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/underground/ - The Underground

Home of goatfags, fishfags, and other Undertrash

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File: 0abc5d8a79771de⋯.png (1.28 MB,994x1090,497:545,0abc5d8a79771dec873e70063f….png)

File: 468562a3c170f99⋯.jpg (53.97 KB,736x1059,736:1059,485d5c5580786ec537a9ee56ed….jpg)

File: 5b48d692ff2faa4⋯.png (2.21 MB,1024x1314,512:657,thing (2).png)

File: 048b69d253686dc⋯.png (403.93 KB,600x800,3:4,hoodie.png)

File: 515b9ef60b818b8⋯.png (461.03 KB,818x789,818:789,something.png)


>entire board is 404ing

>all those moments in time will be lost like tears in the rain


mod edit: it really is

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File: b0ae3671dd77649⋯.png (371.7 KB,800x600,4:3,_kiss_by_sjui00-da3mzam.png)

Not for me?

Cute gotes though

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File: 327285c02725936⋯.png (384.09 KB,641x474,641:474,WHERE THE VIDEO GAMES.png)

The board is fine, just the site is being retarded, as if that's news to anyone. Don't worry, you're not going to be reset.

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File: 623ece2b8867de4⋯.jpg (366.88 KB,991x1280,991:1280,0e2f090798a.jpg)

File: 545c13cfa2974d0⋯.jpg (236.41 KB,989x1280,989:1280,6f2995bb07.jpg)

File: eb6a05e9986c6d9⋯.jpg (278.52 KB,989x1280,989:1280,9e2eee9a14.jpg)

Entire site is experiencing fuckups on certain threads, sometimes whole catalogs. If you get an e0001 error, put "sys.8ch" in the url, and it'll load the page.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I must.

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File: 266731d5f648f61⋯.jpg (271.06 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,0ccc37ca4950fe5.jpg)

File: b64881fb19901a1⋯.jpg (117.4 KB,850x1190,5:7,75b91c9ec813cdbd9.jpg)

File: 7f33519e9de17d7⋯.png (1.21 MB,900x1200,3:4,e62aae4474fe86.png)

File: ed2d799f504a0d8⋯.jpg (251.03 KB,850x1162,425:581,sample_7de1a905227.jpg)


Asriel's vocal noises make me happy in ways I can barely describe.

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File: 900382d49689577⋯.jpeg (83 KB,1280x720,16:9,1459843195-9c4633bc100207….jpeg)


Asriel makes me happy in ways I can barely begin to describe.

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File: 2e7fc061965e485⋯.png (966.5 KB,1013x1300,1013:1300,1470163971649-4.png)


why is this

everyone seems to like the goat this much

including me

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Well it's a lot of things at once for me.

>perfect little brother (never had one)



>someone I would give 100% to protect


among other things

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I got spoilered pretty hard; Asriel was my introduction to the game. I probably never would have played it had it not been for him.

As for why I like him so much? Pfft. That's a joke. He's a cute little goatboy and I'm a massive furfag and shotacon.

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The Sans fight (which I've never experienced myself and probably never will) was the thing that finally convinced me to play it

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File: 99c6452845547e9⋯.png (28.98 KB,558x579,186:193,9eee7c60190.png)

File: 3679d7a4116d921⋯.png (2.92 MB,2400x3000,4:5,450ec2e666a906.png)

File: 1fb4378ae7b7dc6⋯.png (460.88 KB,900x1082,450:541,1457686500170.png)


If fighting Sans had been required for a Pacifist run, I probably wouldn't have played it. There isn't much I hate more in video games than things that are difficult for no reason than to be difficult. If I wanted to experience the Sans fight, I'd draw some bones on the wall and then smash my face into it for three or four hours.

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Maybe I'm just confident of my skill in video games, but I'm pretty sure Sans' fight would have only mildly fazed me until I learned how it went. Of course I can't fairly play it now because I know exactly how it goes, down to the detail.

It's the crazy fan games (that fucking Gaster fight is INSANE) that beat my ass.

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