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/wg/ - Wallpaper General

I saved them, you're welcome

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Max filesize is16 MB.
Max image dimensions are15000 x15000.
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File: 1420572986513.jpg (2.65 MB,1920x1200,8:5,1366966458199.jpg)


Simple textures and Surfaces, no Icons or images
Patterns are fine too
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File: 1420573086386.png (1.73 MB,1920x1080,16:9,097.png)

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File: 1420573149022-0.jpg (823.02 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1390523629798.jpg)

File: 1420573149022-1.jpg (1.43 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1386170010121.jpg)

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File: 1420573360955.png (3.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1372217718198.png)

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File: 1420573412278.png (4.49 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1393978429583.png)

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File: 1420573489177.png (2.44 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1372793229783.png)

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File: 1420573756204.jpg (734.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,015.jpg)

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File: 1420582360255.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1364877795948.png)

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File: 1420608425320.jpg (339.22 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wallyp.jpg)

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File: 1420982196535.jpg (1.67 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Dark 4.jpg)

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File: d83faa218d80633⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,2560x1600,8:5,wallpaper (740).jpg)

Comfy thread.

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File: 5875b33cba9cf03⋯.jpg (332.93 KB,1920x1200,8:5,wallhaven-89465.jpg)

File: 08f0b78dcb47a2a⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,3000x1997,3000:1997,wallhaven-163541.jpg)

File: bdcea63a57b4b90⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,watermark_IMG_2578_-_Indus….jpg)

File: 5a1c4495cf961f3⋯.jpg (132.98 KB,1920x1080,16:9,wood-wall-1920x1080-wallpa….jpg)

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File: d0c54692f316851⋯.png (3.73 MB,4096x2560,8:5,1429025929166.png)

File: 8b9a3c46bf4504e⋯.jpg (1.88 MB,3264x1968,68:41,1436198556280.jpg)

File: 85eb5069d94e71e⋯.jpg (559.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1468107188277.jpg)

File: 37a25f4b19b8d59⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,artsfon.com-5187.jpg)

File: c044df9ecf683bc⋯.jpg (905.06 KB,1825x1190,365:238,greatredspot.jpg)

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