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File: 7c82b4f9ca2e17c⋯.jpg (359.06 KB,1280x738,640:369,wymnsrevluccion.jpg)

e95275 No.92785 [Last50 Posts]

After 1-2 two years of WYMUYNZ REVLUCION hype, let's see what happened:

>They're still piss BREAKs.

>Most of them are still bad at wrestling and promos

>God-awful booking and terrible storylines

>Little or no screen time

>Crowd shows little or no interest in the matches

>Titles passed around like a hot potato in undeserving runs and feuds no one wanted (Botcha and Charlotte)

>Most of the top wrestlers are still sleeping with or marrying other male wrestlers and WWE employees to keep their jobs like Maryse, Rosa, Michelle, & the Bellas (e.g. Naomi)

<Or use their family or famous relatives to go somewhere (Nia, Charlotte, Botcha)

>Good and even mediocre ones get buried hard by the infamous shovel

>They tried the "sex sells" shit with Emmalina, and it failed hard

>Feuds are a joke

Some revolution alright. How much longer is it gonna take for people to realize it's a joke? How do you actually improve it?

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0b4418 No.92786

File: 7f45c6c18132204⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,480x360,4:3,Chyna enters the Royal Rum….jpg)


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77d391 No.92790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is no fixing it.

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9184c8 No.92791

File: 24bbd0cd7493ce7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.39 KB,800x533,800:533,VINTAGE CHYNA.jpg)



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e73468 No.92793


A lot of that can be said about the men as well. WWE is fucking shit right now. The two biggest problems for the women in the west are a lack of veterans and a lack of major indie promotions to make them stars.

Go back 20 years and you've got these amazing male wrestlers rookies are still learning from today. The women were barely a novelty 20 years ago, there only to get their tits. This isn't true of Japanese women which is why they're so much better than the rest now, they had the experience of working with veterans when they were younger just as younger talent are learning from them now.

Almost all the big stars in WWE now got over in other promotions and are pretty much coasting by on that. WWE NXT excluded specialize in destroying people's ability to care about anything. The crowd sits there regretting their choices in life. But where do the women get the credibility to burn? The closest thing they've had to a place to make a name for themselves is TNA. That's how fucked they are on that front.

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e95275 No.92800


There are barely western women veterans who give a rat's ass about teaching them without exploiting them like Moolah and Young. A lot of the older women in the WWE weren't even there for wrestling because they just wanted to boost their shitty careers (Kelly Kelly, Sable, Michelle McCool). The ones who cared about wrestling either moved onto different things (frustration with the business, wanting a family, or just wanted to do something else) or got fucked up like Sunny.

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0b4418 No.92801

File: 287159bf29a9322⋯.jpg (266.67 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Brandi Rhodes - Bullet Boo….jpg)


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c2e852 No.92802

I doubt you can find hot fitness models to strut around in bikinis, strip each other and mud wrestle anymore.

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c724a1 No.92803

Why single out the women? The whole promotion has been a pile of shit throughout your lifetime.

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e95275 No.92805


I actually don't miss that for some reason. The problem is it's replacement…isn't much better. It's horrible to see Booley/Botcha/Dana be so incompetent in the ring, or Nia struggling to get her fat Samoan ass up as a monster heel after she flops on the floor or slams someone (Dana can't even do stable stuff without looking stupid).


WWE has been forcing the WYMNZ RVLUCCN MAGGLE shit on us for, and it just sucks. All the Angles and stories suck, and don't push any envelopes. Like you said, the whole promotion has been a pile of shit.

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c05479 No.92812


The WYMN are the crown turd in a gigantic shit mountain. They deserve to be singled out because the PROFESSIONAL BOOKERS at WWE insist on shoving them down the audience's throat constantly.

This royal rumble bullshit is a great example of something nobody fucking wants that they're making the focus of the product.

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a978ad No.92814



Are you retarded? They haven't had bookers in years. They have writers making a shitty TV show where a bunch of stuntmen do dives right before the commercial BREAK.

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e95275 No.92816


It's bad enough to see Kane, Big Slow, Boreton, and Cena bury the male talent during the Rumble. Who wants to see the Bellas, Michelle, Sable, or some asshat like Mickie, Layla, Melina, and Kelly Kelly come back to bury the new ones?

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cbed2f No.92817

File: 71e1bd56c187745⋯.gif (1002.2 KB,190x199,190:199,lookin real sanpaku.gif)


>They haven't had bookers in years.

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723465 No.92819

File: 5d14b90b2df8124⋯.gif (893.37 KB,240x181,240:181,1453259654582.gif)


>3 of the more attractive women there are gone

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f75d31 No.92821


>Who wants to see… Layla… come back to bury the new ones?

My dick does. It desperately does.

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ec8105 No.92859


It was sarcasm, dipshit.

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e95275 No.96819


>30 women total

<More than half of the rosters were fucking old wrestlers

>2 of the current roster got hurt

<1 retired thanks to a blm-supporting feminist bitch that hates her job

<The other got injured

<Replacements were worn-out Nxts who weren't sent home…and they got buried (wtf?!)

<No Ashley Masaro (cuz rape/sexual assault charges she made against the WWE), Layla, Eve Torres, Maria, Katie Burchill, and Ivory

<No Sable, Melina, Maria, Aj Lee, Rosa Mendez, and Eva Marie lol

>Old wrestlers buried all the new talent, making riott Squad and Absolution a joke (not like they were good in the first place)

<Decent ones like Jacqueline and Beth Phoenix got buried quickly, and didn't last as long as fucking Kelly Kelly (wtf?!)

<Older wrestlers like Kelly Kelly are still horrible

>One of the participants was Vicky fucking Guerrero, a wasted slot because she did nothing

>Of course, the fucking Bellas had to be there to bury careers with Nikki's douche bag fiance because they were the last 4 women in the ring with Botcha and Asuka

>Booley BTFO at #29 lol

>Botcha Banks, the racist blm bitch nonsjws hate, had to be one of the last 4 women in the ring with Asuka and the fucking Bellas, but is eliminated by the fucking Bellas

<Cena's slut fiance had to be the second-to-last woman with Asska. Can't make Cena's slut fiance look bad!

>ASSKA WINZ MAGGLE LOL through a half-assed attempt to destroy Nikki Bella's shovel

<Now let's ruin Asska's moment and this WYMNZ HTRISCAL MATCH by bringing in Rhonda fucking Roussey, some UFC bitch who giving her a fucking title match she doesn't deserve!

I didn't even cover the whole shit storm with that list because the whole thing was a disaster. They brought Alundra Blayz to talk about it, but she didn't have a fucking clue what was going on (because she didn't know or care for it out of getting money). JBL was actually pissed how she half-assed the whole thing by name dropping Nia to look good while Rosenberg the bald sjw-Jew just stood there like the soyboy cuck the filthy Jew is. Let's not forget how Stephanie ruined it with her ego and ham-fisted bullshit:

>Be an egotistical bitch who keeps screaming MAKIN HTSORY every five fucking minutes, and talks over announcers

<Shut down Corey Graves when he brings up how much of a horrible bitch Botcha is in real life and in the ring.

>Throw in a shitty, unlikable guest celebrity who didn't even do her job after the first 2 announcements. Why even have her?!

<Disrespects Chyna by finally recognizing her…after Chyna died ~2 years ago.

Fuck Stephanie. She's just as shitty and scummy as Vince.

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34325e No.96821

Wrestling is a refelection of society. America has also gone to shit with the feminism and wymyn being huge cunts themselves. This all is simply reflected in WWE.

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f8fd31 No.96822


At least it was fapworthy if you're a pervert like myself.

>No Maria

Isn't she pregnant?

>Aj Lee

lol not gonna see her unless Phil comes back.

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f18209 No.96828

File: c81c12ab2d0d27b⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,427x640,427:640,sara del rey.jpg)

The best wwe women's wrestler is retired and their pleb waifufag fanbase doesn't even know her lmao.

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d2df56 No.96829

File: dc7e24798ea1aef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.95 KB,1709x900,1709:900,afs.jpg)


I wonder who could be behind this post.

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f18209 No.96830


I wish, I would have a 6 snowflake match with her on my room.

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b1bdf0 No.96831


But didn't you like Steph's AMAZING commentary?



<look at that

<oh no look out

<shut up corey

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f18209 No.96845

File: 1a4c6305bb53d46⋯.jpg (268.79 KB,799x907,799:907,big mouth loud.jpg)

Wow, /woo/ literally hates women!

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b1bdf0 No.96846

File: 470d1a225236ab8⋯.jpg (6.34 MB,3400x3033,3400:3033,soy_open_mouth.jpg)

File: a0c61e4d064149b⋯.jpg (472.99 KB,1920x1080,16:9,numalecollage.jpg)

File: cc444d98be60b9d⋯.jpg (70.52 KB,719x712,719:712,cc444d98be60b9d6da7f145e0a….jpg)

File: ce1a7e0cfca8576⋯.jpg (134.52 KB,761x1024,761:1024,ce1a7e0cfca85769e40f75b8a8….jpg)

File: 6c76f4ec9020377⋯.png (528.59 KB,636x614,318:307,6c76f4ec9020377e297dd4f3e9….png)

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723465 No.96848

File: 9b009341418a7e0⋯.gif (1.38 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Mark.gif)



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bb0a6b No.96866


It's not working and will never work because women don't look the part that they can fight, they are physically incapable compared to men.

I was cringing as i saw Ronda Rousey, not only is she a f'n pig, but to pretend she's somewhat a tough fighter is fucking stupid.

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c6070a No.96867


>Don't treat me like a woman

>Don't treat me like a man

Ok will you make your fucking mind up love.

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e95275 No.96874




We hate half-assed shit like this WYMNZ REVLUCCION, shitty wrestlers and ass-holes who don't deserve pushes .and soyboy-sjwcuck faggots like you.

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f18209 No.96875

File: f39375c4924974d⋯.jpg (82.16 KB,600x750,4:5,becky and her soybrother.jpg)


I don't get it, what's wrong with soy?

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e95275 No.96877


Dang, seems like the alcohol is getting to Becky because holy fuck.

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f18209 No.96878

File: 1f66ad8627f2fa8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB,1080x956,270:239,becky-chan.jpg)


Leave my waifu alone!!!

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e95275 No.96879


The power of makeup.

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96e4e8 No.96880

File: 34d1a4ba8aee353⋯.gif (1.75 MB,245x225,49:45,Becky Potato.gif)


>becky nu-female mouth

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e95275 No.96883


I don't know what's worse: Rhonda is gonna be Bork 2.0 (but worse), or everything they did with the current roster has been thrown out thanks to that bitch?

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b1bdf0 No.96885


>everything they did with the current roster has been thrown out thanks to that bitch?

>everything they did

What have they done?

>botcha gets infinite pushes because muh snoopnigger

>alexa has been champion for fucking ever because they can't think of anything to do

>the biggest attempt to do anything recently was a love interest angle that got canned because half the crew was accused of rape and was still the only real story they had going

>charlotte and naomi tag teamed the title over and over, most that came of it was already heel naomi turning heel after some ppv

>both shows did the exact same "NXT callups BTFO entire roster" spot for a couple weeks until both dropped it out of nowhere

>100% of the rosters are storyline-less post-Enzo and 95% of them are jobbers

There's nothing to lose except maybe booley jobbing out now that she's relegated to main event.

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96e4e8 No.96888

File: d2488892fd734a9⋯.webm (15.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Skyscraper Sparkle Splash.webm)


>alexa has been champion for fucking ever

157 days and counting, btfo Charlotte's reign of 114, 269 day combined reign.


well until asska, but maybe alexawinslol

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96e4e8 No.96892

File: 9a7e3962f05b56e⋯.jpg (82.34 KB,871x778,871:778,Beth vs Phoenix BOTCHAMAN….jpg)

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2977e9 No.96894


I honestly have no idea why Botcha Banks is still employed.

She's boring, she sucks and her "hurr durr legit Boss" and stupid poses are cringey as fuck.

Fuck that ugly horse-faced sheboon.

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f18209 No.96898

File: 41023ce53a41ede⋯.jpg (127.78 KB,725x789,725:789,sasha mom.jpg)



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e95275 No.96906


>>the biggest attempt to do anything recently was a love interest angle that got canned because half the crew was accused of rape and was still the only real story they had going


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e95275 No.96907


>Braun trips on the ropes

<Still stop himself from falling on his ass

That's pretty impressive for a big guy.

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96e4e8 No.96908

File: d6a10516ff761fb⋯.webm (1.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Braun Kinda Cute.webm)

File: 486d1eec66f8f86⋯.webm (3.73 MB,1080x748,270:187,Becky CORPSING.webm)


you can see why big bois NEED to climb over the top rope

Braun still made it look smooth

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b1bdf0 No.96909


>he somehow doesn't know about enzo

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96e4e8 No.96912

File: 8ff55a15bbba005⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB,640x360,16:9,Alexa Bliss - @alexa_bliss….mp4)

File: 44193c6feae78fd⋯.jpg (87.65 KB,750x562,375:281,Alexa Bliss - I got this, ….jpg)


they tried to do a BREAK up of alexa and nia via enzo

enzo raped some chick (((allegedly))) and that story has been sidelined

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96e4e8 No.96913

File: fcfa8b8f581c8dc⋯.webm (8.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,Enzo Amore, Nia Jax, Alex….webm)


wait, maybe all this time alexa wasnt cockblocking nia

but saving her from getting raped???

it all makes sense now

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f18209 No.96914

File: 061cb08c3841294⋯.gif (1.99 MB,350x270,35:27,sasha vs charlotte extreme….gif)

Remember HIAC?

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77d391 No.96915

File: d7a0b132cfa84f9⋯.jpg (127.92 KB,500x569,500:569,xavier laugh.jpg)


Yeah Usos vs New Day was lit

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96e4e8 No.96918

File: bd067d1e6a1fc03⋯.webm (6.78 MB,852x480,71:40,Booley Promo HIAC RAW TAL….webm)


I remember.

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e95275 No.96929



I knew about that but when one of you said more than half of the roster was accused of rape, I was like, "wtf?"

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7b0014 No.96940


Well i also have no idea why WWE is licking that nigger's ass as well.

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b1bdf0 No.96943

File: 8a59f378326df6f⋯.gif (1.8 MB,164x200,41:50,1468445504760.gif)


>half the crew

>crew = nia & enzo

>half = enzo

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e95275 No.96949


Remember when Botcha couldn't sell an extreme match?


You know what's funnier about her and the rest of the women's roster? More than half of them couldn't be in the whole ring the entire time, as Botcha would leave to take breathers. I don't even remember Nia doing much out being a fat ass.

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df5408 No.96950

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e95275 No.96952

File: c94bcac37a3c0aa⋯.png (132.03 KB,440x281,440:281,Spoderfaggot.png)


Even perverts would think you're a faggot.

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723465 No.96953

File: c2b3e1c7f2a68a1⋯.jpg (20.63 KB,288x288,1:1,photo.jpg)


Are you 12

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c724a1 No.96955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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96e4e8 No.96960

File: 11afe4a9c9781f0⋯.webm (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Alexa TRIGGERED.webm)


<alexa b booty

<alexa b booty 2

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b1bdf0 No.97073

File: 236d8bb59f3ef9b⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,343x424,343:424,catering community.jpg)

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e95275 No.100626

That Chamber match…sucked as expected:

<Absolution got buried…again (rip Mandy and Sonya's careers)

<Booley BTFO lol

<Mickie James had to hog the attention (cuz MOVE OVER NEW STARS)

>Only 5 women in the Chamber while the men's had 7

<Because one is still injured (Alicia), and the other one is way too terrible to wrestle anymore (Dana)

<Of course BLM Banks is the second-to-last woman in the match with Bliss

>Alexa wins it anyway lol (better than BLM Banks, I guess).

>First match because people are sick of WYMNZ REVLCCIN shoved down their throats with shitty wrestlers/matches, and Vince needs to force Ramen on everyone (Vince remembered he's trying to sell us an unlikable Samoan ass-hole as Cena 2.0).

So much for building up new talent or fixing Booley, but fuck all that though because the WWE made a bigger deal out of the fuck-awful Rhonda segment in the PPV. It was so bad Dunn edited the fuck out of the boos and chants to make Rhonda look good on Monday's Ram.

>Make Rhonda look like a bad-ass

<Can't sell Steph's, as she's trying to hide her tears looking really butt-hurt

>Will still get pushed like Bork and the Bellas anyway

>Women's locker room on suicide watch


>Cool she’s here….I guess 30 women making history can just be forgotten - Nia Jax

Nia and the Bellas now know why guys hate Bork Lazer and Jewberg. I have no pity for the Bellas. So what's the next HYSTRICOAL MATCH Stephanie is gonna try to shove in our faces?

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b1bdf0 No.100629



<bitches and moans like the rest

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6778a8 No.100630

File: fba22baf0e7c6fd⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,600x850,12:17,BLISS.jpg)

File: abd1aeae5a9aa2b⋯.webm (10.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Bliss is in bliss.webm)


>fixing Booley

irreparable now. blisswinslol

I kinda thought she was gonna win as a first entry underdog type shit but i guess vince gave up on her. she was getting some chants but oh well guess its sash vs booley on the wm preshow

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e95275 No.100632

Have you guys noticed despite this WYMZ shit, none of them ever bring up Sable or Luna?


I know it's not getting better, and only an idiot expects that; it's just always fascinating how the WWE turns something bad into complete shit, and ruins it with something or someone like Female Bork putting the WYMNZ division on suicide watch (lol). I can't wait for the next hyped up "WYMNZ-RVLUCCION-HSTROICL-MOMENT" for Mania Stephanie will force on everyone.


I would have been okay if Booley won, finally telling BLM Botcha to fuck off like on Monday's Ram. That Chamber was just a wasted opportunity to fix Booley or build other women like Sonya and Mandy. I think Mandy and Sonya are doomed to be preshow jobbers.

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83dd3e No.100661

soyims will defend this shit

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4f7d5e No.100663

File: f006f27121ff31b⋯.jpg (139.87 KB,650x380,65:38,bork.jpg)


>Have you guys noticed despite this WYMZ shit, none of them ever bring up Sable or Luna?

The only thing anyone would say about Sable would be bad, so they just don't say anything. Or else they would die shortly thereafter.

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e95275 No.100679


Whatcuckture is already making Sable a victim even though they made a video on why most of the WWE hates Sable. The funny thing is they put her and JR as bully victims forgetting JR didn't like Sable.


Does Bork really have that much autistic influence in the business like Cena?

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62f8b9 No.100691


He doesn't really have much influence other than the fact that he could literally snap most humans on this planet in half with little effort.

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f2637b No.100692


It's all a work.

Even the Iconic Duo got boob jobs lately. If it were really about the wrestling, they wouldn't need to do that and WWE would never give them time off for it.

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29b340 No.100708

File: 7376965fcebc6ef⋯.jpg (117.98 KB,900x506,450:253,WWE-1478549528028.jpg)

File: 18cf2a65e8d578a⋯.jpg (819.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,WWE-1479445180598.jpg)

I want a match or feud between the 2 greatest women of their respective eras

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723465 No.100709




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e95275 No.100710


Compared to Booley and Botcha she is.

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723465 No.100711


They've at least had memorable matches in the past, Alexa "2.5 Stars" Bliss on the other hand..

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a66fca No.100713


Bliss does the best promos in the division. Also every woman's match is 2.5 stars, so she's doing pretty well.

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e95275 No.100714


>Thinking memorable always means good

<Forgot how Botcha can't sell extreme matches

Um, okay then.Let's be honest: damn near all of them are bad, and at least Bliss isn't a 0 star like Dana.

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723465 No.100715

File: c6ad1af2d1bff20⋯.jpg (13.55 KB,310x310,1:1,just stop it.jpg)


>Enunciating every word

>best promos

>forgetting Bailey has more 4 star matches than the jewess of wwe


Most main roster matches are, was referring to their NXT stuff.

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a66fca No.100735


>implying Bailey has ever been in an actual 4-star match in her life

You can't Tana-post while making statements like that. I legit refuse to bolieve two women have had anything better than a 3 star match unless you're severely lowering your standards of what 4 stars is.

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723465 No.100738

File: 2e6b4c2c1929587⋯.jpg (49.73 KB,1048x182,524:91,Stars.jpg)

File: 1bf5c2b22af6a78⋯.jpg (56.51 KB,583x714,583:714,tana euphoria.jpg)

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d2df56 No.100742


>Caring about meltzer's ratings

You just found yourself a new low.

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723465 No.100748

File: a6ad7424d655da2⋯.jpg (75.36 KB,736x1105,736:1105,naito.jpg)


<t-that doesn't count

Keep cheering the 2 star goddess, you dummy.

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c29560 No.100964

File: 9b3da3c42874ba4⋯.jpg (11.15 KB,1042x41,1042:41,kendo stick on a pole.jpg)

Don't care about Meltzer's meme star ratings but lol at this.

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a66fca No.100965


>posting Meltzer ratings

Oh hi Mark.


I don't know who this "2 star goddess" is you mention, but she's living in your head rent free Booleyfag.

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b1bdf0 No.100966


>Meltzer is a booleyfag

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c29560 No.100969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I bolieve he is, and he probably unironically thinks the wymyns revolution is actually a big thing like other smarks do. He thought Booley was going to win that kendo stick match, based off the 'Booley This is your life' segment. Heck in embed related he compared Booley getting buried to how Daniel Bryan was getting buried and thought the WWE was doing the same thing to Booley. But Bryan is 100x the wrestler Booley is and has a more likable personality than Joan Cena here.

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09ab9b No.101122

I want Bliss to squash Asuka at Mania so that Meltzer has his biggest meltdown

Then they build up Bliss V Ronda so Meltzer gets back to normal, this is torture by hope

Then Bliss squashed Ronda too & Meltzer finally offs himself to join his dad

One day after this, Bliss loses the title.

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e95275 No.101301


Wouldn't she be called Jane Cena? Speaking of Jane Cena, how the fuck does Booley get anything higher than mid-card matches? The bitch was an absolute embarrassment on Ram this week because Jobber Rose and Paige had to cut into her interview segment to save it while Dunn had to go ham on editing the crowd. Booley still can't get on the mic, and she still can't sell herself.


This isn't reddit, fucktard.

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e95275 No.102707

File: df9798a54f07b52⋯.jpg (138.95 KB,1200x675,16:9,Scumbagroyale.jpg)

File: 51716d93dfc03bb⋯.png (189.33 KB,750x479,750:479,goobyfacepalm.png)

>Build up hype for riotttttttttt Squad and Absolution

<Make them job every fucking tv and PPV match because of Charlotte sharing the shovel with Botcha.

>Now make a another, shitty WYMZ Battle Royale similar to the Andre Royale

<Instead of naming it after Chyna, the wrestler Stephanie name drops like a scummy evil bitch at the Royal Rumble, name it after fucking Moolah

<The same fucking Moolah who remorselessly exploited, abused, and trafficked women in her career like a fucking pimp, not giving a shit if the women she trafficked got abused, raped, or worse

<The same fucking Moolah who also blackmailed a lot of guys in her career

<Now have fucking Carmella give praise to Moolah on Smackdown like a nasty-ass ho


Seriously, even Twitter is like, "wtf!?," and is bitching at the WWE Twitter page (Too bad Stephanie and Vince won't listen to anyone). Did you two really think people would forget how horrible of a person Moolah?! Jesus fucking Christ, Steph and Vince.

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974235 No.102713

It's so lame, all they're doing is having the same matches as the men's do but worse so and boom, that's their 'revolution'. At the very least they could try to have some new gimmick match for the women which only they can do but I guess that requires too much creativity on their part, in that respect, bra and panty matches were more innovative than all these first ever matches the woman have been doing but the men have been doing for decades now. Heck, on a fundamental level on having consistently decent matches every week is what they should focus on but they can't do that either.

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e95275 No.102720


All of the stories involving the women are just them being catty bitches over dumb shit. They could at least do a story that ties into sexual harassment (e.g. female heel sides with the male heel who sexually harassed someone to get her spot going, or vice-versa), but nope: we gotta have dumb pointless shit that goes nowhere (Booley and Botcha "feud").

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83dd3e No.102723

File: c80307aebfc2098⋯.png (147.17 KB,676x428,169:107,vlcsnap-2018-03-14-01h25m1….png)

>womens wrestling

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e95275 No.102810

File: 1338ad13011e43f⋯.png (923.07 KB,1077x500,1077:500,predatorrapist.png)

>Get triggered by a tag team who called themselves War Machine because they reminded you of a scummy UFC fighter

<Be absolutely okay the WWE named a match after a woman who allowed her coworkers and students to get raped while trafficking them

In this Sjw Jew's defense, he hasn't said anything about the Moolah Match, but we all know he's gonna hype the fuck out of this come Wrestlemania time while he'll be okay with Carmella and others like Paige praising Moolah.


We get it: it was always a joke. It's just amazing how they keep making it worse.

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723465 No.102948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Disabling the comments

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ca1601 No.102951

File: 2130a2b5dc69690⋯.png (39.6 KB,625x312,625:312,Untitled.png)

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77d391 No.102952

File: 2c84c295fef90b0⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,372x386,186:193,shane fuckign ded.jpg)

>riotttttttttt squad and absolution trying to be bad ass heel factions

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723465 No.102953

File: ccb7773655de149⋯.jpg (44.23 KB,970x450,97:45,stephanie-mcmahon-2015.jpg)



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e95275 No.102961


I missed the video. Did anyone download it, or can someone explain what was the video about?



Oh go fuck yourself, Steph. You're okay'd this with Vince and Paul.


They've been ruined by the shovel. At it gives me hope that Carmella will get buried soon.

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b2135b No.102964

Here is how you fix the wimnez division.

bring back Big Poppa Pump. Let him do a run in during some roasties mic time. Let him talk shit, announce he is totally a tranny, wink at the crowd, and he is going to be the intergender womenz champ ala Kaufman. Organize a royal rumble have him go in first, demolish the entire female roster while being as big a dick as possible. Then since he is now the intergender champ he fights other dudes.

Can you imagine the promos when he starts clowning on Nia Jax' fat ass?

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6e39a7 No.102968


I… I… I'd fucking watch it, to be honest

It hurts that Santina Marella was more compelling than the current state of the division

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77d391 No.102969

File: c35cca49f9d7261⋯.webm (6.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,The Guy Laughing Hard in ….webm)


That would be amazing

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83dd3e No.102970

File: 817cbb7df4de21d⋯.png (36.61 KB,202x196,101:98,vlcsnap-2018-03-14-01h25m1….png)


>This video is unavailable

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723465 No.103030


You sound extremely insecure anon

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77d391 No.103031


No he doesn't

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1f5466 No.103036

File: dd9498d68c9af1a⋯.webm (15.95 MB,640x360,16:9,videoplayback.webm)


Only YouTube video I could find that had the whole video. Webm in case it gets obliterated from YT.

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5c75e1 No.103044

File: 02b775e88edc4b9⋯.gif (4.89 MB,350x263,350:263,giphy.gif)


>The fabulous moolah truly paved the way for the female superstars of today

Holy shit hahaha fucking incredible, the wymyns revelushun was built upon sex trafficking and rape, confirmed by WWE.

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5c75e1 No.103045



To add, holy fuck the sheer propaganda in this video is unbelievable. If the women there actually bolieve what they are saying rather than just being forced to say what WWE wants them to then fuck them.

With regards to how moolah 'changed the business'

>David Bixenspan of Deadspin pointed out that Moolah wrestled an "in-ring style low on athleticism and heavy on hair-pulling", and taught this style to her students. This "worsened the in-genre gender divide" and resulted in American women's wrestling becoming "much more of a sideshow" instead of the women's world title being a "legitimate headline attraction" in the era before Moolah. As such, he rejected WWE's characterization of Moolah as someone who "challenged the gender norms of a once male-dominated sport".

>Dave Meltzer described that women's wrestling "went way way down" under Moolah's "tutelage", but he also said he did not know if it was her fault. Meltzer said that although women "used to headline and they were successful", "during the period Moolah controlled women's wrestling, the popularity and product didn't evolve." However, Meltzer noted that Moolah herself "stood the test of time" to remain culturally relevant long after the Japanese female wrestlers of the 1980s (more popular at that time) had faded from relevance.

Not to mention she screwed over many other women as well.

She didn't exactly hold the women's title for 27 years, she lost it 3-4 times but quickly regained it. WWE just considers it to be one long reign for some reason. Heck for so long, people could argue she was burying everyone else and holding a monopoly over women's wrestling, which she honestly did. Plus as far as winning the title at 76 years old, I think that's more of a mockery of the womens division than a great achievement. Plus she won it against Ivory, one of the few actually decent women wrestlers back in the attitude era, when the division was seen as a joke and is mocked about till date by wymyn wrestling fans of today.



Fuck you steph, it was stupid to name it after Moolah to begin with and I know you and everyone involved were aware of her crimes yet you thought you could get away with it. Also, was the change made based off only 10,000 signatures of a petition or because the main sponser of Wrestlemania, Snickers were upset with the decision?


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5c75e1 No.103059

File: 5ff20d3fcd6e379⋯.jpg (74.45 KB,831x461,831:461,allie champ.jpg)

File: b06e8fa951facd7⋯.jpg (95.49 KB,768x472,96:59,rosemary taye.jpg)

Impact's knockouts division is much better than wwe's wimens revolution. Too bad the company is so dead.

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77d391 No.103060

File: 76ea0c2345526ff⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,529x488,529:488,allie smile.jpg)


>allie is finally champ

Feels good.

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d8d257 No.103070


What a fuggin qt.

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723465 No.103072

File: 1b958d49f63a705⋯.jpg (142.96 KB,1080x1350,4:5,26070155_274081169792184_6….jpg)



>no chin

>michael jackson tier nose


Rosemary still top girl

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77d391 No.103075

File: 7e35992fb70b16e⋯.jpg (270.4 KB,1920x1080,16:9,allie.jpg)


>no chin

That's called being feminine

>michael jackson tier nose

Not even close


She's still cute

>Rosemary still top girl

She's hot with facepaint. Not as much without it. Also ironic to nitpick noses then say Rosemary is top tier.

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e95275 No.103076


Pfft, like the McMahons were consistent with their policies. This is the same company that fired Swann for domestic abuse, but was okay that Steve Austin beat Debrah while Snuka left his girlfriend stone cold.


Of course the name change was based on money and Snickers. If Vince and Stephanie weren't losing money like they're losing ratings, they would have kept the name to spit everyone and Moolah's victims. Unlike fans who'll still be his bitches when he pushes Ramen, Rhonda, Charlotte, Cena, and the Bellas, companies aren't going to stick with someone or something tied to rape for their sake.

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723465 No.103078

File: 9ff89b7a638acae⋯.jpg (146.62 KB,939x939,1:1,23498816_126500428017283_6….jpg)

File: de1ee59737a78c8⋯.jpg (112.56 KB,480x640,3:4,courtney-rush.jpg)



there's feminine and then there's negative chin like a female ellsworth

>Implying theres anything wrong with Rosemarys nose

Noses like hers are cute

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7bb331 No.103079

ghost of moolah btfo

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7bb331 No.103080



Allie's leg game is off the charts

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2e7abd No.103255

>SJWs are horrible and ruin everything they touch.

Stop the fucking presses.

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b2135b No.103274

I want to fuck Bliss in the butt. I heard jewish girls are in to anal.

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e95275 No.103416

File: c5e0f124f2240b7⋯.png (373.18 KB,1078x186,539:93,Shovelbitches.png)

>Special about EMPRWOMENT for WYMZ

<More than half of the women on the screen fucked and sucked their way to the top, or used family connections

<No Nia despite the "STPO HAITN FAT GRILZ GAIS" angle

<No fucking Booley, Mandy, Nia, Mickie, Paige, Sonya, or even LolDana

<Still show Moolah in the promos after the shit storm over the match name, and everyone knows about the rapes and shit Moolah caused


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b1bdf0 No.103557

File: 35a194b3673a752⋯.jpg (769.96 KB,2565x3310,513:662,35a194b3673a75211f9569e6a7….jpg)

H-hey guys, looks like Smackdown had more posts this week. Who's the B show now?

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83dd3e No.103559


it was literally all me though

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b1bdf0 No.103561



wait this isn't the ram thread from this week REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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e95275 No.103606


Trick question: they're both b shows.

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83dd3e No.103773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cornetty defending moolah

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8f51ec No.104091

File: 18c455de6cd9004⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,450x299,450:299,lol womens revolution.jpg)

>muh womens revolution

>have big show in saudi arabia where women aren't allowed to compete


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e95275 No.104092



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8bb9d1 No.104097

File: 920b64759347158⋯.png (692.89 KB,580x651,580:651,Asuka.png)


I think the Women's Revolution went full anime.

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600af2 No.104108


At this point the only thing I care about with women's wrestling is watching Asuka stiff the fuck out of all the other bitches.

Her match with the BLM cunt was hilarious. I still don't know how she gets away with it. I mean I imagine she's still holding back comparative to Japan, but Jesus Christ it's hilarious to watch.

I wish they wouldn't even have her try to speak English. Just have her curse in eleven and stiff everyone. Especially the Four Horsecunts.

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8bb9d1 No.104110


I wish they wouldn't even have her try to speak English.

I feel the same with Nakamura. Just put a fucking subtitle there! Burgers already got used to it thanks to the lazy mexicans! The japs language atleast sounds funny has some charisma.

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600af2 No.104111


Well with Nakamura it's different, as he's very eloquent in Jap, although his biggest strength IS body language.

That said, with Asuka it's just that she reminds me of those crazy wild samoan types that didn't speak English and just wrecked everything.

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e95275 No.104687


<Fucking Rhoda fucking Roussey buries an entire stable to look good like Bork Lazer.


Here's your daily fuck you, Stephanie.

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18ecd8 No.104690


Ronda is a draw, absolution will get nowhere because their leader doesn't wrestle, and 2 woman stable with manager makes no fucking sense since there are no fucking women tag team titles to go for and manager can't do heel shit to help them win.

Absolution is a bust, riotttttttttt squad is getting there as well

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e95275 No.104706


These two stables need to die as soon as possible.

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e95275 No.104707

File: fa464f5c4865263⋯.jpg (195.89 KB,777x437,777:437,Abbey.jpg)

File: 9f6a5bb9fccfbb0⋯.jpg (4.13 KB,160x160,1:1,sage.jpg)

File: 7bed828eb408533⋯.jpg (50.96 KB,645x370,129:74,Christy-St-Cloud-645x370.jpg)


<No one from the shitty Mae Young Classic is really doing anything since then

<WWE never brings it up

<Two women from that fucking event, the same event Booley got involved with in the end, just got released days ago

<Now cut some other chick from the NXT Promo

WYMZ REV…oh wait, you don't remember the Mae Young Classic the WWE hyped the fuck out of like you don't remember Katie Lea Burchill or Jillian? Don't worry, Stephanie doesn't remember them either, so it's all good, fam. Who is ready for some shit shows and over-the-top piss BREAKs next Sunday?

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723465 No.104708

File: 58483858befe762⋯.jpg (2.59 MB,1920x1200,8:5,wrestlemania-34-charlotte-….jpg)

>State of this no hype match

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bf00ec No.104904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>abbey laith

RIP pretty cool theme

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579440 No.104906


>you don't remember the Mae Young Classic

Speaking of which did that fatty die of a heart attack because I haven't heard anyone speak of her since.

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e95275 No.105443

File: c1c1ba2ba7eadbf⋯.png (482.52 KB,631x744,631:744,preshowshit.png)

File: 6ca071f34c794aa⋯.png (653.97 KB,1070x484,535:242,triggered.png)

>No hype for the WYMX RUBMEL after everything died down.

<Put it as a pre-show kick-off match with the Loserweight title match and Andre Rumble.

So much for that WYMNZ RVLCCN! People were actually pissed over the Loserweight title match being a pre-show match, and not a single fuck was given for the shitty WYMZ matches (nobody wants to see Nia fight fat shaming as an entitle, Samoan cunt); and it's not like Rhonda's doing any better after she killed the WYMZ RVLCCN, Ratings haven't improved at all, and her appearances and segments just make her more of a joke every week (How are you supposed to support a "bad-ass" that can't sell a slap or beating, and looks more like a rape victim when someone touches her?). Dunn has to put in fake cheers for Rhonda while editing the bvoos to make her look good. So will Rosenberg the SjwJew shill the fuck out of the Lousy Roussey match or the shitty WYMZ RUBEL match?


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83dd3e No.105446

File: caa6773bf642c4c⋯.jpg (18.02 KB,348x321,116:107,821b8d51095151fbcf3f0dfdf3….jpg)

the absolute STATE of this thread

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97d567 No.105561


shes been in a couple of rumble zones…

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563d51 No.105562




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5aaebb No.105587


roblox is dope AF fam

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332692 No.105605

Someone explain to me what happened to womens rasslin why are all the women ugly as fuck now?

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5aaebb No.105608


cuz nerds are more prone to beta orbit uglier women

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332692 No.105612


They're all horse faced, man faced, fat or plain. I havent checked in on wrestling for a good few years but last I did TNA had some hotties at least and WWE wasn't this bad for women. Can they atleast wrestle?

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5aaebb No.105613


>Can they atleast wrestle?

lmao no

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332692 No.105615


Is it some sort of feminist power play, We cant wrestle we're ugly as fuck and we get paid the same as the men?

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5aaebb No.105616


its pretty fucked up but 'men' are also most of their fanbase

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332692 No.105617


Male feminists are just womens greatest allies silly anon :^).

pls have sex with me……

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5aaebb No.105621


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e95275 No.105625


They tried to take it seriously when people got sick of the Bellas, and there were women like Asska who make some effort to wrestle and look good.


Honestly, no. Asska might be the closest thing to a decent wrestler.


It's still the same bullshit: fuck someone in the business like the Bellas (Naomi, Emma for a while, Carmella), have family in the business (Natalya, Charlotte, Nia), or connections (Botcha).

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f2637b No.106149



She is cute, but she also literally has fetal alcohol syndrome, so it's weird.

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454305 No.106363

File: fcbf80875e857ae⋯.png (770.05 KB,901x491,901:491,compare.png)


>The resulting takedown of Gawker was gratifying to many conservatives. Yet Hogan’s reputation was so tarnished the WWE wiped Hogan’s entire history off its website—because he had used the N-word in a private conversation during the most intimate of situations.


>As part of this, the WWE is making whatever changes its Muslim hosts require. At a recent event in the United Arab Emirates, female wrestlers competed fully clothed rather than in the usual revealing outfits.

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e95275 No.106467



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e95275 No.109986

What a fucking shit storm tonight was:

>Have Carmelle do pre-match shit with Renee, Booker, Otunga, and the Sjwjew

<Now do nothing with her for the rest of the fucking night after teasing her opportunity

>Get Beth Phoenix and Paige as a guest commentator

<Don't let Beth talk at all

<Paige gives no fucks anymore, and came on stoned/drunk as fuck

>Becky comes in with her theme

<26 other women don't

<Booley has here theme, but BLM Botcha Banks's theme gets cut due to bad commercial timing (way to go Dunn)

<Carmella and Dana BTFO with Jobsolution LOL

<Now have the Nxt women BTFO with Job Squad

>BLM Banks and Booley are left

>BLM Banks gets BTFO by Booley with a heel move

<Ruin Booley's moment by having a fucking nigger who fucked and married a Samon hog the Rumble match. We can't let the Bellas or anyone who fucked and married a top wrestler look bad, guys!

They had one opportunity to do something with the Botcha-Booley feud, and they had to ruin it with Naomi getting a win she doesn't deserve. Everything about this match was a disaster from bad commercial timing to Beth getting screwed over with commentating. Paige looked like complete shit, and has that look of wanting to leave Sjwwe. The other matches weren 't any better.

>Charlotte destroys Asska's streak cuz Nepotism

<Ruin the end of the match with Cena hogging the spotlight to seek the Undertaker. So much for the WYMZ RVLCCN

>Lousy Roussey sucked as usual

>Alexa enters the rng

<Brings in Mickie James for no fucking reason. Gotta give Mickie more time than the other women

>Nia comes in

<With a disgusting see-through outfit that was vomit-inducing

>Nia finally beats Alexa despite only doing three moves through the whole thing

<Shove Sjw and Be a Star shit down everyone's throats after seeing a terrible match

<Pretend Carmella never came on to talk about her MiTB no one gives a shit about.

WYMZ REV…eh, fuck this shit.

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5967f4 No.109989


Nigga you really need to calm down and stop giving a shit about this.

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5aaebb No.109990


fucking WORKED

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e95275 No.109994



I get it: no one gives two fucks about piss BREAKs. It's more like they make something shitty, and somehow they make it shittier. I just didn't expect…this.

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e95275 No.109997


I also just don't understand how you are in charge of PPVs for years, and do amateur stuff like screwing up intros and commercial timings. The Andre Rumble wasn't much better. The whole PPV was a shit show for other reasons.

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aac18d No.110093

File: a1ab24f518caf80⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,1200x675,16:9,BLI-206_RAW_06052017rf_428….jpg)

Pretty girls like Bliss should never lose to fatties like Nia

I'm sad because the SJWs are very happy :/

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723465 No.110104

File: 2598b8df1fa2cd7⋯.jpg (226.99 KB,2048x2048,1:1,DaRomHgX4AAb665.jpg large.jpg)


Jew tears are the best

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a5ea0c No.110105

File: fae5c80d9001dd7⋯.jpg (59.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,DELETE THIS.jpg)


Fucking disgusting landwhale

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6778a8 No.110107

File: 18b6c7127251f57⋯.jpg (965.53 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Alexa Bliss - #Wrestlemani….jpg)

File: 6052511b008053d⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Alexa Bliss - #Wrestlemani….jpg)

File: 125afbca034b52d⋯.webm (9.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Brooklyn Fanboy.webm)


She'll pull a classic Bliss and cum out and destroy Nia Via promo on Ram then rematch clause next week and win it back with a DDT.

It will give Nia time to boast about fat acceptance and shit like that on some media talk show then give it back to the Dimeddess.

That or Ronda comes out

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723465 No.110111

File: 4450a46b36f056e⋯.jpg (468.57 KB,1920x1920,1:1,DaNJGsFWsAAbTjk.jpg large.jpg)


Butthurt !

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a5ea0c No.110114


Im not butthurt over some fat bitch. Heck she may never experience butthurt since her ass is so fat, it would absorb any pain.

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6778a8 No.110116

File: 87dd175ffccbfc1⋯.webm (15.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nia Fuckign Dies Via Bull….webm)

>>110111 (Shrecked)

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b38a5a No.110154


>overcame anorexia and through hard work and proper nutrition she became a healthy weight with a great body


>morbidly obese slob who literally cannot stop eating entire boxes of donuts, arteries probably clogged, and may have a heart attack any second

How is Alexa the heel again? She just wants Nia to be healthy.

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5aaebb No.110156

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98157a No.110264

Could you bully the WWE into including a tranny in the women's division?

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12dcfe No.110910

Nobody is buying this shit. Loved how the start of this past Monday Night RAW audience was so fed up with this sjw bullshit being SHOVELED down our throats that during the Steph shitshow, at the start of the show while audience is fresh they began chanting "THIS IS BULLSHIT'''

Long live muh WYMNS empowderment

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c7faa2 No.110917



I actually don't mind big fatass women, but that fugging face is unfixable at any weight


The thing is though I don't think fat acceptance will ever go over with normies. Pretending there's nothing wrong with being a huge tub is arguably less objectionable than having to accept niggershines, but it's just so ridiculous, not even the most powerful jew tricks could make the average person take it seriously.

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12dcfe No.110919


But do you think Vince is going to stop after his witttle angel demonic got boo'd, told literally to "shut the fuck up" (FCC violation…), his show called "this is bullshit", and 40 confirmed deaths from brain aneurysms following NIA's seethrough whale bikini?

Or will he double down? Will we have the "overweight" title? pie-eating contents?

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a5ea0c No.110924

File: ccf0f92796fb4bc⋯.jpg (155.7 KB,630x862,315:431,nia cupcake.jpg)

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723465 No.110925

File: 71456fcaaa46aac⋯.jpg (121.63 KB,1200x675,16:9,026_RAW_04092018mm_0938--c….jpg)

>All this Nia hate

Blissfag salt is delicious

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6778a8 No.110926

File: d0b9e7c944f212e⋯.webm (14.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,DOMINATE NIA.webm)

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12dcfe No.110927



It doesn't matter who is being crushed by the landwhale for "MUH SIGNALS" – it's the forced SJW bullshit which really grinds my (and others') gears.

But hmm… the solution to grinding gears is lubrication… FAT is a classic source of lubricating oils….. there's only one righteous path forward for NIA.

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53fb6d No.110958

File: be0efab4c9aee0d⋯.gif (1.6 MB,586x420,293:210,cean laughs.gif)

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5763a2 No.111411

File: a038fe7952f4e5f⋯.jpg (540.49 KB,2048x2048,1:1,BLI-0 5c27a31790bdf0e9597.jpg)


Only reason Nia got cheered is because of Alexa's amazing work as a heel. Keep them apart for a while and watch the fatty title run collapse

Also Alexa did more to put over her BFF Ember in 1 night than Assuka did in her entire NXT run. Truly a good friend unlike selfish Charlotte who always buried poor Becky

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e95275 No.111412




The whole ppv was a giant fuck you from Vince, and it's not getting any better. Vinny will destroy his own company before he listens to the fans (listening to them cuz Snickers must have been horrible for him) . I hope you more of the [LOUD BOOING] and whatever Stephanie is going force down your throats. I think they just gave up on the Booley Botcha feud because that shit is going nowhere.


More or less this because you can be fat and athletic. The problem is Nia is very unhealthy, and she isn't good in the ring (fat ass takes forever to get up, can get people hurt, and has less than 5 moves of doom). She was okay as a heel, but everything about Nia is just Samooan sjw shit now.

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e1b619 No.111415

I think they just ordered too much Roman merch in advance and have to push his pathetic ass for 5 years just to sell it all. Meanwhile Stephenie turned Jeff and Finn into fag lovers and HHH is slowly becoming the king of soyboys

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e95275 No.111423


Welcome to Sjwwe. Enjoy your stay.

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335b15 No.111650



bruh they were chanting bullshit because they thought what stephanie was saying was bullshit then everyone cheered when ronda beat her up again. I have no idea how you didn't get that.

t. in the crowd that night

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e95275 No.111703


Unfortunately it's this. Welcome to the Lousy Roussey era.

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9ae942 No.112215


Maria is like 8 months prego now

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308257 No.112216


She gave birth over two weeks ago

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308257 No.112461

File: 84e6edc00942141⋯.jpg (163.81 KB,1332x548,333:137,thot lips.jpg)

THOTs need to begone

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5aaebb No.112464

File: 6736316d4591ae2⋯.gif (2.02 MB,500x281,500:281,687c719949222f8fcf8b42b726….gif)


these 2 aussies will save us from wimenz rivilutilshun

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457c09 No.112467


Carmela is pure, DELETE this.

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723465 No.112468

File: 76b4897ecdc8df7⋯.jpg (72.57 KB,1200x1200,1:1,019_MANDY_04062018ca_0025-….jpg)

File: b93197bfae41dac⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,1200x1200,1:1,013_CARMELLA_04062018ca_00….jpg)


>le thot maymay

Mandy and Caramel are pure, only whore there is PAIGEHERE.

Nobody here cares about Danalol.

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e95275 No.112490

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723465 No.112498

File: 2ff99e5c3462d5d⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,091_SD_04172018cm_1347--9e….jpg)


They will give us more autism

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102861 No.112502


>Mandy and Caramel are pure

<Big Cass' sloppy seconds

<Mandy looks like an archetypal Stacy

I don't know what's your definition of 'pure' but it's definitely twisted beyond the truth just to suit yourself.

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e95275 No.112537


Mandy's not even that hot.

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e95275 No.112538

File: 7abb2502b38196e⋯.png (734.81 KB,850x489,850:489,lousy.png)


<Gets Btfo by Lousy Roussey, who can't even sell the beat down

<Give Natalya more attention than the other women, but make her look weak for Lousy


So does Lousy just make one-time appearances on Raw like Bork, and does jack shit hoping sjws and numale soycucks will buy into her shit forever?

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e95275 No.112539


Ema 2.0 incoming.

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c03257 No.112541


I think so far Ronda has appeared on every RAW show since her contract signing. Better than Lesnar in that respect.

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e1b619 No.112542

Only a matter of time till she becomes full part timer. Seriously the ratings didn’t spike at all and her match like every match involving hhh was nothing special. She’s not even on the roster it’s done just give her the belt and take it off her fast so she can fuck off

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723465 No.112543

File: e86e10737c0c788⋯.jpg (203.11 KB,900x1200,3:4,CwhWGBXW8AA_FoY.jpg)

File: 483bfdd9fc43806⋯.jpg (168.89 KB,1200x1200,1:1,166_RAW_04162018cm_3922--1….jpg)


>Implying Big Soy Cass was man enough for her

He couldn't even handle her feet

>Looks like


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e1b619 No.112544

Fake fucking fat silicon lips one botch to the mouth and bam first color in a woman’s match since maula deflowered her trainees back in the 60s

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5aaebb No.112546

File: 9acd8861308991b⋯.jpg (179.8 KB,429x602,429:602,20180420_154952.jpg)


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d2df56 No.112548


Why would she even post something like this? This is fucking horrid.

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2a5fc6 No.112550


>when you're going for that 45 year old mtf look

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3e1309 No.112567


holy duckface

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0d0147 No.112572

WWE has updated their website

Top women are



SD - ASUKA & Charles

Fatty Nia will drop it soon, Cumella will be destroyed by Asuka during upcoming Japan tour.

Next champions




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e95275 No.112582





I almost feel bad for Big Cass (note. Almost).


This is the same whore who proudly called herself the next Moolah, and wasn't smart enough to DELETE the tweets praising Moolah like everybody else. This shouldn't surprise you.



My favorite Sonya moment is when she's praised as a POWFEFUL LESBEEN only to get her ass kicked by a straight w-oh.

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308257 No.112583

File: 11884bcad1051e1⋯.jpg (52.45 KB,552x555,184:185,images(3).jpg)


Cass and Carmella BROKE up a while ago. He got to enjoy her in her prime before she went full ho.

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efbf2b No.112590

I bought a pair of Nikki Bella's panties on eBay

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723465 No.112591


Pics or it didn't happen

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efbf2b No.112593

File: a3faf33d4b2802a⋯.png (32.63 KB,734x246,367:123,Screenshot (19).png)


I just ordered today; it is supposed to arrive on Friday

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e95275 No.112596



I hope you got scammed hard by this.

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efbf2b No.112601


It has a COA and I am richfag so I am fine with it. I tried to pay less but the seller wouldn't budge - ain't like anyone else is selling this

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723465 No.112602

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,1439694016297.gif)

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b1bdf0 No.112653


You'd spend your money much better by just giving it to me.

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12dcfe No.113868


Should have gotten delivery by now: Was it as foul-smelling as you had hoped?

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399ee8 No.114115

File: d6dbd07ee0c15b2⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,4032x1960,72:35,20180429_212056.jpg)

File: bfd9b4ef02d450a⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,1960x4032,35:72,20180429_212204.jpg)


No, unfortunately it smells pretty fresh (it hasn't been worn in 6 years), but it's beautiful.

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97e1c4 No.114138

you know the incels were absolutely devestated their favorite 5/10 wasnt performing saudi arabia. nia alone would have decimated their food supply. suprised they even let hhh there since he alone used 79% of their water for his intro.

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4b5843 No.114140

>Throw Job Squad on Ram

<They get buried by Lousy Roussey and Natalya

>Now have who ever got moved to Smackdown get buried by Naomi and Charlotte

>Make Ram's Main Event a shitty 5+ women's tag match

<Because none of the women are allowed to be in Saudi Arabia for the shitty PPV

<Have it end in a shitty DQ with Lousy Rossey hogging the spotlight, making the whole thing pointless

<Tease Botcha and Booley doing something with their feud again.

RIP Ilconics's careers. Emma says hi. At least Botcha flipped out on Twitter over the weekend (I miss the Tweets before she DELETED them).

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1be4e7 No.114146


where the tributes at

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f65c2a No.114168


Enjoy covering it in cum.

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cc606f No.114676


I want to put that underwear up my peehole and out my ass

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7e29d7 No.114745

so billie is the most attractive one in all of wwe?


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c8a580 No.114893

File: c1a6e910af50066⋯.gif (1.35 MB,200x150,4:3,1415563157500.gif)



>most attractive

>literally in a stable with a way more attractive woman

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4b5843 No.114921


I've seen better.

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4b5843 No.114926

I asked this in the Backlash thread, but I guess I'm the only one who is starting to see Charlotte as the female Cena, huh? Lately her matches had her get her ass beat by the heel, and all of a sudden she comes back to beat them with 3-5 moves of doom.

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236890 No.115218

File: 9f213459f6815d7⋯.jpg (111.51 KB,617x1200,617:1200,Billie Live Event.jpg)


Peyton has more forehead than sasha

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4b5843 No.115236

File: 4225b960e0eb039⋯.png (69.47 KB,678x706,339:353,lousyrousey.png)


>From her end, Rousey has already begun moving past her two UFC defeats against Nunes and Holly Holm, stating she is “happy” she lost those fights.

I'd be happy too if I got a job that made me do little or nothing for shit loads of money, and lets my douche bag husband act like a creepy douche bag at events while I bury my coworkers' careers. Good to know old vets still hate Lousy Rousey, and remember how she sucks in the ring.

>Are you gonna split up

<No you Lousy Rhonda Rousey

<Implied she is just as bad or worse than Lousy Rousey

I laughed even if it was intentional.

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