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Does anyone have a link to that LUA code unity engine for custom undertale encounters? I feel like at least some of us could cobble together some sort of hard mode.

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It's Unitale. TW: Reddit


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how to do stuff: https://archive.is/RtsVl setup part 1

https://archive.is/GkGla setup part 2

https://archive.is/5FhGa Terminology

https://archive.is/cFbGF Text commands

https://archive.is/689yQ Game events

https://archive.is/qdMPG Functions & Objects

https://archive.is/IfK5P Projectile management

https://archive.is/ijHB7 Dialog Bubble

https://archive.is/QR0MD How to create sprites.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you can do stuff like this

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to see vid related get released.

I love the character, the interactions, and the curveballs with the blatantly stock attacks.

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That Alphys geno fight is pretty impressive (and what we all wanted to do), but I'm still waiting for something beyond single encounters

not that I'll ever actually make one because I'm a lazy fuck

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The unitale engine can only make the fights; that's literally all it's designed for. All the overworld stuff would have to be scratch-made using some other tool.

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That seems strange, because the code needed to move things around in an overworld (maps, items, NPC conversations, variables) seems way way less complicated than something like this.

Shit, you could slap a roguelike onto it. If you thought Frisk was ambiguous, try the @ character!

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I have no idea whatsoever; I'm not a game programmer, sorry.

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>can't spare her after she melts so she feels the phantom pain

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Coming back to this thread, anyone make any sort of game software since then?

I don't understand Lua even with the guides and wasn't able to make anything in the month I worked

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the only thing that happen was they went open source last week, You need unity to run it https://github.com/lvk/undefined

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Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be unitale.

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Update: they change the name to "Choose your Frisk" and other stuff have been added: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unitale/comments/64e0gz/unitale_cyf_update_log/

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