Back in the day, when I was but a wee lad I didn't see the problem. "Hey, there's room for both", I thought. However, as years pass I'm more and more convinced what really happened is we were robbed of a superior game. It blows my mind that the doomsayers back in the day writing for old school physical gamer mags scoffing at this new direction were right and that my RPG adventure was about to take a nosedive… The antediluvian treant necknbeards tried to warn us, but the gay world didn't listen.
Worst part about it is Blizzard can't really be credited with Diablo, since they took over a different company that was in the process of making it. The potential for a great game world and atmosphere was already there, what they introduced was the cancer. Fuck, I'd still love a Diablo: Planescape-type game, even if it wouldn't be the most playable thing ever, meanwhile the hack&slash gameplay introduced by Blizzard aged like shit.
To top it all off they wasted what good Diablos introduced in flavor with D3. I don't think there ever was a bigger loss of capital in gamedev history than that. I remember, while not even a huge fan of Diablo, being blueballed several times by bogus rumors of the game being developed in the 00's. If that game turned out good and innovative (they had ages to plan it out, for fuck's sake, just hire a dedicated writer for a decade) it'd be easy to introduce some new quality of gaming off its back. To introduce some grand scheme. But this is modern, even more deranged Blizzard, so ofc they just fist fuck dead horse assholes to death now, until the IP said horse is attached to spits out the last cent.
>little to no dialogue options
I wish I could enjoy that sort of storytelling, but I can't. Somehow, not being able to react breaks immersion for me.