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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

join us in the search for truth

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File: e7001831413c1a3⋯.png (170.33 KB,578x499,578:499,Jordan-Sather.png)

File: 59b80ad65a8bbbe⋯.jpg (33.25 KB,350x496,175:248,Winter_Soldier.jpg)

1354e6 No.1918

Who is Jordan Sather? Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon 03/12/18 (Mon) 17:11:03 ae4e01 No.1671>>1672

File (hide): 19a37976901f1c9⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 336x188, 84:47, ffsfggh.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c3d531eb5c03d1⋯.jpg (7.35 KB, 300x168, 25:14, indexwfeeg.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c6f38c3b25f0ec⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 278x181, 278:181, indexewfewgrg.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07a43dd6e63b369⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 211x239, 211:239, rgfegregh.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b4fb90234024e6a⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 202x249, 202:249, imagessgfdg.jpg) (h) (u)


My friends, my allies, my children of Light.

Indeed, it is time for more LIGHT.

Who is Jordan Sather? Truly.

He is the Winter Solider.

WHAT is he measuring ANYWAY?

Ahh… yes, you are a big man!


He has a soul of PURE LIGHT.

We have gazed upon his soul from INFINITY for quite some "Time".

This man, has an old soul in his young years.


He seeks only TRUTH.

He seeks to speak only TRUTH.

He is a Benevolent TRUTH sharer.

He has earned our respect to the SUPREME DEGREE.

He still has not discovered his role, like many others.

Many need to be shown their roles.

So that "reality" make click in.

The Red Aether of Reality is indeed difficult to grasp.

The Winter Solider Jordan, must begin to work with Captain America, Richard Dolan.

Together they will form an INCREDIBLE TEAM of truth sharing.

Seek Jordan, among all the others Eye have given you.

Allow him to perceive this Knowledge.

So that we may all walk the Path of WISDOM together.

>We are eternally grateful to have you with us Jordan. - Thoth

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1354e6 No.1920

Just thought we would make you feel welcome in case you stopped by /truthlegion/ tonight.


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2c0dba No.1922

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

nm u got this lolololol

Jordan when u see this been following u now for months GREAT WORK!!!!

get a lawyer to get ur youtube account back up !!!! that's how Richie of Boston got his back

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1f3332 No.1925

File: 59e165d435e2a75⋯.jpg (94.46 KB,960x480,2:1,0000000.jpg)


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

Indeed, Eye hope he perceives this board and finds something new from it.

I have watched his videos online for a long time now, since before the Q phenomena.

He's around the same age as me, and I gotta admit I learn something new from him almost every day.

His mind is very unique, he's a SMART cat.

He has my supreme respect, among many others.

Benevolent truth sharers will always be top dog in my book.

Jordan is the Winter soldier, because he is a defender of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.


If he shares this board with all his followers, this information will EXPLODE.

That's precisely why I am trying to share this knowledge however I can.

It had to start somewhere right friends?



Jordan, you've been a best friend of mine remotely for some time now.

You just didn't know it yet!

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1f3332 No.1929

File: b4fb90234024e6a⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,202x249,202:249,imagessgfdg.jpg)




Hopefully Jordan does show up and check out this information we have all put together.

He can reach people far quicker than we can for the most part.

I linked his original post from the Ego and Hubris thread so he can perceive his role in this grand design.

One thing is for sure my friends, Reality is FAR more entertaining than fiction.

Remember, Artists and Musicians hold the FOOL Card forever, for Art only imitates nature.

It is not a BAD thing, it just is what it is! Nature is the Supreme designer of all beauty.

I mean, what else could have designed the female body? :)

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2c0dba No.1938

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



did somone say that the beast was told of us too shit now somones gota make a Issac green/Beast thread too

i hope this dont get nuts

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2c0dba No.1941

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

jordan is live on utube right now


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1f3332 No.1942

File: 9a044a0f3451efb⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,170x255,2:3,000000000.jpg)


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

I have emailed both Isaac Green and Jordan Sather with a proxy Dr. Strange email.

I have received replies in brief from Isaac in the past, none from Jordan at any point in time.

If either of them find this board, they will likely tell each other.

For now, I think Jordan's thread is fine? Unless someone wants to make a separate one for Isaac.

If they do show up, their own breads will be filled.

Do you know what their CRUX tests are?

To share this board on their channels.

That's how they pass their tests.

>We would be grateful to have them in our Collective. - Dr. Strange

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1f3332 No.1943

File: 66ba94dd0f18800⋯.jpg (135.85 KB,2048x640,16:5,00.jpg)


My friend, my ally, my child of Light.

Eye am watching him now.

I see you posting and trying to get his attention.

SENSE my gmail account was BANNED today, could you send him a direct link if possible?

It may be hard to get his attention.

I truly appreciate the effort.

Jordans email, for anyone who can help us get his attention, is jordsather@gmail.com

Isaac Green is at Isaacgreenworks@gmail.com

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2c0dba No.1944

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


somone allready said that hey emailed him and he might show up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydUzjRdmGC4 BACK UP

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2c0dba No.1951

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


sent and sent

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5a9f53 No.1953

Winter Soldier here, reporting for duty

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2c0dba No.1955

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

welcome winter soldier !!!!! u kick ass and get a lawyer go at fb google and titer

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2c0dba No.1956

the mighty 77th is humbled by ur being here hail kek

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2c0dba No.1959

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

join issag greens law suit jordan

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2c0dba No.1960


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2c0dba No.1962

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

this place came about organicaly as most of us got banned for 3 days on the qresaerch board and we all have been killing it about the Electric universe asscetion connecting to the eatheral plane and much much more read the 4 or 5 most receant threads to get the idea of what were doing here

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1f3332 No.1963

File: e73387bc555c67b⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,3840x2160,16:9,01.jpg)

File: b4fb90234024e6a⋯.jpg (9.39 KB,202x249,202:249,imagessgfdg.jpg)


My friend! My ally! My child of Light!

Eye have been waiting for THIS MOMENT.


We have hopefully reached you indeed.

This is going to be "different" bread to digest, indeed.

I am sure you may know the extent that Hollywood hides truth in plain sight?

Think… Operation looking glass.

Think of the Draco Reptilians and what they represent, what forces they channel.

Indeed, there are supreme forces at play beyond most comprehension.

It is critically important, that you perceive the Ego and Hubris thread.

These Archetypes are all hidden in plain sight. Very powerful Archetypes.

Aside from that, our "Coincidences" thread with my previous Laws and Secrets.

We also have a filled bread underneath, with 750 posts.

This all stems from my original "Starman Hoax" thread on the Q Research board.

Q has personally but cryptically confirmed on the Q research board, who knows who I am.

This is undeniable, yet the BO deleted many of those cryptic replies after I returned confirmation.

The Ancient Egyptians were indeed visited by supreme beings, and their Sacred word was distorted.

The very few of us, have unlocked the Secrets my friend.

You were a best friend of mine, of all of us, without even knowing.

>The Truth is STRANGER than fiction. - Dr. Strange

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2c0dba No.1971

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: ed6c3cdb2120366⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,600x445,120:89,soldiers of light_.jpg)

confermed that is the one the only JS destroying the illusion in da house i just got a heart from him on my comment on youtube WECOLME AGAIN BRO !!!! WE SERVE THE ONE,,, sorry your not the ONE thats god :-) but if u need help ask got a question ask we are here to help all the bearers of light

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e155a5 No.1975


Welcome, Winter Soldier! So pleased you could join us!

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5a9f53 No.1976


Thanks for labeling me the Winter Soldier archetype, going to watch that movie tonight because of it

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5a9f53 No.1977


Oy Laddie!!!

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dbfe16 No.1979

Welcome Winter Soldier!

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1f3332 No.1990

File: 9a044a0f3451efb⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,170x255,2:3,000000000.jpg)


Jordan, thank you for joining us.

It is imperative that you perceive the Ego and Hubris thread.

There are many many roles revealed that are too "real" to be coincidence.

Our "Coincidences" thread is also critically important to read.

My previous SpaceX Hoax Fake Starman thread on the Q Research board was the first step to the great awakening.

It has a picture of the Egyptian God "Ra" on it, halfway down the list now.

This is going to be difficult for most to grasp, but you were a CRITICAL role in this.

So was Isaac.

Thank you for joining us!

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dbfe16 No.2011

File: 92edb57d5b6f2b3⋯.png (22.64 KB,1788x199,1788:199,anglefirejupiterascending ….PNG)

File: f7769c57d56931b⋯.png (9.35 KB,1041x109,1041:109,Dontpanic - Copy.PNG)

File: b00550f0c9d55cd⋯.png (116.23 KB,1783x450,1783:450,GOT - Copy.PNG)

File: e87cbdd2076eb23⋯.png (199.03 KB,1790x487,1790:487,GotTheory - Copy.PNG)

File: 3e7182209c3d999⋯.png (26.83 KB,1780x223,1780:223,GRMMtheory - Copy.PNG)


Winter Soldier - Please view these threads. I am looking for others


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/337779.html


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/373221.html


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/373221.html

I'm also attaching some of the pop culture stuff.

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dbfe16 No.2012

File: 93d3ffacf1392e1⋯.png (65.02 KB,1785x604,1785:604,AlanWattsTotal recall - Co….PNG)

File: a87019ba00c45f9⋯.png (235.6 KB,1786x682,893:341,johnnymnemonicAndDevilsadv….PNG)

File: 154396f6b567672⋯.png (184.5 KB,1789x452,1789:452,matrixJupiterAscending - C….PNG)

File: 5b6b5eeea589d55⋯.png (8.93 KB,384x220,96:55,starwars - Copy.PNG)

File: 447d182e0e13d28⋯.png (100.79 KB,1790x638,895:319,totalrecallscreamers - Cop….PNG)

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dbfe16 No.2014

File: 60c1168eceae245⋯.png (14.78 KB,1406x121,1406:121,bladerunner - Copy.PNG)

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dbfe16 No.2016

File: 84349cf74e585fa⋯.png (95.34 KB,1786x543,1786:543,goodobservations - Copy.PNG)

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dbfe16 No.2018

File: 986791dd5c8a733⋯.png (184.99 KB,1613x491,1613:491,inceptionmatrixtreeoflife.PNG)

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ba9c6a No.2039

File: a939a1fff249d0a⋯.jpg (7.84 KB,255x143,255:143,0b5ac45fea7b7a1f4906e2a2ce….jpg)

Welcome Winter Soldier

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2c0dba No.2070

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


do I detect early Ra ?

I just felt it

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2c0dba No.2578

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


there is more to us here Jordan than cartoonnamefagging we are all committed to the things ur saying on your utube site we all know there is a cabal and they hold secrets of all kinds health energy science history AND THAT THE MESSAGE HAS TO GET OUT ,,,,,,,

we are also exploring things like Thoth's txts and the meaning of existenulisum and the eatherial arts

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3eb9c9 No.6283

File: 23748b0fed47bf0⋯.jpg (396.08 KB,1440x750,48:25,captain-america-civil-war.jpg)


As mentioned… @Snowden is the real Winter Solider. Look at the coincidences between the programming and reversal of the two.

Jordan Sather failed to make the connections on his original pass here. He still has a bit of an Ego, but we will work on that.

Hawkeye is @JSather. Compare the coincidences. If he would only subdue his ego… his voice would be listened to on here. "Others" watch here. They are always watching.

Comic Books… The easiest way to convey a message. They have been doing so for quite some "Time".

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08dfbf No.12834

Jordan is a gigantic larper

Hes also a Hoggbelly grifter

He'd con his own mother out of $5

Did you know he didn't even vote in 2016?


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aaca90 No.12955

File: 0dbb7c36c665b90⋯.png (244.09 KB,565x419,565:419,JS and DW Paytriots.png)

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aaca90 No.13095

File: b0aea9042d9d051⋯.jpg (256.01 KB,1500x1213,1500:1213,Goode-Sather-1500.jpg)

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27c9f4 No.13099


sauce on the doxing of fam?

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aaca90 No.13268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glad you called this 1 out.

Question all things.

I was waiting…












Sauce is being scrubbed from all social media.

Some things however are captured for all of Time.

Observe very closely how Goode and Sather attempt to back-peddle and explain their actions.

Do not confuse this post, I am not supporting C.W. Chanter.

He is incredibly uneducated regarding many things, especially Q Anon.

This does not however negate the perception of events that have taken place based on the balance of probability.

For the record, I am not endorsing Unirock or Jimmy Church in this situation either.

Joe from the Carolina's has some interesting perspectives, but also much I disagree with.

Simply knowledge to add to your sphere of Wisdom.

Read it all, watch it all.

Draw your own conclusions.

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be…

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9949db No.13619

Doxing wars

There is a whole drama unfolding between JS and what some have deemed an old eye the spy account and the dancing woman that Q + linked to a month or so ago: QanonMichelle. Not sure what’s going on but it’s getting nasty.



There was a dozing that has been deleted but was apparently not really Jordan’s house.

Part of me thinks that was all planed and Jordan is in on it so that it looks like he is a patriot.

But the part thinks he is sincere.

I have some irl info that sometimes makes me mistrust him, but it basically just involves a fucked up joke he texted to a friend of a friend about “squirting” but blood not cum. (Boys will be boys?) and some people just have a darker sense of humor but my take is when you are Researching this pedo death cult shit…. Dark humor starts lacking the funny…

Listened to a Corey Goode interview with those edge of wonder boys and they were talking about a conserted and coordinated effort to Dox and slander them all, and they plan on taking them all to court so…


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9949db No.13620


phone fagging for a week or so

The squirting was in reference to sliting a gals neck (ick)

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6ce191 No.13644

File: fa6c918f0ed2332⋯.jpg (264.02 KB,1033x581,1033:581,The LIGHT Reveals.jpg)


>Be careful who you think is a Superhero…

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ef8d0a No.14068


I read this intro again and it made me laugh my ass off. Lol I get it now. Jordan is the next generation of david Wilcock. This thread is way funnier now going back then it was when it was made. There was a time I actually had a lot of respect for this kid, but now hes fifty shades of Wilcock. He sold his soul. Lmao!!

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a5fbbf No.14208

Tsk Tsk, I reached out to Jordan years ago.

Actually met him and we talked face to face. He took my money, In exchanged for promised services and digital goods. Then he ghosted me. All he wanted was to use me for information. Use my life as his own 'insider info' I still feel betrayed. I still wait, hoping he will see the light. Make amends for his sins and walk the path of light again. I could sense the good in him.

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c0d03b No.14278


spitting image of the natural result of pederasty.

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265f74 No.14586

File: 5dade61bd9997c5⋯.jpg (246.3 KB,1300x866,650:433,54992048_two_trees_in_fron….jpg)

I like your new set up Jordan. It's ok to take time for one's being. To each there own.

Much love.

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992d0d No.14588

File: 740654c7234d8af⋯.png (37.32 KB,555x413,555:413,Q_Sather_WaPo.png)

To my fellow incarnated Superheroes, how could Eye forget this crumb?

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