like a goddamn shitshow.

New BO: ignore the autism, you're doing God's work. Thank you.

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Not active in any boards but I'll be working on http://mama.likesyou.org as a little side project

Its main purpose is to become a convenient portal and a large public database of characters and stuff.

Don't get fixated on the current interface, I'm just using Futaba style as a temporary template.

Might add an anonymous text board that you guys can spam and shitpost on.


There's nothing wrong with him dumping doujins, though he could've just shared it in the doujinshi thread >>3 with a cover/preview and a link to an offsite gallery.


>You're a crap mod, my friend. Allowing this shit to creep in (and later flood in, in an admitted prolonged spam raid) is what fucked half-/d/ and is now fucking /aco/.

There was only one general futa thread that I allowed. It sounds like you're making stuff up about /ara/'s history to stir up pointless drama.

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>There was only one

I reiterate my point:

>on a board about older ladies, not about transvestites.

One is more than zero, which is the number that should be allowed according to the subject matter of the board.

If you ran a board about cars, would you allow posts about chainsaws, just because they both have engines and run on gasoline? No. Because it's outside the purview of the board.

>sounds like you're making stuff up about /ara/'s history

Nowhere in there did I say this was about /ara/'s history. I said that on other boards in the past, this is how it started.

Unless you didn't actually know that, in which case you need to brush up on your own history. There has been a slow push for acceptance of these things in imageboard culture over the past several years. 8chan is better off in that regard only because of BOs who can bring the hammer down when needed, whereas other chans have tended to allow it under the premise that it didn't bother individual moderators so none of them did anything about it despite the userbase loathing it or in the case of halfchan, mootle selling out mod positions post gamergate to the sjw crowd before he sold that lump of cancer to hiro. It's all there in black and white if you care to look.

What does this have to do with /ara/? Simple: give them an inch, they'll take a mile.

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But think about it like this: The futa thread has been here for a long ass time, and yet in that period there has never been a flood of new users clamoring at the breach to post futa. In fact we've had more trespassing from CP bots and Scat bots in past. Technically if your gonna do this you might as well remove the Gilf threads, the age progression thread, the thread about Christmas cakes and pretty much gimp yourself completely for no real good reason other than you not liking the idea of a milf character having both a dick and a vag when there are far worse things out there.

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>remove futa

<gimp yourself

See, this is what I'm talking about.

>no real good reason other than you not liking the idea of a milf character having both a dick and a vag

Except, by definition, a woman does not have a penis. Thus, a milf cannot have a penis. Period, end of discussion.

But it's this exact mentality that leads to the spread of it, because

>there are far worse things out there


>[It] has been here for a long ass time

In other words,

<well why should we be bothered scraping this one particular turd off our sandwich when no one's complained about it before and when there are so many worse turds out there.

/ara/ is a slow board. Doesn't mean we should allow people to shit all over it because

<no one's complained until now

<what does this one little thing matter



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What? I hate Futa, but I don't appreciate some random goober who seems to not understand the board culture trying to upheaval a board that has been running smoothly for years that basically moderated itself and did so well with few hiccups. In all that time there has never been an issue of any sort of encroaching of certain content, don't pretend it will start now, especially with such a slow board.


Curious to know what else has been removed, if anything.

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File: 737043990c4fbdf⋯.png (65.94 KB,300x100,3:1,20 pounds.png)

over 9000 hours in paint.net

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File: d0ddf2b01ef94af⋯.jpg (19.69 KB,300x100,3:1,1508286681391.jpg)


There is already a banner with this art.

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File: a9526fafc2c52d4⋯.jpg (15.5 KB,300x100,3:1,12.jpg)

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Source on this one?

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>If you ran a board about cars, would you allow posts about chainsaws, just because they both have engines and run on gasoline?

It is more like having one dedicated motorbike thread on a board about cars. Not the same thing and tends to attract obnoxious people who are crazy into it, but clearly more related than chainsaws.

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>a spam thread?

>a redundant thread

>2 futa threads

None of the images are loading for me in the first link, but it seems like spam. There is already a granny thread, so I don't see anything wrong with removing it. The only ones I could see an argument for is the futashit, but I don't personally think it belongs here.

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File: 4201ea528e76f9b⋯.png (40.4 KB,300x100,3:1,sdfghj.png)

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File: 9fc8ea1ed4b8699⋯.jpg (179.55 KB,800x1000,4:5,4b003129c4dd2f10874d28cab4….jpg)

Original creator of /ara/ here aka aradmin. Allow me to say this: this is why we can't have nice things.

But more to the point.

Agreed with the second admin >>6350 >>6413 and this person >>6348 >>6425

There was one active futanari thread and that's it. If you disliked it, you could have hidden it.

Not only that, but I don't even recall anyone ever complaining about futanari - we had complaints about furry art if I recall, and that was it. If the majority was so against futanari, surely I would have noticed, wouldn't you think?

Yes, older women with dicks was also one of the original topics of the board. Yes, older women with dicks are older women - just with dicks.

What is an "older woman" anyway? There are two sides to this.

To someone who is 10, an older woman would be someone aged 20. To someone who is 20, an older woman would be aged 30. It's subjective.

A more objective definition would be a woman who is 30 years old and above.

Precisely because I did not wish to alienate anyone and to cause a potential shared userbase to split is why the board never had strict rules regarding this. There were thus only two "requirements": either there was a female in the image who was under the objective definition an "older woman", or the female was implied to be older than her sexual partner, the subjective definition. For an example of the former take the typical jukujo. For an example of the latter you have the Sailor Moon doujin by Asahina Hikage or akapenguin which I believe I dumped, it was a story about some boys making love with Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus.

Why do you think we allowed (and encouraged!) cakes, onee-sans, straight shota of all things? Because it went with the general theme of the board, which was "older women", and the common fantasy that came with it, wanting to be the younger sexual partner (or wanting to see a younger sexual partner have sex with an older female one). This board is actually, if I'm not mistaken, older than /ss/ (at the time this board was made, when I checked there was no /ss/ board). In a sense this board is the proto-/ss/ board, but I digress.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way things were running. I disappeared partially because I had no reason to be around, there was nothing to moderate, essentially because the users could self-moderate themselves.

What you fail to realize is that over-moderation is exactly what killed 4chan and the culture of its boards. I'm devastated to see /ara/ turn out like this. I will forever regret not just staying around, like a benevolent dictator, to prevent things like this from happening.

Since I no longer frequent 8chan, I don't think I'll be making a new board. I have entertained the idea of having a completely new imageboard made for /ara/ subjects, but I don't have the skills. I'd need to find someone to do all that work, if I ever go that route, and I honestly doubt I'll find any volunteers.

If you wish to contact me privately my email is aradmin@protonmail.com

To the original users: Mamamod sincerely apologizes for not staying to protect you from this cancer.

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>Yes, older women with dicks are older women


>with dicks

Something isn't adding up here.

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File: 529f4cee1633e8b⋯.jpg (101.51 KB,850x638,425:319,cb0adab1fe9f605679b2086a0f….jpg)


Listen mister, I'm not here to debate fetish semantics. You don't like X thing? That's fine! But don't shit everything up for others like a little child screaming and kicking.

On a related note, I've seen more threads get shit up by anti-furries than I've seen threads shit up by actual furries. Funny how the anti-furries ended up being worse than the real furries, huh?

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File: 73e577ac38184b9⋯.jpeg (35.72 KB,500x433,500:433,8fe.jpeg)

Now let's remove the Yuri threads. We got one branch of LGBT BTFO, why not the rest?


This is you.

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Take your social activism meme cancer elsewhere, thank you.

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Do we have a board discord?



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>Do we have a board discord?

Fuck no. Discord is for fags.

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I'm glad this board won the Hunger Gays.



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>2 questions

What does "ara" mean?

What does "cake" mean?

That's really all I want to know

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File: 30f47df1b1774e1⋯.jpg (29.69 KB,300x100,3:1,ara-banner1.jpg)

File: ec7cfddc18c3f03⋯.jpg (29.45 KB,300x100,3:1,ara-banner2.jpg)

File: d7b85c69d2b9c5b⋯.jpg (27.45 KB,300x100,3:1,ara-banner3.jpg)

Here's a few banners

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The BO suddenly disappeared and the board is up for claims now. One of you guys better claim it.

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It's no longer on claims. I think the BO is back, but he hasn't said anything.

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File: ff318656ecb90ab⋯.png (344.12 KB,547x608,547:608,Special Training During Su….png)


~Ara~ is commonly referred to as the MILF mating call. Translated as "Oh my!", "Oh dear!" or "Oh dearie me..."

"Christmas Cake" is a character (not necessarily MILF) over 25 years of age (get it, because people don't want to eat the cake after the 25th) (yeah, it doesn't make sense because over 25 women are actually better, but it's because of the Japanese marriage culture etc)

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>What does "ara" mean?

Slang for milf in the west, comes from nip hentais were mature type characters usually have some verbal tick where they say "ara-ara~" while the word is Japanese the whole ara being tied to milfs is mostly a 4/8chan thing.

>What does "cake" mean?

Japs have this believe that if you're not married by the time your 25 then your considered unwanted and past her prime the word gets its name from japs having their own Christmas traditions, such as KFC, once of those is buying a cake made specifically for Christmas however after the 25th bakers and stores will sell off any they didn't sell before dirt cheap to get rid of them quick.

A cake is just a single mature woman.

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This looks like a very interesting doujinshi. Source?

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What if futa is fucking an ara? Sometimes an ara who casts a magic spell and grows a magic clit dick and then fucks another ara is really, really hot (as long as they don't grow balls too because that's gay).

futa ara should have its own designated general thread, it's easily hidden if you don't like it, just like I hid the furry shit currently on the front page without autistically demanding everything I don't like be deleted.

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Congratulations on making it into the top 50.

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File: b9d571e5c0e8d9f⋯.png (85 KB,327x300,109:100,thinking.png)

>Winner of Attention-Hungry Games

>Suddenly board gets blooded with bots

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The bots seem to misunderstand what the board is even for.

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File: 9117e4584d92cbc⋯.jpg (55.76 KB,465x1278,155:426,IMG_20180708_110059_163.jpg)

Guys, what's the source of this?

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File: b894a157147be89⋯.jpg (339.96 KB,1280x800,8:5,smug_ara.jpg)

made a thing

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I hate the multiple threads that are just doujin dumps. I'd rather have discussion than just dumping shit anyone could find after a little searching. Now, I could understand if we had threads for old ara content that is very old or even out of print.

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Porn dumps are what keep small boards like this alive. There is only so much discussion to be had about a specific fetish before it becomes a few people constantly repeating themselves.

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Any ideas for an /ara/ themed imageboard? What boards would there be?

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File: bbd701965c3a2df⋯.jpg (979.45 KB,1120x1600,7:10,1515533213884.jpg)


i think this is not necessary, because there is not enough activity to sustain an idea like yours, also this milf topic overlaps with incest and /ss/ in so many ways. i see no point due 8ch/ara works fine and smooth.

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CP spam, delete it ASAP

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File: 908559333e15b1b⋯.png (12.69 KB,300x100,3:1,banners.png)

source on pic related?


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