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File: 613fd5bf4915955⋯.gif (4.92 MB,400x225,16:9,ruru.gif)

fbb984 No.113322

why is he getting buried, figuratively and now literally? is Vince really that salty he asked to be released?

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921c1d No.113337

Rusev is awesome, even with that typical foreigner gimmick WWE just can't fucking let go.

Vince is a control freak and gets very very pissed when someone disobeys his divine orders.

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c7acad No.113356


>asked to be released







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2d8628 No.113848

rusev is more over than ever what the fuck are you even talking about?

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34a114 No.113850

>lasted longer than cena against taker

>expecting rusev to go over taker in a fucking casket match in front of a bunch of saudi marks


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304c68 No.113861

Hot take: Rusev isn't over, the Rusev Day chant is.

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bc0294 No.113869


>Rusev Day t-shirts are still selling like hotcakes

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17e6a5 No.113871


He jobbed to taker though.

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2d8628 No.113874

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17e6a5 No.113875


Yes cause jobbing to old man taker helped Bray.

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2d8628 No.113876


bray aka woken bray? new tag champ?

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17e6a5 No.113878


Nigger this was three years after being a jobber for 2 1/2 for them. Bray was legit antiheat right before he got thrown into the lake.

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e04be8 No.113880

What a fucking retarded ass thread on numerous levels.

Rusev is doing just fine, pull your head out of your ass, mark.

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2d8628 No.113881


i know, but roman was worse in that time frame. especially when hhh involved himself.

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304c68 No.113894


t. Mark Calaway

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0b740c No.113899

File: 99f0bcad3d0114d⋯.png (3.39 MB,1242x2208,9:16,lana1.png)

File: 3bdef49133ee213⋯.gif (296.65 KB,192x240,4:5,lana2.gif)

just cuck my shit up

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1f4be2 No.113901


I don't think you understand what the word cuck means.

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8d6ee4 No.114072


At this point I don't think there is any real meaning in the word anymore

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637214 No.114077

File: d74acbebe68328c⋯.webm (2.91 MB,640x360,16:9,ronda.webm)

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f93d2f No.114078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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