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Home of goatfags, fishfags, and other Undertrash

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File: 1470554371484.png (30.93 KB,1515x189,505:63,asfef2.PNG)


I got undertale b& on /v/ AMA


OP is a faggot

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You didn't. Mark did. He refused to ban shit, and he left shit all over the place, and the people wanting to do so much as goatpost or fishpost got shit on with no help from the mods.

Congratulations! You're shit. Is it everything you ever wanted?

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see the :^)?

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I loved how the mods were looking for every fucking little reason to bump lock, or even just fucking lock and delete the threads in general.

Then the 2 people saging would spam the thread with shitty fucking dubs posts ignoring rule 10, then say how the thread was shit because someone was out shitposting them.

Fun shit.

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I loved how the OPs were absolute fucking cancer.

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File: 1470797684310.png (125.26 KB,1430x251,1430:251,meme.PNG)

What do you think he meant by this?

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>With that said they're contained to their own thread so I don't really bother with them.


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