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/underground/ - The Underground

Home of goatfags, fishfags, and other Undertrash

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I'll start

Winnie the Pooh: Pacifist. He would try very hard to make friends with just about any being

How about you folks? What are your picks?

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File: 2e5557016dfd1fe⋯.png (117.24 KB,495x424,495:424,1282759660987.png)


Hmmm... I do wonder just why this board is usually slow?

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File: 69aeff179e057d2⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,800x533,800:533,puny_human_tries_to_draw_m….jpg)


>posts sjw universe

>expects replies

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>SU is only liked by SJWs and the like

I understand why you think that. That show's fandom is known to get quite toxic and virulent over even small stuff, such as the Zami incident.

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Probably because the creator is an SJW and the show is fucking shit anyway


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I'll put it like this, /mtt/ was made as a board to gk to after undertale threads were Shut It Down™ on /v/, and not even a fifth or even less of the people that would have been posting in those followed. Then there is /underground/, which has less than half of even that lurking.

You figure it out.

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Would quit before finishing the Neutral Run because he couldn't bring himself to fight Asgore, due to massive guilt over the buttercup-pie incident.

Is this TOO meta...?

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Steven Universe is basically a jewed-up version of ponies.


/mtt/ is completely dead now. Lacked the stamina. Didn't build a wall to keep out the spammer. Sad!


this response is an extra level of meta because it neatly illustrates the difference between fan-Chara (repentant sibling of a cute goat) and canon-Chara (KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL).

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>Creator of SU is a SJW

Literally how?

>The show is fucking shit

An opinion. noting more.

>If I don't like a show, then the creator is automatically a SJW!

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>Genderless characters automatically=jewey


>hurr I don't like a show, therefore i will call it jewed-up.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Someone is going to post this video anyway

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Neither this place. Still gets in when nobody is around. I still go there, as I'm still waiting for more pages of Under(Her)Tail to be released so I can post them; underground is no less dead than mtt is, there's no point to pretending otherwise

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FFS, a youtube video does not make an opinion fact! If you don't like it, like the person in the video certainly does, that's fine. Also, the video:

>Typical /b/tard superiority-flaunting with facts mixed in with personal opinion

>Highly opinionated bias toward Disney when it comes to animation standards

>Implying that animation has to be Disney or Disney-like in order to be watchable

>collectively judging people who prefer their own sex to sleep with as a whole based on the actions of some individuals

Also, to my knowlege, Rebecca is not a racial Jew. Yes she is half Jewish, but Half-Jew is NOT THE SAME as a full-blooded Jew(a category which includes folks like Mel brooks) If only your father is Predominantly Jewish, but not your mother, you are not considered a Hebe/Jew

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Canon Chara never hurt anyone (the buttercup pie thing was an accident and don't try to say he planned out all this complicated shit and played his parents like an anime villain chessmaster; the kid was like 10 and never stated to be particularly intelligent or manipulative), and certainly never killed anyone (you start the game with EXP of 0), until you The Player (or, in universe: Frisk) starts murdering every monster and convinces him that this is the right way to do things.

Chara hated humanity (as do most of us to some degree, or we would be partying with friends and getting drunk like normal people, instead of being in a place like this) and "wasn't the greatest person". Well, shit that's like calling them literal Satan, isn't it!

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>10 year olds can't be manipulative

Let me introduce you to my childhood friend and why backstabbing Toriel was Toby giving me a big middle finger.

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>can't delete my post so I can put a comma between childhood and friend


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She would apologize while she's killing them, but it would nonetheless be a neutral run with many, many deaths.


Nigger watch the video and face it. It's a cartoon stuffed to the brink with progressive politics to such a degree it didn't have any space left for cartoon-ey thing. It's the result of making something that's supposed to be fun with politics and then taking out the fun.


> the dindu chara meme


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File: 167376d7e7293b7⋯.png (22.35 KB,236x236,1:1,1445416763661.png)


>video points out creator is an sjw faggot

>complains about the creator not being jewish enough to be an sjw

>uses literally in previous post


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Oh shit, I completely misread the post.


>he also thinks homosexuality isn't a mental illness

top wew

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