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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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d6786e No.2409

A conservatory often refers to a building or room having glass or tarpaulin roofing and walls used as a greenhouse, i.e. a Sunroom.

Another, perhaps lesser known use of this word is of a school devoted to the study and art of Music.

There are no coincidences.

This thread is for anything and everything related to MUSIC.

Everything from Baroque Master (Bach) to modern gems like Tool, and anything in between. Music is universal, and even when a malignant force attempts to bend music to its malicious will, the truth has a tendency to SHINE through.

Let me give you an example,

Beyonce - Halo.

Beyonce is the last "artist" one might expect to find enlightenment from, and to be sure ..much of her work must be carefully dissected to find their true intentions. Then on the other hand she has songs like Halo.

>Hit me like a ray of sun

>Burning through my darkest night

>You're the only one that I want

>Think I'm addicted to your light

I don't think I have to go deeper into what finger nuanced meaning she could be getting on about here.. am I wrong? I would love to be corrected if I am, by ALL means!

And that is the whole point! You hear some music that rings true, please share! Discuss! Teach! Learn!

I have no doubt much of the information on this board is alot to take in but MUSIC IS UNIVERSAL!

I myself have a long list that I will have to carefully curate and present when I am able, but please, dont sit there and try to tell me "i don't really listen to music". Sure you do! and I would love to hear what you think.

*I think I will add POETRY here as well, unless someone believes that poetry deserves its own thread?

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d6786e No.2422

Sublime - Doin' Time/Summertime

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxGh6VGxuw0

>Muse - Time is Running Out

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2IuJPh6h_A&list=PLJhmviD_-i_-cQINoojICYq3kFsBdPtkH

>Nirvana - Territorial Pissings

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVzLGXzO_IA

>The Killers - All These Things I've Done

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZTpLvsYYHw

>Kendrick Lamar - DNA

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLZRYQMLDW4

>Foo Fighters - The Pretender

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBjQ9tuuTJQ

>Tupac - Thugs Mantion

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZbklKAAnkI

(Tupac tends to use a changing narrative in his music i.e. 1st - 3rd verse is a dichotomy of a Lost man and one that has found his way, I think, what do you think?)

>RHCP - Soul to Squeeze https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XcN12uVHeQ

A few notable examples I thought I would leave here for the time being. The LYRICS friends, who wrote them??

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