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 No.7226 >>7602 >>8128 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Marina Liteyears turned 21 yesterday! To celebrate, let's have a Mischief Makers thread.

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Is it, dare I say, Treasure's magnum opus…?

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I used to own this game, and sold it like a retard. Feels bad.

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I bought this game for like 15 bucks since the store couldn't get rid of their only copy for years after it came out. Definitely one of the most satisfying games to 100%, you need to learn the system to the point of breaking it.

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>>7226 (OP)

Wow, really? The game turned 21 back in June? I turned 21 just a couple of weeks ago. I played Mischief Makers as a kid back when Project 64 1.6 was the newest version, but I never beat it or ever even got very far. It was still cool though and revisiting it nowadays I can see a totally dreamy and rad atmosphere to it and I really want to beat it. The N64 really was kickass, wasn't it?

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File (hide): 9e135c424f01c1f⋯.jpg (172.17 KB,794x888,397:444,1329629846399.jpg) (h) (u)

I love this game so much. Great music, fun action, lots of charm, and a cute protag. I know Treasure historically hasn't liked to do sequels (despite most of their original work seemingly being nothing but sequels or remakes, as of the last decade or so), but I really wish they'd make one for this, or just


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Forget it, they've become a shell company.

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 No.8103>>8104 >>8125

File (hide): bacb982769853a6⋯.jpeg (25.5 KB,400x300,4:3,download.jpeg) (h) (u)

The japanese cartridge art looks a lot better than the american one.

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Same could be said for almost every game. But I agree, the NA art is especilly bad. It’s from that era where everything had to be a 3D model, no 2D art allowed. Stupid trend.

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File (hide): db876a52f4bbef8⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,376x265,376:265,Mischief_Makers.jpg) (h) (u)



While I do prefer the JP art, I don't think the NA/EU art is that bad really, in fact I'd say it's a rather soulful render.

Also there's still some 2D art on the box, the clancers on the back and the beastector guy.

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File (hide): d1b43e60bc110a7⋯.png (115.96 KB,1516x892,379:223,1613935178.png) (h) (u)

>>7226 (OP)

>a tranime game by Trashure

You know where it goes.

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Oh boy, australia-kun finally arrived here.

BO, can't you doxx this faggot, once and for all?

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