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File: c7a9a88159ffff4⋯.jpg (28.27 KB,696x392,87:49,rusev-2-696x392.jpg)

2578b2 No.114035

Why can't we have an AJ vs Rusev feud for the title? Nakamura is a boring cunt.

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ee758f No.114048

Heel Nakamura in the past 3 weeks has been more interesting than his entire 2 year run in NXT and SD as a babyface.

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1e3f83 No.114099

File: 9d6e0401a973435⋯.webm (1.6 MB,640x360,16:9,nic.webm)




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8c0c0e No.114104


>Heel Nakamura in the past 3 weeks has been more interesting than his entire 2 year run in NXT and SD as a babyface.

Agree wholeheartedly. The "no speaka engrish" spot was fucking gold.

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d63b22 No.114127

File: 5a03ecaac99feb6⋯.jpg (37.83 KB,800x449,800:449,triple h.jpg)

File: 2631a844406f375⋯.jpg (356.83 KB,620x400,31:20,vader.jpg)

File: 4dd10f22cb040d5⋯.jpg (59.38 KB,738x415,738:415,taker.jpg)

File: 5513e03422776fa⋯.jpg (18.42 KB,313x271,313:271,rock.jpg)

File: 2208d43630cfd69⋯.jpg (285.53 KB,642x361,642:361,edge.jpg)

>ITT: awesome feuds

Pretty much everyone Foley feuded with came out better for it.

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dc7cf0 No.114129

File: dc4254ec10eff16⋯.jpg (134.89 KB,1200x1200,1:1,PEE ONE.jpg)

File: 6097b5f7c0e126e⋯.png (19.26 KB,450x600,3:4,Vs_logo.png)

File: bbe556c816bf2b4⋯.jpg (101.92 KB,630x472,315:236,gaycom.jpg)

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1e3f83 No.114132

feuds i want in 2018

>strowman vs elias

>strowman vs lashley

>lashely vs elias

>nick aldas vs cody rhodes


also this

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71b657 No.114159

File: f7777a9eaac9d19⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,635x736,635:736,aj spots a killer of gays.jpg)

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