Yes, easily. Way more complicated games have been done in game maker.
If you've made games in game-maker already though, I'd suggest considering moving to something more powerful. If you want an easy but really powerful language at your disposal for something like this, try out Lua and LÖVE ( It's incredibly capable, very powerful, and incredibly fast thanks to LuaJIT.
If you decide to go that path, you can also try working with the PIL book: (the 5.0 book is free online, and is generally close enough to 5.2--which is used in LÖVE--that you can get wherever you need to).
I've heard good things about PyGame, but it's not as neat and integrated as LÖVE. PyGame is a set of python modules, so you have to have a python installation available, whereas LÖVE can build your game as a standalone executable file with the LuaJIT interpreter and LÖVE library set packaged in it, so you can distribute your game as a single file (