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Do you have any good links of analysis pieces on Undertale, either as a whole or on one aspect or piece of it? By analysis I don't just mean reviews or descriptions of what the experience of playing the game is like, I mean discussions of what experiences or feelings Undertale was trying to convey, specific techniques the game used to achieve those things, and what made those techniques effective.

This is the kind of thing I'm thinking of:


I'm not fond of some things about the presentation style and the way he tries to entertain the audience, and I would have preferred text to video, but there is a core of a good point there that he gets around to around 1 minute 53 seconds.

This is what I think is a very good example, in article format:


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So hipstershit for faggoty secondaries that didn't play the game?

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This, analysis and deconstruction are for faggots. Just play the fucking game yourself and draw your own conclusions.

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