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/wmafsex/ - White Male Asian Female sex

Celebrating, encouraging, promoting and supporting interracial sex between white men and asian girls

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 No.1339 [View All]

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>I never thought of it like that

Not sure if I believe you.

>Do Asian girls really like us that much, you think?

Do asian girls like white men? Oh gee I don't know, we will have to do some studies.

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I meant I never thoguht of it in those terms "asian" and "white". But I was different back then.

I'm just asking, I guess you guys live in the US?

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Apologies in advance for being a blogposting faggot, but I've been curious about having sex with an Asian girl at least once in my life. I could just go travel, but I am a student so my financial situation doesn't allow it until I get my Master's degree and get an actual job.

I have seen a curious shift of Asian tourist demographics in the past few months, usually only older couples or groups of older people would visit this country, but recently another group has joined in, namely groups of young Japanese women. It boggled my mind as to why this happened until I one day opened a newspaper and found out that the cause for this is something I never considered - sportsball. Namely, a sportsball player from my country is so popular in Japan that not only did his biography get translated to Japanese before it was translated to all of the 5 main European languages, but he's also become a sex symbol there (despite not even being good-looking).

Now, despite not really being into casual sex, I'll go ahead and try to attract one of those tourists, if nothing else but to at least get it out of my system. I do have some basic idea as to how to attract them, but I'll appreciate any kind of advice since I have no experience with approaching any foreign girl, let alone one from the other side of the word.

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No excuse. If you are white and have a bachelor degree you can be in an Asian country right now getting paid and laid teaching English.

They even pay your flight.

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I have already strongly considered and looked into that a few years ago, but the problem is that I'm not a native English speaker nor do I hold citizenship of an English-speaking country. I have applied to it nonetheless, but was rejected on the basis that English isn't my native language.

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Try SEA. In Vietnam many non-native people are here as long as you are white! Even then I work with Negros and Slavs so it's fine.

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Alright, I'll try that. Thanks.

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People are from all over the place. I'm not from the US.

It's not clear what you mean, but if you bring up the US because of the terminology you should know using the term "asian" to refer to Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Middle Easterners, etc, is considered bad form no matter what country you are from. I know governments/lugenpresse/leftists like to force it but that's irrelevant and all the more reason not to use it wrongly.

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oh all right!

I do agree, I think it's ridicolous to include those ethnicities in the "asian" category

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>you should know using the term "asian" to refer to Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Middle Easterners, etc, is considered bad form no matter what country you are from.

No it's not, using Asian is frequently used to refer to the Indian subcontinent as well as the Middle East because those are quite literally in Asia, as well as where Britain had a pretty big colony in the Raj. Just because it's not an American usage doesn't mean it's some leftist or Jewish conspiracy, and it's not forced, it makes perfect historical sense if you're from Britain, because if you talked about Asia you'd probably be talking about India a lot of the time.

The East Asians are just called Oriental in that case.

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Living there, I can confirm the Paris brainwash. We get tons of cute Asian tourists and exchange students and most of them are absolutely in love with this city (as long as they don’t stay too long and start seeing it’s faults). From there if you’re even slightly attractive you just have to play a bit on stereotypes, be the fiery, romantic, cultured Frenchman of their dream, play up a bit youre wondeurfulle Frenche accente, say something sweet in their ear in French, and they fall into your laps. I have friends who used to sometimes go to the big touristy places and museums just to try to pick up girls.

Haven’t really seen the stigma, though, at least not for the French guys. For the second/third-generation immigrant girls, more so, but even then from what I’ve seen the family either absolutely loves the guy or quietly hates him, no middle ground, split maybe 60/40. But maybe I just got lucky in my social circle and even more lucky than I already thought with my girlfriend.

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What you say has merit, but it's the context that matters.

We're not going to use "asian" in any other way here. So far anyone who tried to argue otherwise has gone on to spam or post off-topic content. Such individuals of course knew very well what "asian" refers to in the context of this board simply by looking. It's the same as people who start with the "race is a social construct" thing or any other leftist talking point which essentially boils down to anti-white racism once you cut away the bullshit. They can be a leftist if they want, I don't care, just don't use it to troll or distrupt the board - that's my attitude.

More generally however "asian" is being used by the leftists to avoid saying "muslim". That is not a conspiracy, that is fact. You make valid points about the historial context, however that is not going to be an excuse here nor is it the world we live in today. If someone is corrected and told for example Indian woman are off-topic then that's fine. No harm in asking questions or misinterpreting the board. It's only if someone continues in a malicious way that they'll be banned.

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>By the time I am done every last one of you is going to start fucking asian girls. I don't care if you already have a white gf or wife either.

It's not cheating, it's just conquest

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That's probably true. I didn't even really try and still had sex with 3 of them. Two of them got knocked up.

I was on a trip (tourism) in Japan for the first one and was able to rent some cheap apartment a bit off the way of the most desired places and rented from some early 40s landlady. Kind of cute slightly chubby housewife physique but still a pretty face, same kind of thing that inexplicably gets me hot with some middle-aged white women, too. Very shy. She was obviously flirting with me in an awkward way.

Ended up fucking her most of the month I was staying there by just pushing her boundaries and seeing how far she'd let me go. Extremely sexually submissive but not a dead fish. Was nice. Wasn't married but contacted me telling me that she got pregnant and thanking me since she thought she'd probably never be able to have a child of her own at her age. Probably since she seemed super shy and age 30+ women usually aren't something local guys care much about.

Didn't want anything from me. She had a daughter. Still sends me pictures of the kid who's kind of cute but has a couple rather identifying non-native features I'd rather not give info on. Kind of weird, not sure why she does that. Not even requesting or hinting at wanting anything, just sends pictures.

Second was some rich thotty leaf-raised girl (probably Chinese? Never asked) who got to 26 and said her family gave up on her living a normal life since she was living the typical kind of life smoking weed, doing other drugs/alcohol and stumbling through late stage capitalism and all of its degeneracy and broken institutions, but from a rich family.. Wouldn't have cared but she was a bit sexually aggressive and insistent.

Had casual sex with her since it was freely offered. Told me she was on the pill, but pregnant in a few months, she kept seeing me until her family got curious who gave her the baby bump and she stopped wanting to "hang out." She didn't tell anyone who daddy is but her family didn't seem to be too upset about it as it meant she'd probably settle down some with some real responsibility outside of whatever makework bullshit she was doing part-time, and she wouldn't be completely useless in life. Also didn't want anything from me but told me it's fine since most of her family seems to fawn over her daughter (probably since she said her mother and aunt told her she should go for white guys) and she's settled down with spending more time on that than the weed/"going to clubs"/etc hedonism that most women that age are into in every white country.

I also had sex for about a year with some half-Japanese girl in high school and it's where I figured out how to tell if girls were into me or not since I was kind of shy until I was about 15.

Near zero effort except with having some general experience with women to know what was up with the landlady. If you don't live in whatever few virtually all-white areas are left, you have to be a shutin NEET or some kind of especially hideous zero social skills guy to not bumble your way into having sex with at least one.

If only finding a decent white woman who isn't a combined basket case and dumpster fire in one were this easy. Sad that I've inadvertently knocked up two Asians but can't find a decent white woman in this hellscape of a clownworld.


Yeah I don't know what it is but on a purely sexual level it does something for me. Can't put a finger on it but it's probably something to do with a combination of the sexual dimorphism (although honestly a lot of white women are that small – my own mother at 5'1"), that the demand on their end is probably higher than yours which is an inversion of a usual biological norm so they're really into it, and things like that. Not sure about the whole conquest angle, but maybe.

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>I was on a trip (tourism) in Japan for the first one and was able to rent some cheap apartment a bit off the way of the most desired places and rented from some early 40s landlady. Kind of cute slightly chubby housewife physique but still a pretty face, same kind of thing that inexplicably gets me hot with some middle-aged white women, too. Very shy. She was obviously flirting with me in an awkward way.

>Ended up fucking her most of the month I was staying there by just pushing her boundaries and seeing how far she'd let me go. Extremely sexually submissive but not a dead fish. Was nice. Wasn't married but contacted me telling me that she got pregnant and thanking me since she thought she'd probably never be able to have a child of her own at her age. Probably since she seemed super shy and age 30+ women usually aren't something local guys care much about.

>Didn't want anything from me. She had a daughter. Still sends me pictures of the kid who's kind of cute but has a couple rather identifying non-native features I'd rather not give info on. Kind of weird, not sure why she does that. Not even requesting or hinting at wanting anything, just sends pictures.

That's a turn on but personally, I don't know if I could handle being away from my own child.

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It's good that you've been having sex with asian girls and that you impregnated two as well. More white men should take advantage of the white preference many asian girls have.

>can't find a decent white woman

Sorry to hear that but by using phrases like "late stage capitalism" you are in danger of painting yourself into a corner mentally speaking.

>or some kind of especially hideous zero social skills guy to not bumble your way into having sex with at least one

Which links into this. Many white guys don't really know the truth about asian girls and pay too much attention to the lugenpresse. For example there are asian girls who write a lot of SJW virtue signalling bullshit on twitter and I can imagine white guys being hugely turned off entirely by that vocal subset. As pointed out elsewhere, most of those idiots are still fucking white guys anyway so it's all for show.

Anyway, maybe you see it may be a different flavour of the same mistake? A mental/attitude block rather than a practical one. In the meantime though you should put another baby in that rich girl.


On one hand I think white men should always be willing sperm donors for asian girls (through natural means only ie sex) but on the other I don't want there to be single mothers out there if at all possible. Plus when we talk about asian female submission to white men it feels wrong for her to trick him into anything.

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>Got her pregnant

>Didn't stay with her to be a loving father

You're doing it wrong.

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raise your white children, let halfies grow up without a father figure, the guys will kill themselves and the girls will be sluts, everyone wins

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How long ago was the first one?

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It's okay to have a humiliation fetish or to bully eurasian boys but that post is going too far.

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Degenerate spotted.

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Only niggers abandon their children.

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No problem with the sluts part?

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No, that's fine.

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I'm so sorry. I meant to say "the boys will become fembois and the girls will become sluts." Better?

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Yes. Most (not all) eurasian boys will end up in the same position as asian boys due to how white preference and racial hypergamy works. Until methods to select for female mixed offspring are common, them becoming femboys or cuckolds is the way to go.

Children should be raised with a father though, whether that means some kind of plural relationship situation (a white man with a white wife and multiple asian girls) or if he's just a sperm donor, an asian guy taking the role as non-biological father. For asian guys who don't accept raising mixed kids consensually I think it's okay for his girlfriend or wife to cheat and get impregnated secretly. It's happening more and more anyway and there's no reason not to give my real views on the subject, even if it can be difficult reading for asian boys.

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Less than 10 years is all I'll say.


>In the meantime though you should put another baby in that rich girl.

I probably could. We still talk occasionally and she keeps saying she wants to see me in person, so maybe I'll agree next time she asks since she no doubt at least wants sex if she wants to see me again. Still a bit upset about the whole issue of lying (or being lazy about? Who knows given the asymmetry of information here) about the birth control. Definitely know she wasn't trying to trap me at least, even though the authorities here would be more than happy to help her if she wanted to. I still talk to her whenever she contacts me because she didn't do any of that.

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You have every right to be upset. Most people would think it was probably not an accident I have to say. She, like a lot of asian girls, wants mixed babies but maybe thought you wouldn't agree despite her intention not to trap you. It's not a nice situation because even if it was a genuine accident will you ever believe that? On the other hand if she admits it will you forgive her?

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>Less than 10 years is all I'll say.

You have no relations with the kid?

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Seeing as my life hasn't been made measurably worse except a small amount of emotional turmoil I could forgive her, sure. Still kind of weird. You're right though that this is probably the same kind of idea at play when for example a woman cheats on her husband with another guy and just doesn't tell him she's married since she knows that would in most cases mean he wouldn't be interested. As for whether I'd give her another, I don't know. Purely on an instinctual, sexual feeling level, it's hot to think about.


No. I'm halfway across the world and it was in a country where as far as I know, abortion is available and the choice is all in her hands. I guess the situation was similar to a sperm donor. You know there's some child out there who's biologically yours but that's the extent of the connection, and yes it's a bit strange if you dwell on it a lot. It's not really much different even if you had sex with the woman in question. She got something she wanted and maybe would have been very expensive with high failure rate with other more technological routes. It's complicated stuff.

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Good. Women should be able to use white men as sperm donors if they want but white men should also have the right to decide. It's a shame there's not some legal way to prevent men from being trapped so that everyone can be honest and then stick to whatever agreement was made. The last thing we want is white men worrying about cumming inside asian girls when it should be something they are doing as frequently as possible.

This time round hopefully the situation can be more honest.

>other more technological routes

Natural is best. Save medical options for when required, that's my attitude. But it's understandable that some asian guys don't want to see their girlfriends and wives getting fucked by white men anyway, let alone specifically for reproduction.

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I feel so fucking bad for it, but this board has taught me something about myself I didn't want to know, I really, really like the idea of using and dumping Asian girls. Would only want to marry a white girl, but the idea of invading and raping my way across Asia alongside you bros has lit something within me that should have remained dark. Is this how the kikes and niggers feel about us when a white woman miscegenates?

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But they're mixed mongrels, who cares?

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You should marry a white girl but you can still do the rest consensually too. You don't have to actually treat asian girls badly for real, instead it's just a fetish/roleplay thing. Some asian girls like being used in that way so there's no harm in it. Rape fantasies are hot.


I care. I don't want eurasian boys to be bullied unless it's sexually motived and done in a way they like.

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It's probably something similar, sure. The main difference seems to be that the women don't need propaganda and/or any degree of coercion to be into it, and even in countries where their own men are in power still want it.

I think some of them are unrealistic about it, though. I was thinking about travel to China a few years back and watching some youtube videos about people who travel/live there a lot and came across a South African English ancestry white guy (youtube user serpentza) who lives there, and he covers a wide variety of stuff relating to the country. While it seems it's not as bad as government-media propaganda claims, it has a lot of hidden issues you won't hear about.

One of the things in his videos I saw in a video related to the sex ratio imbalance and relationship issues was there were these young Chinese women who had very unrealistic ideas that if they couldn't land a well-off Chinese guy they'd try to have a "mixed baby" (and they're really just referring to white fathers here) and hope it becomes some kind of celebrity moneymaker. I guess this kind of thing actually has happened in China and Japan where this incredibly small amount of mixed people (mostly girls) end up becoming an enormously outsized amount of media personalities, models, porn stars etc. but seems unrealistic to think theirs would specifically.

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Saw a few of his vids. I like his friend's channel, laowhy86. The best part of course being when Wing turns up. Channels like that get over ten billion death threats which always pisses me off.

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>I guess this kind of thing actually has happened in China and Japan

It's probably the most prevalent in the Philippines.

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Thailand is very much this way. All the most popular and handsome young actors/models are luk khrueng (local term for eurasian).

Pics related: the first two are the most popular and successful young actors/models in Thailand, all WMAF hapas. Third pic is the WMAF hapa producer who put the first couple together in a popular TV show. Four and five are Miss Universe Thailand 2017, you guessed it WMAF hapa.

The most handsome young actor in the country, Nadech Yumigiya, was abandoned by his father and raised by his aunt and Japanese uncle. For a lot of the others the marriage didn't work out, but not in all. So the kids can turn out fine without white dad in the picture.

Fuck Asian sluts, stretch and bottom out in their pussies, conquer their wombs, make the world a bit more beautiful with a hapa baby and walk away. It's your right and duty White Man!

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No one is saying someone with only one parent is doomed because of course some with do well despite that. However it's a situation we want to avoid. Actually encouraging it is not something I'm going to tolerate.

The sexual and reproductive colonisation of asian girls by white men is definitely a good thing, but if he wants to impregnate asian girls and walk away then it's only acceptable if both parties agree and there's still going to be a father in the picture (albeit non-biological).

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Yeah dude I know, this is a fetish board, I'm not handing out irl advice here and I doubt anyone comes looking for it here. I read an article recently about a city in the Philippines where like a quarter of the children are fathered by foreign Johns who knocked up their prostitute moms and they're all growing up in poverty, dad nowhere to be found. I didn't link that article as hot WMAF relationships bc it's fucking immoral.

Asian women and white men got a thing for each other it's fun to fetishize it - that's all I'm doing. How many people's kids wind up good looking enough to be models and celebrities?

The guy up thread who knocked up Asian women did so consensually, he's not a deadbeat dad who ran away from his responsibilities. If an Asian chick is down for that then go for it, but running away from your children that need you is obviously wrong.

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To be clear I'm not criticising that post you reference, only yours where you said

>and walk away

the rest is fine.

>How many people's kids wind up good looking enough to be models and celebrities?

Yes probably only a fraction. Some people think the rate would be higher due to being better looking. Don't believe that myself because my common sense tells me you'd usually need two good looking parents regardless (or luck). Looking different and having the gimmick of being mixed maybe does though.

On the other hand if parents have it all planned out and make the kid train in various celebrity skills then I suppose they do have a much better chance of being a celeb than one who plays computer games all day. You could argue that an asian women choosing a white guy as the father is just another decision in a success or status oriented strategy.

>knocked up their prostitute moms

Let me guess they blame the men for it not the women who 1) didn't use birth control and 2) were fine with no condom and 3) are prostitutes. And specifically white men get blamed, not the local men who do exactly the same thing (in much greater numbers) because as long as the father is Filipino and a unknowing deadbeat then it's okay for the kid to grow up in poverty and not worth writing about?!

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>Not even requesting or hinting at wanting anything, just sends pictures.

She wants you to know what your kid looks like and keep some kind of relationship with you in case the kid wants to meet you.

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I posted as active in WMAF lol

last week I was at the store picking up some groceries while this young asian couple walked in. The female was a classic beauty with a smoking body and was eyeing me from the moment they walked in. Her boy was looking down on the floor. I had just worked out so I was in my tank top and shorts. Anyway, the girl and I got in touch by the milk section and we talked for about 20 minutes, exchanging snap and phone numbers. We've been snapping everyday since, it's such a great feeling! I'll be meeting her this weekend again ;)

Just got into in, and didn't really know about it before, but I absolutely love this!

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Are you in some asian country?

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>got in touch by the milk section

That's one of my favourite sections to get in touch with.

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no, a prodominantly white country.

they have just moved in, mainly because they are into WMAF and want to meet likeminded people.

She was really straight forward, which I thought was great. I complimented her and she complimented my physique right in front of her small dicked boi lol

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An asian couple moved just so she can fuck white guys? That is some next level cuckoldry.

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Hmm, bullshit meter is going off and also how do you know the size of bfs dick? I will say as an asian guy I have seen asian girls and white boys flirt with eachother but it is usually not so blunt and overt? Oh well, carry on.

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He could be an asian guy roleplaying his fantasy of what he'd like to happen. Hence it being a bit unrealistic and with weird details like

>I had just worked out so I was in my tank top and shorts

which seems a bit gay to be honest. Men don't normally mention what they were wearing when recounting stories.

But he did say above he was talking to her for a while and online too so it probably came up at some point.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]