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6d098e No.143663

Is there any wrestler half a slut like Paige? With all the shit Chyna gets. She did porn for money. Paige Films her self doing sex that legitimately grossed out women who worked on pornhub. Paige leaked sex tapes made Jennifer Lawrence look like a pure maiden.

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f081a7 No.143664

File: 0a6a98b99eedbab⋯.png (143.12 KB,214x317,214:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dead16fcdf945bd⋯.png (569.52 KB,450x621,50:69,ClipboardImage.png)

Before Paige, the biggest slut in wrestling would have been Sunny and even before her, Missy Hyatt probably still could be considered the biggest Hoe in wrestling history. None of them filmed any of their sexcappades unlike Paige though, well Sunny did do a porno a few years ago but its better to not talk about that…

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6d098e No.143672


>Sunny and even before her, Missy Hyatt

I bet both sunny and missy would get grossed out by Paige. It’s heard to shock people who drink cum for a living. Paige done that when her sex tapes got leaked on pornhub.

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f081a7 No.143673

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Sunny is a big slut but even she has gone on record to say that she doesn't fuck niggers, so I suppose even she would be disgusted with paige on that. Here's Missy Hyatt's take on it.

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6d098e No.143674


>Sunny is a big slut but even she has gone on record to say that she doesn't fuck niggers

Not only she fucked a nigger. She fucked Xavier Woods. The most beta nigga on WWE. If you gonna go Blacked. At least have standards. That makes it worse. For other blacks to turn Paige in wwe. It shows they are afraid of STDs. It takes a lot for niggers to turn down a white woman.

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f081a7 No.143675


Wait, you're the same guy I'm having the same conversation on /tv/





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6d098e No.143676


Maybe. You can’t talk about Paige without being shocked on how much of a low class slut she is.

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6d098e No.143677


Not him. But I remember Blacked sub reddit being grossed out by paige back in the day.

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f081a7 No.143678

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Paige sucked dick but also ducked as a wrestler

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f081a7 No.143679

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978456 No.143684

All ring rats are sluts. Paige is only different because she's the first to have her sex tapes leaked even though they're all filming them.

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6d098e No.143686

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If Jennifer Lawrence became a pro wrestler. How would her slut levels rank among the divas and Paige. Jennifer Lawrence the only girl from the Fapening that literally gargled cum.

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978456 No.143688


She's been passed around producers but she isn't in the locker room just to do jobs.

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7dfd32 No.144304


What I don't really understand is the motive. It doesn't really seem like Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods, at the time when Paige was already NXT Women's Champion, would've been in a position to elevate her career.

Even if she wanted to fuck these guys, why would she have wanted it on tape? I just don't understand it. Who benefits?

I wonder if maybe they already "had something" on her (like a sex tape taken without her consent of her with someone more notable, like say John Cena) and then blackmailed her into making a sex tape with them too or they would release the other tape.

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43478e No.144333


pretty sure she was dating Brad Maddox at the time, no? the whole threeway with Xavier Woods afaik happened near the end or something.

i don't think she was necessarily doing nasty shit to get ahead in the biz, I think she was just being the typical basic white bitch and slutting it up in her prime years

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fbfea1 No.144334

Ricochet has a video floating around now of him jerking off while fingering his asshole. that count?

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7dfd32 No.144698


slutting it up is one thing but this is like a level beyond… I mean if you're going to slut it up, then land some prime masculine speciman like Wade Barrett.

Brad Maddox must've gotten into her head with some kind of 'hate your own race' prop so he could fap to her cucking with niggers, which is why she's so damaged she has to go to ADR and he accepts her as his token damaged white woman.

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8a5581 No.146286


Paige hit the wall at top speed then did shitty makeup and dumped del rio like a dumb hoe.

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8a5581 No.146287

Links or pics?

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3e68f9 No.146367

File: fb2c3bcb3e83f2e⋯.gif (5.26 MB,321x250,321:250,wow.gif)

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d71279 No.146387

File: 39771b59d44ec71⋯.jpg (778.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Gangsta.jpg)



Paige used to be hot but that Pikey blood means she was always destined to be a cum rag. See her mum for reference.

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8083bd No.146618


>Those lip injections

>Those facelifts

Holy fuck she looks like a Ghoul from Fallout 3. too much plastic surgery its just obvious years later. Niggers are bad do not get me wrong, but she is not a good role model for looking like trash and setting bad examples.


>slutting it up is one thing but this is like a level beyond… I mean if you're going to slut it up, then land some prime masculine speciman like Wade Barrett.

You do not understand females anon. These are thots that bolieve in slutting it up, not getting caught, in their younger years, and then making the "nice guy" wait until she is ready to settle down in her 30's and hit the wall. Nobody tells females about the Sexual Marketplace or even about MGTOW when it comes to relationships. Females tend to think they stay the same or become better but at age 24 they begin to start going downward and at 30 they hit the wall and at age 35 their chances of having children drastically go down. Ironically Men move up as they get older, at 35-36 is when they hit their prime earning years and then by 50-55 is when they start to slow down.

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