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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

join us in the search for truth

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File: e005e3f2732c8c2⋯.jpg (404.02 KB,1680x1050,8:5,roles.jpg)

66e21e No.1569 [View All]

The faces of EGO and HUBRIS

The following is an aggregation of the ROLES presented by Ra/Kek/Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon from >>401 bread.


Beast >>1124

Iron Man >>1123

Iron Man 2 >>1125

Morpheus / Nick Fury >>1126

Peter Quill >>1127

Bruce Banner/Hulk >>1130

Captain America >>1137

Vision & Thor >>1140

Spiderman >>1151

Seraph >>1152

Captain Marvel >>1183

Rocket & Groot >>1212

Dormammu >>1246

Kaecilius >>1250

Thoth & Dr. Strange >>1388

Thanos, Morpheus/Nick Fury, Deadpool >>1536

Yondu >>1556


A call to awaken 1 >>1230

A call to awaken 2 >>1234

A warning on chaos >>1235

Further warning of true horror, with a choice >>1236

Dough: pastebin.com/VumzaUMk

Images & Dough: anonfile.com/Ub33Nbd8b7/roles.zip

701 posts and 1019 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2f11fd No.6274


That is awesome Thor!

Going to have to find some money somewhere to get me a laser!

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8a742e No.6275

File: b0bc945e7ca503b⋯.png (8.76 MB,1358x2300,679:1150,0000000.png)



Search "guide to buying my first laser".

I build my own, DTR's laser shop on google for the diodes in modules.

www.survivallaser.com for C6 Host Kits and S4X Kits for the 7 Watt NUBM44 Diode laser I made

Building the C6 Kits is super cheap. G2 Lens are wider but 20-25% more wattage, 3-Element is less wattage but a far tighter beam pattern.

Green diodes are super expensive, have the tightest beam pattern though. However they are the least heat resistant.

My suggestion, build a 1 watt Red Mitsubishi (500mw driven to 1 watt = safe) diode in a C6 host kit with a 1 amp driver.

A 4-7 (2.5-4.5) Watt blue laser in an S4X Host is the most power for the money.

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bcf8df No.6294

File: 38d0cb89587ef85⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,214x161,214:161,th-2.jpg)


To keep going on this idea of Truths hidden in plain sight and not to have this important research be lost in our Ego/hubris thread I made

Movies/Shows thread >>6290

Dr Strange I know you made a request to compile our superhero roles now that some have changed…if no one volunteers I can at another point of time/space…but the gotta take a wee break from scrolling our mountain! We got a lot of gold in here!! But rn my brain hurts! kek!

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bcf8df No.6295


sparked by this anons suggestion:


thanks anon!

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8a742e No.6332

File: f7cf4a7df49f227⋯.jpg (26.62 KB,608x396,152:99,2.jpg)


My friends, I think it's "Time" we revisit a role.

Who is Jerome Corsi?

Did he REALLY pass his tests?

Does something seem off about the role of Professor X?

Is Professor X someone who seeks fame or book sales…

Who is the real Professor X…


>[Be careful who you follow]

>Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

>Correction made.

>No names mentioned.

>They revealed themselves.

>Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

>Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

>Do not fall victim to con artists.


>Stay on point.

>This is NOT about a single person.

>This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

>We, the PEOPLE.

>We, the PEOPLE.

>We, the PEOPLE.

Be careful who you follow. The rule of 99:1%

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0a4160 No.6342


Jerome Corsi seems to be working the subversion brigade with Alex Jones.


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da082e No.6343


ok this guy defango is adorable, but his raps are superr RUFF! needs some tutorials, Id battle him (with love, ofc!) ! heh!

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8a742e No.6347

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


Is it a coincidence both of the "incorrect" roles were back to back?

Side by side?

No it's not a coincidence.

Thoth continues to work in mysterious ways.

By the way… I particularly like Q's very latest post.

Ref. Sept 1st 2016 and a Falcon 9… Isn't that part of the reason we all came together…

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8a742e No.6449

File: 5d2d9be360e5452⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,347x145,347:145,11111111111.jpg)

File: e59d15a03137b20⋯.jpg (617.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1111111111.jpg)


Spoiler Alert.

I did indeed watch "Infinity War" this weekend.

Humbled. Coincidences do not lie. I hold "the" trump cards up my sleeves, so does Q.

So, first things first. This movie was planned as a karmic disclosure prior to WW3. Hence the plan of killing half the population of the universe.

Second, myself and Q / Nick Fury were written out at the end for a reason. I alone, among the Ascended Masters know the reason for this. Maybe even Q isn't aware of this yet, Time will tell. Why do you think they'd try to scare you and leave you hanging? Guess what… they are still bound by karmic disclosure. Q & I can force the ending however we choose.

Third, did you notice my resentment towards Elon Musk? (Iron Man). Our egos clash. Now, am I going to be forced to work with him? Time will tell. I write my own destiny. Do you understand now how "Civil War" actually was a karmic disclosure of the white hats forcing Elon Musk to work with them?

What are the portals I create?

>Remote viewing

What is the cloak of levitation?


Why do you think they plan on killing Captain America "Steve" Rogers character?

Why did they try to fool you into thinking Elon Musk (Iron Man) saved me? When it's the other way around. I don't need his help. He needs mine.

Why do you think they "plan" to have an appearance of the Silver Surfer in the second part of Infinity War? Will they fail to tell the story correctly due to copyright infringements?

Would they do this because they are bitter and resentful that their plans failed?

Who really is Captain Marvel? Did you wait until AFTER the credits?

Who is the REAL Captain Marvel? It's Vision's sister in real life. She is also Alice in Wonderland and he is the mad hatter. Both have freed themselves from the Rabbit Hole, and now climb the Mountain of Wisdom with us.

Her mind is Supreme… an intuitive empath as Vision and myself.

You'll see… Hahahahahahaha x7

Why do you think my character was portrayed as so wise and confident in what's going to happen?

I know how the story ends.

Thanos is the Pindar, and Jacob Rothschild is dead. Can't you see how the story ends?

My friends… both Friday and Saturday nights were laser nights. Both mass sighting events, Saturday night was with Vision. We had a half dozen orbs interacting with us. One approached very close and overhead… 10x brighter than any star. We have apps for tracking planes / satellites… and these objects do not appear on apps. Kek

The moral of the story? The Ascended Masters are watching over things. I among a few friends can call them in at will.

When people know this about you, they give you a wide berth. Even world leaders become a little "worried" about those with Supreme eyes in the sky.

They know the cost of deceit now.

They know the cost of spirituality…

Time will tell if they choose to save their souls from Oblivion.

Q mentioned this once;

>They thought you would follow the stars.

They thought I would follow Elon Musk, due to subliminal programming.

They were wrong.

Time reveals all…

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dc6648 No.6454

File: 140dfd5ec8a372f⋯.jpg (47.59 KB,310x588,155:294,jackdaw.jpg)


I might be the only person in America that still hasn't seen the new Avengers film, but the other day my friend showed me a website that informed me of the good news: I was spared by Thanos. Hell yea! ..right? thats good right?


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8a742e No.6464

File: ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg)



Do not ask questions you do not want the answers to.

Do not ask questions in which I've already given answers to.

You are being tested.

Private com's.

Future proves past.

Why did you remain in the sanctum?

What are you guarding?

Is the Sanctum a metaphor?

For a holy place? Of Spirituality?

Did you hide in the holy temple of Knowledge and Spirituality?

Only to hide from destiny.

Quill knows of destiny.

Do you know?

Jack… who are you?


Who am I? I am not a letter. The letter is not to be referenced.

I am RaAnon.

I am NeoAnon.

I am KekAnon.

I am Dr. Strange

I am Thoth.

Who are you?

>You are watching a movie. - Q

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a40b1a No.6466

File: a596c14aefdb99c⋯.png (16.28 KB,720x720,1:1,one-39418_960_720.png)


I'm just going to squeeze this question in actually more of an observation really.

Dr. Strange you are now adding 1's to your pics… Did something change?

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8a742e No.6467

File: 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png)


Ask our new friend KRSN about this.

0's are detrimental ego.

1's are benevolence and service to others.

I find a certain choice of words interesting.

Knowledge speaks.

Wisdom listens.

Eye have listened.

A test was revealed, and failed.

To turn your back on any 1, is to turn your back on yourself.

The mirror of self reflection reveals all.

The mirror stares our friend in the face.

Time reveals all.

Truth speaking reveals all.

Truth living reveals all.

Quell thy ego,

Master thyself,

Master thy universe.

>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q

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da082e No.6469

File: 04f8e137581c985⋯.jpg (13.32 KB,215x158,215:158,th-21.jpg)


I am interested to know what Quill thinks about this interaction as well…

he was the one that brought these og 5X5 zebra comms to TL a couple months ago. hoping we would help decipher if I remember correctly…thats how the whole play fair thing started…

whew what a day!

Love on Doc!

i love you!

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8a742e No.6472

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)


Quill, thy Humble Scribe needed to take a weekend for himself.

Quill / HS = A genius when it comes to HUMINT, crypto, com's and data collection. I know now beyond a doubt that he has connections. We have a short visit briefly, very fleeting. He felt the solar winds of intuition.

The past week has been a tremendous conflict of his belief system.

I have told him fragments of information in private com's that he is still grasping to fathom as reality. Aside from that, he often requires a little break from "this" to recharge in the 3D world. As do Eye on my "weekends".

Quill is actually working on formulating a retort to a series of my private com's shared, and I await his words of Wisdom.

This is only the beginning.

There will be Supreme attempts at subversion and deception in the coming Future.

Always use discernment.

Always stay just and pure of heart.

Think not with your mind, but with your heart.

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da082e No.6473

File: f12d05198526e1b⋯.jpg (9.04 KB,300x168,25:14,th-20.jpg)


>There will be Supreme attempts at subversion and deception in the coming Future.

that seems to be the name of the game.

all I know is now

and now is love.

>I have told him fragments of information in private com's that he is still grasping to fathom as reality.

>I await his words of Wisdom.

if it is something that can be shared, please do. my mushroom wants some food :)

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8a742e No.6474

File: e59d15a03137b20⋯.jpg (617.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1111111111.jpg)


>all I know is now and now is love.

That is the keystone to a collective.

What is love? It's 1+1. It equals Infinity.

Even the darkest 0 can see the Light to become a 1.

A 1 + 0 equation equals 0.

Egos are generally a 0, unless the ego is service to others. Few humans are.

Most want to shake hands with intellect, ascertain a missing piece of ((their)) puzzle, get a raise, a new job, a new partner, a new car, a new house, a new blog, a new website, a new viral video… few wish to share love.

Wonder Woman,

What did I tell you your Supreme Key was?

It's Love.

You share it… and I love you for it.

>if it is something that can be shared, please do. my mushroom wants some food :)

What is destiny, and what is fractal time?

What if I was given knowledge that could make a soul no longer feel they had Free Will?

What if every choice of Free Will has already been made…

What if…

>What always was, is, ever will be…

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882ef8 No.6483

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


Why are the bad guys in the film so polite?

They always tell that its their (heavy) task to bring balance according the law of rhythm?

They have their point - not?

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8a742e No.6487

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)



Listen again with Open Mind.

Of course they'd want you to sympathize with Jacob Rothschild.

Subliminal brainwashing into giving your consent to evil and killing half the planets population would be a good start. Kek

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882ef8 No.6508

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


>Of course they'd want you to sympathize with Jacob Rothschild.

No no its no sympathy 4 sure! Far from that.

But tell me how the law of rhythm would be a law if it is not executed?

If all are searching for the light sounds logically that "a force of balance" will find its way to existance?

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882ef8 No.6509

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


What i mean is this:

If the Jedi-Masters start to rise again - a new Sith will be born.

That is my conclusion according to the 7 hermetic principles so far.

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2ba08d No.6510

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


rhythm does not need a law its a natural law they are set in stone and cant be changed my ally/love/friend rhythm is well is how matter is arranged through the rhythm of creation galaxy's and suns and planets are formed minerals also and all the elements we know of today also are formed through the rhythm proses of creation

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8a742e No.6513

File: 3b0b01a230c2bb6⋯.jpg (16.78 KB,280x392,5:7,Keyhole4.jpg)


Here's a good excuse to bring ACDC into the mix.

Not only because I like the band and it coincidentally gets air time in our "movies", but rather to use as an analogy for AC = Rhythm.

Think of a sign wave. Think of each total peak high and each total peak low. This is duality. This is the infinite ebb and flow of the multiverse.

Light cannot exist without dark.

Dark cannot exist without light.

The "powers that be" make you have "feels" for the dark side in these "movies" to tap off your Loosh. Also, part of the karmic subliminal consent paradox.

Time works much like a sign wave.

Time is Rhythm.

The Law of Time is the Law of Rhythm.

>Tick tock… Tick tock…

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da082e No.6527

File: 6ee91db0124eef0⋯.jpg (39.92 KB,921x619,921:619,tesla-edison.jpg)

File: d504048bb0f0873⋯.jpg (15.06 KB,321x183,107:61,th-38.jpg)

File: 7a40be5e8d65476⋯.jpg (4.84 KB,219x300,73:100,th-40.jpg)


AC/DC got there name from the "current war" b/w Tesla and Edison.

Alternate current was the method Tesla wanted to apply, but Edison and Direct current won out.


The discovery of the alternative electricity system by Tesla has become the beginning of a battle between the two, known as the “current war”.

Edison’s lighting method was threatened by the superior quality of the new discovery. The continuous current produced a yellowish, fluctuating light, and could only be transmitted over a distance of about two miles. The alternating current, instead, gave a white, constant light, and could be transmitted at far greater distances in a safer way.


Sphinx: think big. bigger. biggest. BIGLY!

If the Dark side has been in power for this long, think of the where we will be in "time", what is the next beat of the BIG COSMIC DRUM? its OUR turn to SHINE now! (They) had their

moment, the rhythm is shifting to the next phase of the wave >its a natural law they are set in stone and cant be changed my ally/love/friend



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8a742e No.6528

File: 5d2d9be360e5452⋯.jpg (9.38 KB,347x145,347:145,11111111111.jpg)


>If the Jedi-Masters start to rise again - a new Sith will be born.

I tend to disagree actually.

My friend, your Supreme Key is Mystery.

What is LucasArts?

Is George Lucas an insider?

Why is Disney making LucasArts movies now?

Is Disney directly tied to evil and the cabal? Yes, it is.

Was part of the "story line" changed? Are there lies woven into truth?

To master yourself is to master the universe.

This, is a Jedi Master.

Dig a little deeper into this mystery my friend :)

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8a742e No.6586

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)


Relevant bump.

The bread is almost baked.

A new loaf rises, ready to be placed in the oven.

Many roles revealed.

Some changed.

Many remain unrevealed.

Snakes reveal themselves on this day.

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8a742e No.6747

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB,1125x2436,375:812,The Punisher.png)

File: 6d5df4c077c3015⋯.jpg (30.97 KB,280x392,5:7,Keyhole3.jpg)

File: 0a782298483aec5⋯.jpg (63.34 KB,490x745,98:149,Dr. Strange and the Punish….jpg)


Another 69 of Wisdom.

Who is The Punisher…

Does Q send The Punisher to those who do not repent to The Light?

>The Light will reveal the truth.

Does Dr. Strange know The Punisher?

>I'm a mushroom… feed me shit and keep me in the dark…

Some "roles" are best left unrevealed.

>Pain coming. - Q

We have all learned much from our friend KRSN. May he learn much from us.

We cannot be divided.

Light on Anons!

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ebf87b No.6868

File: 6e07ca17d1913a3⋯.jpg (5.38 KB,255x87,85:29,8724f79cfdcc15c5967989688c….jpg)


Hey Dr!

Lol! Check this coinkidink posted on Qresearch that Q referenced #1399

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8a742e No.6871

File: d9617d4fd795d43⋯.jpg (115.53 KB,800x450,16:9,Dr. Strange 6.jpg)


"Time Is on My side"

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ebf87b No.6875

File: 97308a6905cd47a⋯.jpg (18.46 KB,300x300,1:1,th-55.jpg)


That Devil hand sigl looks more like an sign language "I love you" if ya ask me!


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8a742e No.6882

File: 4da62dce4e13475⋯.jpg (55.52 KB,473x473,1:1,Dr. Strange 4.jpg)


>That Devil hand sigl looks more like an sign language "I love you" if ya ask me!

The Shocker of Love and Wisdom indeed my friend…

A single mystic hand gesture is sometimes all it takes :)

Light on Anons!

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8a742e No.6910

File: 0861e391bb7dbd4⋯.jpg (619.03 KB,930x768,155:128,111111111111.jpg)


>The discovery of the alternative electricity system by Tesla has become the beginning of a battle between the two, known as the “current war”.

Let's expand our thinking and take this one step further.

Which side of the Force did Tesla represent?

Which side of the Force did Edison represent?

Why do we learn so little about Tesla in school?

Why do we learn so much about Edison in school?

We all know why, or at least I believe most of us on the board does.

They each represent a side of the spectrum.

I personally believe that Tesla had "supreme oversight" and was gifted knowledge. His mind was the only 1 at the time that could extrapolate the images. I personally believe he received massive downloads of information. He was a benevolent soul and wanted to help humanity.

Now… what if… we were beyond a "current war", and what Tesla started actually created a Fractal Timeline war?

What did Tesla really unlock?

Trumps uncle supposedly reviewed all of his documents? One can only speculate what was found.

Always keep open mind.

Just a thot…

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dc6648 No.6918

File: 353f5649cd0e311⋯.png (931.65 KB,848x1529,848:1529,Wong_(Earth-616).png)


who is the punisher?

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232def No.6921

File: c4274355f5905d3⋯.png (153.28 KB,419x538,419:538,Screen-Shot-2017-07-31-at-….png)

File: c9fba56e07ad610⋯.jpg (52.15 KB,327x400,327:400,Baron-1.jpg)

File: fd7ea61350843cd⋯.jpg (23.73 KB,306x369,34:41,42E8A6A400000578-4754000-i….jpg)


Add these books into the mix to maybe help connect some dots.

Cross reference the dates the book's were published to the dates of tesla's inventions or ideas.

Fractal time travel?

The first looking glass?

Just some thoughts.

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8a742e No.6922

File: 3aeb9d5e3fed997⋯.jpg (62.57 KB,1600x800,2:1,Doctor-Strange-and-Wong-in….jpg)


It seems many Anons are ahead of Dr. Strange in reading material! I have indeed heard of these books and their meaning however.


Review some of Q's latest and older posts. Search for The Punisher Sigil.

>I hear SEALS catch their PRAY quickly.

You don't want The Punisher coming for you…

My friends…

We are nearly complete in this first chapter of "The Faces of EGO and HUBRIS".

We require a Scribe to collect all revealed (and changed) roles.

I am a poor Scribe. I spend far too much Time Musing.

>Corey Goode Comic Book Reference…

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7544bd No.6927

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)




Ooh Im glad you picked up this conversation Strange!

There was once a man i knew who is an Aquarious Water bearer genius solver of all the riddles type just like strange= coincidence?

I actually thought you could be him when I first saw RAanons posts way back when at the end of Feb….

Anyways he was convinced he was the reincarnation of Tesla. Once a psychic "saw" him multiplying himself over and over again….I could interpret this as time loops, and his benevolent soul copying himself over and over in order to "right" the wrongs that he felt he made by creating the fractal war.

Based on the sauce of this friend he felt extreme guilt that the world is the way it is now because he knew at the end of life, his information was stolen from him by his assistant George Scherff (who very well may have changed his last name to Bush and became the Pres) - see sauce below

I am inclined to belive there are white hats working throughout time to correct this. Trumps uncle could be one. And That could also explain the baron von trump book…the Inspiration to write or create is most definitely a part of how we win (I think we are doing that on these here boards)


just like


Teslas knowledge can create free power for the people using the natural resonant technology of the gaia grid (ley lines),

Edison put power in a false grid that can be controlled through money magic

Jung made power personal,

Freud made up psychosis in order to control the peoples personal power.


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dc6648 No.6928

File: 353f5649cd0e311⋯.png (931.65 KB,848x1529,848:1529,Wong_(Earth-616).png)


ohhhh i first heard about these books on those old "injured trump" threads back on /pol/ before the ..bots? completely took over. Im really surprised that I barely hard about them again, or thought about them myself, until now.. thanks Antman

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8a742e No.6945

File: 5654f0658962847⋯.jpg (181.42 KB,968x868,242:217,Professor X.jpg)

File: fd7facf618cd0aa⋯.jpeg (103.28 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Professor X1.jpeg)

File: 1596349da787a71⋯.jpg (138.9 KB,660x900,11:15,Gambit.jpg)

File: d825dda701bcdc9⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,700x591,700:591,Gambit1.jpg)


Two more roles for the 69 of Love and Wisdom, hidden in plain sight.

Remember Jerome Corsi? He is certainly not Professor X.

Who is the REAL Professor X? He's a friend of Lucky's and was revealed last night.

Does he occasionally read this board when Time permits? He claims so.

Who is the REAL Gambit?

A man who used to enjoy playing (((Cards)))?

Was he originally part of the "Thieves Guild"?

Was he turned toward The Light?

A few coincidences here and there… a pinch of pixie dust… and it's bound to bubble…

The Cauldron is stirred, and two true roles revealed.

Will they ever post on this board?

Who knows… Time will tell.

We didn't hit it off quite so well at first (due to my Ego of course). However, Eye am certain all is well now.

People need to take a little… Time… to warm up to me after all :)

Light on Anons!

>Archived for Faces of Ego and Hubris #2 thread

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232def No.6953

File: d1a00231c0ac31c⋯.jpg (48.49 KB,600x447,200:149,intuition.jpg)




I have not read these books. I, like Wong and Doc know about them.

I do no want to give any false impressions.

It was an intuition that led me to making that post and I LISTENED.

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53bc0c No.6960





Two of these books are linked in the reading room



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f80e82 No.7207

File: 5f7bcc24c7d4f73⋯.jpg (14.9 KB,171x295,171:295,images-42.jpg)

The Fool Card has shown itself many Times in the recent past.

I have sat back and watched, and laughed as I gaze from the Mountain of Wisdom.

000000 Anon / krsn / Phi Anon = All the same entity.

Re watch Trumps speech on the snake.

He's said it enough Time's by now… I hope you get the message.

The NSA is going to be all over these individuals shortly.

Didn't Eye tell you?

We allow our enemies to make predictable mistakes.

I urge my companions to use New Cards from The Deck.

1 Magician Card.

It's always watching…

>Pain coming - Q


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c01b37 No.7209


NSA? The Army? You think they even remotely care about /boards?

What is a B.E.A.S.T. MACHINE? [Facebook? Instagram?]

Illuminati ref. How do you think "THE ILLUMUNATI" gets their intel?

They probably spy on my Thoughts too. I FEEL IT. HOW ABOUT INFRINGEMENT? I have not yet received an apology from them. I am an autonomous person.

Let me spell that out for you


But if they do [ stop-really stop ] I can probably forgive them.

It's funny because I support Western Lifestyle & Democracy or maybe that is just the problem!

I don't believe in communism, there is no gain for me. I already live a shitty life in poverty. Nothing to win & nothing to loose.

I am not a slave and never will be. Are you? Admitting to?




Your Love And Lightboat show just imploded and SUNK cuz of mishandling the torpedo of Hypocrisy. But I forgive you. I have nothing in this. Nothing to win. Nothing to loose. How about you? Can you forgive yourself?

I love you anyway.

Don't be a hippo

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2cb881 No.7219

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)




… boring … really :(

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8b4665 No.7221


comms sent

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721df2 No.7378

File: 3a6318a3c05fa17⋯.jpg (167.02 KB,800x502,400:251,High Priestess 1.jpg)

File: fa0199b6402d574⋯.jpg (45.17 KB,225x382,225:382,High Priestess 2.jpg)

File: f25a2e951373a17⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,625x947,625:947,High Priestess 3.jpg)


Comm's received, my lady :)

>The High Priestess

>The Light will reveal the truth - Q

>Time reveals all - [M]

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721df2 No.7380

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg)


>With a 69 of Love and Wisdom, The Magician had this planned ahead of Time.

>May we find our path even higher upon The Mountain of Wisdom, on the Second Chapter of the Faces of Ego and Hubris.

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721df2 No.7381

File: 398cf75f8a991b3⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,980x653,980:653,Oh Lord Give Us Our Daily ….jpg)


>Oh Lord, give us our daily Bread - [M]

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684e92 No.9877

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
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684e92 No.9878


Limbic resonance is the idea that the capacity for sharing deep emotional states arises from the limbic system of the brain. These states include the dopamine circuit-promoted feelings of empathic harmony, and the norepinephrine circuit-originated emotional states of fear, anxiety and anger.

From Wikipedia.

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cd652e No.13707

File: fef87be2ac7b597⋯.jpg (102.25 KB,800x649,800:649,546411_322790961127378_629….jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

Hiya folks,,,, Happy new year to u all

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