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583d10 No.8919

Hey, anybody on here right now familiar with Biblical scripture and/or cult programming and/or Army base conspiracy theories?

I made this post on the other chan's /x/ and I guess a mod called it "blogging"(?), that board seems to have become increasingly hostile to people talking about the underground cult network.

My ex-boyfriend was accused by a girl he used to babysit when they were both children living on an Army base of molesting her and her younger sister.

The accusation happened about four years ago and he and I have since broken up, mainly because I myself found out I grew up in a generational cult and came to believe he was also raised in some kind of cult situation growing up as an Army brat with a high level commander father moving from base to base.

Hearing from other cult survivors, ritual programming and abuse is rampant on US military bases and I'm wondering if my ex and this girl were born into something insidious and dark.

In a Facebook message to my ex four years ago she sent him this message in response to him telling her that it was not possible that he abused her and that he had told his mother about the situation:

>I appreciate you for finally answering me. I'm still fickled on why you never responses and why you told your mom. Just remember Romans 16:17-18

Romans 16:17-18 says:

17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

Now what the fuck would that quote have to do with my ex molesting her when he was about 13 and she was about 9 or 10 iirc.

It just sounds very cryptic and I could read a lot into it, I just want to hear if anyone else has any kind of familiarity with it, cult or otherwise.

There's a lot more to this story and since this is anonymous I don't mind going more in-depth, feel free to ask anything and please let me know if there's a better place I should be asking about this, thanks!

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c8a1ed No.8924


Thank you for sharing.

That verse is actually very timely. It's the biblical instructions for shillspotting!

In this context, it looks like she is trying to tell him that just because his mother told him it was not possible that he had done such a thing doesn't make it the truth.

See, divisions and obstacles look like this.

"Of course that didn't happen, this is silly talk!'

"You have an overactive imagination"

"People misremember abuse all the time"

"As your (parent, guardian, handler) don't you think I know better than you what you did and didn't do?"

Smooth talk and flattery is a common tool for manipulation.

And of course, being part of a cult means they create your reality for you, and all other reality is a lie (so they say).

If you suggest something that goes against the created reality, well of course this must be nipped in the bud, and it is done under the guise of - you got it - smooth talk & flattery.

In the story you told - they were both children. Who were products of their environment and didn't know any better. Very likely mind controlled.

A way I could see to at least begin to fix and heal this, would be for him to sincerely acknowledge and apologize, since he is out from under the mind control and knows better now.

Taking responsibility and making amends for any harm you did to another is one of the steps to maturity and yes, even spiritual enlightenment. At the very least, it makes one a better human being.

I hope this helps, and if you wish to go more in depth, feel free to expand the story :)

Wishing you, your ex, the girl and everyone else involved freedom, healing and peace.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

54a1da No.13574

what she mean "…{{{finally}}} answering …."?

how many times 'she' try contacting?

wht u know of these supposed ' other times?

as ell

why u care now?wht is ur stake? if concerns ur past scene ………..possible projection…no solve til solve ur own….yet maybe urs solved thru searching 'exs' past scnee…..soul dig


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