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File: e418d1302d16dc2⋯.jpg (44.68 KB,474x385,474:385,population.jpg)

4bd51b No.296

Population control to save the planet? Uh no. It's to make the slave population more manageable for the elites.

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4bd51b No.297

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4bd51b No.298

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4bd51b No.299


As to secrecy, the guest said, "They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government."

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4bd51b No.300


Bill Gates’ interest in a global government has nothing to do with the wellbeing of the world’s population. A system such as the one he’s suggesting would guarantee global surveillance, global wealth inequality, and a world run by the corporate elite.

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4bd51b No.301


e claims he has seen beyond Malthusian conceptions of useless eaters since, he says, he has seen that by improving health and education population decreases as parents decide to have less children.

Despite all his distancing from Malthus, Gates remains steadfast to the unfounded Malthusian fear of overpopulation.

See the transcript of the interview with Gates at:


See The Quiz Gates Failed http://www.all.org/gates/index.htm

UN POPULATION FUND RECEIVES $57 MIL FROM GATES http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2000/apr/00040504.html

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1b5b77 No.13876

File: 1752fa0b72c4a4e⋯.png (14.68 KB,830x376,415:188,lithuaniawuhan.png)



I have insider info that sounds too crazy to post but there is no choice, it must be said. I'll try to keep it brief:

There is a binary poison that is aerially spread that is a long duration neurotoxin that has pork as one half of the binary. It is extremely potent. If you get even a small whiff and then eat pork, the symptoms are the same as COVID-19. This poison is a super histamine trigger that causes your lungs to fill with phleghm. High doses cause greater symptoms, up to seizures. Once you get nailed by it, (if you survive) it stays in your system strongly for two years and fades out over a decade and if you stop eating pork, it will go inactive. This could be what "coronavirus" in China really is and would explain why people "recover" and then get slammed again.


How hard is it to avoid pork? Not hard at all.

This post was too brief, there's a LOT more detail on this topic but I am worried it will sound "too crazy" to post. I'll say this: What better thing could there possibly be for those who eat Kosher? BONUS: It won't work on Muslims either because they don't eat pork. They're supposed to be the ones taking over, RIGHT? Just listen to the visceral dietribe coming from the "tribe" right now, they want traditional white Western types dead and replaced with third world Muslims. What better way to do it than a binary poison that won't nail Jews or Muslims?

Think about that.

Your lungs will phleghm out and you won't have a fever at all. In some cases you could even be "asymptomatic" and drop dead but usually there's a long period of obvious symptoms.

This has replaced the previous post, I found a better way to say it. I am worried this sounds too crazy, but the poison is DEFINITELY real, and it is VERY potent, a few 2 liter bottles dispersed in a city would do the trick.

I know Chinese intelligence reads this site. And I hope they run tests of this and then take appropriate action. Here are the details:

In mild/moderate poisonings, discontinuation of all pork in the diet will cause symptoms to fade within two weeks. If someone is poisoned with this then eats pork, they go right back to full symptoms. Testing this is how a poisoning can be confirmed.

If this ends up testing out in China, remember what the Bible says about who takes Israel out!

I have not received any notice that this poison was released en masse in China, but it is definitely something to know about and China had damn well better be running tests on people to see what happens, STAT.

(from jimstone.is)

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1b5b77 No.13877


nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion



South Korean death cult infecting everyone


CDC clashes with State Department over infected Americans


Italy closes 3 train stations


Wuhan to build another 19 makeshift hospitals


Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious


Tokyo cancels indoor events for 3 weeks


Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets



Testicular damage


Reinfection possible and even deadlier


Incubation period of 24 days, longer than expected



Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time


MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China


Crematorium: nCoV deaths 'suspected' outnumber 'confirmed' 6 to 1



► Infected: 983,006



► Detected: 77,985 ► Died: 2362


20:36: +1 in Milan

18:08: +7 in Italy

17:30: +1 in Japan

16:10: +1 in Italy

14:47: +1 in Hong Kong

14:48: +1 death in Italy ◄

14:48: +33 in Italy

► China 76,288 (2345) ► International 1695 (17): Iran 28 (5) Diamond Princess 634 (2) South Korea 433 (2) Hong Kong 70 (2) Italy 62 (2) Japan 134 (1) Taiwan 26 (1) France 12 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Singapore 89 Thailand 35 United States 35 Malaysia 22 Australia 21 Germany 16 Vietnam 16 UAE 13 Macau 10 United Kingdom 9 Canada 9 India 3 Russia 2 Spain 2 Nepal 1 Cambodia 1 Sri Lanka 1 Finland 1 Sweden 1 Belgium 1 Egypt 1 Israel 1 Lebanon 1

More: http://pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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1b5b77 No.13878



inb4source claims to have been infected on his flight from Phoenix to Anchorage. Currently bunkered and receiving best treatment

Big Dick Anon

street operative who tells a story of how the coronavirus was a bioweapon jointly developed by Chinese and Russians, it was released during a traffic accident in Wuhan near the animal market when the military convoy had a crash, the truck carrying the biohazard payload rolled down an embankment…


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1b5b77 No.13879


With huge thanks to Paul Furber (follow him on Twitter)

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