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/wg/ - Wallpaper General

I saved them, you're welcome

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File: 1443316995875-0.jpg (50.75 KB,600x424,75:53,black_and_white_photos_wit….jpg)

File: 1443316995876-1.jpg (152.1 KB,600x601,600:601,black_and_white_photos_wit….jpg)

File: 1443316995876-2.jpg (75.96 KB,600x882,100:147,black-white-colour-wallpap….jpg)

File: 1443316995885-3.jpg (82.97 KB,640x436,160:109,48bg.jpg)

File: 1443316995885-4.jpg (111.14 KB,560x354,280:177,blackandwhitephotos43.jpg)


I need more partial color images preferably girls in bikinis n shit

(i know the images i'm posting is shit but i didn't have anything and this is what google gave me)

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I believe the term you're looking for is "color splash"

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selective color actually

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technical term is pleasantville effect

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]