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4cc1a6 No.7

There were 2 large king sized beds and Legit asked her to take any of those 2 in his bedroom. Legit proceeded to go lay on his bed he had picked and suddenly ruvi went next to him and laid right next to him

Legitsi: Oh, Ruvi, is there anything you want?

Ruvi: Yes, You, Inside me

Legit, blushed and his almighty 9 inch cock was getting erect. Ruvi started to feel his cock touching her, she looked at Legit and proceeded to french kiss him with passion. Ruvi started to undress Legitsi, He couldn’t believe it and unleashed his inner horniness. He started to furiously kiss her faster and shoved his arm right through her back and undid her bra with 2 fingers. Ruvi from that moment knew Legitsi was a true gentleman

Legit held onto Ruvi and led her on top of him, she got up and pulled down his boxer to reveal his cock standing up and pumping harder. She shoved his cock inside her whilst riding him and having him hold onto her with his hands gripping her large breasts. She couldn’t handle his 9 inch long and girthy cock, She was hopeless and having the best orgasam in her life whilst moaning passionately.Legit quickly switched position without taking his cock from the inside of her into a missionary.

Ruvi: (Giggles) Oh my, you’re lovely

Legit: Oh yeah? Prepare for this

Legit switched his position into anal and penetrated her tight white anus with his cock which was travelling at 8 Kilometers per hour. After a minute or so, he held ruvi whilst his cock was in her and pushed her to the wall and began penetrating her pussy and hitting her uterus harder, like an internal combustion engine with a piston.

Ruvi couldn’t help herself and her orgasams and moans were getting harder. She did not know the potentials of a shy person like Legit in bed.

Legit:Ruv, I can't last any longer in your pussy where should I cum?

Ruvi: I want you to bust it in my mouth. I want to taste that sweet love juice of yours, daddy!

Ruvi started sucking Legit’s cock to the sack til he busted a huge load in her mouth that she started choking a bit then swallowed it all. She once again started blowing his cock for another 2 minutes till he came once again in her mouth, by that time she was already filled up.

Ruvi and legit were exhausted that night. Ruvi asked legit if they could sleep together and have his cock inside of her for the night. He happily accepted and rested well.

The next day Legitsi took Ruvi out in his Mercedes AMG-GTR to her house and gave her a promotion in work along with a 4 day vacation.

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