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a7daae No.285

Cabal: How they are 'making money' (wealth)

1 Owning Military-Industrial Complex

- purchases worth billions from countries, totaling sales of hundreds of billions

2 Owning Big Pharma

- pushing for treatments/medicines that do not cure root causes

- pushing for opioid treatments, addict users and sell them long term (drug companies pushed greedy doctors to prescribe unnecessary drugs)

- creating of new 'illnesses' which need constant 'medication'. Normal active behaviour is deemed illness that needs medication. Worth billions.

- The production of viruses and their subsequent vaccines ensures rapid spreading of disease and further testing of new impulse control chemicals on a wider population.

- absolute control of the medical industry in virtually every way. The barriers to entry and cost of bringing a new drug to market is such that big pharma is an oligarchy that prevents outside competition.

3 Most transnational corporations (TNCs), cross owned in network

- ownership of Venture Capital like Carlyle (elite + TNC ownerships), benefiting from backroom deals to get best 'investment' opportunities

- governments buy a lot from the big players

4 Owning most of the banking system

- governments taking loans from banks, diverted to megacorporations owned by cabal

- all of the private sector is forced to take loans from banking cartel (if you don't take loans your competitor have edge of having the money for investments and growth)

5 Big Chem, agriculture, food

- Chemical compounds are added to foodstuffs, water supplies, and other common goods to destabilize healthy chemical brain activity and reduce the impulse control of the consumer. Add profits by adding chemicals to food that are unnecessary (you don't see the chemicals in recipes, faking freshness isn't freshness)

- addicts become more addicted, fat folks get fatter, individuals with suicidal/homicidal/pedophilic tendencies have those illnesses exacerbated, etc.

6 Big Media

- Advertisement techniques and the inclusion of subliminal messaging/frequencies allow the manipulation of targets once their impulse control has been adequately destroyed.

7 Big Tech

- Improvements in data storage, collection, and analysis allow deep state organizations to target individuals most susceptible to the machinations of the above manipulation/impulse control techniques.

8 NGOs

- governments taking loans (or tax money), diverted to NGOs to make purchases from TNCs. Who would oppose NGOs because they do 'good'

9 Arms race, creating atmosphere of hostilities. Governments spending a lot to weapons, from Mil-Ind Complex

10 Privatization claimed to be the silver bullet to problems. When done the wrong way to cabal TNCs will get ownership of common infrastructure and to milk money from. Raise prices, neglect maintenance.

11 Water. Push for owning water resources. If cabal would own water we would pay ourselves to death.

12 Owning media. Brainwash/indoctrinate people to wrong agendas.

13 Education: control what people learn, free market is evil because of entrepreneurs greediness, government helps you because they regulate evilness, NGOs are good, UN is doing good, nationalism is bad because it is the root cause for wars, big companies are good because they follow regulations… (not seeing too many regulations kill small business because the cost gets too heavy)

14 Religion: ridicule Christianity because they believe old story and unprovable God, but Islam is good, new age bullshit, satanism is good and shouldn't be ridiculed with same criteria than they ridicule Christians

15 Subterfuge using every possible methods.

- “It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” Allegedly by Mark Twain

- Like Bezmenov says in his famous interview: miseducate/brainwash a generation or two and the country is basically toast, they will _never_ relearn, it'll take a generation to re-educate a country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2656a5 No.538

File: c8de834e6e7b508⋯.gif (1.14 MB,640x360,16:9,0mKXcg1.gif)

ummm yep 1000% correct its the debt system and interest is part and parcel of it

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55032d No.3964

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