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File: 097a161cb29bc43⋯.gif (112.17 KB,319x561,29:51,1453585278006.gif)


Asriel = another name for Azriel (AKA Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azrael, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel), a Hebrew Angel/Demon, the God of Death, and some say he is the same entity as Sariel (AKA Seriel, Sauriel, Surya, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel or Sourial), demon son of Lilith and Samael, the blind God, who also identifies with the Angel Metatron (UNDERTALE's Mettaton). Yet another deity associated with Azriel is Raziel, and some believe they are the same being. Raziel (under the alternate name Galizur ("Revealer of The Rock")) is described as the "ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven." He is said to expound the "Torah's divine wisdom," and protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth (four-faced anthropoid beasts), the "holy Creatures" that uphold the universe. He is the Archangel of the Ophanim, the wheel angels.

UNDERTALE is Jewish mysticism propaganda. Toby Fox is, a Jewish shill who secretly tries to normalize the Hebrew Satanic cult of Remphan and Moloch and make it accessible to children.

Death to the evil spirit Yahweh and his minions. Death to Israel. Curse the kikes.

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File: cd594125f0a6936⋯.png (217.22 KB,547x822,547:822,gay furry.png)

Huh, I always thought that Asriel was to turn people into gay furries

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It is, partially. Aside from the Hebrew mysticist aspects, UNDERTALE excels in homosexual propaganda. It can be either open, like Undyne and Alphys, somewhat, like Mettaton, or subtle, like Asriel hugging Frisk.

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File: 0fb1ad41b45bec3⋯.jpg (91.41 KB,1024x1224,128:153,0fb1ad41b45bec385e4d7fb553….jpg)


>Asriel hugging Frisk

Pretty sure they're just friends, also Frisk doesn't really have a gender, it up to the player really.

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>Azrael is a watcher


Fuck off with that gay ass propaganda Satan. You aren't fooling anyone.

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File: c235a7729edd73b⋯.png (146.77 KB,629x628,629:628,da98ce82dd5e0.png)


>Lesbians are the same thing as gays

>A crossdressing robot that used to be a transgender ghost is gay

>Two children (one of which does not have a defined gender) sharing a quick hug is gay

At this point you're stretching the truth so much that it's become a plate of Papyrus' spaghetti; and additionally it's equally as disgusting.

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He also forgot about the faggot guardsmen in hotlands.

>tranny ghost

[citation needed]

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>Lesbians are the same thing as gays

Both are homosexual subhumans. Same shit.

>A crossdressing robot that used to be a transgender ghost is gay


>Two children (one of which does not have a defined gender) sharing a quick hug is gay

>one of which does not have a defined gender

That's even worse.

>He also forgot about the faggot guardsmen in hotlands.

Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. The rabbit who literally "asked to be with a dragon". Homosexual furry propaganda.

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if someone changes their body and their name and their pronouns they're probably trans

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File: 97a937199427f6d⋯.png (117.37 KB,242x366,121:183,1537443083862.png)


>one of which does not have a defined gender

>that's even worse

I'd hate to see you try and play an atari 2600 game.

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>possession is now trans if the demon is female and the host is male

>changes their name

>stage names are now trans

>and their pronouns

[source required]

I don't remember that anywhere.

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You can't compare the 2600 to a full-fledged RPG.

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File: d4c3a9b3e511f61⋯.jpg (62.52 KB,680x716,170:179,d4c3a9b3e511f610f8e3dbef74….jpg)



>a fully-fledged RPG

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"They" is the only pronoun used for pre-robot Mettaton, even though it makes sentences awkward.

Same goes for Napstablook.

Ghosts are genderless. But not Mettaton.

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Even with taking into your account your stupid fucking premise that possession equates to being mentally ill trans, what's Mettatons gender as a robot?

I don't even recall once that that robot was referred to as a he or a she.

Disregarding this for a second though, let's take into consideration that possession for a ghost is a normal function and is expected for such an entity. On the other hand, mutilating yourself, injecting poison, and committing suicide shortly after transitioning is a completely artificial process that was only recently created and serves no natural biological function, and in most some cases does much more harm than good.

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>I don't even recall once that that robot was referred to as a he or a she.

It happens constantly. Check basically any dialogue about him.

If you want a specific example, take Bratty's "He's like... My robot husband."

>Disregarding this for a second though, let's take into consideration that possession for a ghost is a normal function and is expected for such an entity.

Then you're just saying it's healthy for ghosts to be trans, but not usually for humans. Doesn't make him not trans. That would be like saying fish can't swim because they're so much better at it than humans.

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>He's like... My robot husband.

Ok, don't know why I didn't remember it.

>Then you're saying it's healthy for ghosts to be trans

I'm saying that possession isn't being trans and failing at trying to get that across. It's fucking possession, not chopping your dick off to pretend to be a woman.

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Mettaton's state isn't simple possession, at least after he transforms into Mettaton EX. He's managed to irreversibly bond to his body, which is why he dies if it's destroyed. (see: Mad Dummy, Glad Dummy, Mad Mew Mew)

If you destroy the Ruins dummy, Mad Dummy says:

>Us ghosts spend our whole lives looking for a proper vessel.

>Slowly, slowly, we grow closer to our new bodies...

>Until one day, we too may become corporeal beings.

>Beings able to laugh, love, and dance like any other...

>But YOU!!!! My cousin's future...! You took it all away!

That's not just possession.

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That sounds exactly like possession. He was incorporeal before, and thus had no body. Now he's corporal and has a body. The only difference is that he can't find another host.

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He changed his gender and got a new body to match. That's the kind of thing trans people want to do.

Most importantly, try to make a basic guess about Toby's views on the issue, taking into account that he comes from a Homestuck background and puts gays and crossdressing in his game. There's zero chance that resembling the stock social justice concept of transness would happen by accident.

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File: 0fcf7eb30c010fd⋯.jpg (69.24 KB,800x574,400:287,5e7e35eff64a5e60a79662d663….jpg)


>Undertale is Gay furry propaganda

>Implying that a bad thing

You're just going to have to accept that Undertale is the new furry gateway game, it happened with Krystal in Star Fox Adventures, and now it happening with the goats in UT.

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He's still a fucking ghost bound to a robot, and there's no fucking evidence he said he was a he before being bound to said robot.

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He was consistently known as a "they" to others before he became Mettaton. He's consistently called "he" by others after becoming Mettaton.

His diary has this in it:

>Dear Diary:

>She surpised me with something today.

>Sketches of a body that she wants to create for me...

>A form beyond my wildest fantasies.

>In a form like that, I could finally feel like... "myself."

He changed his pronouns, took up a new name, and got a body so he could finally feel more like himself.

How do you interpret that? Do you think it's a coincidence? Do you think Toby would make that without realizing how it matched up?

Or do you think it's just a metaphor? That could be reasonable.

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I'm more likely to accept the idea that toby did it not realizing it if the rest of the game is taken into account. Dude's a fucking hack who's only crowning achievement he burred in favor of le epic pun skeleton.

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If OP turns out to be Robert Bowers I'm going to be mildly amused

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File: 0fa2a5724360b86⋯.gif (838.04 KB,1028x1423,1028:1423,The_Death_of_Hyacinthos.gif)


Okay, more on the mysticism of UNDERTALE and Homosexuality.

Let's take a look at Flowey, the reincarnation of Azriel. So, basically, Asriel absorbed the soul of Chara, crossed the barrier, and while trying to lay Chara's body to rest, got stabbed by a bunch of humans. He later went home and died near Asgore's throne, and turned into dust, which spilt into a flower. The flower of course came to life once Alphys injected DETERMINATION into the flower.

Hm... Sounds familiar...

<In the literary myth, Hyacinth was a beautiful youth and lover of the god Apollo, though he was also admired by West Wind, Zephyr. Apollo and Hyacinth took turns throwing the discus. Hyacinth ran to catch it to impress Apollo, was struck by the discus as it fell to the ground, and died. A twist in the tale makes the wind god Zephyrus responsible for the death of Hyacinth. His beauty caused a feud between Zephyrus and Apollo. Jealous that Hyacinth preferred the radiant archery god Apollo, Zephyrus blew Apollo's discus off course, so as to injure and kill Hyacinth. When he died, Apollo did not allow Hades to claim the youth; rather, he made a flower, the hyacinth, from his spilled blood. According to Ovid's account, the tears of Apollo stained the newly formed flower's petals with the sign of his grief. The flower of the mythological Hyacinth has been identified with a number of plants other than the true hyacinth, such as the iris. According to a local Spartan version of the myth, Hyacinth and his sister Polyboea were taken to Elysium by Aphrodite, Athena and Artemis.

Quasi-homosexual story right there, but the real kicker is that Apollo made the hyacinth, a flower out of Hyacinth's dead blood. Alphys made Flowey out of Asriel's dust. Also, both were characters that had a bunch of fun in their previous lives as hominids. Pretty damn similar, don't you think? But you may ask...

>But ANON, that's GREEK mythology, not Jewish mythology!

Jews obsess over the Greeks. They have for 2000 years.


Thus, it'd make sense for Toby Fox to also include Hellenistic elements in the lore of UNDERTALE. Plus, it's literally based on a quasi-homosexual paedophilic story, as said before.

Thus, my theory is that Flowey is based on Hyacinth.

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>greek myth is quasi-homosexual

>and jewish because some jews liked it

Don't ever go to the gym because it was once the place where greeks would get naked and do sports, that's quasi-homosexual and you don't want that, do you?

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>Pretty damn similar, don't you think?

It's really not. There are lots of stories involving people turning into flowers, most of which don't involve homosexuals.


Wrong. It was completely homosexual. It wasn't even remotely pretending to not be homosexual; Apollo and Hyacinth totally had a pedarast relationship.

Also, Flowey was clearly based on Chara's obsession with flowers and the recurrent golden flower motif throughout the game. It's a self-contained mythology, not one that references outside works.

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>It's really not. There are lots of stories involving people turning into flowers, most of which don't involve homosexuals.

The one regarding Hyacinth is most relevant to my point here, as I said

<Jews obsess over the Greeks. They have for 2000 years.

<Thus, it'd make sense for Toby Fox to also include Hellenistic elements in the lore of UNDERTALE.

It also contains a fairly similar form of flower metamorphosis, blood and monster dust both are used to create a flower.

>Also, Flowey was clearly based on Chara's obsession with flowers and the recurrent golden flower motif throughout the game.

Chara's "obsession" with flowers, literally all of the goats were obsessed with flowers, as you can see on the visuals during the "Asriel" fight. Again, as I said, Asriel died on ground, and a flower bloomed a while after that, which after Alphys injected DETERMINATION into it, became Flowey.

>It's a self-contained mythology, not one that references outside works.

I doubt that. I just stated how Asriel is blatantly ripped off the Hebrew angel Azriel, just slightly modified. The combination of "Asgore" and "Toriel" specifically to make "Asriel" was intentional.

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>I just stated how Asriel is blatantly ripped off the Hebrew angel Azriel

Who you said was a fucking watcher and isn't in the slightest you fucking kike.

You're talking a lot of shit but get basic shit wrong like fucking saying that all of those demons/watcher and Azriel are the same when they clearly fucking aren't.

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>Who you said was a fucking watcher and isn't in the slightest you fucking kike.

They're entities associated with Azriel, who some believe to be the same. I never implied I believed them to be the same. And I guess I'm the kike now. It still doesn't attack my main argument, namely that Asriel IS based on Azriel (also known as Malach ha-Mawet, Moloch of death), but of course, it's slightly modified.

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Only fucking retards associate Azriel with those shitty fucking demons, especially fucking calling him Moloch.

He has as much in common with that faggot as Jesus has with Ba'al.

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The Hebrew word for angel, "Malach" derives from the same Semitic root word as Moloch, *malk. This is shown in other Semitic languages. In Arabic, Moloch is "Malik", in the Quran, "Angel of Death", referring to Azriel, is "Malik Al-Mawt", cognate with again, Hebrew "Malach ha-Mawet". Thus, the Hebrew angels I mentioned in the original post, Azriel included, are associated in some way with Moloch.

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The word slave comes from slav therefor all slaves were slavs and therefor niggers were white.

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Technically, "slave" WAS originally only used for Slavic slaves, for example, Saqaliba is an Arab cognate word, it was used to refer to Slavic slaves, while slaves in general were called abeed or mamlaik, hence mamluke. In Latin and Greek, "servus" was used for non-Slavic slaves, which of course evolved into "serf". It only later became used to refer to ALL slaves, and that's the thing. The Hebrew angels likely gained the name "Malach" after the Canaanite deity Moloch, but it diverged to refer to all angels in Hebrew, keep in mind the word "Moloch" itself was derived from Ammonite, in the context OF the Canaanite deity.

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>This story is the most relevant because it's the only one where I can shove in my Jewish conspiracy theory

Whatever you say, boss.

>literally all of the goats were obsessed with flowers

Because they all loved Chara and thought of Golden Flowers with affection because Chara liked them. They didn't like them BEFORE Chara showed up. Fuck, it's like you didn't even play the game or understand anything!

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Is there any overt hebraic influence in Deltarune?

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