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/ara/ - 2D MILFs & Mature Women

Play with mama!

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 No.3793 [Last50 Posts]

Share experiences you or others have had with MILFs irl

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Can 2D exist without the 3D world?

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they usually are nasty

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But, 3D cannot possibly exist without the existence of 2D planes represented in one way or another along the three possible axes of the 3D space.

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Yes, as the existence of 2D is not dependent on any of the qualities that define 3D.

Although, 3D cannot possibly exist without the existence of 2D planes represented in one way or another along the three possible axes of the 3D space.

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>Anon Stories

A lot of these are probably role-playing

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>mfw no stories to share

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This is less of a story and more of an invitation for input. Let me give you some background:

>be 24

>look like a child--anywhere between 13 and 17 is what I'm told

>been interested in ara and ss for a long time now

>very attracted to MILFs, especially between 30 and 50

>never particularly interested in GILF

>recently started working in an Assisted Living Establishment, providing care

>beloved by everyone in the building because I'm very compassionate/sympathetic

Okay, so that covers the background. Now I'll explain the situation and welcome commentary:

>woman there that loves me--let's call her Marcia

>turned 67 last week and is almost the youngest resident in the building

>always bringing me food (even though it's against the rules)

>saying sweet things, calls me her son, saying that she wants to spoil me

>I get along with her very well and visit with her for hours each night

>begins opening up to me, telling me about her life

>especially her love-life, but not in detail (lot's of euphemisms, though)

>I just listen mostly, though she does ask me about my feelings and stuff

>talks about how great I am, and how lucky my mom is, and how I would be such a good husband

>when I tell her about a thing that I've got going on with another girl, she tells me that I'm too good for her (they know each other)

>seems to get really jealous of this other girl

>other girl has to move away, and Marcia's cool with it

>one night, Marcia wants to confide in me something

>makes me promise not to tell anyone (I figure anonymity doesn't break the promise)

>she tells me that she had a really high sex drive when she was my age

>for some reason it has come back strong in her old age

>no one to share it with because she's alone now

>she's dying for sexual stimulation

>tells me that she would masturbate, but she can't because of arthritis

>needs help with it and doesn't know what to do

>she mostly treats it as a confession, "I just had to tell somebody" kind of thing

>she never asks me, but the implication is there

>I'm not particularly attracted to her, but she isn't horrible

>definitely a real looker when she was younger, but not so much now

>ever since then, I can't get it out of my mind

>it strongly violates work ethics, of course (had a workshop on it when I was hired and everything)

>I mostly just told her that I know what she's going through because I'm nofap and am incredibly frustrated, too


I still visit her and it hasn't come up again. Oh well, this is a dead board, so I don't expect any feedback.

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That's quite the predicament. As tempting as it would be, you kind of want to avoid it due to the whole work ethics deal, the drama that would happen if anyone found out and being nofap.

>but she can't because of arthritis

Tell her to get a modern toy that doesn't require a hand crank.

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>>tells me that she would masturbate, but she can't because of arthritis

that's too old nigga

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I got the impression that she was just saying that to imply a desire for assistance, to be honest. I don't think she really has arthritis (or, if she does, it isn't bad at all).

>Tell her to get a modern toy that doesn't require a hand crank.

The thought did occur to me, but I told her to tell her doctors because her increased libido might be due to her medication. She said that she doesn't want to because she enjoys feeling horny and really missed it.

>that's too old nigga

Haven't I seen granny ara threads on this board? Regardless, I tend to agree.

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It's common for some old people in retirement centers to be open about their sexual desires and have sexual frestrations, libido doesn't go away whit age and when they start getting senile residents start doing stuff like talking about making orgies and taking off their clothes in public (normally they are medicated to control this), if you keep working attending older people this might get normal to you (if you have a more experienced cooworker which you can trust this information you should ask him/her about it)

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Arthritis is probably a ruse but may be legit.

If you're not poor, buy her a small (easily hidden) vibrator for clitoral stimulation.

Offer to watch, but explain you can't touch. Worst case, you can play it off as a crazy old woman doing shit in front of you unexpectedly, and make sure she knows you have to protect yourself if you're going to help her.

You can also provide her with nudes (faceless, no identifiable birthmarks or scars, freckles on arms, etc.) and let her use those. Your help will turn her on, and you'll get to find out if she arouses you or not.

Ethics wise, you're both adults. It's just a work conduct issue.

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>met a 46yo woman online

>she wants to practice lactation and wants someone who can help fondle/massage her breasts to get started

>agree to help but tell her I need a few days to sort out some real life stuff

>says no and drops me after I try and work out a schedule for the two of us

>realize she just wanted some guy to drop everything he's doing at any point in the day regardless of pre-made plans

>get annoyed at her attitude but still bothered that I blew my chances

such is life

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Sorry to hear that. But yeah, she really did have a horrible attitude if she's not willing to put it off for a bit longer especially when inducing lactation takes a few months of massaging. Don't you have to massage her breasts in the middle of the night too?


>thought about buying an obaa-san a vibrator

>tend to agree

If you still haven't got it out of your head after a month you might as well get it out of your system.

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I mean, you're both adults, it's not like she's taking advantage of you. If you're confidant in her ability to keep a secret, I say go for it.

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>tfw have no actual stories to contribute but desperately want to

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>2nd story

good fapfic

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>1st story

good fapfic

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I've told this story before here, it ends in a bit of a sour note.

>Be 20

>Volunteering at a gumbint-funded kindergarden

>It's run entirely by women, but most of them are rather manish in appearance and demeanor

>All but one of them , Ms. Arawood

>10/10 , caramel skin, long flowing blonde hair

>Rather quiet, and prefers to work with the youngest children

>I work with the oldest, but I also do some handywork, so there's no

>No real chance to talk to her because I was working with older kids

>One day, they're having some cowboy-themed costume party

>Ms. Arawood shows up

>shorts and a plaid shirt tied up in the middle

>Barely able to conceal boner

>As I'm the /fit/test of the guys volunteering, they asked me to go as a bandit , as I'm gonna "steal" the candy and one of the other dudes volunteering would defeat me and retrieve them

>At one point, I'm "spying" from behind a pillar

>Catch her as she's crouching

>A pink thong pops out

>boner reaches critical mass

>Approach her when the kids are having lunch

>Straight up tell her I couldn't help but notice

>Flustered, but finally able to talk to her

>Recently divorced, was quite messy

>Boner is almost impossible to hide

>She notices

>Says nothing, looks at me for a split second

>takes my hand and pulls me to a storage room

I can say pretty confidently that was the best sex I've ever had.

>We go back, acting like nothing happened

>late at night, she sends me pics of her tits

I don't have them anymore, the hard drive they were on fucking died

>Pics are sent for a while, can't fuck often because I was still living with my parents

>The word starts spreading because apparently someone saw us go into the room

>other teachers tell me to stop

>Principal calls me in to tell me to stop

>Meanwhile, everyone shits on her because how dare she have sex in school property

>All the teachers hate her now

>Her work suffers because of this, kindergarden already doing bad

>One day , a kid gets an allergic reaction while under her care

>Nothing serious, but convinces principal to fire her

>On final day, see her leaving in tears

>Doesn't answer calls or texts anymore

>Later find out ex took the kids from her after that

Last time I posted this, I asked if I should reconnect with her, and then I did. Sadly she seems to have remarried and doesn't seem to want that fucked with.

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Let it be known:

-Her fuckup was one of the least concerning ones that I saw while working there. I am 90% sure she was fired because everyone was jealous of the fact that she didn't have to wear a girdle 24/7

-The business ran as well as you would expect an all-female-staff business to run. If anything was running less than perfectly, it was not because of her.

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I just confessed to an ara ara that I've been crushing on for a while now. I'm 25 and she's 55. I would say I'm an 8/10 or 9/10 in looks and she is very good-looking for her age. I'm kind of banking on her curiosity/desire to be with a young man again and/or the fact that we have a lot in common. I'm worried, though, that she is concerned about the social stigmas and what her friends and coworkers will think of her. I told her to think on it and tell me what she thinks and haven't heard back from her in four hours. She sent a little <3 when she said she was thinking about it, though, so I hope that means she feels the same way and not that she just empathizes with my crush. Even if she does feel the same, there is no telling whether she will consent to a relationship.

Wish me luck, /ara/.

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Alittle late but best of luck to you, Anon. Still, that's a pretty worrisome stigma considering she's more than twice your age and coming close to her golden years. What's she like and how's her figure?

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Unless she's shown signs of interest in you, I wouldn't count on there being a mutual interest. Older women, in particular, have a tendency to treat friends as warmly as younger women generally treat their man. So the signs can be a bit mixed sometimes.

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The biggest thing I worry about based on your post is you don't seem assertive or confident and girls can smell that from a mile away. Unless you're looking at a rare breed they want someone who can be assertive and take charge. Telling her you think she's cute it's a good start, but through text it's kinda weak. I know it's late, but I don't think she's into you. Jump right in next time and give zero fucks just like Chad would

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Oh, I see. Envious lesbians pursuing surrogate motherhood by rearing other people's children got their revenge on life by eliminating the one conventionally attractive woman of the bunch who could actually secure dates.

Like pottery.

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I don't suppose anyone here saved the old Terminator Mom stories from before .moe went down. I've been hunting them for a while now.

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>mom's best friend has a driver's license suspension

>she's visiting and is only here because my mother drove

>but now mom has drank too much wine

>my mom obviously can't drive drunk (like her friend had done)

>mom casually asks if I'll drive her friend back home across town

>normally I wouldn't be so eager to do so

>however her friend is flirty and honestly hot despite being my mom's age

>I agree and my mom's friend and I hop into my car for a drive

>we're driving along and she's giving me directions

>she leans in towards my seat grabs my arm whenever we're about to make a turn

>as we're pulling up to her house she profusely gives thanks to my driving

>she offers to give me something for my assistance

>I decline but suddenly she changes her tone

>she places her hand on my knee and rubs it as we lock eyes

>her voice sounds low and hush when she asks if I want to come inside

>I don't take long to decide and agree to stay

>she explains she has grown children that have moved out

>since her divorce her house is empty and she can do whatever she wants

>we go inside and she offers me some coffee to drink

>I'm sitting on her couch and we're having a conversation about my mom

>she says not to mention I got invited in or my mom would take it the wrong way

>I decide to be bold and ask if she meant she'd think we were having sex

>she says yes, she supposed that that was one of the things she might think

>I cut straight to the point and ask "Are we?"

>her eyes widen and she strikes a pose with her hands around her hips

>"I would like to hope we are" she says and sits beside my seat

>I lean in for a kiss and pin her to the seat as she falls backward

>we're making out and my tongue is already in her mouth

>she gives a couple muffled moans

>suddenly she places a hand on my chest as a breathless demand

>she stands up from the couch and we both start to undress

>I'm undressing a little slow as she undoes her bra

>her drooping breasts are let loose as she looks at my crotch

>she slaps my hands away as I'm taking off my pants and starts to remove them

>my pants are literally peeled away, and she grabs my dick under my white briefs

>it doesn't take her much time before my waistband is below my testicles

>she sits across from my seat and is bobbing her head into my lap

>I take this opportunity to grab a handful of her breast while she does

>my dick is still covered with saliva when she stands up again


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>she peels away the remainder of her clothes including her panties

>I'm greeted by a sparse but black bush and signs of a jagged line above her mound

>despite being a little grossed out by the caesarean scar above her lips I made due

>my penis was at full salute as she crawled into my lap

>she grabbed the base from her stance and directed it inwards

>I was about to protest but she began with a reassurance that she couldn't get pregnant

>easing into my lap she pressed my cock in past her lips

>she slid down my length until she couldn't swallow any more into her depths

>with that she started rocking back and forth using the couch for balance

>though she was more dry than my other women, the warmth being emanated was like a furnace

>within a minute though I could feel her dryness give way to the massive amounts of pre-cum I was oozing

>just then I felt like I might cum and let her know as such

>she stopped rocking and took the time to rub her engorged clit instead

>when I thought I was in better shape I would grip her hips and start bouncing her in my lap again

>on the third intermission she had an orgasm from rubbing her clitoris

>I felt her vaginal muscles clench hard onto my dick and trigger my own orgasm

>I had no time to ask about where it should be going and could only grab her waist

>in an instant I erupted and throbbed inside her enclosing walls

>we stayed that way, pulsating and throbbing, until my balls were drained of semen

>our legs too weak to move, we laid in each other's arms

>"holy shit" she said, before saying "you should be going before your parents suspect something"

>but it had already been two hours since I dropped her from the car outside

>nonetheless I wrote down my phone number before departing before she gave me a final kiss

>my parents were already asleep by the time I arrived home smelling of sex

>I showered and slept until my mom woke me up to question me in the morning

>I told her that I drove her there and went back home

>lying, I said she probably didn't notice me come in through the back entrance

>I continued a friends-with-benefits relationship with mom's best friend

>she never guessed that I was fucking her friend, but only that her friend was seeing someone new


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These stories are a-a-a-amazing. Holy shit.

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Either get her a small vibrator or stick your fingers in there. It's perfectly legal as you're both adults. The work thing is only an issue if one of you breaks the secret, but you seem to trust each other.

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If you're still here anon, could you give us a general description of what she looks like? Does she look like the lady from your posts?

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Hope you're still there. Do you guys still fuck?

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>Every relationship I've had with women has failed horribly

>Recently having been cheated on had left me bitter and broken

>Realize mom is the idealistic woman

>She's been married happily with my dad for years

>Tell mom about my woman troubles and how pointless I am

>She breaks down crying saying she wishes she could help

>I say she's helped already and am thankful enough she's my mom

>She begins to give me kisses, quick pecks, right on the cheek

>I accidentally move and our lips connect

>Everything feels so right that I kiss her on the lips again

>We're making wet kisses now

>Then I start kissing her neck

>She falls backward and spreads open to accept her son

>Her voice is getting raspy and she pushes on my chest

>"Wait, anon" she stutters out

>I think I'm in trouble now

>But she grabs my hand and leads me to her and dad's bedroom

>She locks the door and starts to remove her pants

>Mom is standing in her panties and looking at me with her mouth open

>She reaches into my pants until she grabs hold of my dick

>She suddenly retracts her hand and says to undress

>By the time I'm nude she's crawling into bed wearing only her bra

>She brings the blanket up to her waist and pats her hand on the bed

>I Crawl into bed, and she opens a small box on the nightstand to retrieve a condom

>She opens the wrapper and grabs my dick

>"You're just like your father" she giggles

>Suddenly guilt washes over my body

>"What about dad... aren't you chea-" I stutter out

>"You came from my body, this is just about us" she replies back

>I still wasn't sure about this whole situation

>But I couldn't help but feel her logic was true as she gave me a hug

>She releases me from the hug and finishes rolling the condom onto my penis

>Given her age of late forties I wasn't even sure we needed condoms

>But I decided to let mom have her way

>After all, they were ribbed for her pleasure

>So she removes her bra and places my hand on her drooping breasts

>The same breasts I fed from as a baby

>While I'm squeezing them she lets out a coo

>She tells me to scoot down into the blanket

>The lights flick off and I feel her lean onto my body

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>Mom was on straddling my hips now, my penis touching her buttocks

>"Pull the blankets up over us and kiss me" she orders

>Entering the warm dark of the blanket our bodies meet

>Underneath it's nearly suffocating but it feels like we're melting into one

>She positions my dick in towards her waiting vagina

>I feel my dick push through her hairy crotch

>My penis made it's way back up her birth canal

>Suddenly I have memories of being in her womb again

>Mom's tears fall onto my face as we start to make love

>She moans into my mouth as her motherly lips grip around my cock

>"Anon" she starts mumbling between grunts

>My speed picks up as I thrust my hips upward

>She starts grunting with higher frequency now

>I breathe heavily while increasing my pace

>Our sweat is mingling and she smells as if she's just run a mile

>The world under the blankets is humid and scented like mom

>"Oh Gooooood" she shrieks as I feel her muscles contracting

>My dick was being milked now

>I groaned and started to ejaculate

>I felt the semen pulsate up my shaft

>"Mom!" I gasp

>Only a thin layer of latex prevented her from being filled

>We rest in each others arms panting and soaked in sweat

>After a few minutes she crawls up to the nightstand, her wet breasts drooping onto my face

>The lights flick back on

>Falling beside me on the bed she lets out a groan

>Mom pushes her long brunette hair out of her sticky face and looks at the bed we unmade

>She stands up and quickly wraps a sheet around her body, still embarrassed to be seen by her child

>She comes back from the bathroom and hands me a towel

>I pull off my condom and wipe away the cum

>She leans down grabs her clothes from the ground

>As she does her breasts droop out of the sheet

>I stare at her pointy nipples and feel my erection coming back

>The sheets are pulled back up as she stands straight again

>"I'm going to clean up" she says

>"Go open some wine and we'll talk" she adds before walking out of the room


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How'd the talk go?

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I didn't ask for this painful erection.

Living the dream, anon. None of my mom's friends were fuckable, but I always wished I could have found myself in that situation.

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Fuck this was probably years ago when I still traveled with my parents to visit relatives. This was a short experience but boy howdy.

>Be staying at granny's old house

>I'm sprawled on my bed playing PSP

>Playing Twisted Metal fuck yea

>blowing up cars and shit

>mom walks in doing laundry

>starts picking up my clothes

>she picks up a sock I splurged inside last night

>I pause my game and start sweating

>she looks at the stain confused

>Anon what did you step on last night?

>I dunno

>she smells it

>Well it smells like cotton candy

Came hard that night.

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Any way to get the original thread for the first story? Or at least the pics

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There was never a talk because anon is a liar, but it was definitely a good story

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>bored and thirsty

>try my luck

>immediately find someone

>shes 45, in really great shape, and wanting a exclusive younger guy to "keep up" with her

>kind of hit it off, and agree to meet up saturday if not sooner

>sending pics back and forth


>says she maybe up for meeting sooner depending on how things in each of our work schedules

<Am I going to make it guys? I think I will...

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>When you want to fuck your step mom.

>She's 48 but looks just shy of 40

>She's been an elementary school teacher all her life, so she has that sound of concern/coddling all the time when you need something.

Fuck just kill me.

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Pics or it didn't happen.

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>tfw in mid-40s and will never be a young man servicing a woman in her late 30s when not playing vidya she paid for

It fucking sucks that tindr wasn't around when my energy tanks were still full. I know life isn't fair, but dammit, I deserved at least one decent sex partner in my life. Tha really wasn't too much to ask, was it?

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You're in your mid fuck forties, at least act your age, you shouldn't be here acting pathetic with all these teenagers.

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I'm sure sad that you don't like me, anonymous internet kid.

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>My penis made it's way back up her birth canal

Holy fuck that sounds messed up

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<more background

<her tubes are tied and apparently hadnt had a man in nearly a decade

>met up

>kind of awkward for a bit

>mentally just say fuck it and go in

>start making out

>she immediately goes submissive and hungry for it

>grabs at my hips, trying to wrap me in her legs as we sprawl out on her couch

>in moments shes somehow peeled her pants off and and fished me out mine

>still kissing her and I can feel her hands on me

>her legs flex, pulling me closer and suddenly im hilted deep in a slick oven and she lets out a squeal

>honestly let out an odd noise, feels like my cock is about to be roasted off

>grip her hips and start going at it, she shudders and lets out a noise

>small soft cries and mewling, grabbing me tightly an shuddering as really go at it

>I can feel something Im bumping at the back and shes literally sopping wet

>pull off her shirt, no bra

>breasts are a good C and that perfect oh so soft that only Ara's tend to have

>clearly starts to lose it and starts making odd nearly delirious statements between squeaks and straight up moans

>calls me a god, that my cock is perfect, harder harder harder

>Im starting to lose it now too, mature kink and the dirty talk are getting to be too much

>"fuck me good and give me all of your cum!"

>completely let loose, feels like I blew atleast a gallon

>alittle actually leaks out

>slowed down, but didnt stop, no idea why I couldnt stop but damn it was good

Literally two hours straight of just fucking nonstop. She called me last night to praise me for how good it was and that shed have me back over as soon as she wasnt sore anymore.

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>You're in your mid fuck forties, at least act your age, you shouldn't be here acting pathetic with all these teenagers.

Except these "teens" are actually 20/30-somethings.

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Life is suffering. I wish I had a thirsty milf to "connect with" back in my middle/high school years.

But I was and am still awkward. And everyone has their close-knit social circles. This reality sucks far more than you know.

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>apparently hadnt had a man in nearly a decade

I find this hard to believe but okay.

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>>bored and thirsty

>>try my luck

Where? Tinder? POF?

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Well that was shortlived.

>ghosted me

>has now blocked my number


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don't be this guy >>>/a/911560

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I have a story, though the board is probably dead.

> I've been drawing since age 12

> at 20 i decided to enroll into a graphics course for adults (no idea what these are called in English)

Just a quick advice, there are lot of women between 30-40 in graphic courses for adults.

>we are having drawing classes

>i'm good at drawing (compared to most of my classmates anyway) so i'm a bit cocky

>one of my friend (older female around 37 average looking) points out this women

>she says "she looks very good" with a bit of jealousy in her voice

>"I guess so, she is a bit old though" (I generally prefer women who are younger than me)

>she is around 165 cm tall, with a good body, average sized tits, dyed red hair, a beautiful face, freckles and very light blue eyes (looked kinda like pic related)

>i guess she is around 34 (let's call her Anna)

>at the end of the class we go through our drawings and everyone can comment on them

>when we reach hers the teacher says "anon if you don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything"

> I stay quiet (yeah her drawing wasn't really great)

>Anna gets visibly embarrassed

>once class ends my female friend and the teacher start nagging me to apologize to Anna, but she already left

>haven't seen her for a couple of months I assumed she decided that this wasn't for her

>during this time for I fantasized about her a few times

>I walk into class at Saturday morning (I'm 21 at this point) and to my surprise Anna is there

>when she sees me she smiles at me, says hi and says she likes my new hair (I used to have long hair before that)

> I say thank you, while thinking "is she hitting on me"?

> the teacher sends me to the local art shop because she wants me to try using ink

>no idea where it is, so I try to make Anna escort me there but she doesn't bite

>when class is over I ask her to wait for me, she complies

>once we get out, I ask her if she has a bf/husband because I find her to be very attractive

>she starts giggling and says in a seductive tone "no but Anon..... I could be you mother"

>"why how old are you?" she says 42

>I wish I gonna look that good when im 42

>while we walk toward the metro, i try to be funny and entertaining, it seems to working because it seems she is enjoying herself

>after a while I grab her by the shoulders and give here a kiss on the lips

> she seems very surprised, we continue walking she grabs my ass we hold hands we kiss a few time

>once we reach the metrostation we go to different directions so I ask for her number and give her a goodbye kiss


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just post the whole thing, man

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>we continue chatting for a while

>I wanna meet her but she doesn't really have time

>after like 2-3 months we finally settle that we gonna spend the new year's eve together

>3 days before it she messages me that she wants to go to the movie

>fine by me but i'm poor

>she says she gonna pay

>I'm okay with this

>we met there, she wears a jacket, black stockings a long black dress, and long boots covered in fur

>I ask seats for the last row into the corner

>the cashier gives me a "i know what you wanna do" smile

>we chat before the film

>I found out that she is childless, she divorced, she wants to rent out her flat and move in with her mom (who lives next door), because she is sick and needs to be taken care of

>I suspect she is infertile since i find it really hard to believe that no one tried to impregnate her

>during the film we tried to know each other closer but a family with 2 children sat right next to us

>after the movie i offer to escort her home like a true gentleman

>her apartment is pretty nice, though it's a bit empty, most of her stuff is at her mom's place

>we start making out she pulls my shirt up

>I was a virgin at that point so i was a bit shy so i pulled my shirt down while making out

>she pulls it up again

>I pick her up and put her down on the kitchen table

>I climb onto her, and pin her down, she looks a bit shocked

>I grab her dress and free 1 of her breast

>she has an even more shocked expression on her face

>she lets out such a cute gasp that I didn't know women over the age 18 were capable of it

>she tries to cover her breast while i have her pinned down under me

>I just stare at her face, she is so beautiful

>after that I pick her up, sit down on a chair and put her in my lap

>we continue with our kissing exploring and talking

>after a while it's about time for me to go, so I ask if i should bring condoms at new years

>"what do you mean?"

>"condoms DUH"

>"uhhh....yeees" so i guess she is not infertile after all?

>once i take my goodbye kiss in the entrance i she says "let me know if you miss me"

> "ok, now hold on for a second"

>I grab her shoulder and turn her around

>I slap her ass as hard as I can and I ran away like an autistic children who steal from the candy shop

>I hear her let out cry, and then I hear her laughing

>when I'm on the street, I immediately send her a text message "I'm missing you"

Gonna continue tomorrow.

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>the big day comes

>i'm almost as excited as a game developer presenting his company's shitty game at E3

>I get a text saying "sorry we can't meet today"


>text her back" are you joking?"

>after a 3 hours of anxious waiting she text back "yes I was"

>though she say if i want to come I have to buy some alcohol (and maybe food I'm not sure about the food)

>I arrive late afternoon to her flat

>She looks like someone who just woke up recently

>we greet each other the expected way (making out)

>"so Anna what was this about not wanting to meet?"

>"I overslept, didn't know what to do, I wasn't ready, I also had to meet and spend time with my mom and sister, anyway Anon what do you plan on doing today?"

>"how about we chill for an hour or two here, walk around the city a bit? experience the new years eve, come back at midnight, fuck than sleep till morning?"

>she gives me a naughty smile

>so we start talking, enjoying each other company

>I learn that her mom and sister is at the next flat, she tells me they aren't really happy that she is spending her time with a guy half his age

>lol my parents don't know where I'am

>she doesn't have a bed yet, due to moving in with her mom, but plans on having one to make the place easier to rent out, but she has mattresses

>I wanna cuddle so sit on it and ask her if she wants to join

>she says seductively "OHH WHY SO?"

>"nothing particular just to try it out"

>she starts undressing


>her body still looks nice despite her age, but sadly she looks better in clothes

>I take off my shirt

>she walk towards me naked

>I make her pull of my trousers

>I try to push her head towards my dick

>"NO NO if you want something from me you have to say it"

>"well in that case... start sucking my dick you whore"

>she looks very happy to obey and I start receiving the first blowjob of my life

>I make her stop, and i pull her closer toward me

>she grabs my dick, inserts it into herself and sits on it

>she has this ecstatic expression on her face and she lets out a big sigh

>I don't wanna ruin the mood but i have to "Ummm what about the condoms?"

>she has this dumbfounded expression on her face ".....oh yes I almost forgot" she says

>I put one on, and let me say this, condoms are really gay

>we go back to it, but it's my first time and I kinda not sure what to do, I make her switch pose a few time

>she senses that I'm not exactly comfortable here "what is wrong? you don't like it with a condom?"

>"yeah it's kinda shit"

>she takes a long pause and than says" we don't have to use them"


>she looks at the floor and she looks visibly ashamed and says "I'm infertile"

>yeah yeah i kinda guessed that

>I hug her tight and a give kiss on her forehead

>we go back to it, we try missionary

>I don't want to put all my weight on her. so it's kinda uncomfortable for me, but she looks like someone who is really enjoying herself, panting moaning and gasping

>okay this leads nowhere but I want her to have a good time, I pull out and go down on her with my mouth

>she starts gasps

>I start using my fingers, she starts trembling and shaking for at least a minute

>after she comes back to her senses, she pulls me onto herself and starts kissing me all over my face

>I enjoy the affection but I say in a childish voice "STOP IT MOM"

>"ahhh....I really needed that my little one" (the exact term she used is something mothers say to their children)

>after that i constantly called her mom while she called me her little one

>we spend the next half an hour trying out things

>during one of her blowjobs she starts fingering my anus

>it actually feels really good

>but I didn't managed to find a pose which I enjoyed fucking her

>we go to sleep later, but I'm not really tired so I snuck out after she falls asleep, and start watching youtube videos on her laptop

>she wakes up in the middle of the night and I she starts demanding in a very whining childish tone that I immediately get back in bed (mattress) with her to cuddle

>so like a good little boy i do just that

>while we cuddle she says that she knew that I wanted to went to the art shop with her

>"fuck you bitch" I say, while she laughs

>I fell asleep later

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>when I woke up she is gone,but after some looking around I found a note saying to text her once i wake up

>I do that and after 10 minutes she comes over from her mom

>and because I'm a good little boy she makes me breakfast

>after some talking I decide to try out some of the furniture so I pick her up and bend her over one of the drawers

>I pull down her pantyhose and start railing her from behind

>she leans forward burring her face in her arms while I claw her back all over

>I do it until she comes than continue

>she comes again

>I pick her up put her on the table and start making out with her

>after that I pick her up again put her on the floor and point my dick toward her mouth

>she starts sucking my dick, I took her other hand and start leading toward my butt

>she gets the sign and start fingering me

>I ask her to stop with the bj than jerk off (sadly not onto her because she was clothed)

>after that we cuddle and talk, I made her laugh a lot

>It's time for me to go but before that I want to get her panty as a souvenir

>"anon fuck off, I need my panties not gonna give it to you"


>I pick her up and lay her on the floor, and start licking her pussy with my mouth

>she closes her eyes, lays back and burrows her fingers inside my hair

>I go at it for 10 minutes, I try to use a finger, but as soon as I push it in, she grabs my hand and pulls it out and says "NO NO, you have to work for your reward"

>I keep it up for another 10 minutes, at this point both m tongue and my neck is sore, so I resort to use my finger again, she comes pretty fast

>both of us is on the floor panting and busy being tired

>"So will I get your panty?" I ask

>She says no this one, this is dirty, pointing the one at the floor

>she leaves and comes back a few minutes later

>she gives me a black one with a small hearth shape opening on it around the front area

>we talk and make out a bit than I leave

Generally speaking, the first time was a bit awkward for me, but I'm a 100% sure she enjoyed herself very much. and did not regretted, that she didn't cancelled our date.

After that I kept sleeping over for 2 months (until she found renters). It was pretty nice while it lasted. She was nice to be around and she paid for everything. Overall she was very cool, she even hated Jews.

We stayed on good terms after that for half a year. But eventually she ended up marrying an older doctor, and blocked me on fb.

I haven't talked to her since but I still miss her sometimes. I think I'm extremely lucky to have an experience like that.

She also looked kinda similar to pic related, just with freckles and a prettier face.

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Thank you for sharing, anon, you lucky bastard.

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I'm using the term "MILF" loosely here, but the last story inspired me.

>Some years ago

>Start trying to find people to hang out with on a social networking site, finding myself gravitating towards older women a bit

>Find a woman in her late 40s who's already a grandmother, a bit rough around the edges lookswise, but that's alright, I still find her pretty personally

>Also a bigger lady, but I'm into that

>Happens to be one of the sweetest ladies I've ever talked with

>Over time, our conversations start to turn flirtatious

>It turns out she has a very sexual side to her

>Eventually end up shifting to emails that I have saved to this day

>By this point in time, we're basically flirting with each other outright

>She decides to send me some naughty pictures, one of her in lingerie, another of her nude, but covering herself with a teddy bear

>She eventually decides to get rid of the teddy bear

>My eyes pretty much can't get off her naked body

>She gets an eyeful of me as well

>She thinks I'm super sexy

>We continue sending each other naughty pics

>As it turns out, she wasn't far away from where I was at the time

>Try to make a meetup work, but things don't fall into place

>Fast forward a year or so, things finally end up lining up

>Get mildly lost on the way to her since I wasn't using a GPS at the time, but eventually find my way to her address

>Said address brings me to a broken-down shed, start to get nervous

>Ask her if she was actually there

>She said she was

>I apparently didn't notice the house next to it, which only had a back door

>See her standing right outside it

>Feel a sense of relief relief wash over me

>She was in a normal dress, I was in T-shirt and shorts

>We go inside her house, and make our way to her bedroom

>Her room is actually well-organized, which is a huge plus for me

>Move to her bed

>She asks if I want to watch anything

>Turn it down and just get to cuddling with each other

>Caress each other's bodies, my shirt ends up not lasting long

>Hers ends up going off as well, followed by her bra

>Move my hands all over her exposed skin, enjoying the softness that big girls have in abundance, while gazing into each other's eyes

>Her hands are exploring my body as well

>Eventually end up with me in just underwear and her in just panties

>Start grinding against each other, she's very clearly enjoying my hardness rubbing up against her

>She starts to get very worked up

>Grind against her ass

>She starts massaging my dick with her ass cheeks

>Ok, this woman knows what she's doing

>Almost end up nibbling her neck, but before I can, I prematurely ejaculate a bit

>Excuse myself and get a tissue

>Takes off my underwear, revealing my full manhood to her

>Cum inside of the tissue, watching her closely as I do so

>There was that part of me that felt like she really wanted me deep inside her at that moment, but I wasn't ready to go quite that far

>Go into the bathroom really quickly to pee out any remaining jizz backed up in me

>Come back, snuggle a bit more

>She admits to me that if I ended up nibbling her neck, she would have fucked me, no questions asked

>Put clothes back on and go our separate ways, as she had more plans to visit relatives that day

>Continue flirting for a good year and a half, even though we'd end up quite a distance from each other some time after that day

>She gets weight loss surgery, last I checked that whole process was going well for her

>Ends up finding a guy, our conversations unsurprisingly end up tapering

>End up messaging her over a year later to see how she's doing, apparently the relationship ended up working to a point where she was going to get married a few months after the conversation

>Haven't heard anything from her since

Sucks that we only got to see each other once, but I'm glad things ended up working out for her.

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>Also a bigger lady

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>Do any of you guys really love or seek out IRL milfs or are you projecting your maternalism fetishes against hebegynophiles and/or their targets?

>Remember, not all (older) women have a mother's touch and grace, even if they birthed and raised kids.

Guess I'll respond to that locked thread in this one.. For me, there is nothing in this world sexier than a female pedophile. I'm not saying all female pedos are sexy, but the sexiest thing a woman can be is a pedo. Because women who get down like that are my ultimate fetish. If she's already a 10/10 then she would be a 20/10 as a pedo.

That said, she doesn't have to be an actual mother or motherly. I just like mature women who are into 'much' younger guys (or girls).

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Had multiple encounters. One went like this

>Early 20s

>Travel to foreign country on work related stuff

>See her on the street, hesitant to approach at first, then said fuck it and approached her

>She's 40, Italian

>She was surprised I had the balls to ask her out, agrees

>She later wrote me a message saying how very nice of me to approach her

>Meet up, it goes hot and heavy from the start

>Chat about each other

>Says, we'll go to my place, and you know what we're going to do there, but I am hungry so let's eat first

>Go to pizza place, she buys and pays it

>Go to her place, nice apartment

>Eat and drink wine together, I am already fingering her under the table, she has no panties

>We fuck, at first I try a condom, it ain't working, said fuck it, going in raw

>Fuck vigorously, she later asks to chill it down a bit, she can't keep up with younger guys

>She had average sized boobs, still firm, tall and in shape, no extra fat, trimmed body hair, on the skinny side, average ass and hips but she ate like a truck

>Later chat, said I am definitely dom in bed even though seem more quiet in person, said I am very mature for my age

>Said she ended some old relationship and didn't start a new one yet officially so was free to fuck

>She enjoyed it and I gave her a tip about some business she was running that she found really helpful

>Best foreign trip so far

That was one of them. Pretty straight forward. Nothing that special about it, in the sense it was mostly the same as fucking younger girls, except she was very straight forward, had her own place and paid for the meal and had great wine. Straight forward, hassle free and fun. 10/10 would do again

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zero because not high enough in le testosterone yet

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Only experience is i got hit on by a Mexican milf at my old job and I always looked at my childhood friend's mom who was a slob and left her bras and panties all around the house. She also had a giant ass and some DD-DDD tits and tummy. She was my first milf love yet never got to go anywhere.

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Damn I wish this board wasn't dead

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Im here bro. Talk to me

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I mean after the shooting we went to jw and then jw booted itself out of a lot of boards(our included) then everyone scattered, sadly.

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I wanted to talk about milfs and shit but nah.

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