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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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071034 No.94


Also for the record, we have been told that it is Mike Cottrell's job to re-fund the treasury. Which he will do, once we get a go. So no one goes until Mike has completed his job. Regardless of what any of these wannabe toads tell you. Re-funding treasury will not happen until we have an asset backed currency. That has not happened yet, regardless of how many times we have been told it is done. It is not done, until it is announced in public by either the President or the Treasury Secretary. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or repeating lies they have been told.

As far as I can tell, below is the last public statement made directly by Al Hodges. As I "remember" it, there was one more since, via an email to a cmkx shareholder. I can't find that statement at this time. This was taken from a members only cmkx board (from June 15, 2017).


I ONLY DISCOVERED THIS THREAD THIS MORNING, SO FORGIVE ME IF THESE COMMENTS SEEM A BIT ‘TARDY.’ Be advised that this is not an update; just a few comments in a perhaps vain attempt to assuage some of the angst:

First, let me assure all that I am still involved. Although I have attempted to retire on a number of different occasions over the years, I cannot seem to make it stick. My law firm will continue to be involved no matter what occurs [e.g. if I get laid up or laid out]. Most of you are aware that I represent Mr. Michael C. Cottrell and several other of the players on the world stage; be advised that I also represent a number of others on that stage, unknown to you. Please understand that attorneys are duty-bound at all times and in all contexts to observe their client’s confidentiality; in simple relevant terms this means that I cannot share their non-public information with you, without their express permission. I have, in the past, shared what I have been allowed to share; I sincerely apologize if it failed to add light to the subject. In this context I calmly and respectfully ask that each of you cease contacting me requesting/insisting that I violate my sworn duty and oath to my clients.

Second, to those who somehow have come to believe that I sold my personal CMKX shares and am now living a resultant plush life, you are mistaken on both counts. I have sold a few thousand shares to friends and allies over the years to accommodate their requests; however, my current existence is on a par with many other shareholders who have lost property, health and loved ones. Why is, and how can it be, true for a practicing attorney, you ask. The answer is painfully simple – it’s been a very long [15+ years] and bumpy road, and the most recent six or seven years I have devoted my entire existence and resources to accomplishing goal fruition.

Third, this has become something much larger than CMKX ROI. It has become, primarily by necessity, a global reset of 7+ billion peoples’ existence and future. We all whine because it’s difficult to make ends meet on occasion, when a large majority of humanity are fighting a daily threat to their continued existence – shame on us all! I am not saying that your continuing complaints and frustration are unwarranted, for they are not. What I am saying is to take pride in your continued faith as a means of justifying the enormous reward you are about to receive for participating in bringing a signal change to human existence on this planet.

Fourth, I am well aware that you did not sign on for this – neither did I. However, it is what has become reality – a reality you each must deal with. The sooner you do so, the sooner this travail will be concluded. Now you ask me “How could and did this happen?” The only manner in which I am allowed to respond is to suggest that you re-read the various ‘updates’ I have made over the years; I can also add the following additional perspective:

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071034 No.95


• We are willing/unwilling participants in a global reset of human existence.

• The “protocol” for payout of all relevant moneys has changed a minimum of 80 to 100 times since I was quoted on the court-house steps opining about being a ‘betting-man.’

• Protocol changes have been made without notice by the New Powers That Be, largely as a result of the nefarious activities of those societal elements opposing this reset.

• Protocol changes have been necessitated frequently because the opponents [“cabal”] have engaged in a habit of making agreements and then denying their existence, efficacy, or possibility; this, when combined with a requirement imposed by the NPTB that no force or bloodshed be involved, is [IMO] the reason for the many, many changes in the protocol and payout schedule.

• The CABAL has been defeated, and almost all of their teeth pulled; what you see continuing on TV and reflected in the media is all a dog-and-pony show to keep the general populous calm and non-reactive – it will end very, very soon.

• The ‘denouement’ is in fact proceeding to its final event, as previously advised.

• NESARA is in fact real, and is scheduled shortly to be announced [it was first to be announced at 10 AM on the 11th of September, 2001, which indicates to a degree the success that the CABAL has hence enjoyed].

• I am advised that the Paris Climate treaty contains secret language that all country signators agree to implement the crux of the standards laid out in NESARA in their own countries – it is being collectively referred to as GESARA.

• Your world is about to change for the very much better in ways only dreamers usually embrace.


Fifth, I will reiterate that we have indeed won; we have now won something far greater and much more dear than originally understood. Have faith and have just a bit more patience. Rejoice for your fellow men and women; rejoice for your culture and environment; rejoice for your world and the small, but very important, part that you played in making it a world where all are equal in treatment, freedom and opportunity. NAMASTE


Al Hodges

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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