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/wg/ - Wallpaper General

I saved them, you're welcome

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Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webp,webm, mp4, mov
Max filesize is16 MB.
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File: 1411523280616.jpg (600.19 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wg IMT #1.jpg)

 No.799 [Last50 Posts]

(As requested from >>>/wg/788)

Hello and welcome to the Official Image Modification Thread. This thread gives anons a place to post wallpaper modification requests, and (hopefully) have those requests fulfilled by other anons! Here are the rules:

1) Be specific when making a request! To give some examples: "Change the background color to this shade of green," "Remove this watermark," "change the resolution to 1920 x 1080." Be as detailed as possible!

2) Be sure to state your desired resolution! To go along with this, it helps to know your monitor's resolution.

3) Only post images that are requests or responses to requests! Keep the thread on topic.

4) Be patient. Sometimes these modifications can take time. We're also a new board. Continually bumping the thread with the same request is discouraged.

5) Be civil when making requests and critiquing the results. Remember, an anon took time out of his day to help you!

Other than that, enjoy the thread. I hope it spawns some cool collaborations.

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File: 1411547245252.jpg (345.35 KB,695x1068,695:1068,SpaceMan.jpg)

Can anyone put this on 1920x1080?
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File: 1411556210646.png (106.78 KB,1920x1080,16:9,4u.png)

Is this good?
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Sweet thanks.
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If anyone has any requests I'm here to do what I can
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I'm still here m8s
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File: 1412197264196.jpg (112.11 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1411983804784.jpg)

Can someone make this into a mobile wall please?
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File: 1412291702132.png (425.55 KB,1080x1920,9:16,mobile.png)

Here you are
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File: 1412446496031-0.jpg (318.98 KB,1280x853,1280:853,tumblr_nc2j22y0EI1qkfjvho1….jpg)

File: 1412446496031-1.jpg (174 KB,500x333,500:333,tumblr_nc2j22y0EI1qkfjvho2….jpg)

File: 1412446496031-2.jpg (219.49 KB,1280x853,1280:853,tumblr_nc2j22y0EI1qkfjvho3….jpg)

Posting in the first of many excellent threads.
I scrolled across these on tumblr and I can't find any larger copies using reverse image search, is there any way they could be made to look good at my laptop's native 1920x1080? Even if you have to make them appear old/grainy/whatever. I just love shots like these.
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File: 1412527966016.jpg (238.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Edit.jpg)


Tried to give it some color and give you a different edit. If you don't like it I can always make it white again.
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File: 1412528403140-0.jpg (661.44 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Edit2.jpg)

File: 1412528403141-1.jpg (950.61 KB,1920x1279,1920:1279,Edit3.jpg)

File: 1412528403141-2.jpg (437.66 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Edit4.jpg)


Sorry if these aren't to your liking. I'm just trying to get some practice with shop. The 2nd one was definitely the most difficult to do anything with.
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File: 1412528779101.jpg (966.47 KB,1920x1279,1920:1279,Edit3.jpg)


I took another crack at the bear photo, I think this one turned out a little better looking.
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Tumblr sure does like those tiny jpgs… I see good wallpaper-grade pictures on there all the time but they're taken by ants
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really appreciate it. That bear one is painfully small for such a nice photo.
I feels
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File: 1412896069247.jpg (1.33 MB,2560x1600,8:5,Wise Words.jpg)

Could somebody make a "motivational quote on a nature picture" wallpaper with the quote being:

No matter how bad life gets, at least I'll never be Matt Lees.

Any of >>1319 are nice, but I'm not too fussed. Pic related is similar to what I mean (preferably not fields).
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File: 1412960867078.jpg (1.63 MB,1920x1080,16:9,mattlees.jpg)

I hope this is the picture you were going for
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I meant any in that thread, but that looks great. Thanks.
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Hey mister Board Volunteer, I also think we are in need of an official Desktop thread. Please make this happen.
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File: 1413996698108.jpeg (273.22 KB,1920x1200,8:5,My Wallpaper.jpeg)

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File: 1413998842205.jpeg (272.44 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Alternate means better.jpeg)

I'm just dicking around because I am really fucking bored but I prefer this one. The colour I used on the last one was way to bleak and the quote was somewhat wrong. I moved the lettering as well because it looks better.
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File: 1413998987618.jpeg (272.64 KB,1920x1200,8:5,2004 style keyboard.jpeg)

Here is the original picture. I hate the fucking blue hue.
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File: 1414089942592.jpg (115.08 KB,400x604,100:151,photo of older woman.jpg)

can someone restore this for me?
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I actually love the blue. Not sure if that'll change once it hits my desktop.
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File: 1414206080569.jpg (10.27 KB,255x184,255:184,dubs in the mail.jpg)

In honor of trips, I want a dubs wallpaper. I'll have the finger point to something funny.
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Stick around, I'm giving it a shot
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File: 1414878868364.jpg (137.72 KB,400x604,100:151,progressReport.jpg)

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I'm afraid that's about the limit of my abilities. I recommend using the version I posted from wordpress. Alternatively I could put it in the paper frame it was in before or re-colour it but in terms of resoration that's as far as I can do
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File: 1415075555209.png (64.71 KB,2560x1600,8:5,1364571156980.png)

Please someone make this into a phone wallpaper (1080x1920)
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File: 1415080476885.png (69.74 KB,1080x1920,9:16,cloud.png)

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Bless you kind soul
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File: 1415318602384-0.jpg (1.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1410808076253.jpg)

Does anyone use gimp to modify images?

Can someone explain to me an easy way to change the color of a part of an image, for example making the red parts of this guys shield turn blue?
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I have used gimp before, and in my opinion is better than photoshop for many things. Any way, a way to make the red blue would be to select all the red parts of the image and colorize it. this should be under filter-> colorize. If not you can just change hue and saturation of the selected regions until it fits your liking
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File: 1415329550768.jpg (1.55 MB,1920x1080,16:9,blueshield.jpg)

this was kinda sloppy but whatever I don't actually care if his shield is blue

so I noticed the little grey part inside the red also turned to a shade of blue. how would you change the color of a more complicated image without having to avoid selecting all the small details? or is that not even an option
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I'm not the guy from before, but image manipulation isn't all fun and games. If you want something done right, you have to take time and effort.
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I realize that, but I only wanted to change the shield color as a test.

Also I would have thought there's a tool that can recognize a color that's very different from the majority like the grey in the shield, and will ignore it when you try to change the color of the area you selected. If it doesn't exist that's fine, but why not save time when you can right?
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File: 1415377529955.jpg (439.55 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1041_batman_arkham_origins.jpg)

Can someone remove the watermark from the top right corner?
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File: 1415386616116.jpg (787.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2ygpx9gz.jpg)

here ya go
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File: 1415590802209.jpg (132.68 KB,900x806,450:403,hoji_maska3.jpg)

can anyone put this in 1440 x 900?
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the hard thing about it is the shadow i think.
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File: 1415598523761.jpg (734.5 KB,1440x900,8:5,Untitled-1.jpg)

not with clever disguises and trickery
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oh shit thank you man ,i like it
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File: 1415630178438.jpg (1.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,blueblue.jpg)

here u go
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>>1995 me

Looks to me like you are using the rope tool or something?
Used select by color tool (shift+O).
First pick a totally red area, then while holding down shift (this adds a pluss sign next to your marker) you work your way out against the black and grey areas. You have to be zoomed in so you can distinguish each pixel.

Took about 40 seconds to select and colorize, which is speedy enough for me.
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File: 1415632396152.jpg (222.18 KB,700x478,350:239,j2i67FV.jpg)

can i get a wallpaper out of this?

1920 x 1080 is fine
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File: 1415633368305.jpg (68.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wut.jpg)

Honestly with such a small picture, you should specify what you want.
Atleast I for one need something to go by, or else I won't bother to put any time and effort in it.
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yeah i should've specified more…

i guess i would love an upscale, i dont know.
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File: 1415636759323.jpg (1.38 MB,1920x1080,16:9,upscaled.jpg)

I can't do that and retain quality, but if it's just because you can't do the easy stuff, then take this.
All I did was add some despeckle to it
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File: 1415855779212.jpg (1.63 MB,1920x1080,16:9,purple.jpg)

Thanks a lot for the help guise
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File: 1415967433448.jpg (1.79 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1415855779212.jpg)

I wanted to try too
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File: 1415977773412-0.jpg (125.77 KB,1280x852,320:213,the bae.jpg)

File: 1415977773412-1.jpg (47.77 KB,600x406,300:203,music waifu.jpg)

Can anyone bump these up to 1920x1080? Thanks in advance.
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File: 1416015415233.png (3.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,wallhaven-7637.png)

Could someone have this picture focus on Elizabeth and make the background and the rest of the people blurry?
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now give him a dolphin head
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File: 1416108713353.jpg (915.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ul21ato9.jpg)

There ya go!
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Perfect! Thank you so much friend!
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File: 1416190255191-0.jpg (224.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wg2.jpg)

File: 1416190255191-1.jpg (185.15 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wg1.jpg)

Did my best, sorry for the shit quality on the second
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Thanks a lot!
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File: 1416803345121.jpg (31.03 KB,600x600,1:1,Kirishima.Touka.600.173927….jpg)

Request for someone to Photoshop a joint into Touka's mouth and put marijuana leaves in the background similar to the way they do on this site (http://puu.sh/bkwN3.swf).
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File: 1417165582096.jpg (601.14 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1416950504280.jpg)

Can someone take off the watermark please?
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File: 1417248441258.jpg (980.86 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Winter Storm.jpg)

Here you go!

Also, welcome to the new /wg/!
Tell your friends! Better yet, bring your friends!

>Thanks based anon who opened this board up

It's an honor to be on the very first Img Mod thread
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Thanks anon! (I'm technically an oldfag on this board, I've been here on and off since September)
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Thanks for sticking it out, guys.

State of the Board post and updated sticky coming soon. Also planning on a thread where anons can make suggestions/complaints.
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File: 1418415283409-0.jpg (655.9 KB,4090x2709,4090:2709,1392578881959.jpg)

File: 1418415283409-1.jpg (385.53 KB,2560x1440,16:9,1410123192879.jpg)

Can I get these in 1080x1920? Hard to find good phone wallpapers lol
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File: 1419094370407-0.jpg (491.81 KB,1920x1200,8:5,1418601794200.jpg)

File: 1419094370407-1.jpg (483.11 KB,1890x2486,945:1243,cherry-blossom-stencil-pin….jpg)

would someone be able to change the blue to a pink like in the second pic?
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File: 1419125510022.jpg (278.61 KB,1920x1200,8:5,wptree.jpg)

here you go, hope it's okay
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that's fucking awesome, bro. I really appreciate it
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File: 1419329145445.jpg (255.86 KB,1080x1920,9:16,I tried.jpg)

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File: 1419399346616.jpg (806.54 KB,1920x1080,16:9,fury.jpg)

Hey everyone. Just wanting someone to remove Brad Pitt from the barrel.
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File: 1420018915738.png (1.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1419399346616.png)


fuck anon i'm sorry, i'm not gimp savvy. this is my shitty shitty result that i gave up on

maybe someone else will figure it out
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File: 1420381068839.jpg (459.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,fury temp4.jpg)

i hope you're still around, darling, took me a while to get it right
the shadow on the barrel around the letters could be better, but this is about as good as i can get it
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Oh wow that's awesome. Thanks guys.
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Bump in case anyone needs something
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Is it possible to resize these images to 1024x768? (fu Panasonic for not using FHD screens in the CF-19)

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Can anyone make this the size of an avatar picture ,without the shutterstock shit and turned around as of the tables have turned
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File: 1422839311741.png (43.02 KB,213x237,71:79,TablesSketch.png)

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File: 1423373110639.png (37.84 KB,213x237,71:79,hello anon.png)

Not sure what the size of an avatar is

sorry, anon
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File: 1424124497286.jpg (462.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1370247481723.jpg)

Could someone please take the taskbar off the top while still keeping the image 1920x1080?
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File: 1424126190721.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MutilatedImage.png)

There were two ways do do this: crop the sides, or stretch vertically
I went with the cropping since distortion is bad

You'd be 1000x better off with finding the sauce on this, though, than having somebody else edit the taskbar out of a JPEG screenshot and then cropping it to fit

But, I digress.
The modifications are here as requested.
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File: 1426538164585.jpg (645.57 KB,2560x1920,4:3,Aoyama-and-Shiina-sakuraso….jpg)

Can anyone just cut the girls out (render ya?)? And maybe put them on the right next to each other on a black background or something. I think that'd make awesome wallpaper.
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File: 1426867098548.jpg (320 KB,1034x779,1034:779,trap 1280.jpg)

Can someone make this pic into cellphone wallpaper? Into 1920 x 1080 if you can. Make this into three versions. With canvas size applied here.
1 - Image in center
2 - Image in bottom
3 - Image in bottom with cropped sides (excluding legs and penis while showing nipples)

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File: 1427222718145.webm (197.41 KB,640x480,4:3,wtf.webm)

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File: 1429909428076.png (457.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2014-10-05_12-44-03.png)

Anyone willing to remove the Windows logo and the "Zoom in" icon on this pic? I ain't using Windhoos on my CF-19 because I am in love with Zorin OS.

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Dunno how the fuck it became 1920x1080, but if you can: cut out the gray parts on the sides, I need a 1024x768 resolution for my 19.

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File: 1429971695024.png (77.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,wg1.png)


like this?

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File: 1430249018626.jpg (1.18 MB,2304x1500,192:125,3663039-9417156552-43313.jpg)

Please. If someone it's so generous to:

- Remove the dots. (They appear when you add zoom)

- Remove the black borders.

- Make it look more "modern", with better contrast or filter.

(If it helps: My monitor's got a 1366x768 resolution. I would like one copy in that resolution and another one with the original resolution)


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My 19 says tyvm!

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File: 1433020908578-0.png (1019.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,gundamguysmall.png)

File: 1433020908580-1.png (2.3 MB,2296x1283,2296:1283,gundamguy.png)


You do realize that you lose part of the picture by removing the 'black bars'?

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Yes, I do.

Thanks for the help.

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File: 1435277055027.jpg (22.38 KB,350x350,1:1,CARLOS, GODVERDOMME V2.jpg)

Can anyone remove the white around Carlos? I want a clean cut version of him for a Steam avatar.

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File: 1435277190364.jpg (367.09 KB,1920x1080,16:9,130163300293.jpg)

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File: 1435400927786.png (128.04 KB,350x350,1:1,carlos.png)

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File: 1435411189249.jpg (20.22 KB,300x395,60:79,thanksmaat.jpg)

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File: 1435411508742.jpg (16.06 KB,299x276,13:12,fsjal-mew.jpg)


While I am at it, can I get a clean version of this absolutely not male even though it's baby blue Mew, please?

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File: 1435724443647-0.png (54.2 KB,299x276,13:12,jpeg.png)

File: 1435724443649-1.png (7.92 KB,299x276,13:12,not jpeg.png)


A bit late and totally not the person you replied to, but here.

The picture you posted was artifacting like a motherfucker. I still did it, but the Mew wasn't as not JPEG-y as I wanted it so I did another version for you, with less bullshit.

Either / or, it doesn't matter to me. If you can find a png version of your picture, I'd be more than happy to redo it for you.

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File: 1435815881974.jpg (207.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,cloudwaterskydock1.jpg)

Could someone kindly remove the text from the bottom right corner of this dank pape?

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File: 1435850819688.jpg (656.2 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1435815881974.jpg)


why certainly

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Why thank you, lovely sir!

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File: 1436005841395.jpg (344.44 KB,1456x769,1456:769,bcuafyx1buhaqx54aytx.jpg)

can anyone turn this into a night/blue themed wallpaper? would like the lamps to be blue too, thanks in advance kind anons

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File: 1436080733405.png (915.52 KB,1456x769,1456:769,4WG.png)

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File: 1436081510589.png (1.07 MB,1456x769,1456:769,Faggot.png)


How's this?

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File: 1436082369847.png (914.85 KB,1456x769,1456:769,4WG.png)

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File: 1436136631866.jpg (671.09 KB,1456x769,1456:769,eh.jpg)


I tried

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File: 1436182152485.jpg (675.3 KB,1456x769,1456:769,attempt2.jpg)


made the tower darker, but it's still not great

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File: 1436276561224.gif (171.44 KB,482x348,241:174,apexkekMew.gif)


Thank you very much m8, have a apex kekking absolutely female because pink Mew for the effort.

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Actual, diagnosable autism.

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This is 8chan you faggot, what did you expect?

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its good except for that back tower

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File: 1439217344391.gif (31.8 KB,800x600,4:3,Gamegrid.gif)

Could anyone make this into a 1920x1080 wallpaper, pl0x?

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File: 1439237987153-0.png (2.65 MB,1400x1768,175:221,0000002d.gnome_child_by_th….png)

File: 1439237987155-1.png (1.76 MB,1440x900,8:5,gnomechild_1440x900.png)

Anybody know how the background on this was made? http://thedankdrawer.deviantart.com/art/Gnome-Child-538647136

I want to make a widescreen version.. attached picture is my shitty attempt at splicing the background

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File: 1439240150180-0.png (Spoiler Image,860.93 KB,1034x1838,517:919,fag1.png)

File: 1439240150182-1.png (Spoiler Image,311.08 KB,438x779,438:779,fag3.png)


Here's requests 1 and 3

Now I have to purge these images from my computer's history

I didn't upscale since your phone should do that for you; it can be done, though, if you need it to.

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Whoops, realized I botched request 1 up a bit

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File: 1443036904739.png (47.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,OC'D.png)


like this?

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File: 1443147811517.jpg (25.36 KB,400x394,200:197,greatscott.jpg)


Holy shit.

Thanks a lot anon, completely forgot about that post.

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File: 1443285586242-0.png (428.55 KB,1440x900,8:5,cutout.png)

File: 1443285586243-1.png (580.57 KB,1440x900,8:5,option1.png)


what about cutting it out and putting it on a new background, like this? you could try finding a free photoshop texture that resembles the original one.

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No thank you, it's a nice WP and i was bored in class anyway

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File: 1448551647822.jpg (46.77 KB,480x480,1:1,1444360470207.jpg)

Can anyone make this 750x1000?

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File: 1453954773983.jpg (373.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DSC_0425Comp.jpg)

Can anyone fade out the ugly as green sing in the bottom center of this potential pape?

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File: 1456017236316.png (1.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Wallpaper Request for anon.png)


I tried my best, anon

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File: 1456017437649.png (1.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Wallpaper Request for anon….png)



I fixed something I just noticed

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File: 1457337333201.png (728.88 KB,823x825,823:825,zombies.png)

Can anyone could properly extend the background to fit both 1920x1080 and 1440x2560?

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File: 1461463489121.jpg (235.21 KB,1920x1200,8:5,coffee-30469.jpg)


not sure how my picture got deleted.

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extend the right side plz to make this 2134x1200 please

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File: 1461884898651.jpg (1.56 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1414964887408-2.jpg)

Could someone remove the letters? ("skull knight" and all that)

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