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/vr/ - Retro Games

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 No.8139 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

This is why I emulate retro games on a PC. Save your money and don't buy a MiSTer, Mister!

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>cuck fetishists are now trying to force memes on /vr/

It was just funny when it was short shitposts about the wife and the retron5.

I don't even know what a MiSTer is (I hate that shitty spelling already though), but if it's something to display games on HD, fuck that, I play my SD games on my CRT as it should be done.

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There's no "cuck fetish", the meme was created to get under the skin of MiSTercucks, but then it got under the skin of the mod/janny over at 4chan. Got me a 100 day ban over there. But I agree that playing on CRT is way better.

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