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Home of goatfags, fishfags, and other Undertrash

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File: 1456987591368.webm (6.41 MB,426x240,71:40,Papyrus Gets Peeved.webm)


>X Facts you didn't know about undertale

>It's all really obvious shit even if you did the bare minimum Neutral and Pacifism play-throughs

Who is this shit made for?

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Normalfags who didn't play the game and spent all their time focusing on the pink haired screeching fag saying what parts were emotional and fakely crying.

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File: 1457010706426.jpg (91.03 KB,1023x676,1023:676,Great partnere as it is.jpg)


>Who is this shit made for?

jewtube views

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Anything that begins with a number is clickbait.

Every time.

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