Been wanting to give Secret of Mana and SD3 a go on co-op but my friend never leaves his house (ergo, I can't get him to come here) and isn't interested in modding his Wii to be able to emulate stuff like that.
If you like JRPGs, I've found Tales of Eternia ("Tales of Destiny II" in NA) fun to co-op, and it's helped by the facts that, unlike Tales of Destiny PS1 or Tales of Phantasia PS1, combat feels more fast paced and fluid than before, and the co-op functionality is tied to a key item you can get after maybe thirty minutes to an hour (perhaps less, been a while since I played; it's at the dojo close to where the game starts) instead of having to hunt down particular accessories that eat an equip slot (and in ToP's case, there's a reason Phantasian Production's translation patch comes with a hacked in Technical Ring, as the first one you can get is like 8-10 hours in). Co-op camera's still got some issues at that point, but if it's just two people playing as Reid and Farah (casters aren't quite fun to actually play as that early in the series), you can generally keep the camera focused on them since unless you're attacked from both sides of the screen, chances are both characters will be in the vicinity of each other anyhow.
Not sure if you can co-op it via internet though; and in general it strikes me that it would be more enjoyable to couch co-op anyhow.